329 research outputs found

    Inhibition of fungal infection using sulfite pads prior to initiation of callus from Vitis labruscana cv. Concord

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    Research NoteIncubation of plant material with potassium metabisulfite was found to inhibit fungal infections of explants from grapevines. Grapevine tissue of Vitis labruscana cv. Concord was incubated with sulfite pads containing 0.4 g of potassium metabilsufite for one and two days prior to culturing and evaluated against a control that had been surface sterilized with 0.5 % NaOCI and 70 % ethanol after one week for losses due to microbial contamination. Sulfite fumigation of plant material reduced the incidence of mold infection, particularly in tissue cultures developed from fruit explants which had reductions in contamination as high as 10 fold. Continued attempts to isolate contaminants from cultures intitiated from these explants showed no signs of infection

    Multi-point Adjoint-Based Design of Tilt-Rotors in a Noninertial Reference Frame

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    Optimization of tilt-rotor systems requires the consideration of performance at multiple design points. In the current study, an adjoint-based optimization of a tilt-rotor blade is considered. The optimization seeks to simultaneously maximize the rotorcraft figure of merit in hover and the propulsive efficiency in airplane-mode for a tilt-rotor system. The design is subject to minimum thrust constraints imposed at each design point. The rotor flowfields at each design point are cast as steady-state problems in a noninertial reference frame. Geometric design variables used in the study to control blade shape include: thickness, camber, twist, and taper represented by as many as 123 separate design variables. Performance weighting of each operational mode is considered in the formulation of the composite objective function, and a build up of increasing geometric degrees of freedom is used to isolate the impact of selected design variables. In all cases considered, the resulting designs successfully increase both the hover figure of merit and the airplane-mode propulsive efficiency for a rotor designed with classical techniques