321 research outputs found

    Advancing Gender Justice in the Green Transition: Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change and Environmental Exploitation on Women and Children\u27s Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    The lack of access to clean cooking solutions and reliance on unsustainable biomass has resulted in environmental degradation, which disproportionately affects women and children. However, 75% of Nigeria’s population relies on solid fuel for their household cooking. Women are often tasked with collecting firewood and water, resulting in a significant burden on their time and exposing them to violence and injury. This study adopts a mixed-method approach, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of climate change and unsustainable energy use on women\u27s rights in Nigeria. The research reveals that the gendered impact of climate change is influenced by colonial and neocolonial dynamics that lead to unequal access to resources and power, and the prioritization of corporate interests over human rights. Furthermore, it identifies social, cultural, and political factors that contribute to the gendered impact of climate change and unsustainable energy use. The findings indicate that sustainable energy solutions can mitigate the impact of climate change on women\u27s rights in Nigeria. However, these solutions must be culturally and socially appropriate to be effective. Therefore, community-based initiatives that empower women to participate in decision-making processes and advocate for their rights can be an effective strategy for promoting sustainable energy use and climate justice in Nigeria. Thus, this paper highlights the need for more gender-sensitive and culturally appropriate approaches to sustainable development and climate justice initiatives in Nigeria and other parts of Africa. It underscores the importance of recognizing the disproportionate impact of climate change on women and children\u27s rights and the need for collaborative efforts to address these challenges

    Clarifying Assessment Outcomes for a University-Based Technology Park

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    A private, nonprofit university in Mexico invested millions of U.S. dollars in a strategic initiative to build and operate technology-knowledge transfer parks (TKTP) with the mission of supporting the development of Mexican society\u27s entrepreneurial capabilities. The university, however, lacked an assessment policy for gauging the effectiveness of the TKTP initiative. The purpose of this study was to explore stakeholder values about TKTP effectiveness in order to inform future assessment of TKTPs. The triple helix conceptual framework of collaboration between universities, business and industry, and government informed the design of this study. The central question for this study sought to clarify what stakeholders perceive to make TKTPs effective. The study employed stratified random sampling and cross-sectional stakeholder survey data (N = 129). Data analysis included descriptive statistics to present common themes about TKTP stakeholder values, as well as ANOVA to discern significant differences in TKTP valuations between the stakeholder groups. A key finding was that stakeholder groups lack enough information to assess whether the university achieved its original objectives by using the TKTP initiative. Other findings revealed that the stakeholder groups agreed on several criteria for TKTP assessment. A policy recommendation for TKTP assessment, based on the research findings, is provided as part of the project component of this study. This project study supports positive social change by encouraging the region\u27s transformation into a more entrepreneurial, innovative, and knowledge-based economy through continued but more accountable use of TKTPs in Mexico

    Influence of Guidance and Counseling on Choice of Business Subjects Among Secondary School Students in Gombe State

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    This study investigated the influence of guidance and counseling  on choice of business subjects among secondary school students in Gombe state. Two specific objectives, two research questions and two null hypotheses were raised. Survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 21,465 secondary school students and 377 of them were randomly used for the study. Four rating scale structured questionnaire titled Choice of Business Subjects among Students (CVSS) constructed by the researcher were used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using benchmark score of 2.5 and above for agree while simple logistic regression was employed in the test of the two null hypotheses at  0.05 alpha level of significance. The study revealed among others that guidance and counseling  has influence on choice of business subjects among secondary school students in Gombe state. In addition in contributed on gender disparity of students choice in business subjects. The resultant effect is that most secondary school students perceived that business subjects are either meant for academic misfits or female students. Based on the outcome of the study, the researcher recommended among others that teachers, especially those counseling  students should help to instill in students the positive attitude towards business subjects, this will develop in them interest and choice of business subjects at secondary school level. Keywords: - Guidance, Counseling , Choice, Business, Subjects, Students. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-12-20 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Spatial-temporal variations of diatom flora in Laguna de Los Pozuelos (Jujuy, Argentina)

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    La Laguna de Los Pozuelos se ubica al noroeste de la provincia de Jujuy (Argentina) a 3625 msnm. Fue designada Monumento Natural Nacional y Humedal de Importancia Internacional (Convención RAMSAR). Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo analizar las variaciones espacio-temporales de la flora de diatomeas y su relación con variables fisicoquímicos y especies de la familia Phoenicopteridae. Se estudiaron muestras recolectadas en 4 campañas entre 2008-2010. Se determinaron un total de 116 taxones infragenéricos. Dieciocho especies tuvieron una frecuencia de ocurrencia superior al 50 %, 34 fueron exclusivas de la laguna, 32 del río Cincel (tributario de la laguna) y un 39 % fue observado una sola vez. La riqueza específica fue más variable en la laguna que en el río. El Análisis de Redundancia (RDA) realizado en base a las variables físico-químicas y composición diatomológica permitió diferenciar 3 grupos principales de especies, que se asociaron principalmente con la temperatura, salinidad y pH. Se registraron por primera vez 31 taxones para la laguna y 18 nuevas citas para la provincia de Jujuy.Fil: González Achem, Ana Lucía. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Seeligmann, Claudia Teresa. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Alderete, Mariela. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentin

    Aguas Salinas y macroinvertebrados en arroyos subtropicales andinos

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    Salinity of rivers is an expression of the concentration of salts dissolved in the water body. Secondary salinization is the increase in salinity of a water body as a result of human activity. Salinity may restrict the species composition of aquatic biota to tolerant species. In this study we analyzed benthic communities and their relationship with physicochemical variables in natural pristine systems and impacted environments. We collected benthic community samples using a D-net and water samples for laboratory major ions analysis. We noted a critical limit of electrical conductivity above 800µS/cm breaking up taxa pools of benthic macroinvertebrates. We observed that taxonomic richness is a sensitive indicator to detect effects of secondary salinization. We hypothesized that the monsoonal precipitation regime of the studied region is an important driver of environmental conditions for the benthic fauna since it regulates the concentration of major ions. The evidence collected shows that seasonal rainfall may affect differentially the benthic communities of Andean streams, improving the equitability below 800µS/cm in saline sites while changing the community structure from equitable to one dominated by a certain taxa in less saline locations.La salinidad de los ríos es una expresión de la concentración de sales solubles disueltas en la masa de agua. Salinización secundaria es el aumento de la salinidad de un cuerpo de agua como resultado de las actividades humanas. La salinidad puede afectar la composición de la biota acuática, restringiendo las comunidades a la presencia de especies tolerantes. En este estudio se analizó la relación entre las comunidades bentónicas y variables fisicoquímicas en sistemas naturales prístinos y ambientes con impacto antrópico. Se colectaron muestras de la comunidad bentónica con Red D y muestras de aguas para el análisis de los iones mayoritarios en el laboratorio. Los resultados señalan que existe un límite crítico de conductividad eléctrica, por encima de 800μS/cm, a partir del cual se produce un cambio de los taxones de macroinvertebrados bentónicos en los arroyos. La riqueza taxonómica resultó un indicador sensible para detectar los efectos de la salinización secundaria. El régimen monzónico de precipitaciones en la región ejercería una influencia importante en las condiciones del hábitat para la fauna bentónica debido a que controla la concentración de los iones mayores. En este sentido, los resultados obtenidos indican que las lluvias afectaron diferencialmente a las comunidades de macroinvertebrados de los arroyos andinos, mejorando su equitativita por debajo de 800μS/cm en sitios de elevada salinidad pero cambiando la estructura de la comunidad de equitativa a dominada por un taxa, en sitios con menor salinidad.Fil: González Achem, Ana Lucía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Tucuman. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Rolandi, María Laura. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales E Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez, Hugo Rafael. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Tucuman. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentin

    Saline waters and macroinvertebrates in subtropical Andean streams

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    La salinidad de los ríos es una expresión de la concentración de sales solubles disueltas en la masa de agua. Salinización secundaria es el aumento de la salinidad de un cuerpo de agua como resultado de las actividades humanas. La salinidad puede afectar la composición de la biota acuática, restringiendo las comunidades a la presencia de especies tolerantes. En este estudio se analizó la relación entre las comunidades bentónicas y variables fisicoquímicas en sistemas naturales prístinos y ambientes con impacto antrópico. Se colectaron muestras de la comunidad bentónica con Red D y muestras de aguas para el análisis de los iones mayoritarios en el laboratorio. Los resultados señalan que existe un límite crítico de conductividad eléctrica, por encima de 800µS/cm, a partir del cual se produce un cambio de los taxones de macroinvertebrados bentónicos en los arroyos. La riqueza taxonómica resultó un indicador sensible para detectar los efectos de la salinización secundaria. El régimen monzónico de precipitaciones en la región ejercería una influencia importante en las condiciones del hábitat para la fauna bentónica debido a que controla la concentración de los iones mayores. En este sentido, los resultados obtenidos indican que las lluvias afectaron diferencialmente a las comunidades de macroinvertebrados de los arroyos andinos, mejorando su equitativita por debajo de 800µS/cm en sitios de elevada salinidad pero cambiando la estructura de la comunidad de equitativa a dominada por un taxa, en sitios con menor salinidad.Salinity of rivers is an expression of the concentration of salts dissolved in the water body. Secondary salinization is the increase in salinity of a water body as a result of human activity. Salinity may restrict the species composition of aquatic biota to tolerant species. In this study we analyzed benthic communities and their relationship with physicochemical variables in natural pristine systems and impacted environments. We collected benthic community samples using a D-net and water samples for laboratory major ions analysis. We noted a critical limit of electrical conductivity above 800µS/cm breaking up taxa pools of benthic macroinvertebrates. We observed that taxonomic richness is a sensitive indicator to detect effects of secondary salinization. We hypothesized that the monsoonal precipitation regime of the studied region is an important driver of environmental conditions for the benthic fauna since it regulates the concentration of major ions. The evidence collected shows that seasonal rainfall may affect differentially the benthic communities of Andean streams, improving the equitability below 800µS/cm in saline sites while changing the community structure from equitable to one dominated by a certain taxa in less saline locations

    Microbialite-like structures in Cladophora sp. (Ulvophyceae) mats from a subtropical Andean basin: ecological implications

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    The solubility equilibrium of calcite is influenced by physicochemical, climatic and biological factors. Annual cycles of exceptionally prolonged drought, in conjunction with naturally occurring diffuse organic pollution, generate the unique conditions for the precipitation of lithified carbonate structures (microbialites). The aim of this article is to analyze the possible implications of calcite precipitation produced in mats of Cladophora sp. in an Andean subtropical basin, considering it is the first time this phenomenon is described for the region. We collected samples from selected sites at the Lules River Basin, in four sampling dates between the years 2003 and 2004, within a monitoring work of 15 years. Samples were analyzed using an electron microscope and X-ray diffraction analysis. We found that Gomphonema sp. attached to Cladophora sp. contributes to precipitation of calcite and formation of microbialite like structures, in the studied area. This work presents an initial discussion of the discovery of microbialites-like structures attached to Cladophora sp. mats in a subtropical Andean stream and the environmental conditions that lead to their production, as well as the possible ecological implications of these microbialites.Fil: Fernandez, Hugo Rafael. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical. Instituto de Biodiversidad Neotropical; ArgentinaFil: González Achem, Ana L.. Fundación Miguel Lillo. Dirección de Zoología. Instituto de Invertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Correa, M.. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; ArgentinaFil: Albarracín, Virginia Helena. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentin

    Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in some Rice Brands Imported into Nigeria

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    Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 5(2): 210-222 Authors: Kelle Henrietta Ijeoma, Ogoko Emeka Chima, Achem Daniel and Ousherovich Shola Ayotunde Received 29 April 2020/Accepted 26 May 2020   Rice is a major staple food in Nigeria and currently, the production capacity of the country cannot meet consumers; demand. Therefore, large quantities of rice are imported into the country without recourse to their heavy metal contents. Several research reports indicated that there is a likely possibility of heavy metal contamination of foreign rice and associated health hazards. Therefore, this study seeks to analyse foreign rice in Nigeria markets and identified their health implications. The result obtained indicated that mean concentrations of the heavy metal ions were Cd (0.0014 ± 0.00005 to 0.4322  ±  0.00005),  Cr  (0.0010  ±  0.00005  to 0.1080 ± 0.00005), As (0.0006 ± 0. 0001 to 0.1711 ±  0.0008),  Ni  (0.0007  ±  0.00001  to  0.8865 ± 0.00005), Hg (0.0024 ± 0.0001 to 0.0935 ± 0.001), Cu (0.0052 ± 0.00001 to 0.3208 ± 0.00005), Pb(0.0047 ± 0.00001 to 0.3974 ± 0.00001). Most of the imported rice brands have mean concentration (mg/kg) of the heavy metals below their maximum permissible limit (MPL) as set by FAO/WHO and Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). The hazard quotient (HQ) for the heavy metals in the imported rice brands range from 0.0006 (6 x 10–4)  to 5.0 while their hazard index (HI) range from 1.2 – 9.31. Most of the imported rice brands (62.5 %) and all the rice brands (100%) had HQ and HI for the heavy metals greater than one respectively pointing to the, likelihood and high potential for non-carcinogenic risks. The cancer  risk  assessment  value ranged from  8  x 10–6  to  1  x  103 which  suggest  probability  of cancer risks

    Quality and Conservation of Riparian Forest in a Mountain Subtropical Basin of Argentina

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    The aims of this work were to describe the conservation status of riparian forests located in a mountain subtropical basin of Tucumán province, Argentina, and assess how the quality of riparian forests is related with altitude, plant species richness, proportion of exotic species, and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in adjacent rivers. Composition and species richness of riparian forests were studied at 16 sites located along an altitudinal gradient and TSS was determined from water samples collected in each site. In order to evaluate conservation status of riparian forests, we calculated an index of Quality of Yungas Riparian Forests (QBRy). We recorded 90 plant species at all sites, from which 77% were native. QBRy index was mainly associated with altitude and varied from riparian forests with good preservation or slightly disturbed to those with extreme degradation. At lower altitude, forests were more disturbed, more invaded by exotic plant species, and closer to urban and cropped areas. QBRy was not correlated with species richness or TSS. Like other riparian forests of Argentina, plant species invasion increased their degradation; therefore, future studies should focus on native riparian forests conservation and on the management of invasive plant species, which affect their quality