760 research outputs found

    Evolution of Magnetic Fields in Supernova Remnants

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    Supernova remnants (SNR) are now widely believed to be a source of cosmic rays (CRs) up to an energy of 1 PeV. The magnetic fields required to accelerate CRs to sufficiently high energies need to be much higher than can result from compression of the circumstellar medium (CSM) by a factor 4, as is the case in strong shocks. Non-thermal synchrotron maps of these regions indicate that indeed the magnetic field is much stronger, and for young SNRs has a dominant radial component while for old SNRs it is mainly toroidal. How these magnetic fields get enhanced, or why the field orientation is mainly radial for young remnants, is not yet fully understood. We use an adaptive mesh refinement MHD code, AMRVAC, to simulate the evolution of supernova remnants and to see if we can reproduce a mainly radial magnetic field in early stages of evolution. We follow the evolution of the SNR with three different configurations of the initial magnetic field in the CSM: an initially mainly toroidal field, a turbulent magnetic field, and a field parallel to the symmetry axis. Although for the latter two topologies a significant radial field component arises at the contact discontinuity due to the Rayleigh-Taylor instability, no radial component can be seen out to the forward shock. Ideal MHD appears not sufficient to explain observations. Possibly a higher compression ratio and additional turbulence due to dominant presence of CRs can help us to better reproduce the observations in future studies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. To appear in conference proceedings of "Magnetic Fields in the Universe II" (2008), RevMexA

    On the Structure and Scale of Cosmic Ray Modified Shocks

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    Strong astrophysical shocks, diffusively accelerating cosmic rays (CR) ought to develop CR precursors. The length of such precursor LpL_{p} is believed to be set by the ratio of the CR mean free path λ\lambda to the shock speed, i.e., Lpcλ/Vshcrg/VshL_{p}\sim c\lambda/V_{sh}\sim cr_{g}/V_{sh}, which is formally independent of the CR pressure PcP_{c}. However, the X-ray observations of supernova remnant shocks suggest that the precursor scale may be significantly shorter than LpL_{p} which would question the above estimate unless the magnetic field is strongly amplified and the gyroradius rgr_{g} is strongly reduced over a short (unresolved) spatial scale. We argue that while the CR pressure builds up ahead of the shock, the acceleration enters into a strongly nonlinear phase in which an acoustic instability, driven by the CR pressure gradient, dominates other instabilities (at least in the case of low β\beta plasma). In this regime the precursor steepens into a strongly nonlinear front whose size scales with \emph{the CR pressure}as LfLp(Ls/Lp)2(Pc/Pg)2L_{f}\sim L_{p}\cdot(L_{s}/L_{p})^{2}(P_{c}/P_{g})^{2}, where LsL_{s} is the scale of the developed acoustic turbulence, and Pc/PgP_{c}/P_{g} is the ratio of CR to gas pressure. Since LsLpL_{s}\ll L_{p}, the precursor scale reduction may be strong in the case of even a moderate gas heating by the CRs through the acoustic and (possibly also) the other instabilities driven by the CRs.Comment: EPS 2010 paper, to appear in PPC

    Trace Species Identified in Saturn's Northern Storm Region

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    The massive storm at 40degN on Saturn that began in December 2010 has produced significant and lasting effects in the northern hemisphere on temperature and species abundances [I}. The northern storm region was observed at 0.5/cm spectral resolution in March 2011 by Cassini's Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS). Temperatures in the stratosphere as high as 190 K were derived from CIRS spectra in warm regions referred to as "beacons". Other longitudes exhibit cold temperatures in the upper troposphere. These unusual conditions allow us to identify rare species such as C4H2, C3H4, and CO2 in the stratosphere, as well as to measure changes in the abundance of phosphine (PH3) in the troposphere. Phosphine is a disequilibrium species whose abundance is a tracer of upwelling from the deep atmosphere

    Particle acceleration at ultrarelativistic shocks: an eigenfunction method

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    We extend the eigenfunction method of computing the power-law spectrum of particles accelerated at a relativistic shock fronts to apply to shocks of arbitrarily high Lorentz factor. In agreement with the findings of Monte-Carlo simulations, we find the index of the power-law distribution of accelerated particles which undergo isotropic diffusion in angle at an ultrarelativistic, unmagnetized shock is s=4.23 (where s=-d(ln f)/dp with f the Lorentz invariant phase-space density and p the momentum). This corresponds to a synchrotron index for uncooled electrons of a=0.62 (taking cooling into account a=1.12), where a=-d(ln F)/dn, F is the radiation flux and n the frequency. We also present an approximate analytic expression for the angular distribution of accelerated particles, which displays the effect of particle trapping by the shock: compared with the non-relativistic case the angular distribution is weighted more towards the plane of the shock and away from its normal. We investigate the sensitivity of our results to the transport properties of the particles and the presence of a magnetic field. Shocks in which the ratio of Poynting to kinetic energy flux upstream is not small are less compressive and lead to larger values of ss.Comment: Minor additions on publicatio

    The Evolution of Hydrocarbons in Saturn's Northern Storm Region

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    The massive storm at 40N on Saturn that began in December 2010 has produced significant and lasting effects in the northern hemisphere on temperature and species abundances (Fletcher et aL 2011). The northern storm region was observed on several occasions between March 2011 and April 2012 by Cassini's Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) at a spectral resolution (0.5/cm) which permits the study of trace species in Saturn's stratosphere. During this time period, stratospheric temperatures in regions referred to as "beacons" (warm regions at specific longitudes at the latitude of the storm) became significantly warmer than pre-storm values of 140K, peaking near 220K, and subsequently cooling. These warm temperatures led to greatly enhanced infrared emission due to C4H2, C3H4, C2H2, and C2H6 in the stratosphere as well as the first detection of C2H4 on Saturn in the thermal infrared (Hesman et al. 2012). Using CH4 as a thermometer of Saturn's stratosphere in the beacon regions, we can derive the mixing ratios of each of these molecules. The most common hydrocarbons (C2H2 and C2H6) serve as dynamical tracers on Saturn and their abundances may constrain vertical motion in the stratosphere. All of these hydrocarbons are products of methane photolysis. Since many of the photochemical reactions that produce heavier hydrocarbons such as C4H2 and C3H4 are temperature sensitive, the beacon region provides a natural laboratory for studying these reactions on Saturn. We will discuss the time evolution of the abundances of each of these hydrocarbons from their pre-storm values, through the period of maximum heating , and during the period of cooling that is taking place in Saturn's stratosphere

    Thermal Structure of Titan's Troposphere and Middle Atmosphere

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    The thermal structure of Titan's atmosphere is reviewed, with particular emphasis on recent Cassini-Huygens results. Titan's has a similar troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere pattern like Earth, but with a much more extended atmosphere, because of the weaker gravity, and also much lower temperatures, because of its greater distance from the sun. Titan's atmosphere exhibits an unusually large range in radiative relaxation times. In the troposphere, these are long compared to seasonal time scales, but in the stratosphere they are much shorter than a season. An exception is near the winter pole, where the stratospheric relaxation times at 100-170 km become comparable to the seasonal time scale; at the warm stratopause, they are comparable to a Titan day. Hence, seasonal behavior in the troposphere should be muted, but significant in the stratosphere. This is reflected in the small meridional contrast observed in temperatures in the troposphere and the large stratospheric contrasts noted above. A surprising feature of the vertical profiles of temperature is the abrupt transition between these regimes in at high northern latitudes in winter, where the temperatures in the lower stratosphere exhibit a sudden drop with increasing altitude. This could be a radiative effect, not associated with spatial variations in gaseous opacity, but rather from an optically thick condensate at thermal-infrared wavelengths. A curious aspect of Titan's middle atmosphere is that the axis of symmetry of the temperature field is tilted by several degrees relative to the rotational axis of the moon itself. Whether this is driven by solar heating or gravitational perturbations is not known. Titan's surface exhibits weak contrasts in temperature, approximately 3 K in the winter hemisphere. At low latitudes, there is evidence of a weak nocturnal boundary layer on the morning terminator, which is not radiatively controlled, but can be explained in terms of vertical mixing with a small eddy viscosity

    Induced Scattering and Two-Photon Absorption of Alfven Waves with Arbitrary Propagation Angles

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    The equation for temporary evolution of spectral energy of collisionless Alfven waves is derived in framework of weak turbulence theory. The main nonlinear processes for such conditions are induced scattering and two quantum absorption of Alfven waves by thermal ions. The equation for velocity distribution of thermal particles is derived that describes diffusion in momentum space due to this nonlinear processes. Comparison is done with the results of another authors. Results obtained are qualitatively differ from the ones obtained for the case of Alfven waves propagation along mean magnetic field.Comment: 8 page

    Gamma-rays from Galactic Black Hole Candidates with Stochastic Particle Acceleration

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    We consider stochastic particle acceleration in plasmas around stellar mass black holes to explain the emissions above 1 MeV from Galactic black hole candidates. We show that for certain parameter regimes, electrons can overcome Coulomb losses and be accelerated beyond the thermal distribution to form a new population, whose distribution is broad and usually not a power law; the peak energy of the distribution is determined by the balance between acceleration and cooling, with particles piling up around it. Radiation by inverse Compton scattering off the thermal (from background) and non-thermal (produced by acceleration) particles can in principle explain the hard X-ray to gamma-ray emissions from black hole candidates. We present model fits of Cyg X-1 and GRO J0422 in 50 keV -- 5 MeV region observed with OSSE and COMPTEL.Comment: 2 figures, to appear in March 20 of ApJ

    Cassini/CIRS Observations of Water Vapor in Saturn's Stratosphere

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    The Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) on the Cassini spacecraft has obtained numerous spectra of Saturn at varying spectral and spatial resolutions since Saturn Orbit Insertion in 2001. Emission lines due to water vapor in Saturn's stratosphere were first detected using whole-disk observations from the Infrared Space Observatory [1] and subsequently confirmed by the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite [2], CIRS has detected water and the data permit the retrieval of the latitudinal variation of water on Saturn. Emission lines of H2O on Saturn are very weak in the CIRS data. Thus, large spectral averages as well as improvements in calibration are necessary to detect water vapor. long integrations at the full 0.5/cm spectral resolution were performed at targeted latitudes on Saturn. High emission angles were chosen to enhance stratospheric emission. Over the course of the prime and extended mission a set of observations has been built up spaced roughly every 10 degrees of latitude. Stratospheric temperatures in the 0.5 - 5.0 mbar range were obtained by inverting spectra of CH4 in the v'4 band centered at 1501/cm. The origin of water vapor is believed to be from the ablation of micrometeorites containing eater ice, followed by photochemistry. This external source of oxygen originates either from the Saturn system (from the rings or perhaps from Enceladus) or from the interplanetary medium. Connerney [3] proposed a mechanism to transport water from the inner edge of the B-ring along magnetic field lines to specific latitudes (50N and 44S) on Saturn. Prange et al [4] interpreted a minimum in the abundance of acetylene from ultraviolet spectra gear 41S on Saturn as possibly due to an enhanced influx of water. We will be able to test the "ring rain" mechanism by searching, for localized water vapor enhancement at mid-latitudes. Our results may be used to constrain photochemical models of Saturn's stratosphere [5]

    Titan's Tropopause Temperatures from CIRS: Implications for Stratospheric Methane Cloud Formation

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    Analysis of Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) far-IR spectra enable the construction of Titan's temperature profile in the altitude region containing the tropopause. Whereas the methane V4 band at 1306/cm (7.7 microns) is the primary opacity source for deducing thermal structure between 100 km and 500 km, N2-N2 collision-induced absorption between 70 and 140/cm (143 microns and 71 microns) is utilized to determine temperatures at Titan's tropopause. Additional opacity due to aerosol and nitrile ices must also be taken into account in this part of the far-IR spectral region. The spectral characteristics of these particulate opacities have been deduced from CIRS limb data at 58degS, 15degS, 15degN, and 85degN. Empirically, the spectral shapes of these opacities appear to be independent of both latitude and altitude below 300 km (Anderson and Samuelson, 2011, Icarus 212, 762-778), justifying the extension of these spectral properties to all latitudes. We find that Titan's tropopause temperature is cooler than the HAS! value of 70.5K by approx. 6K. This leads to the possibility that subsidence at high northern latitudes can cause methane condensation in the winter polar stratosphere. A search for methane clouds in this region is in progress