8,846 research outputs found

    Feedback computability on Cantor space

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    We introduce the notion of feedback computable functions from 2ω2^\omega to 2ω2^\omega, extending feedback Turing computation in analogy with the standard notion of computability for functions from 2ω2^\omega to 2ω2^\omega. We then show that the feedback computable functions are precisely the effectively Borel functions. With this as motivation we define the notion of a feedback computable function on a structure, independent of any coding of the structure as a real. We show that this notion is absolute, and as an example characterize those functions that are computable from a Gandy ordinal with some finite subset distinguished

    An Evaluation of Size-Resolved Cloud Microphysics Scheme Numerics for Use with Radar Observations. Part I: Collision-Coalescence

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    This study evaluates some available schemes designed to solve the stochastic collection equation (SCE) for collision-coalescence of hydrometeors using a size-resolved (bin) microphysics approach, and documents their numerical properties within the framework of a box model. Comparing three widely used SCE schemes, we find that all converge to almost identical solutions at sufficiently fine mass grids. However, one scheme converges far slower than the other two and shows pronounced numerical diffusion at the large-drop tail of the size distribution. One of the remaining two schemes is recommended on the basis that it is well-converged on a relatively coarse mass grid, stable for large time steps, strictly mass-conservative, and computationally efficient. To examine the effects of SCE scheme choice on simulating clouds and precipitation, two of the three schemes are compared in large-eddy simulations of a drizzling stratocumulus field. A forward simulator that produces Doppler spectra from the large-eddy simulation results is used to compare the model output directly with radar observations. The scheme with pronounced numerical diffusion predicts excessively large mean Doppler velocities and overly broad and negatively skewed spectra compared with observations, consistent with numerical diffusion demonstrated in the box model. Statistics obtained using the recommended scheme are closer to observations, but notable differences remain, indicating that factors other than SCE scheme accuracy are limiting simulation fidelity

    How Ordering of Assignments Can Influence Beliefs About the Self and How These Beliefs Can Impact on Student Class Performance

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    This research examines whether the ordering of the difficulty of exams can influence student beliefs about their academic abilities and the impact of these beliefs on their performance. The ordering of the difficulty of test items has shown to affect performance. Study One (n=91) examined college student differences in reaction to a difficult and an easy exam. Results suggest that the ordering of difficulty of exams may influence self-efficacy of students. Study Two (n = 178) examines whether this self-efficacy (and other beliefs about the self) can impact college student performance on actual exam scores over time. The results of this research suggest that the ordering of difficulty of assignments can affect student’s self-efficacy about the class. It finds that the impact on self-efficacy may affect overall performance early in the class but that this impact may not be long lasting. This is due to the positive evidence received later in the course that may contradict initial low performance and give confidence in the student’s ability to achieve high performance. The results have implications for segments of the student population that may be disproportionately impacted by self-perceptions such as the first generation student. Cette recherche examine dans quelle mesure le classement des examens selon leur difficulté influence les croyances des étudiants par rapport à leurs habiletés académiques d’une part, et l’impact de ces croyances sur leur performance d’autre part. Il a été démontré que le classement des items d’un examen en fonction de leur difficulté a une incidence sur la performance. Étude #1 (n=91) porte sur les différences dans les réactions d’étudiants d’université à un examen difficile et à un examen facile. Les résultats portent à croire que l’ordre de présentation des examens selon leur difficulté peut influencer l’auto-efficacité des étudiants. Étude #2 (n=178) évalue dans quelle mesure cette auto-efficacité (et d’autres croyances relatives à soi) influence, à la longue, la performance aux examens des étudiants universitaires. Les résultats semblent indiquer que la présentation des examens en fonction de leur difficulté peut affecter la perception d’auto-efficacité chez les étudiants et que cet impact peut avoir des incidences sur la performance globale au début du cours mais que celles-ci peuvent être de courte durée. Ce phénomène s’explique par les indications positives qui peuvent venir contredire le faible rendement initial et rehausser la confiance des étudiants en leur capacité de bien réussir. Ces résultats comportent des implications touchant les secteurs de la population estudiantine qui pourraient être affectés de manière disproportionnée par leur image de soi, tels les étudiants de première génération

    Integration of Eucalyptus coppice regeneration with mechanical harvesting in South Africa

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    In South Africa, ca. 530 000 ha of the plantation area is planted to Eucalyptus spp. which are native to Australia. Commercially grown hardwoods account for 40.5% of the total area planted to trees, yet contribute more than 70% of the timber to the pulpwood market. This is largely attributed to the superior quality of fibre and pulping properties associated with eucalypt plantations, increases in global short-fibre pulp demands. This as well as the ability to reduce the temporary unplanted period and associated re-establishment costs when choosing to regenerate a stand through coppice management. With the unlikelihood of additional eucalypts being introduced into South Africa, and a reduction in genetic gains from 3rd-4th generation tree breading programmes, most of the eucalypts currently planted will be managed for at least one coppice rotation before replanting with improved genetic material if available. This together with the increased use of mechanised silvicultural and harvesting operations, concerns have been raised as to whether the integration of Eucalyptus coppice regeneration and mechanical harvesting in South Africa is both possible and financially viable for the forest industry to practise. The need for integration becomes more important as often mechanised systems have smaller tolerance levels when compared to manual systems. The first trial was situated in Zululand and was implemented to determine the type and severity of stump damage, coppicing potential and coppice growth over the rotation, associated with four types of harvesting and extraction systems on coppice regeneration. Results obtained from these four treatments (harvesting systems that ranged from manual to fully mechanised cut-to-length systems), found that irrespective of the harvesting system used, more damage occurred to the top than bottom half of the stump, with a significant decrease in coppice regrowth with increasing stump damage. Most damage and least coppice regrowth occurred in the extraction rows where the damage recorded could be attributed to vehicle movement, tear-outs and/or log stripping. There was no significant difference between the harvesting systems in terms of stump mortality, final stem stocking and rotation-end volume. Although this trial indicates that the harvesting systems tested had no impact on tree production the severity of damage and/or difference may have been masked by the excellent coppice potential of the species used for this trial (E. grandis x E. urophylla). Based on the results obtained in the first trial, and using five existing data sets, each data set consisted of four treatment sub-sets (4m_8m_s; 2m_8m_s; 4m_8m_BOP; 2m_8m_Or) where possible to determine the cost benefits associated with each treatment at various levels of stocking over a full rotation period. BOP (best operating practice) and Or (original stocking) refers to treatments with two stems stump-1, and s (single stem) refers to one stem stump-1. Within each of the four treatment sub-sets, treatments with three levels of stump survival were sought (60%; 80%; 100%), in order to assess financial viability of harvesting different coppice regimes (one coppice stem and two coppiced stems stump-1) using a fully mechanised cut-to-length harvesting system was tested. No differences were found between one coppice stem and two coppiced stems stump-1 in terms of financial returns (internal rate of return). Of the four treatment sub-sets (4m_8m_s; 2m_8m_s; 4m_8m_BOP; 2m_8m_Or), treatments which had two coppice stems stump-1 lead to increased harvesting cost, while coppice stumps with one stem favours mechanised harvesting and reduced harvesting costs. The final trial, which was also implemented in Zululand, tested the timing of reduction of one coppice stem stump-1 at various stump and stem densities in order to develop an appropriate coppice regime that could favour fully mechanised CTL harvesting systems. Although significant differences were detected at 23 months between the additional control (current recommendation) and the various Reduction_ht (3.5 m, 4.5 m, and 6.5 m) treatments for Dbh, Ba, and Stocking. It is likely that these differences may become less with time due to the decrease in absolute and relative differences between the various treatments with time. This thesis indicates that it is possible to successfully integrate eucalypt coppice regeneration and fully mechanised CTL harvesting. As the results obtained showed that despite the harvesting-associated damage found, no significant difference occurred between the harvesting systems tested in terms of stump mortality, stem stocking (after the final reduction) and rotation-end volume. With regards to the financial implications (using internal rates of return - IRR) associated with harvesting coppice stands of one or two stems stump-1, no clear cost-benefits were found between either of these two treatment scenarios. As those factors that contribute to increased volumes per hectare (increased stem numbers and the retention of two stems stump-1), tend to become normalised across a treatment sub-set, this results in increased harvesting costs with a reduction in the IRR. Coppice management regimes need to be investigated that favour fully mechanised CTL harvesting systems (fewer stems to harvest, but with increased volumes per stem). This includes a reduction to one stem stump-1, as opposed to the current recommendations where some stumps have two stems, such as was tested in the final trial. Although initial results were promising, rotation-end data would be needed to determine any longer term impacts from carrying out an early thinning of coppice shoots to one stem stump-1. Future research needs to be carried out to: determine the influence of mechanised harvesting and extraction for difference species of eucalypts, especially for those that do not coppice as well as the species tested in these trials (Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla), develop harvesting productivity and/or volume models for coppiced stands of one and two stems stump-1 for different Eucalyptus spp., determine financial returns using specifically designed coppice management regimes which optimise the integration of both mechanical harvesting and silvicultural perations

    Ultra high temperature ceramic composite materials

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    Ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) are materials that have been demonstrated to withstand temperatures up to around 3000°C, thermal fluxes of ~17 MWm-2 and gas velocities of around Mach 0.6. Thus, they offer potential for use in applications such as leading edges and engine parts for hypervelocity vehicles. Under the Domain 8 of the MCM-ITP (Materials and Components for Missiles – Innovation and Technology Partnership) programme, research has been carried out investigating UHTC composites consisting of carbon fibre (Cf) preforms impregnated with HfB2 powders. Whilst the initial impregnation route resulted in preforms with high and uniform powder loadings, this was not true for large samples. As a result, the mechanical properties showed a high degree of scatter. Nevertheless, samples with higher final densities showed higher strengths. Thus a new impregnation route has been developed that results in both higher and more homogeneous powder loading. This has led to higher strengths and even greater temperature and ablation resistance with the only penalty being an increase in component mass. A prototype jet vane has been successfully produced
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