171 research outputs found

    Arts Education: An Unexpected Tool in the Quest for a Safer World

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    On April 23, 2021, Erita Lee Acham Chen presented Arts Education: An Unexpected Tool in the Quest for a Safer World at the 2021 CASIS Generation Z Congress. The presentation was followed by a moderated question and answer period. Key points of discussion included the current situation for township youths in South Africa, how performing arts non-governmental organizations (NGO) have provided vulnerable youths with a safe place, and how the skills learned in these programs have had a positive impact on their lives

    The Relationship between Household Food Entitlements and Dietary Adequacy among Children (6-59 Months) in Gulu District, Uganda

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    Inadequate provision of food entitlements for subsistence is one of the causes of hunger, starvation and poor nutrition. The relationship between household food entitlements and dietary adequacy for Protein, Iron and Vitamin A; and dietary diversity of children (6-59 months) was investigated in two different food entitlement households including ‘own production’ and ‘food purchase’ (n=371). The mean dietary diversity scores (3.27±0.96 and 3.58±1.05) differed significantly in the respective food entitlement households (p<0.05). The nutrient adequacy ratios (NAR) for Protein, Iron and Vitamin A (2.38±1.50 and 2.20±1.40; 0.92±0.95 and 0.84±0.64; 0.34±0.66 and 0.36±0.50; respectively) did not significantly differ (p>0.05). Household food entitlements affect dietary diversity of children 6-59 months, with dependence on food purchase being associated with a more diverse diet. Keywords: Food entitlements, Dietary Adequacy, Dietary Diversity, Gulu District

    Weltanschauung: Über einige ihrer Formen und Funktionen

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht vergleichend einige zentrale Denkformen und Gedankeninhalte, die seit dem ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert in der Philosophie und den Sozialwissenschaften mit dem Begriff der Weltanschauung in Beziehung gebracht wurden. Beginnend mit Kants Unterscheidung von „Anschauen“ und „Erscheinen“, also der aktiven Weltbetrachtung sowie dem rezeptiv erfahrenen Weltbild, führen die Betrachtungen weiter zu Wilhelm Diltheys Typologie der Weltanschauungen, zum Streit zwischen Ideologie und Wissenschaft bei Karl Marx, Joseph Schumpeter und Theodor Geiger, sowie zur Vielfalt von Wittgensteins „Sprachspielen“ und „Lebensformen“. Zum Schluss wird die Frage erörtert, inwiefern die Weltanschauungsanalyse – was Karl Mannheim angenommen zu haben scheint – einen Beitrag zur Beilegung von Konflikten zwischen den ideologischen oder Weltanschauungs-Parteien zu leisten imstande ist

    Historism – Partisanship - Racism: On the Erosion of the Epistemic Foundations of Knowledge

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    Muitas vezes chamado de “historismo”, o relativismo histórico-cultural em sua variante que remonta ao século XIX século XIX, tem sido frequentemente interpretado como a expressão de uma atitude fraca e insegura, e tem sido e foi combatido principalmente pelos dois grandes movimentos totalitários do século XX. Contra o historismo mais contra o historismo mais recente, o pós-modernismo e suas exigências de tolerância, que supostamente são úteis apenas para a classe dominante, seus oponentes proclamam classe dominante, seus oponentes proclamam valores, normas morais e critérios cognitivos que estão intimamente ligados à etnia e à raça desses críticos. Até mesmo a universalidade cognitiva é mera ideologia para eles.Often referred to as “historism”, historical-cultural relativism in its variant dating back to the 19th century has often been interpreted as an expression of a weak and insecure attitude, and has been opposed above all by the two great totalitarian movements of the 20th century. Against the more recent historism, postmodernism and its demands for tolerance, which are supposedly only of use to the ruling class, its opponents proclaim values, moral norms and cognitive criteria that are closely linked to the ethnicity and race of these critics. Even cognitive universality is mere ideology for them

    Changes in hospitals' credentialing requirements for board certification from 2005 to 2010

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98213/1/jhm2033.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98213/2/jhm23033-sup-0001-suppinfo.pd

    Cultural relativity, ethical relativism and the immutability of the human nature: Some considerations on philosophical anthropology

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    Alfred Stein, em memória de quem esse artigo é dedicado, mantinha, enquanto filósofo da história, a crença em valores absolutos como obsoletos bem como, enquanto filósofo da ética, o convencimento sobre a aleatoriedade relativista-cultural na valoração moral da ação humana. De uma tal valoração aparece indicado reconstruir a ação adequadamente, ou seja, compreendê-la intencionalmente e explicá-la por meio da causalidade. No decorrer desse compreender e desse explicar, se deve fazer uma referência a isso que Stern com, entre outros, Blaise Pascal, chama de “a condição humana” (la condition humaine): o fato de que o humano é um ser consciente de si mesmo, de que ele é determinado por uma vontade de autopreservação, de que ele ama e odeia, de que ele sofre, busca escapar do sofrimento, de que ele sabe de sua mortalidade e, por fim, morre. De maneira semelhante à anthropéia physis de Thukydides, essas condições variantes resultam decorrer de ação bem diferentes e padrões de comportamento, de acordo com as especificidades da situação histórica – parecido com como um balão sobe, sob o efeito da mesma lei da gravidade, uma pedra, entretanto, cai ao chão. Seguindo essa construção compreensivo-explicativa da ação, vêm a sua valoração moral. Esta é, com Stein, guiada pelo princípio da liberdade como de um ser-livre de pressão e pelo princípio da maior minimização possível do sofrimento humano

    A compreensão histórica entre ceticismo e arbitrariedade: algumas considerações sobre as variantes recentes do relativismo histórico e cultural

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    This article presents some basic elements of the critique on the traditional theory of history made by representatives of post-modern thought and of philosophers close to them: the centrality of texts simultaneously to linguistic skepticism, the correlation between artistic and literary presentation and presentation of history, criticism on the ideal of objectivity and the conceptions of historical understanding related to these aspects. It addresses the issues arising from these views to intercultural understanding, in order to demonstrate a critical understanding of the limits of radical individualistic culture. The considerations of this paper go, therefore, from the problems of the methodology of the humanities to the issues of philosophical anthropology.Apresenta-se componentes básicos da crítica à teoria tradicional da História característica de representantes do pensamento pós-moderno e dos filósofos que lhe estão próximos: a centralidade dos textos simultânea ao ceticismo linguístico, a correlação entre apresentação artístico-literária e apresentação histórica, a crítica ao ideal da objetividade e as concepções da compreensão histórica conexas com esses aspectos. Abordam-se as questões decorrentes desses pontos de vista para a compreensão intercultural, de modo a evidenciar criticamente os limites de um entendimento particularista radical da cultura. As considerações deste artigo vão, pois, dos problemas da metodologia das ciências humanas à abordagem de temas da antropologia filosófica

    Nutritional and health status primary schoolchildren in rural Uganda

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    Poor nutrition and health can affect children’s education. The nutritional status of school children (9-15 years) was assessed in Kumi district, Eastern Uganda in 2006-2007. Selection of schools was done using modified cluster sampling involving 34 schools (n= 645). Assessments for nutritional status were done anthropometrically (height and weight), biochemically (iron, n=145; iodine, n=87; and vitamin A, n=145) and assessment for health status was done following the formal ether concentration technique for examination for intestinal helminths (n=189) and a quick malaria (n=119) test for malaria parasites. Prevalence rates for stunting, underweight and thinness were 8.7% (95CI 6.7-11.1); 13.0% (95CI 10.6-15.8); and 10.1% (95CI 7.9-12.6), respectively of which males and the older age group of children were more affected. Prevalence rates for iodine deficiency, anaemia, iron deficiency and vitamin A deficiency (VAD) were 3.4% (95CI 0.9-9.1); 24.1% (95CI 17.7-31.6); 82.1% (95CI 75.2-87.7); and 30.3% (95CI 23.3- 38.2), respectively. Anaemia (measured as haemoglobin status), iron deficiency (measured as serum Ferritin) and VAD (measured as serum retinol) were higher among females (26.3%, 95CI 17.5-36.7; 83.8%, 95CI 74.4-90.7; 33.8%, 95CI 24.0-44.6) compared to males (21.5%, 95CI 12.8-32.8; 80%, 95CI 69.0-88.4; 26.2%, 95CI 16.6-37.8). Geohelminth (S.mansoni & N.americanus) and malaria parasitemia were 4.8% and 46.2%, respectively. Prevalence rates for stunting, iodine deficiency and geohelminth infections were low. The high prevalence rates of wasting/thinness, underweight, iron and vitamin A deficiencies show these as significant public health problems among school children in Kumi district. There is a need to focus attention on nutritional and health conditions of school children to improve their conditions. Much can be done to prevent malaria infection by promoting the use of Insecticide Treated Nets and chemoprophylaxis. The biennial dosage with albendazole for deworming, and universal use of iodized salt in Uganda are success stories that should continue; iron deficiency anaemia can be controlled through nutrition education, provision of nutritious school meals coupled with control of malaria and deworming. Since many children attend school, such services if delivered through school systems would assist those school children who most need them

    Physicochemical, microbiological and sensory quality of juice mix produced from watermelon fruit pulp and baobab fruit pulp powder

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    Juice blending is one of the methods that can improve the nutritional quality of juices. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of juice product produced from blends of watermelon fruit pulp juice and baobab fruit pulp powder. This study was also aimed at promoting the use of underutilized African baobab and leverage on the benefits that can be derived from blending these two wonderful plant resources. Four blend ratios and codes of 100:0 (W100), 80:20 (W80B20), 60:40 (W60B40) and 50:50 (W50B50) were developed for watermelon fruit pulp juice and baobab fruit pulp powder, respectively. The physicochemical attributes, mineral composition, microbiological and sensory attributes of the samples were analyzed using standard methods. The increase in baobab fruit pulp powder concentration in watermelon fruit pulp juice increased the titratable acidity (0.24 to 0.48 %), total sugar content (6.0 to7.85 oBrix), total solid (1.30 to 1.37 %), viscosity (473.67 to 730.30 cP), Vitamin C (126.25 to 236.70 mg/100 mL), Vitamin A (18.67 to 80.33 mg/100 mL), calcium (1.97 to 3.46 %), potassium (1.09 to 2.07 %) and iron (3.10 to 4.43 ppm) contents, while decreasing the pH (5.19 to 4.08), total viable count (4.0×104 to 2.0×102 cfu/mL), yeast and mould count (3.2×104 to 0.0×100 cfu/mL) as well as sensory attributes whose values ranged from 3.80 to 7.60 on a 9-point hedonic scale. Therefore, blending watermelon fruit pulp juice and baobab fruit pulp powder has the ability to enhance the physicochemical , micronutrient content, microbiological and sensory characteristics of the samples

    Teachers’ Pedagogical Intricacies in Handling Large Science Classes in Eastern Uganda

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    The introduction of Universal Primary Education (UPE) in Uganda in 1997 increased the number of students who join secondary education. The beginning of Universal Secondary Education (USE) in 2007 salvaged many learners who could not afford secondary education. This resulted in congested classrooms especially in government-aided schools. The study was prompted by the continued decline in student performance in sciences ever since USE was introduced in Uganda (UNEB, 2008 – 2016) and so the need to establish what really the problem was. A quantitative cross-sectional survey administered questionnaires to head-teachers, science teachers and students in 32 secondary schools in Eastern Uganda was done. The study investigated science teachers’ pedagogical innovative strategies used in teaching science in large classes. It also assessed how students cope with learning science concepts in congested classes. The results show that a majority of science teachers (84.8%) handle large classes in the same way they would do in classes with fewer learners. The students also continued to learn as if they were in an environment of fewer individuals in small classes (62.8%). This lack of sensitivity, creativity and innovations for large classes by science teachers could be the reason why comprehension of science concepts is low in a majority of learners in large USE classes, especially in rural secondary schools. The study recommends incorporation of interactive learner-centered science pedagogical approaches in teacher education programmes and endorsement of the TESSA approaches, use of OER and explicit attention to be given on how to facilitate active learner engagement in large and overcrowded science classrooms. Keywords: pedagogical innovation, creativity, large classe