17 research outputs found

    Individual bam files used in population genomic analyses

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    The data consist of MIseq amplicon reads mapped to the file available in 'A2 reference for read mapping'

    A2 reference for read mapping

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    This reference consists of 2 fasta entries: s_region and unlinked. The s_region is concatenated sequence from all S-linked contigs/scaffolds from the reference assembly (A2 reference genome assembly) for which we had amplicon data. The same is true for the unlinked entry, except these contigs/scaffolds were not physically linked to the S-locu

    Hatton reference genome assembly

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    This is the reference assembly for the Hatton (SI) population of L. alabamica

    Hatton variants in A2 read mapping reference

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    This file is a version of the A2 read mapping reference file with the Hatton SNP variants inserted. This file served as our ancestral sequence for polarizing the SFS