16 research outputs found

    Quantum probability and the non-locality issue in quantum theory

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    Three computers, with local independent choices, genereate the EPR correlations hence violating Bell's inequality

    Non-Locality and Quantum Theory: New Experimental Evidence

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    Starting from the late 60’s many experiments have been performed to verify the violation Bell’s inequality by Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) type correlations. The idea of these experiments being that: (i) Bell’s inequality is a consequence of locality, hence its experimental violation is an indication of non locality; (ii) this violation is a typical quantum phenomenon because any classical system making local choices (either deterministic or random) will produce correlations satisfying this inequality. Both statements (i) and (ii) have been criticized by quantum probability on theoretical grounds (not discussed in the present paper) and the experiment discussed below has been devised to support these theoretical arguments. We emphasize that the goal of our experiment is not to reproduce classically the EPR correlations but to prove that there exist perfectly local classical dynamical systems violating Bell’s inequality. The conclusions of the present experiment are: (I) no contradiction between quantum theory and locality can be deduced from the violation of Bell’s inequality. (II) The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory becomes quite reasonable and not metaphyisic if interpreted at the light of the chameleon effect. (III) One can realize quantum entanglement by classical computers. In section (7) we prove that our experiment also provides a classical analogue of the type of logical (i.e. independent of statistics) incompatibilities pointed out by Greenberger, Home and Zeilinger

    An introduction to the EPR-Chameleon experiment

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    On September 27 (2001), as a side activity to the "Japan-Italy Joint workshop on: Quantum open systems and quantum measurement", the first; public demonstration of the dynamical EPR-chameleon experiment was performed at Waseda University in order to give an experimental answer to a long standing question in the foundations of quantum theory: do there exist classical macroscopic systems which, by local independent choices, produce sequences of data which reproduce the singlet correlations, hence violating Bell's inequality? The EPR-chameleon experiment gives an affirmative answer to this question by concretely producing an example of such systems in the form of three personal computers which realize a local deterministic dynamical evolution whose mathematical structure is very simple and transparent. In the experiment performed on September 27 the local dynamics used was not a reversible one because the interaction with the degrees of freedom of the apparatus was integrated out giving rise to an effective Markovian dynamics which, although mapping probability measures into probability measures, did not preserve the +/- 1-values of the spin (or polarization) observables. This feature was criticized by some of the partecipants and the following two questions arose: i) is it possible to prove that the Markovian evolution, used in the experiment, is indeed the reduced evolution of a bona fide reversible evolution? ii) if the answer to question (i) is affirmative, is it possible to reproduce the EPR correlations by simply considering empirical averages of +/- 1-values, as one does in usual EPR type experiments? An affirmative answer to these questions was given in the paper [AcImRe01] and it is briefly reviewed in what follows

    Classical statistical distributions can violate Bell-type inequalities

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    We investigate two-particle phase-space distributions in classical mechanics characterized by a well-defined value of the total angular momentum. We construct phase-space averages of observables related to the projection of the particles' angular momenta along axes with different orientations. It is shown that for certain observables, the correlation function violates Bell's inequality. The key to the violation resides in choosing observables impeding the realization of the counterfactual event that plays a prominent role in the derivation of the inequalities. This situation can have statistical (detection related) or dynamical (interaction related) underpinnings, but non-locality does not play any role.Comment: v3: Extended version. To be published in J. Phys.

    On a class of strongly asymmetric PKA algorithms

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    In the papers [New features for public key exchange algorithms, in: 18-th International ICWG Meeting (Krakow 2011)], [Strongly asymmetric PKD cryptographic algorithms: An implementation using the matrix model, in: Proceedings ISEC Conference (Shizuoka 2011)] a new scheme to produce public key agreement (PKA) algorithms was proposed and some examples based on polynomials (toy models) were discussed. In the present paper we introduce a non-commutative realization of the above mentioned scheme and prove that non-commutativity can be an essential ingredient of security in the sense that, in the class of algorithms constructed, under some commutativity assumptions on the matrices involved, we can find a breaking strategy, but dropping these assumptions we can not, even if we assume, as we do in all the attacks discussed in the present paper, that discrete logarithms have zero cost

    Experimental violation of Bell's inequality by local classical variables

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    The QP-DYN algorithms

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    On the EPR-chameleon experiment

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    We construct a family of classical deterministic dynamical systems (triples formed by a state space, an initial distribution, a dynamics) parametrized by pairs of vectors (a,b)(a,b) in the unit circle in R2\Bbb R^2. The systems describe pairs of particles and the dynamics is strictly local, i.e. the dynamics Ta(j)T^{(j)}_a of particle j=1,2j=1,2 depends only on one of the two unit vectors, but not on the other. To each particle one associates a family of ±1\pm 1--valued observables Sa(j)S^{(j)}_a (j=1,2j=1,2), also parametrized by vectors aa in the unit circle in R2\Bbb R^2. Moreover we assume that, if observable Sa(j)S^{(j)}_a is measured on particle j=1,2j=1,2, then the dynamics of this particle will be Ta(j)T^{(j)}_a (chameleon effect). (...