22 research outputs found

    Content of Essential Fatty Acids in Polymeric Formula for Stunting Prevention

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    The problem of stunting in children is of particular concern in Indonesia. In 2024 the target prevalence was 14%. In 2021 the prevalence will reach 27.9%. Fulfillment of essential fatty acids in children is still low, even though these fatty acids have the potential to prevent stunting because of their role as nutrients in helping cell formation. The Purpose of this study was to assess the content of essential fatty acids in the form of omega-3, omega-6, DHA and EFA in polymeric formulas composed of local Indonesian foods. The research method was pre-experimental with post-test group design. The polymeric formula was made from various flours such as 20% brown rice, 20% black rice, 20% green beans, 5% carrots, 15% pumpkin, 5% fresh anchovies, 10% cornstarch, 5% refined sugar and various full cream milks 0%,10%,20% and 30%. Formulation was made in the food technology laboratory, Department of Nutrition, Health Polytechnic of Makassar and determination of fatty acid content was carried out at Sig. Laboratory Bogor, method code omega-6 (18-6-1/MU/SMM-SIG (GC)) DHA (18-6-1/MU/SMM-SIG (GC)), Omega (18-6-1/ MU/SMM-SIG (GC) and EPA (18-6-1/MU/SMM-SIG (GC). The results showed that the highest content of essential fatty acids was found in formula 1 for every 100 g of the formula containing omega-6 = 749.35 mg, omega-3 = 203.86 mg, DHA = 15.5 mg and EPA = 14.3 mg. The conclusion of this study shows that the essential fatty acid content of local food ingredients is very good, when referring to the DHANH & MRC recommendation that the fulfillment of omega-3 essential fatty acids in children aged 1-3 years of 40 mg, will meet the needs of DHA and EPA adequately. this means that formula 1 is sufficient if consumed as much as 25 g/day.Keywords: DHA, EPA, polymeric formula, Omega-3, Omega-

    Pelaksanaan Program Pemberian Tablet Tambah Darah Remaja Putri di Kabupaten Toraja Utara

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    Prevalensi anemia di Indonesia sebesar 21,7% dengan penderita anemia berumur 5-14 tahun sebesar 26,4% sedangkan yang berumur 15- 24 tahun sebesar 18,4%. Pada tahun 2018 proporsi anemia pada perempuan 27,2% lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada laki-laki 20,3%. Pemberian tablet tambah darah remaja putri adalah salah satu program yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintah pusat dengan tujuan pencegahan dan penanggulangan anemia pada remaja putri. Program ini ditujukan bagi remaja putri di tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA/SMK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan persiapan perencanaan kebutuhan, pendistribusian, pencatatan, pelaporan dan evaluasi dengan Pelaksanaan Pemberian Tablet Tambah Darah Remaja Putri SMP, SMA/SMK di Kabupaten Toraja Utara.Penelitian ini adalah merupakan analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Tenaga Pelaksana Gizi (TPG) Puskesmas di Kabupaten Toraja Utara. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Tenaga Pelaksana Gizi (TPG) yang berstatus Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) maupun Non ASN dengan metode total sampling. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 45 orang. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji chi square.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara Persiapan perencanaan kebutuhan, pendistribusian dengan pelaksanaan Program Pemberian Tablet Darah Remaja Putri, sedangkan pencatatan, pelaporan, evaluasi ada hubungan dengan pelaksanaan Program Pemberian Tablet Darah Remaja Putri.Disarankan kepada instansi terkait agar dalam pelaksanaan program pemberian tablet  tambah darah merujuk ke Buku Pedoman Pemberian Tablet Tambah Darah Pada Remaja Putri di Sekolah. Kata Kunci : Evaluasi, Tablet Tambah Darah, Remaja Putri


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    Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in children under five due to chronic malnutrition so that children are too short for their age (malnutrition occurs in the womb and in the early days after the child is born, but only appears after the child is 2 years old). This study tries to look more specifically at the age of first marriage from parents who have stunting children in Balanipa District. This study was conducted using various data sources, including analysis of primary data and literature review.  The study results showed that of the 91 respondents who had stunting children, 49.5% with parents who married at the age of the early category. After being assessed more in the value of risk different the age of first marriage with stunting is 19 which means that 19% of stunting can be prevented by getting married at the ideal age. After being assessed more in the value of risk different the age of first marriage with stunting is 19 which means that 19% of stunting can be prevented by getting married at the ideal age. This is a serious matter and needs to be addressed as an effort to break the chain of the emergence of stunting in the world. Cross-sector cooperation needs to be encouraged to prevent the emergence of marriage at a young age.Key Words: Stunting, Age of First Marriag


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    Asupan zat Gizi menjadi perhatian utama dalam menjaga sistem kekebalan tubuh. Dimasa pandemi covid-19, pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi bisa dimulai dengan pola makan yang baik dan juga pengetahuan yang baik tentang gizi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan gizi dan pola makan yang baik selama pandemi covid-19 pada mahasiswa Jurusan Fisioterapi Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel adalah mahasiswa Jurusan Fisioterapi Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar yang berjumlah 71 orang dan dipilih secara random sampling. Data pengetahuan gizi diperoleh dengan pengisian form kuesioner, data pola makan diperoleh dengan pengisian food frequency dan data status gizi diperoleh dengan pengukuran antropometri Berat Badan dan Tinggi Badan. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara variabel pengetahuan gizi dan pola makan terhadap status gizi dilakukan uji chi-square dengan menggunakan program spss.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan gizi terhadap status gizi dengan nilai hitung p-value 0,396 > 0,05 dan terdapat hubungan antara pola makan terhadap status gizi dengan nilai p-value 0,038 < 0,05.Saran pada penelitian ini adalah perlu dipertahankan pada tingkat pengetahuan gizi dan perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan pada faktor lain seperti aktifitas fisik, ekonomi dan faktor lainnya

    Pengaruh Edukasi Gizi Melalui Video Terhadap Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Mahasiswi Jurusan Kebidanan Tentang Stunting

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    ABSTRAK Pendahuluan : Stunting adalah keadaan tubuh yang pendek yaitu tinggi badan berdasarkan umur rendah, atau tubuh anak lebih pendek dibandingkan dengan anak-anak lain seumurnya. Stunting dapat diartikan sebagai kekurangan gizi kronis atau kegagalan pertumbuhan dimasa lalu dan digunakan sebagai indikator jangka panjang untuk gizi kurang pada anak.Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasi Experimental Study dengan pre test – post test with one group design. Dalam penelitian ini sampel atau responden akan diawali dengan pemberian pre test. Setelah itu lalu diberikan media video tentang stunting lalu di berikan post test kepada responden.Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh pemberian edukasi melalui video terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap mahasiswa Tingkat I Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar. dengan nilai P sebesar 0,003 (<0,05) untuk pengetahuan dan sikap dengan nilai P sebesar 0,000 (<0,05).Kesimpulan: Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh pemberian edukasi melalui video terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap tentang stunting pada mahasiswa Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar


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    ABSTRACT The problem of diabetes mellitus (DM) needs to get more serious attention because it is the number third killer disease in Indonesia. Barley and brown rice as substitutes for wheat flour in the manufacture of dry noodles are an effort to reduce the glycemic index (GI) and increase the fiber content in noodles. The purpose of this study was to determine the GI value, fiber content and acceptability of noodles substituted with barley flour and brown rice. This research is an experimental research type. The glikemik Indek (GI) test is calculated by comparing the area of the glucose response curve for the test food and the standard food. The results of the organoleptic test on acceptability were tabulated in the table and analyzed using the SPSS computer program, namely the Kruskal-Wallis test with the Mann-Whitney follow-up test and the fiber content test using the crude fiber method. The results of the acceptability test of millet noodles and brown rice from the best taste aspect were F2, F1 texture aspect, F1 color aspect and F1 aroma aspect. The highest total score for the panelists' acceptance test was F1 with a score of 414 points. Formula F1 was used in the test of GI value and fiber content. The GI of the noodles substituted with barley flour and brown rice is 67 (medium) and the fiber content is 16,355 g/100 g. The acceptability of the aspects of taste, texture, color and aroma was highest at the concentration of F1 20% barley flour, 5% rice flour and 75% wheat flour, noodles substituted with barley flour and brown rice with a medium GI value (67) and fiber content of 16.355 g/100 g. Keywords : Brown Rice, Glycemic Index, Barley, Noodles, Fiber ABSTRAK Masalah penyakit diabettes melitus (DM) perlu mendapatkan perhatian lebih serius karena penyakit pembunuh nomor ketiga di Indonesia. Jewawut dan beras merah sebagai pensubstitusi tepung terigu dalam proses pembuatan mi kering. Hal ini menjadi salah satu upaya dalam menurunan nilai indeks glikemik (IG) dan menigkatkan kandungan serat yang terdapat di dalam mi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai IG, kadar serat dan daya terima mi subtitusi tepung jewawut dan beras merah. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimental. Uji Indek glikemik (IG) dihitung dengan membandingkan luas kurva respon glukosa pangan uji dan pangan standar. Hasil uji organoleptik terhadap daya terima ditabulasi dalam tabel dan dianalisis menggunakan program komputer SPSS yaitu uji Kruskal-wallis dengan uji lanjutan Mann-Whitney serta untuk uji kadar serat dianalisis menggunakan metode crude fiber. Hasil uji daya terima mi jewawut dan beras merah dari aspek rasa yang terbaik adalah F2, aspek tekstur F1, aspek warna F1 dan aspek aroma F1. Total skoring tertinggi uji daya terima panelis adalah F1 dengan nilai skor 414 poin. Formula F1 digunakan dalam uji nilai IG dan kadar serat. IG mi subtitusi tepung jewawut dan beras merah adalah 67 (sedang) dan kadar serat 16,355 g/100 g. Daya terima aspek rasa, tekstur, warna dan aroma tertinggi pada konsentrasi F1 20% tepung jewawut, 5% tepung beras dan 75% tepung terigu, mi subtitusi tepung jewawut dan beras merah dengan nilai IG  kategori sedang (67) dan kadar serat 16,355 g/100 g.Kata kunci : Beras Merah, Indeks Glikemik, Jewawut, Mi, Serat

    Obesity, Smoking, Physical Activity, Hypertension: Models of Stroke Causes in South Sulawesi Province

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    Lifestyle changes have led to an increase in cases of non-communicable diseases in Indonesia, including hypertension and stroke. Unhealthy eating behavior, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, stress, and lack of physical activity are risk factors for degenerative diseases, besides the other risk factors such as age, gender, and heredity. This research aimed to determine the factor of obesity, smoking behavior, physical activity, and hypertension on the incidence of stroke in South Sulawesi Province. The method of research was analytic observational with a case-control approach. The case group was stroke patients as many as 750 cases and the control group was non-stroke patients as many as 750 cases. Data analysis using Path analysis. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between stroke and hypertension with a path coefficient value of 0.33, the relationship between physical activity and the incidence of stroke through hypertension with a path coefficient value of 0.13, obesity and the incidence of stroke through hypertension with a path coefficient value of 0, 21, there is a relationship between smoking and the incidence of stroke through hypertension with a path coefficient value of 0.08. Hypertension is a risk factor that directly affects the incidence of stroke compared to other risk factors. however, all of these risk factors can be reduced, especially by doing routine and regular physical activity every day

    Acceptence and Iron Content in Amplang with Flour Spinach Substitution (Amaranthus gangeticus)

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    Food is one of the primary needs for humans, because it is a source of nutrient intake for the human body. Of the many types of food ingredients that exist, one of which is a snack. The criteria for healthy snacks are vitamins, protein, and dietary fiber. One type of snack that many people like was amplang crackers. The aims of this study was to determine the acceptability and iron content of amplang with green spinach flour substitution. The type of research is experimental or laboratory research with Post Test Group Design research design. The results of the study based on the Friedman test for aspects of color, aroma, texture and taste, the best and preferred formula was X2 with a concentration of 10% and an iron content of 3.96 grams/100 grams by weight of amplang. In conclusion, green spinach flour substitution amplang is more preferred from the aspect of color, taste, aroma and texture. And it has a higher iron content than the original product.Keywords: Acceptance, Iron, Amplang, Green Spinach Flou

    Pengetahuan dan Kepatuhan Konsumsi TTD Terhadap Tingkat Anemia pada Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Marusu

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    ABSTRACT Anemia is one of the public health nutritional problems, especially in pregnant women with hemoglobin levels less than 11.0 g/dL, due to iron deficiency which results in impaired red blood cell formation. Several factors that can cause anemia in pregnancy include the level of knowledge, economic status, and adherence to consumption of Fe tablets. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and compliance of mothers taking iron tablets with the incidence of anemia in pregnancy. The type of research used is analytic observational research with a cross sectional study design. This research was conducted in 2 villages, namely Nisombalia Village and Bontomatenne Village, the working area of the Marusu Health Center, Maros Regency in April 2021. The technique for taking the subject of this research was purposive sampling with a total of 10 anemic pregnant women as subjects. The data was collected by interviewing the method of compliance with TTD consumption in pregnant women and filling out the knowledge questionnaire of pregnant women. The data was analyzed by Fisher's Exact Test using SPSS. The results in this study were 80% of pregnant women with low knowledge of 10 subjects with moderate levels of anemia and 80% of pregnant women did not comply with taking blood-added tablets with moderate levels of anemia. Based on statistical tests, there was a relationship between knowledge and adherence to iron supplement consumption of pregnant women with the incidence of anemia (p = 0.022). The conclusion in this study is that there is a significant relationship between maternal knowledge and the incidence of anemia experienced by pregnant women and adherence to iron supplement consumption with the incidence of anemia in pregnant women in the working area of the Marusu Health Center. Keywords: Anemia, Iron Tablets, Knowledge  ABSTRAK Anemia merupakan salah satu masalah gizi kesehatan masyarakat terutama pada ibu hamil dengan kadar hemoglobin kurang dari 11,0 g/dL, dikarenakan kekurangan zat besi yang mengakibatkan proses pembentukan sel darah merah terganggu. Beberapa faktor yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya anemia kehamilan diantaranya tingkat pengetahuan, status ekonomi, dan kepatuhan konsumsi tablet Fe. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dan kepatuhan ibu minum tablet besi dengan kejadian anemia pada kehamilan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian observasional analitik dengan design cross sectional study. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 2 desa yaitu Desa Nisombalia dan Desa Bontomatenne wilayah kerja Puskesmas Marusu Kabupaten Maros pada bulan April 2021. Teknik pengambilan subjek peenelitian ini yaitu purposive sampling degan total subjek ibu hamil anemia berjumlah 10 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara kepatuhan konsumsi TTD pada ibu hamil dan pengisian kusioner pengetahuan ibu hamil. Data dianalisis dengan Fisher's Exact Test menggunakan SPSS. Hasil dalam penelitian ini yaitu dari 10 subjek sebanyak 80% ibu hamil dengan pengetahuan kurang dengan tingkat anemia sedang dan sebanyak 80% ibu hamil tidak patuh mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah dengan tingkat anemia sedang. Berdasarkan uji statistik terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan dan kepatuhan konsumsi suplemen zat besi ibu  hamil dengan kejadian anemia (p=0,022). Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan ibu dengan kejadian anemia yang dialami oleh ibu hamil dan kepatuhan konsumsi TTD dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Marusu. Kata kunci: Anemia, Pengetahuan, TT