8 research outputs found

    Anais do XXIII Encontro Regional dos Grupos PET da Região Sul

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    Anais do XXIII Encontro Regional dos Grupos PET da Região Sul (XXIII SulPET) foi realizado entre agosto e outubro de 2020.Neste documento encontram-se todos os 185 trabalhos aprovados e apresentados na forma de resumos. Além disso, muitos deles também foram apresentados na forma de vídeos. Aqueles que os autores permitiram visualização, se encontram no canal do XXIII SulPET (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8v1wzzqhWXkptm9wmDA3Zg) nas playlist

    Population size and survivorship for juvenile lemon sharks (\u3cem\u3eNegaprion brevirostris\u3c/em\u3e) on their nursery grounds at a marine protected area in Brazil

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    Sharks face a number of obstacles for surviving their first several years of life and many species occupy nursery areas. Although estimates of survival, particularly for young age classes, are essential for assessing, monitoring and effectively managing animal populations, there have been relatively few calculations of survival within shark populations and even fewer estimates based on direct methods for sharks on their nursery grounds. We used tag-recapture methods to estimate the population size and survival of juvenile lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) on their nursery grounds at Atol das Rocas, a marine protected area in Brazil. Sharks were sampled from1999 to 2003. Population size estimates ranged from 12 to 100 juvenile sharks and survival estimates ranged between 24-54% with a mean of 44.6% over the most robust sampling periods. The population of juvenile lemon sharks declined over the course of our study, whereas survival rates may have increased over the same time period. Even a modest level of fishing and removal of mature females in adjacent areas may dramatically affect small populations of sharks within a small and isolated nursery such as Atol das Rocas. The lower survival rates and population size at Atol das Rocas could be the result of differences in physical characteristics of this nursery in comparison to others used by lemon sharks in the northwestern Atlantic. Such comparatively lower populational parameters suggest that the population of young lemon sharks is fragile at the Atol das Rocas nursery

    Population size and survivorship for juvenile lemon sharks (\u3cem\u3eNegaprion brevirostris\u3c/em\u3e) on their nursery grounds at a marine protected area in Brazil

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    Sharks face a number of obstacles for surviving their first several years of life and many species occupy nursery areas. Although estimates of survival, particularly for young age classes, are essential for assessing, monitoring and effectively managing animal populations, there have been relatively few calculations of survival within shark populations and even fewer estimates based on direct methods for sharks on their nursery grounds. We used tag-recapture methods to estimate the population size and survival of juvenile lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) on their nursery grounds at Atol das Rocas, a marine protected area in Brazil. Sharks were sampled from1999 to 2003. Population size estimates ranged from 12 to 100 juvenile sharks and survival estimates ranged between 24-54% with a mean of 44.6% over the most robust sampling periods. The population of juvenile lemon sharks declined over the course of our study, whereas survival rates may have increased over the same time period. Even a modest level of fishing and removal of mature females in adjacent areas may dramatically affect small populations of sharks within a small and isolated nursery such as Atol das Rocas. The lower survival rates and population size at Atol das Rocas could be the result of differences in physical characteristics of this nursery in comparison to others used by lemon sharks in the northwestern Atlantic. Such comparatively lower populational parameters suggest that the population of young lemon sharks is fragile at the Atol das Rocas nursery

    Ecologia de Campo: Estudos Ecológicos na Baía Babitonga

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    Esta obra marca os dez anos do curso de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia (POSECO) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Para muito além dessa década, esta obra materializa as experimentações, vivências e aprendizados de um novo ciclo de ecólogos.CAPE

    Avaliação do bem-estar da tilápia-do-Nilo a partir do esforço para obtenção de condiçoes de preferência

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    Inicialmente investigamos condições de preferência dos peixes em relação à granulometria de sedimento de rio, coloração ambiental e intensidade de luz na cor ambiental preferida. Posteriormente, avaliamos a tese central de que o esforço que o peixe realiza para atingir determinado objetivo é um indicador da relevância do mesmo (condição a ser atingida) para melhorar seu bem-estar. Assim, determinamos uma forma de se impingir esforço ao animal para que obtenha a condição de sua preferência. Avaliamos a preferência por meio da freqüência de visita em compartimentos contendo diferentes condições da variável testada. Concluímos que a preferência pela granulometria do sedimento para visitar está relacionada com a amplitude bucal do indivíduo. Além disso, a preferência pode ser dependente da motivação para se reproduzir ou alimentar-se. A tilápia mostrou preferência pela cor ambiental amarela e, nessa cor, prefere intensidades abaixo de 200 lux de maneira consistente e independente do período. Abaixo disso só apresenta preferência no período da manhã, sendo essa de ~ 80 lux. Sugerimos que a tomada de decisão por todas essas variáveis seja mais expressiva pela manhã.Posteriormente, mensuramos o esforço a partir da intensidade de toque na porta de acesso a um recurso preferencial quando essa era bloqueada e da latência do primeiro toque nessa porta. Os peixes realizam esforço diferenciado para conseguir determinado recurso, sugerindo que quanto maior o esforço mais relevante é o recurso para seu bem-estar. A tilápia escolhe toca ao invés de sedimento ou cor ambiental amarela quando são apresentados concomitantemente, mas tem maior motivação (realizam maior esforço) para alcançar o sedimento. Portanto, também fica claro que o emprego dessas duas metodologias (escolha e esforço) deve ser levado em consideração para avaliar o enriquecimento ambiental...Not availableCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Population size and survivorship for juvenile lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) on their nursery grounds at a marine protected area in Brazil

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    Sharks face a number of obstacles for surviving their first several years of life and many species occupy nursery areas. Although estimates of survival, particularly for young age classes, are essential for assessing, monitoring and effectively managing animal populations, there have been relatively few calculations of survival within shark populations and even fewer estimates based on direct methods for sharks on their nursery grounds. We used tag-recapture methods to estimate the population size and survival of juvenile lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) on their nursery grounds at Atol das Rocas, a marine protected area in Brazil. Sharks were sampled from1999 to 2003. Population size estimates ranged from 12 to 100 juvenile sharks and survival estimates ranged between 24-54% with a mean of 44.6% over the most robust sampling periods. The population of juvenile lemon sharks declined over the course of our study, whereas survival rates may have increased over the same time period. Even a modest level of fishing and removal of mature females in adjacent areas may dramatically affect small populations of sharks within a small and isolated nursery such as Atol das Rocas. The lower survival rates and population size at Atol das Rocas could be the result of differences in physical characteristics of this nursery in comparison to others used by lemon sharks in the northwestern Atlantic. Such comparatively lower populational parameters suggest that the population of young lemon sharks is fragile at the Atol das Rocas nursery

    DNA barcoding reveals the mislabeling of fish in a popular tourist destination in Brazil

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    The consumption of raw fish has increased considerably in the West, since it is said to be potentially healthier than processed fish (for containing omega 3 and 6, essential amino acids and vitamins). However this potential benefit, as well as the taste, value and even the risk of extinction are not the same for all species of fish, constituting grounds for fraud. Using the principles of the DNA barcode we revealed mislabelling of fish in Japanese restaurants and fishmarkets in Florianópolis, a popular tourist capital in Brazil. We sequenced the COI gene of 65 samples from fisheries and 80 from restaurants and diagnosed 30% of mislabeled samples in fisheries and 26% in restaurants. We discussed that frauds may have occurred for different reasons: to circumvent surveillance on threatened species; to sell fish with sizes smaller than allowed or abundant species as being a much rarer species (law of supply); to induce product consumption using species with better taste. It should be noted that some substitutions are derived from incorrect identification and are not a fraud per se; they are due to confusion of popular names or misunderstanding by the sellers. Therefore, we suggest the implementation of a systematic regulatory program conducted by governmental agencies to reduce mislabelling in order to avoid further damage to the community (in health and financial issues) and fish stocks

    Desmitificando os tubarões e raias de Santa Catarina

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    E-book do Projeto “Desmitificando tubarões e raias para educar e conservar”.O presente E-book é um produto oriundo do Projeto “Desmitificando tubarões e raias para educar e conservar”. Esse projeto trabalha, principalmente, em virtude do que as pessoas pensam desses animais. Uma concepção errônea e que compromete a sobrevivência deles e funcionamento do oceano. O objetivo principal é que parem de ser mal vistos e comecem a ser conservados. Nesse contexto explicamos como é a história de vida deles,a fim de desmascarar a fama de tubarões assassinos e raias perigosas, apontando as importâncias ecológicas deles, além de escancarar a sobrepesca que ameaça grande parte das espécies. Nesse E-book explicamos o projeto, quem são os tubarões e as raias e detalhamos cada espécie que ocorre em SC.SESu/ME