22 research outputs found

    Kırşehir yöresinde herpes zosterli 166 hastanın klinik ve demografik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Background and Design: Herpes zoster (HZ) occurs by reactivation of the latent varicella zoster virus at dorsal root ganglia. In the literature, there are studies on socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with HZ in our country and in the world, however, there has been no study performed in our region. We aimed to evaluate demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with HZ and to investigate differences and similarities with other epidemiological studies in Turkey and in the world. Materials and Methods: One hundred sixty-six patients clinically diagnosed with HZ by dermatologists between January 2015 and December 2016 and were followed for 3 months in terms of possible complications were included this study. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients were recorded. Results: The mean age of the patients was 51.48±21.05 (1-90) years. Eighty-seven patients were female (52.4%), 79 were male (47.6%). Thirteen patients (7.8%) were in the pediatric age group (<18). The frequency of patient admission was highest in December and lowest in March. The most frequent locations of the lesions were thoracic (76 patients, 45.8%) and lumbar (40 patients, 24.1%) regions. The lesions were on the left side of the body in 96 (57.8%) and right side in 70 (42.2%) patients. The most frequent triggering factor was emotional stress. Post-herpetic neuralgia (27.7%) was the most frequently seen complication. The most common systemic comorbidity was hypertension. Malignancy was present in only 3 patients (1.8%). Conclusion: Our data were highly comparable with other studies. However, occurrence of HZ mostly during the winter and in the left side of the body was the difference from other studies. We conclude that further country-wide studies with larger number of patients are needed in order to clarify the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of HZ in our country.Amaç: Herpes zoster (HZ) dorsal kök ganglionlarında latent kalan varisella zoster virüsün reaktive olmasıyla ortaya çıkar. Literatürde ülkemizde ve dünyada HZ’nin sosyo-demografik ve klinik özelliklerini değerlendiren çalışmalar vardı ancak bölgemizde yapılan bir çalışma yoktu. Çalışmamızda HZ tanısı konulan hastaların klinik ve demografik özelliklerini incelemeyi ve Türkiye ve dünyadaki diğer epidemiyolojik çalışmalarla benzerlik ve farklılıklarını araştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ocak 2015-Aralık 2016 tarihleri arasında dermatologlar tarafından HZ tanısı konulan 166 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi ve olası komplikasyonlar açısından 3 ay boyunca takip edildi. Hastaların demografik ve klinik özellikleri kaydedildi. Bulgular: Hastaların yaşları 1 ile 90 yaş arasında değişmekteydi (ortalama yaş: 51,48±21,05). Hastaların 81’i (%52,4) kadın, 79’u (%47,6) erkekti. Hastaların 13’ü (%7,8) pediatrik yaş grubunda (<18) idi. Hasta başvuruları aralık ayında en yüksek, mart ayında en düşük seviyedeydi. En sık etkilenen bölgeler torasik (76 hasta, %45,8) ve lumbar (40 hasta, %24,1) idi. Lezyonlar, 96 hastada (%57,8) vücudun sol tarafında, 70 hastada (%42,2) sağ tarafında gözlendi. En sık tetikleyici faktör emosyonel stresdi. En sık görülen komplikasyon postherpetik nevraljiydi (46 hasta, %27,7). En sık görülen sistemik hastalık hipertansiyondu. Sadece 3 hastada (%1,8) malignite mevcuttu. Sonuç: Çalışmamızın verileri diğer çalışmalar ile büyük oranda benzerdi. Ancak farklı olarak HZ en fazla kış mevsiminde saptandı ve vücudun sol tarafında tutulum daha sıktı. Türkiye’de HZ’nin klinik ve epidemiyolojik özelliklerini açıklığa kavuşturmak için daha fazla sayıda hastayla, ülke genelinde yapılacak çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulduğunu düşünmekteyiz

    The evaluation of the sociodemografic and clinical features of psoriasis patients in the Duzce region

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    YÖK Tez No: 399036Düzce Yöresindeki Psoriasisli Hastaların Klinik ve Sosyodemografik Özelliklerinin DeğerlendirilmesiAmaç: Psoriasis dermatoloji polikliniğinin en sık rastlanan hastalıklarından biri olup eritemli, skuamlı lezyonlarla seyreden, kronik, tekrarlayıcı, inflamatuar bir deri hastalığıdır. Biz bu çalışmada Düzce yöresindeki psoriasisli hastaların klinik ve sosyodemografik özelliklerini araştırmayı amaçladık.Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmamızda, Düzce Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Dermatoloji Anabilim Dalı Polikliniğine Ocak 2011-Şubat 2012 tarihleri arasında başvuran, klinik ve/veya histopatolojik olarak psoriasis tanısı konulan yeni tanılı veya takipli 248 hasta dahil edildi. Hastaların klinik ve sosyodemografik bilgileri kayıt altına alındı.Bulgular: Polikliniğimize başvuran hastaların % 1,88'ini psoriasis hastaları oluşturuyordu. Hastalık başlangıç yaşları 2. ve 3. dekatlarda pik yapıyordu. Hastaların % 33,7'sinde aile öyküsü vardı. Psoriasisli hastaların sigara içme oranı ortalama % 28,2 olarak tespit edildi. Hastalarımızın % 4,8'i alkol kullanıyordu. En sık görülen klinik tipler sırasıyla plak, guttat ve palmoplantar şeklindeydi. Hastaların % 43,5'inde tırnak tutulumu saptandı. En sık tırnak tutulumu pittingdi. Çalışmamızda hastaların % 14,5'inde eklem tutulumu bulunuyordu. Artropatisi olan hastaların % 55,5'inde tırnak değişikliği de mevcuttu. Psoriasisli hastaların % 69,3'ünde kaşıntı şikayeti vardı. Hastaların % 30,6'sında eşlik eden sistemik hastalık bulunuyordu. En sık eşlik eden hastalık hipertansiyon (% 12), ikinci sıklıkta diabetes mellitustu (% 10,4).Sonuç: Genel hatlarıyla verilerimiz mevcut yurtdışı ve yurtiçi çalışma verileriyle büyük oranda benzerlik gösteriyordu. Ülkemizdeki tüm psoriasis hastalarına ait ulusal verilerin ortaya konması için benzer çalışmaların Türkiye'nin tüm bölgelerinde yapılması gerektiği sonucuna varıldı.The Evaluation of the Sociodemografic and Clinical Features of Psoriasis Patients in the Duzce RegionAim: Psoriasis is one of the most common diseases seen at dermatology outpatient clinics. It is a chronic, relapsing, inflammatory skin disease characterized by erythematous and scaling lesions. In this study, we aimed to investigate the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of psoriasis patients in the Duzce region.Methods: 248 patients who applied to Outpatient Clinic of Dermatology Department in Duzce University, Medical Faculty, Research and Training Hospital and have been newly diagnosed or under follow-up for psoriasis clinically and / or histopathologically, between the period of January 2011 - February 2012 were included in our study. Clinical and demographic data of the patients were recorded.Results: Psoriasis patients constituted 1,38 % of all the patients admitted to our department. Second and third decades were the peak times for the age at onset of the disease. 33,7 % of the patients had a family history. The rate of smoking in psoriasis patients was found to be in an average of 28,2 %. 4,8 % of the patients have been using alcohol. The most common clinical types were found to be plaque, guttate, and the palmoplantar types, respectively. 43,5 % of the patients had nail involvement. The most frequent nail involvement was pitting. Joint involvement was found to be in 14,5 % of the patients. 55,5 % of patients having arthropathy had also nail involvement. 69,3 % of patients with psoriasis had pruritus. A concomitant systemic disease was seen in 30,6 % of the patients. The most frequent accompanying disease was hypertension (12 %), and the second most common was diabetes mellitus (10,4 %).Conclusion: In general terms, our results were highly similar with the available data of national and foreign studies. It is concluded that similar studies should be done in all regions of Turkey in order to detect the national data of all psoriasis patients in our country

    Non-venereal sclerosing lymphangitis of the penis: A report of two cases

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    Non-veneryal sklerozan lenfanjit (NVSL) sert cinsel ilişki sonrası ortaya çıkan, nadir görülen bir hastalıktır. Hastalık ilk olarak 1923 yılında Hoffman tarafından tanımlanmıştır. Genellikle 2. ve 3. dekatta görülür. Penisin koronal sulkusu etrafında ip benzeri sert şişlik ile karakterizedir. Selim seyirli olup genellikle kendiliğinden geriler. Ağrı genellikle olmaz. Ayrıcı tanıda Penil Mondor hastalığı (PMH) mutlaka akla gelmelidir. PMH'de lezyon NVSL'ye göre daha serttir ve üstteki dokuya yapışıktır. Hastalarda ağrı sıklıkla olur. NVSL'de venöz Doppler ultrason normaldir ancak PMH'de artmış ekojeniteli ve sıkıştırılamayan venler izlenir. Burada NVSL tanısı konulan iki olgu sunulmaktadır. Bu hastalığın dermatoloji ve üroloji hekimleri tarafından tanınması ve seyrinin bilinmesi yanlış tanı, gereksiz tetkik ve tedaviden kaçınmak için çok önemlidir.Non-venereal sclerosing lymphangitis (NVSL) is a rare disease that develops after vigorous sexual intercourse. The disease was first described in 1923 by Hoffman. The condition is observed usually in the second or third decade of life. NVSL is characterized by a rope-like hard swelling around the coronal sulcus of the penis. It is generally painless and benign and usually resolves spontaneously. Penile Mondor's disease (PMD) must be considered in differential diagnosis. The lesion is harder and adherent to the underlying skin in PMD. Patients often have pain. Venous Doppler ultrasound is normal in NVSL but increased echogenicity and incompressible veins are observed in PMD. Here, we report two cases of NVSL. Establishing the diagnosis and knowing the course of the disease by dermatologists and urologists is very important to avoid misdiagnosis, unnecessary laboratory examinations and treatment

    Non-venereal sclerosing lymphangitis of the penis: A report of two cases

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    WOS: 000411952400006Non-venereal sclerosing lymphangitis (NVSL) is a rare disease that develops after vigorous sexual intercourse. The disease was first described in 1923 by Hoffman. The condition is observed usually in the second or third decade of life. NVSL is characterized by a rope-like hard swelling around the coronal sulcus of the penis. It is generally painless and benign and usually resolves spontaneously. Penile Mondor's disease (PMD) must be considered in differential diagnosis. The lesion is harder and adherent to the underlying skin in PMD. Patients often have pain. Venous Doppler ultrasound is normal in NVSL but increased echogenicity and incompressible veins are observed in PMD. Here, we report two cases of NVSL. Establishing the diagnosis and knowing the course of the disease by dermatologists and urologists is very important to avoid misdiagnosis, unnecessary laboratory examinations and treatment

    Familial lichen planus: case report

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    Liken planus deri, mukoza ve tırnakları etkileyen idiyopatik, inflamatuvar bir dermatozdur. Etyopatogenezi tam olarak bilinmemektedir ancak otoimmünite, virüsler, aşılar, kontakt alerjenler, ilaçlar, stres ve genetik e ğilimin rolü olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Ailesel liken planus nadir olarak bildirilmiştir. Ancak her geçen zaman ailesel vakaların sayısının artması genetik eğilimin patogenezdeki yerini kuvvetlendirmektedir. Burada bir anne ve kızında ortaya çıkan ailese l liken planus tablosu bildirilmektedir.Lichen planus is an idiopathic and inflammatory dermatosis affecting skin, mucosa, and nails. The exact etiopathogenesis is unknown, but autoimmunity, viruses, vaccinations, contact allergens, drugs, stress and genetic predisposition may have roles. Familial lichen planus has been rarely reported. However, the increase in familial cases day by day, strengthens the place of genetic predisposition in pathogenesis. Herein, we report a familial case of lichen planus in a mother and daughte

    Piebaldism: A familial case report [Piebaldizm: Ailesel bir olgu sunumu]

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    Piebaldism is a rare autosomal dominant skin disease presented with white forelock and depigmented patches. It is characterized by congenital absence of melanocytes and caused by mutation of KIT-proto-oncogene. KIT gene encodes transmembranous receptors on the surface of the melanocytes and it is responsible for the migration, proliferation, and differentation of the melanoblasts. The exact prevalence is unknown. It affects the both sexes equally. Here, we present a 3-year-old case admitted by depigmented macules, patches, and white forelock on forehead, trunk, upper and lower extremities. He had no accompanying systemic diseases and was diagnosed as piebaldism. His mother and older sister had similar lesions. On the occasion of this case, we aimed to create an awareness about piebaldism which may be confused especially with vitiligo clinically. Copyright © 2013 by Türkiye Klinikleri

    Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis associated with terbinafine: a case report

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    WOS: 000323527300010PubMed: 23432048A 27-year-old male patient who has used oral terbinafine for two weeks was admitted to our outpatient clinic for non-follicular millimetric pustules on erythematous and edematous different-sized plaques on his trunk and flexural areas. He was diagnosed with acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) because of terbinafine use in the light of history, clinical and histopathological findings. An AGEP is a rare and severe pustular reaction usually triggered by systemic drug intake. Approximately, 2.3% of the patients having oral terbinafine have been reported to develop cutaneous adverse effects. Although terbinafine is a commonly used medicine, it must be considered that it may cause severe adverse reactions

    Choroidal thickness in psoriasis

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    WOS: 000394159800025PubMed ID: 27166827Our aim was to compare the choroidal thickness in psoriasis patients and age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers. A total of 38 psoriasis cases and 38 age- and gender-matched controls were evaluated. The left eye was evaluated in all subjects. The choroidal thicknesses were measured at the subfovea and horizontally across the fovea at 500-mu m intervals using enhanced depth imaging spectral domain optical coherence tomography. The points of measurement were 1500 A mu m temporal and nasal to the fovea. Choroidal thicknesses in psoriasis patients were thicker than those in the controls, but these differences were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). A positive correlation was present between the duration of disease and choroidal thickness at certain measurement points, but there was no significant correlation between the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score and choroidal thickness. There was no significant difference between psoriasis patients and healthy controls in terms of choroidal thickness. However, choroidal thickness was associated with disease duration

    Evaluation of fibromyalgia syndrome in patients with rosacea

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    Objectives: This study aims to investigate the frequency of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) in rosacea patients and the relationship between disease disability score of FMS and quality of life score of rosacea