1 research outputs found

    Montaje de infraestructura empresarial en sistemas Linux NethServer

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    En el siguiente informe desarrollamos la instalación y configuración de Nethserver el cual se ha dispuesto como sistema operativo base para disponer de los servicios de infraestructura IT, cabe resaltar que dentro de la temática es importante reconocer y entender que es Nethserver, es un sistema que nos facilita la implementación de redes y nos permite unificar y administrar fácilmente todos los servicios básicos que se requieren en el desarrollo de una red de redes y ofrecer acceso fiable y seguro a InternetIn the following report we develop the installation and configuration of Nethserver which has been provided as the base operating system to provide IT infrastructure services, it should be noted that within the subject it is important to recognize and understand what Nethserver is, it is a system that facilitates the implementation of networks and allows us to easily unify and manage all the basic services required in the development of a network of networks and provide reliable and secure access to the Internet. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version