6 research outputs found

    Assessment of lead exposure in indoor shooters in central Poland

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    Abstract A steady increase in shooting practices is observed worldwide. Potential lead exposure at shooting ranges poses a risk to their employees and users, which is not widely reported outside of the USA, especially in Poland. Exposure to lead results from the use of bullets containing lead and the main route of exposure to this metal at shooting ranges is inhalation, i.e., during shooting or cleaning. The aim of this study was to assess lead exposure of employees and users in selected indoor shooting ranges in central Poland. Airborne lead concentrations at all locations in the shooting ranges were above Polish occupational exposure limit (OEL, 0.05 mg m−3). Elevated blood and urine lead levels, and decreased 4-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity (ALA-D) were found in subjects participating in shooting even for only a few (< 10) hours per week. Lead exposure at shooting ranges in central Poland, as indicated by elevated blood lead levels and decreased ALA-D activity, could represent an elevated risk for adverse health effects. Thus, information on the possible health consequences of lead exposure should be provided at these sites, and biomonitoring appears to be reasonable for regular workers and shooters

    The effect of cadmium on the coagulation and fibrinolytic system in women with uterine endometrial cancer and myoma

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    Objectives: Cadmium (Cd) is a persistent and widespread environmental pollutant, which may constitute a potential risk factor for hormone-dependent tumors such as endometrial cancer. The vascular endothelium is an important target of cadmium toxicity, which may interfere with the coagulation cascade and fibrinolytic system. The aim of this research was to investigate whether in female patients with uterine endometrial cancer or myoma in comparison to healthy women, the concentration of cadmium in blood affects the process of coagulation and fibrinolysis. Materials and Methods: The study group comprised 91 women: 35 healthy (A-control), 39 with uterine myoma (B) and 17 with endometrial cancer (C), in which blood cadmium concentrations (BCd), coagulation and selected fibrinolysis parameters in plasma were assayed. Results: In the women with myoma and especially in those with endometrial cancer disturbances in coagulation and fibrinolysis were detected when compared to the healthy women. In the group of women with endometrial cancer significant changes in prothrombin index, levels of fibrinogen, fibrin D-dimer and t-PA were observed. Whereas, in the patients with myoma significant changes in prothrombin time, index of vWillebrand Factor and fibrin D-dimer level were noted. Mean BCd concentrations in subsequent groups were as follows: B - 0.91±0.81; C - 0.78±0.45 μg Cd/l and did not differ significantly in comparison with the control group (0.86±0.35 μg Cd/l). However, in each study group smokers had approximately twice as high BCd as non-smokers. Studies also showed significant associations between BCd and fibrinogen level and thrombin time among the women with myoma and endometrial cancer, as well as in healthy women. Moreover, thrombin time significantly correlated with fibrinogen level in the women studied. Conclusions: In the patients with myoma and especially in these with endometrial cancer disturbances in coagulation and fibrinolysis parameters leading to hypercoagulability were detected. Exposure to cadmium can be one of the factors inducing these changes

    Chest pain due to coronary artery disease alters stress neuropeptide levels: Potential implications for clinical assessment

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