9 research outputs found

    Manajemen Penyakit Berbasis Wilayah

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    It is universally accepted that disease occurrence is the nucleus of public health problem and should be prevented to achieve healthy area and strong country. Disease occurrence is a phenomenon that is area-based and include ecosystem both spatial and temporal dimensions. This paper tries to explain the importance, meaning, location and method of area-based disease management. The important basic assumption is that the successful risk and disease control can increase ability to increase and maintain life quality of the people. Area-based development could be implemented by referring to MPBW concept and SKK design for each and every autonomous government. Furthermore, there is a need to develop MPBW guidelines in district level to be used by development designer and planner. It is expected that MPBW could improve community health in a district gradually and continuously. Last but not least, the implementation of MPBW should utilise Public Health sciences principles

    Analisis Risiko Pajanan PM2,5 di Udara Ambien Siang Hari terhadap Masyarakat di Kawasan Industri Semen

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    One of the negative impacts of cement industry to public health is an increased risk of respiratory disease. These risks are caused by exposure to particulate matter in air, especially fine particulate matter which is smaller than 2,5 microns (PM2,5). This study aimed to analyze the risks of PM2,5 exposure in ambien air at noon on people around cement industry. Risk was calculated using Environmental Health Risk Analysis Method that generates value of individual exposure intake received per day. This value was generated based on the concentration of exposure, individual activity patterns, and anthropometric values. PM2,5 concentrations in the environment was measured at 10 points (Ring) from the center of plant with radius of 500 meters each point. The activity patterns and anthropometric values were measured using questionnaire to 92 adult respondents around the factory. The calculation of lifetime risk showed that there are three risked area: Ring 2 (500 – 1.000 m), Ring 4 (1.500 – 2.000 m), and Ring 5 (2.000 – 2.500 m). The safest area was over 2,5 kilometers from the center of the industry with the safest concentration was 0,028 mg/m3

    Relationship Between Mosquito Breeding Places with Malaria in Pesawaran

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    Background : This research aimed to analyze a connection between malaria outbreaks with Anopheles mosquito breeding habitats found in abandoned aquaculture ponds. Starting in December 2011, it took place in coastal villages of Sukarame, Sukamaju and Kampung Baru in the District of Punduh Pedada, Pesawaran Regency, Lampung, Indonesia. Methods : This study relied on the data of positive cases of plasmodium malariae reported by Pedada Community Health Center (Puskesmas) in 2010 and the results of the National Strategic Research carried out in Punduh Pedada in 2010. For mapping out locations, the team used a Global Positioning System (GPS) device, with resulting data processed with ArcView 3.1. application software. Google Earth 2007 produced the required satellite image maps. Analysis of the link between malaria cases and breeding places was made as per buffer zone. Result : The following results were recorded during the study: a) there was a total of 472.412 hectares of ponds in Punduh Pedada; b) linkage was identified between the breeding habitats and the malaria cases; c) the number of ponds which could potentially turn into breeding grounds was possibly growing to include 7 sites in Sukarame, 14 in Sukamaju and 6 in Kampung Baru; and d) a large number of residents were prone to malaria since they live in locations close to the aquaculture sites

    Pencegahan Resurgensi Malaria dengan Deteksi Dini dan Pengobatan Segera di Daerah Reseptif

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    Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu wilayah reseptif malaria di Indonesia, khususnya Kabupaten Tasikmalaya bagian selatan. Tahun 2009, 2011, dan 2012 telah terjadi kejadian luar biasa (KLB) terutama di Kecamatan Cineam. Namun, pada tahun 2013 tidak terjadi KLB serupa. Ekosistem Cineam berupa pegunungan dan perkebunan kondusif untuk penularan malaria. Selain itu, banyak penduduk Cineam yang merupakan pekerja migran. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap tidak terjadinya peningkatan kasus (resurgensi) malaria di daerah reseptif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang dilakukan pada bulan Juni - Desember 2014, dengan menggunakan sampel seluruh penderita malaria positif di Kecamatan Cineam tahun 2013, yang berjumlah 27 kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua kasus adalah pekerja migran. Secara spasial, ditemukan tempat perkembangbiakan Anopheles tersebar dekat dengan tempat tinggal kasus. Meskipun wilayah Kecamatan Cineam merupakan wilayah kondusif penularan malaria, tidak terjadi penularan horizontal pada tahun 2013. Analisis lebih lanjut mengindikasikan bahwa upaya deteksi dini, pengobatan segera menggunakan protokol standar yang memadai, pemberian obat profilaksis sebelum berangkat, serta penyuluhan intensif kepada masyarakat, dapat menekan timbulnya KLB pada tahun 2013.Prevention of Malaria Resurgence by Early Detection and Prompt Treatment in Receptive AreaWest Java provinceis one of malaria-receptive areas in Indonesia, specifically the south area of Tasikmalaya District. In 2009, 2011 and 2012, there was extraordinary emergence, specifically in Cineam Subdistrict. However, in 2013, there was no any other similar case. Ecosystem of Cineam consisting of montains and plantations was so conducive for malaria transmission. Moreover, there were many Cineam people as migrant workers. This study aimed to identify factors contributing to malaria resurgence in receptive area. This study was descriptive quantitative conducted on June to December 2014 using sample of all positive malaria patients at Cineam Subsdistrict in 2013 worth 27 case. Results showed that all cases were migrant workers. Spatially there was Anopheles-breeding areas spread closed to the case home. Even though Cineam Subsdistrict region is such a conducive area for malaria transmission, but there was none of any horizontal transmission in 2013. Further analysis indicated that early detection and prompt tratment used adequate standard protocol, prophylactic distribution before departing as well as intensive counseling to public might press extraordinary emergence in 2013