2,024 research outputs found

    Monitoring the Paraguayan epidemiological dengue surveillance system (2009-2011) using Benford's law

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    Introduction: Dengue is the most widespread arbovirus worldwide. In Paraguay, it reappeared in 1988-1989, with one of the largest epidemic outbreaks occurring in 2011. Objective: To evaluate the performance of the dengue epidemiological surveillance system in Paraguay between 2009 and 2011. Materials and methods: We conducted an ecological study with secondary epidemiological surveillance data. We analyzed notified cases of the disease based on the distribution expected by Benford's law. To this end, we used the first and second digits from the global records stratified by region, season, population density, indicators of housing conditions and heads of cattle. Results: The epidemiological surveillance system performed better during non-epidemic periods and in the states with better housing conditions and fewer heads of cattle. Conclusion: Given that a difference in the performance existed, we recommended that the system remains operating at the same high alert level even during periods when fewer cases are expected. The technology used by the method proposed to monitor the notification of cases is easy to transfer to operational staff

    A new ordering principle for the classical statistical analysis of Poisson processes with background

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    Inspired by the recent proposal by Feldman and Cousins of a ``unified approach to the classical statistical analysis of small signals'' based on a choice of ordering in Neyman's construction of classical confidence intervals, I propose a new ordering principle for the classical statistical analysis of Poisson processes with background which minimizes the effect on the resulting confidence intervals of the observation of less background events than expected. The new ordering principle is applied to the calculation of the confidence region implied by the recent null result of the KARMEN neutrino oscillation experiment.Comment: 16 pages including 5 figures, RevTeX. Final version published in Phys. Rev. D 59 (1999) 05300

    Effects of neutrino oscillations and neutrino magnetic moments on elastic neutrino-electron scattering

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    We consider elastic antineutrino-electron scattering taking into account possible effects of neutrino masses and mixing and of neutrino magnetic moments and electric dipole moments. Having in mind antineutrinos produced in a nuclear reactor we compute, in particular, the weak-electromagnetic interference terms which are linear in the magnetic (electric dipole) moments and also in the neutrino masses. We show that these terms are, however, suppressed compared to the pure weak and electromagnetic cross section. We also comment upon the possibility of using the electromagnetic cross section to investigate neutrino oscillations.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX file, no figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Limits on the neutrino magnetic moment from the MUNU experiment

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    The MUNU experiment was carried out at the Bugey nuclear power reactor. The aim was the study of electron antineutrino-electron elastic scattering at low energy. The recoil electrons were recorded in a gas time projection chamber, immersed in a tank filled with liquid scintillator serving as veto detector, suppressing in particular Compton electrons. The measured electron recoil spectrum is presented. Upper limits on the neutrino magnetic moment were derived and are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures Added reference: p.3, 1st col., TEXONO Added sentence: p.4, 1st col., electron attachement Modified sentence: p.5, 1st col., readout sequence Added sentence: p.5, 1st col., fast rise time cu

    Is CP Violation Observable in Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments ?

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    We have studied CP violation originated by the phase of the neutrino mixing matrix in the long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. The direct measurements of CP violation is the difference of the transition probabilities between CP-conjugate channels. In those experiments, the CP violating effect is not suppressed if the highest neutrino mass scale is taken to be 1\sim 5 \eV, which is appropriate for the cosmological hot dark matter. Assuming the hierarchy for the neutrino masses, the upper bounds of CP violation have been caluculated for three cases, in which mixings are constrained by the recent short baseline ones. The calculated upper bounds are larger than 10210^{-2}, which will be observable in the long baseline accelerator experiments. The matter effect, which is not CP invariant, has been also estimated in those experiments.Comment: 28 pages, LaTex file, 6 figures included using epsfig Matter effect is estimated(Figs.3(a) (b)). Physical parameters are change

    Lepton Mixing Matrix in Standard Model Extended by One Sterile Neutrino

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    We consider the simplest extension of the standard electroweak model by one sterile neutrino that allows for neutrino masses and mixing. We find that its leptonic sector contains much less free physical parameters than previously realized. In addition to the two neutrino masses, the lepton mixing matrix in charged current interactions involves (n-1) free physical mixing angles for n generations. The mixing matrix in neutral current interactions of neutrinos is completely fixed by the two masses. Both interactions conserve CP. We illustrate the phenomenological implications of the model by vacuum neutrino oscillations, tritium beta decay and neutrinoless double beta decay. It turns out that, due to the revealed specific structure in its mixing matrix, the model with any n generations cannot accommodate simultaneously the data by KamLAND, K2K and CHOOZ.Comment: 14 pages, no figures; version 2: (1) added a short paragraph at the end of subsec 2.2 to record the counting of physical parameters for any numbers of generations and sterile neutrinos for completeness; (2) added a note in ref list, item [18] to quote and comment on an earlier work; (3) added the second paper to ref list, item [17]; (4) fixed typo

    Chaotic Amplification of Neutrino Chemical Potentials by Neutrino Oscillations in Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    We investigate in detail the parameter space of active-sterile neutrino oscillations that amplifies neutrino chemical potentials at the epoch of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. We calculate the magnitude of the amplification and show evidences of chaos in the amplification process. We also discuss the implications of the neutrino chemical potential amplification in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. It is shown that with a 1\sim 1 eV \nue, the amplification of its chemical potential by active-sterile neutrino oscillations can lower the effective number of neutrino species at Big Bang Nucleosynthesis to significantly below 3.Comment: Revtex 20 pages, 7 postscript figures. Also by ftp://astro.queensu.ca/pub/shi/ . Submitted to PR

    Constraints on long-baseline neutrino oscillation probabilities and CP asymmetries from neutrino oscillation data

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    We consider long-baseline neutrino oscillations in the framework of two schemes with mixing of four massive neutrinos which can accommodate all the existing indications in favour of neutrino mixing. Within these schemes, we derive bounds on the oscillation probabilities and the CP-odd neutrino-antineutrino asymmetries in long-baseline experiments. Using the results of short-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments, we obtain rather strong upper bounds on the long-baseline probabilities 1-P(nu_e->nu_e) and P(nu_mu->nu_e). Nevertheless, the projected sensitivities of the MINOS and ICARUS experiments are better than our bounds. We also show that there are no corresponding constraints for nu_mu->nu_mu and nu_mu->nu_tau long-baseline oscillations and that the CP-odd asymmetry in the latter channel can reach the maximal value allowed by the unitarity of the mixing matrix. Some schemes with mixing of three neutrinos are also considered.Comment: 32 pages including 5 figures, RevTeX. New discussion of the matter effect