232 research outputs found

    Experience design: video without faces increases engagement but not empathy

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    Counter to prior claims that empathy is required for higher levels of engagement in human-computer interaction, our team has previously found that, in an analysis of 844 stimulus presentations, empathy is sufficient for high engagement, but is not necessary. Here, we ran a carefully controlled study of human-computer interactions with musical stimuli --- with and without visuals, and with and without recognizable people -- to directly test whether we could design an engaging stimulus that did not elicit empathy, by avoiding human faces or personal interaction. We measured subjective responses by visual analogue scale and found that the faceless stimulus was as engaging as the face-containing stimulus, but much less empathy-provoking. Therefore, we propose that empathy and engagement be considered independently during interaction design, because they are not monotonically related

    The complex relationship between empathy, engagement and boredom

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    In human computer interactions — especially gaming — the role of empathy has been mooted as a necessary prerequisite for higher levels of engagement and immersion. More recently other forms of engagement, including intellectual/cognitive engagement, have been proposed. In this study we present a carefully controlled dataset of human-computer interactions with a wide range of stimuli that ranged from highly engaging to boring to test these two theories. Analyzing 844 response sets to visual analogue scales (VAS) for empathy, interest, boredom, and engagement, we found that high empathy was sufficient for high engagement but is not necessary, whilst the converse was not true. We also found that empathy and boredom were incompatible with each other, but low levels of either were permissive rather than causal to the other. We conclude that there is no monotonic relationship between increasing empathy and engagement; either empathy is a sufficient (but not necessary) cause of engagement, or engagement is a necessary precursor to high empathy

    Evaluation of the effects of Corchorus olitorius L. and Carapa procera in the treatment of obesity

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    Background: The obesity remains a pathology today which expands. It leads in its wake much pathology with very serious consequences. It is therefore necessary to take steps to curb this nutritional pathology. Thus, two plant species including Carapa procera and Corchorus olitorius have been tested to assess their effect on this pathology.Methods: Aqueous extracts of Carapa procera bark and Corchorus olitorius roots were tested on rats and biochemical parameters were evaluated. Besides, a chemical characterization was led.Results: These plant extracts contain bioactive molecules that have a regressive activity on the plasma levels of cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL-cholesterol. These bioactive molecules increase the level of HDL-cholesterol. These 2 species are non-toxic on renal, hepatic and pancreatic functions in view of the values of urea, creatinine and blood glucose.Conclusions: Of these 2 extracts, the aqueous extract of Corchorus olitorius is more active.

    Towards an improved dementia care experience in clinical radiography practice: A state-of-the-art review.

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    INTRODUCTION: The increasing global incidence rate of dementia and associated co/multimorbidity has consequently led to a rise in the number of people with dementia (PwD) requiring clinical radiography care services. This review aims to explore and integrate findings from diverse settings with a focus on the experiences of PwD and stakeholders, towards the development of a holistic approach for dementia care and management within the context of radiography services. METHOD: An electronic search was performed across the following databases: PUBMED, CINAHL, Medline, SCOPUS, and ScienceDirect for articles published from January 2009 and June 2023. Articles were included if they fulfilled a predefined criteria mainly focused on experiences of PwD and/or other stakeholders when using the radiography services. Data obtained from the included studies were analysed using a result-based convergent synthesis. RESULT: Eleven studies from diverse settings met the inclusion criteria. A mix of both positive and negative experiences of PwD and stakeholders were reported following visits to radiology and radiotherapy departments were highlighted across settings. The findings were themed around the need for: person-centred care, effective communication, attitudinal changes of staff, specialised and improved clinical environment and inclusion of caregivers for the care of PwD. DISCUSSION: This study emphasise the critical importance of adopting holistic approaches to caring for PwD. This involves adopting a person-centred approach, actively involving caregivers, effective communication, and adequate training for radiographers to provide quality services, all in dementia-friendly environments. CONCLUSION: The experiences of various stakeholders highlight the need for a more holistic approach and strategy for the care and management of PwD within the context of the radiography services. This calls for an urgent need for a comprehensive strategy that includes awareness creation of staff to enhance the quality of care and the overall experience for PwD using the radiography services

    The environmental sustainability implications of contrast media supply chain disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic: A document analysis of international practice guidelines

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    Introduction Travel restrictions implemented during the acute phases of the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted supply chain for critical radiology consumables including contrast media (CM) leading to shortages. Consequently, some departments had to restructure their clinical workflows in accordance to recommended guidelines to ensure safe continuity of patient care. This study aimed to summarise the temporary crisis-driven recommendations with implicit environmental sustainability essence and to analyse how these measures might inform the development of a more sustainable, long-term clinical guideline for safer and cost-effective CM usage without compromising diagnostic quality. Methods Documents were obtained through an electronic database search together with a relevant manual search in Google Scholar and relevant reference lists. The selected documents were subjected to a pre-defined eligibility criteria for inclusion. The READ approach was employed for document analysis and a thematic analysis of the obtained data was conducted. Results Of the 17 documents included, 70% (n = 12) emanate from the United States of America. The summary of the findings relate to minimising CM usage through strategic clinical approaches including optimisation of CM volumes, prioritisation of non-contrast imaging and/or alternative imaging depending on patient need without compromising diagnostic quality. Conclusion Critical lessons of sustainability essence are implicitly embedded in the policy guidelines issued during the periods of acute CM shortage in the COVID-19 pandemic. These lessons were themed around CM conservation based on: type and priority of medical imaging investigation, kind of imaging modality and use of smaller vials over multi-dose vials packaging. Implications for practice: The temporary crisis-driven strategies may offer critical lessons for post-pandemic service delivery to enhance patient safety while saving cost and promoting greener practice via strategic clinical and operational monitoring of CM through policy renewal, education and training and collaboration with industry partners

    IKKβ regulates essential functions of the vascular endothelium through kinase-dependent and -independent pathways

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    Vascular endothelium provides a selective barrier between the blood and tissues, participates in wound healing and angiogenesis, and regulates tissue recruitment of inflammatory cells. Nuclear factor (NF)-κB transcription factors are pivotal regulators of survival and inflammation, and have been suggested as potential therapeutic targets in cancer and inflammatory diseases. Here we show that mice lacking IKKβ, the primary kinase mediating NF-κB activation, are smaller than littermates and born at less than the expected Mendelian frequency in association with hypotrophic and hypovascular placentae. IKKβ-deleted endothelium manifests increased vascular permeability and reduced migration. Surprisingly, we find that these defects result from loss of kinase-independent effects of IKKβ on activation of the serine-threonine kinase, Akt. Together, these data demonstrate essential roles for IKKβ in regulating endothelial permeability and migration, as well as an unanticipated connection between IKKβ and Akt signalling

    Automatic Rating of Hoarseness by Text-based Cepstral and Prosodic Evaluation

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    The standard for the analysis of distorted voices is perceptual rating of read-out texts or spontaneous speech. Automatic voice evaluation, however, is usually done on stable sections of sustained vowels. In this paper, text-based and established vowel-based analysis are compared with respect to their ability to measure hoarseness and its subclasses. 73 hoarse patients (48.3±16.8 years) uttered the vowel /e/ and read the German version of the text “The North Wind and the Sun”. Five speech therapists and physicians rated roughness, breathiness, and hoarseness according to the German RBH evaluation scheme. The best human-machine correlations were obtained for measures based on the Cepstral Peak Prominence (CPP; up to |r | = 0.73). Support Vector Regression (SVR) on CPP-based measures and prosodic features improved the results further to r ≈0.8 and confirmed that automatic voice evaluation should be performed on a text recording

    Comparison of the microbial composition of African fermented foods using amplicon sequencing

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    Fermented foods play a major role in the diet of people in Africa, where a wide variety of raw materials are fermented. Understanding the microbial populations of these products would help in the design of specific starter cultures to produce standardized and safer foods. In this study, the bacterial diversity of African fermented foods produced from several raw materials (cereals, milk, cassava, honey, palm sap, and locust beans) under different conditions (household, small commercial producers or laboratory) in 8 African countries was analysed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing during the Workshop “Analysis of the Microbiomes of Naturally Fermented Foods Training Course”. Results show that lactobacilli were less abundant in fermentations performed under laboratory conditions compared to artisanal or commercial fermentations. Excluding the samples produced under laboratory conditions, lactobacilli is one of the dominant groups in all the remaining samples. Genera within the order Lactobacillales dominated dairy, cereal and cassava fermentations. Genera within the order Lactobacillales, and genera Zymomonas and Bacillus were predominant in alcoholic beverages, whereas Bacillus and Lactobacillus were the dominant genera in the locust bean sample. The genus Zymomonas was reported for the first time in dairy, cereal, cassava and locust bean fermentations