29 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Association Rule terhadap Pola Data Penyakit pada RSUD Jakarta Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori

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    Rumah sakit adalah tempat untuk merawat pasien yang datang dari berbagai daerah dengan berbagai macam penyakit, karena gaya hidup dan lingkungan berperan dalam perjalanan penyakit. Beberapa permasalahan yang timbul dalam menangani penyakit antara lain kurangnya informasi tentang penyebaran penyakit dan tingkat prosentase penyebaran penyakit yang ada di masyarakat. Salah satu solusi dari masalah tersebut yaitu penerapan metode association rule yang mencari pola atau hubungan antar item dalam suatu dataset yang ditentukan dengan algoritma apriori yang dapat melakukan penelusuran terhadap data historis untuk mengidentifikasi pola data yang didasarkan pada sifat yang teridentifikasi sebelumnya. Metode penelitian ini adalah data kuantitatif dengan data primer yang diambil dari data rekam medis RSUD Johar Baru Jakarta. Yang kemudian dapat diperoleh suatu informasi penyakit apa yang paling sering muncul bersamaan pada rumah sakit sehingga dilakukan pencegahan penyakit tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pola penyakit yang sedang berkembang di masyarakat. Informasi yang dihasilkan selanjutnya dapat digunakan oleh pihak rumah sakit untuk dapat memaksimalkan ketersediaan obat, kelengkapan peralatan medis, dan ruangan di rumah sakit

    Betanodavirus Infection in Barramundi in Riau Islands

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    Diseases that can cause very high economic losses are viruses and one of them is Betanodavirus or commonly called Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN). VNN is a disease registered by The Office International des Epizooties (OIE) and is a major problem in marine fishery production in the world. This virus is able to infect fish from larva size to consumption size in a short period of time to reach death with a frequency of 80% to 100%. The disease can infect barramundi and is spread throughout the Riau Islands. This study used a live fish sampling method showing VNN signs and freshly dead fish. The research samples were obtained from several cities and districts in the Riau Islands Province, including Batam City, Bintan Regency, and Tanjung Balai Karimun Regency, the sample selection was based on clinical symptoms and fish mortality. Then the samples were necropsied for eye and brain organs, then amplified using primers targeting the RNA 2 gene. The results showed that VNN had been detected in the Riau Islands Province, i.e. Batam City, Bintan Regency, and Tanjung Balai Karimun Regency

    An Integrated MCDM Model for Conveyor Equipment Evaluation and Selection in an FMC Based on a Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy ARAS in the Presence of Vagueness.

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    The conveyor system plays a vital role in improving the performance of flexible manufacturing cells (FMCs). The conveyor selection problem involves the evaluation of a set of potential alternatives based on qualitative and quantitative criteria. This paper presents an integrated multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) model of a fuzzy AHP (analytic hierarchy process) and fuzzy ARAS (additive ratio assessment) for conveyor evaluation and selection. In this model, linguistic terms represented as triangular fuzzy numbers are used to quantify experts' uncertain assessments of alternatives with respect to the criteria. The fuzzy set is then integrated into the AHP to determine the weights of the criteria. Finally, a fuzzy ARAS is used to calculate the weights of the alternatives. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model, a case study is performed of a practical example, and the results obtained demonstrate practical potential for the implementation of FMCs

    Deteksi Spesies Megalocytivirus pada Budidaya Ikan Laut di Kepulauan Riau

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    Penyakit yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi yang sangat tinggi adalah virus dan salah satunya adalah Megalocytivirus. Megalocytivirus mempunyai tiga spesies yaitu Infectious Spleen and Kidney Necrosis Virus (ISKNV), Red Sea Bream Iridovirus (RSIV), dan Turbot Redy Body Iridovirus (TRBIV). Gejala klinis pada ikan yang terinfeksi Megalocytivirus pada umumnya terlihat dari Perubahan tingkah laku yaitu nafsu makan berkurang, berenang lemah, dan malas bergerak. Tubuh ikan yang terinfeksi terlihat lebih gelap baik pada permukaan tubuh sirip, dan bagian ekor. Metode uji yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pengambilan sampel, pengujian histopatologi, deteksi spesies Megalocytivirus dengan polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Sampel ikan yang menunjukan gejala klinis diambil dari beberapa kabupaten/kota yang ada di kepulauan Riau antara lain Batam, Tanjungpinang, Bintan, Tanjung Balai Karimun dan Natuna. Sampel ikan adalah ikan kakap dan kerapu dari keramba jaring apung dan hatchery. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeteksi spesies Megalocytivirus pada budidaya ikan laut yang ada di Kepulauan Riau. Pada uji histopatologi ditemukan lesio berupa badan inklusi, nekrosa, melano makrofag center pada hati, ginjal dan limpa. Badan inklusi dan nekrosa yang menyebar pada organ tersebut merupakan karakteristik Megalocytivirus. Hasil identifikasi PCR dengan menggunakan gen Major Capsid Protein pada panjang amplikon 777 bp berhasil mendeteksi Megalocytivirus. deteksi spesies Megalocytivirus dibeberapa Kabupaten/Kota di Kepulauan Riau menunjukan semua sampel ikan air laut terinfeksi ISKNV, sedangkan untuk spesies RSIV dan TRBIV tidak berhasil dideteksi pada penelitian ini. Infeksi Mengalocytivirus sudah menyebar pada budidaya ikan laut diseluruh kabupaten/Kota di Propinsi Kepulauan Riau. Spesies Megalocytivirus yang terdeteksi di Kepulauan Riau adalah ISKNV

    Non-dominated sorting biogeography-based optimization for bi-objective reentrant flexible manufacturing system scheduling

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    Scheduling in flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) is described as an NP-Hard problem. Its complexity has increased significantly in line with the development of FMS over the past years. This paper presents a non-dominated sorting biogeography-based optimization (NSBBO) for scheduling problem of FMS having multi loading-unloading and shortcuts infused in the reentrant characteristics. This model is formulated to identify the near optimal trade-off solutions capable of addressing the bi-objectives of minimization of makespan and total earliness. The goal is to simultaneously determine the best machine assignment and job sequencing to satisfy both objectives. We propose the development of NSBBO by substituting the standard linear function of emigration-immigration rate with three approaches based on sinusoidal, quadratic and trapezoidal models. A selection of test problems was examined to analyze the effectiveness, efficiency and diversity levels of the proposed approaches as compared to standard NSBBO and NSGA-II. The results have shown that the NSBBO-trapezoidal model performed favorably and is comparable to current existing models. We conclude that the developed NSBBO and its variants are suitable alternative methods to achieve the bi-objective satisfaction of reentrant FMS scheduling problem

    Reentrant FMS scheduling in loop layout with consideration of multi loading-unloading stations and shortcuts

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    The scheduling problem in flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) environment with loop layout configuration has been shown to be a NP-hard problem. Moreover, the improvement and modification of the loop layout add to the difficulties in the production planning stage. The introduction of multi loading-unloading points and turntable shortcut resulted on more possible routes, thus increasing the complexity. This research addressed the reentrant FMS scheduling problem where jobs are allowed to reenter the system and revisit particular machines. The problem is to determine the optimal sequence of the jobs as well as the routing options. A modified genetic algorithm (GA) was proposed to generate the feasible solutions. The crowding distance-based substitution was incorporated to maintain the diversity of the population. A set of test was applied to compare the performance of the proposed approach with other methods. Further computational experiments were conducted to assess the significance of multi loading-unloading and shortcuts in reducing the makespan, mean flow time, and tardiness. The results highlighted that the proposed model was robust and effective in the scheduling problem for both small and large size problems

    The pairwise comparison matrix of sub-criteria with respect to the Technical criterion.

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    <p>The pairwise comparison matrix of sub-criteria with respect to the Technical criterion.</p