2,369 research outputs found

    LAYSI: A layered approach for SLA-violation propagation in self-manageable cloud infrastructures

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    Cloud computing represents a promising comput ing paradigm where computing resources have to be allocated to software for their execution. Self-manageable Cloud in frastructures are required to achieve that level of flexibility on one hand, and to comply to users' requirements speci fied by means of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) on the other. Such infrastructures should automatically respond to changing component, workload, and environmental conditions minimizing user interactions with the system and preventing violations of agreed SLAs. However, identification of sources responsible for the possible SLA violation and the decision about the reactive actions necessary to prevent SLA violation is far from trivial. First, in this paper we present a novel approach for mapping low-level resource metrics to SLA parameters necessary for the identification of failure sources. Second, we devise a layered Cloud architecture for the bottom-up propagation of failures to the layer, which can react to sensed SLA violation threats. Moreover, we present a communication model for the propagation of SLA violation threats to the appropriate layer of the Cloud infrastructure, which includes negotiators, brokers, and automatic service deployer. © 2010 IEEE

    Water Framework Directive Intercalibration Technical Report: Lake phytobenthos ecological assessment methods

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    The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires the national classifications of good ecological status to be harmonised through an intercalibration exercise. In this exercise, significant differences in status classification among Member States are harmonized by comparing and, if necessary, adjusting the good status boundaries of the national assessment methods. Intercalibration is performed for rivers, lakes, coastal and transitional waters, focusing on selected types of water bodies (intercalibration types), anthropogenic pressures and Biological Quality Elements. Intercalibration exercises were carried out in Geographical Intercalibration Groups - larger geographical units including Member States with similar water body types - and followed the procedure described in the WFD Common Implementation Strategy Guidance document on the intercalibration process (European Commission, 2011). In a first phase, the intercalibration exercise started in 2003 and extended until 2008. The results from this exercise were agreed on by Member States and then published in a Commission Decision, consequently becoming legally binding (EC, 2008). A second intercalibration phase extended from 2009 to 2012, and the results from this exercise were agreed on by Member States and laid down in a new Commission Decision (EC, 2013) repealing the previous decision. Member States should apply the results of the intercalibration exercise to their national classification systems in order to set the boundaries between high and good status and between good and moderate status for all their national types. Annex 1 to this Decision sets out the results of the intercalibration exercise for which intercalibration is successfully achieved, within the limits of what is technically feasible at this point in time. The Technical report on the Water Framework Directive intercalibration describes in detail how the intercalibration exercise has been carried out for the water categories and biological quality elements included in that Annex. The Technical report is organized in volumes according to the water category (rivers, lakes, coastal and transitional waters), Biological Quality Element and Geographical Intercalibration group. This volume addresses the intercalibration of the cross-GIG phytobenthos ecological assessment methods

    Regional innovation and spillover effects of foreign direct investment in China: a threshold approach

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    Using a data set on twenty-nine Chinese provinces for the period 1985–2008, this paper establishes a threshold model to analyse the relationship between spillover effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) and regional innovation in China. There is clear evidence of double-threshold effects of regional innovation on productivity spillovers from FDI. Specifically, only when the level of regional innovation reaches the minimum innovation threshold will FDI in the region begin to produce positive productivity spillovers. Furthermore, positive productivity spillovers from FDI will be substantial only when the level of regional innovation attains a higher threshold. The double threshold divides Chinese provinces into three super-regions in terms of innovation, with most provinces positioned within the middle-level innovation super-region. Policy implications are discussed

    Erythropoietin/erythropoietin-receptor system is involved in angiogenesis in human hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Ribatti D, Marzullo A, Gentile A, Longo V, Nico B, Vacca A & Dammacco F (2007) Histopathology 50, 591–596 Erythropoietin/erythropoietin-receptor system is involved in angiogenesis in human hepatocellular carcinom