444 research outputs found

    Boko Haram Insurgency and The Underdevelopment of Girl- Child in Nigeria: Implication for National Development

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    In recent times, however, millions of girl child in Northeastern schools in Nigeria are caught up in conflicts that result in insecurity which affect their school attendance and their lives. This paper examines the effect of Boko Haram Insurgency on girl- child attendance in secondary schools in North-Eastern Nigeria. The study purposively selects three states in northeastern Nigeria.  The study employed primary and secondary data; 360 respondents were randomly selected. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression model was used to analyses data collected. The OLS regression model result shows that the R2 is as high as 0.680, this suggests that Boko Haram has an influence on the girl- child attendance in secondary schools Northeastern Nigeria, therefore, the null hypothesis that Boko Haram insurgency has no significant effect on Girl- child attendance in Secondary Schools in Nigeria is rejected. This implies that the Boko Haram insurgency has significant effect on Girl- child attendance in Secondary Schools in Nigeria. The study recommended that professional public-private partnership (4 P’s) should provide all necessary support to teachers and students, who have been affected by violence in northeast Nigeria, this should include rehabilitation and resettlement for those who have been forced to flee to return for academic pursuit

    Intelligent XML Tag Classification Techniques for XML Encryption Improvement

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    Flexibility, friendliness, and adaptability have been key components to use XML to exchange information across different networks providing the needed common syntax for various messaging systems. However excess usage of XML as a communication medium shed the light on security standards used to protect exchanged messages achieving data confidentiality and privacy. This research presents a novel approach to secure XML messages being used in various systems with efficiency providing high security measures and high performance. system model is based on two major modules, the first to classify XML messages and define which parts of the messages to be secured assigning an importance level for each tag presented in XML message and then using XML encryption standard proposed earlier by W3C [3] to perform a partial encryption on selected parts defined in classification stage. As a result, study aims to improve both the performance of XML encryption process and bulk message handling to achieve data cleansing efficiently

    Teaching resilience skills to social work students and others

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    Social work as a profession is a growing area in many Indigenous community groups around the world. Students who choose to study social work have some strong voices and commitments to serve vulnerable families, individuals and community groups that are facing some social, health and political issues. Building resilience resources and skills for social work students who are studying social work course is part of the social work roles. In reallife, social issues and health issues challenged many people in different levels which caused emotional challenges, feeling of uncertain and helpless. Therefore, teaching resilience skills to social work students is very important in order for students tobe well-prepared and managed complex issues of their clients in the field of social work such as emotional reaction of clients and work pressures. This paper is a literature review of resilience that used Ubuntu concept from African Indigenous perspectivein humanity and community. The paper first provided introduction of Ubuntu philosophy to reader. Second, thepaper provided background of the research problem, which is the need of resilience skills in social work teaching. Finally, the paper summarised resilience skills that are suitable to social work practitioners, social work students and social work lecturers in their field of practice to support their clients and themselves while dealing withcomplex and emotional issues in the fields

    An Assessment of Irrigated Tomato Farming on Resource productivity of Farmers in Vandeikya Local Government Area of Benue State: Application of Technical Efficiency Model

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    The study assesses Irrigated Tomato Farming on Resource Productivity of Farmers in Vandeikya Local Government Area of Benue state To achieve this primary and secondary data were used The analytical tools include descriptive statistics and stochastic frontier production function applied on a cross-sectional data of 120 irrigated tomato farmers during 2013 farming season The results from the simple percentage show that good number of respondents were within the productive age bracket of 18 - 55 years which account for 90 of the respondents While the results from Maximum Likelihood Estimation indicate positive sign which implies that efficient use of inputs would result in increased output of Tomato Also the results obtained from the technical efficiency model shows that irrigated tomato farming was not fully utilized although farmers were generally relatively efficient they still have room to increase their efficiency of farming activities to 41 to close the efficiency gap from the optimum 100 The study recommended that available irrigation facilities should be improved upon through public private partnership Moreso extension agents need to be deployed to guide farmers on irrigation technique to enhance efficiency in tomato productio

    Family support for young Ḥāfiẓ Al-Qur’ān

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    No children can develop without the support of the family. Family support is one of the contributing factors to children's success. This study aims to illustrate family support for young Ḥāfiẓ al-Qur’ān . This research is descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects are five children, Ḥāfiẓ al-Qur’ān since they were seven years old, their teachers, and their parents. Data collection was done through interviews and observation, followed by an analysis using the interactive model by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. The research findings show that family support for young Ḥāfiẓ al-Qur’ān includes emotional support, appreciation, instrumental support, information, and spiritual support. Future studies should focus on the parents' spiritual support for children's success, as it requires more theoretical studies. This research is expected to inspire and motivate parents to accompany their children, especially in memorizing the Qur'an


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    This fact book provides: (1) a basic enumeration and explanation of the general taxes that make up the bulk of state and local tax revenues in Texas, (2) an evaluation of the impact of each major tax on efficiency, competitiveness, administrative simplicity, adequacy, and equity, and (3) a glossary of commonly used terms and concepts relating to taxation and public revenue. No attempt is made, herein, to present the numerous user fees, licenses, and other charges that may be imposed by state and local governments to pay for some public facilities and services.Public Economics,

    Bad data identification when using ampere measurements

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    IEEE/PES TRANSMISION AND DISTRIBUTION CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (.1996.DENVER)Earlier papers have shown that the use of power system line current magnitude measurements may lead to nonuniquely observable systems. This paper studies the bad data identification problem under these conditions. The definition of measurement criticality is revised in order to account for the nonuniquely observable cases. The problem of bad data identification is investigated both as a post estimation problem when using the least squares estimation method and as an outlier rejection problem when using the least absolute value estimation method. Modifications to the existing bad data processing methods are proposed in order to account for the current magnitude measurements

    The Relationship between Unemployment, Inflation and Crime: An Application of Cointegration and Causality Analysis in Nigeria

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    The study investigates the relationship between unemployment, inflation and crime in Nigeria. The study examines the causal relationship between unemployment, inflation and crime in Nigeria for the period 1980-2011. The stationarity properties of the data and the order of integration of the data were tested using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test. The variables tested stationary at first differences. The Johansen approach of cointegration was applied to test for the long-run relationship among the variables. The result indicated three (3) cointegrating relations between the variables; the Granger-causality suggests that there is unidirectional causality running from unemployment and inflation to crime in Nigeria. The study concludes that unemployment in Nigeria Granger causes crime. The reason is that unemployment rate in Nigeria is a complementary indicator of income opportunities in the legal labour market. Therefore, when, unemployment rate increases the opportunities for earning income decreases which instigate the individuals to commit crime. The costs of committing crime go down for unemployed workers. The results of causality support this proposition that unemployment causes crime.  The study recommends that holistic effort should be made by governments at all levels to create jobs and arrest unemployment. Nigerian government instead of employing foreigners should sponsor her citizens abroad for studies in diverse fields of study. Keywords: Cointegration , Causality Analysis, Unemployment, Inflation and Crime

    The Importance of Vocabulary Conceptualization in Digital Dictionary Software Development

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    AbstractWhile the world is becoming global, one language is rapidly spreading all over the world. Determiners of the answers to these questions will be software engineers and software specialists working on language. If the specialists working on informatics are encouraged to work on language and effective software are developed in this field, then, mastering the mother tongue will be enough to be an effective citizen in the global world. If we look through the existing software, we can see that search engines on the internet are started to be designed to translate a text written in a foreign language into one's mother tongue. Moreover, the digital dictionaries on the internet are developing rapidly. However, in these dictionaries, the main focus is on the meanings of the words. But this is not enough and works should be performed on the conceptualization of the word. It is very common in our language for words to be used with their connotative meanings. Accordingly, dictionaries should help to sort out the main and connotative meanings of the words because languages were born out of the necessities to express the existence of objects. Moreover, there are dialectical differences among the speakers of the same language. Within the same nation, the same word may convey different meanings. Overlooking the cultural differences and using general words to express objects in one language will restrict the power of the language and make the communication superficial. Yet, the software engineers and specialists who will develop such software should be knowledgeable about the characteristics of our language. Therefore, software to be developed in the field of digital dictionary preparation should be projected and encouraged. In this paper, we want to draw the attention to the importance of informing software designers who will develop dictionary software to make translation from Turkish to Turkish or to another language about the conceptual meaning of the words apart from their meanings and to the importance of supporting research into this field

    Expatriate Employees’ Perception Of Challenges In Their Work Environment In The Ngo Sector In Nairobi Kenya

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    This study examined how expatriate employees perceive the challenges in their work environment in the NGO sector in Nairobi, Kenya. The study question was “how do expatriate employees’ workings in the NGOs sector in Kenya perceive the challenges in their work environment?” The study was anchored on person-environment fit theory and the culture shock theory of adaptation to explain the strategies employed by expatriate employees to cope with challenges in their work environment. The research design used was a descriptive survey with a target population of 2394 NGOs based in Nairobi, Kenya. The study sample consisted of 120 expatriates, although only 84 participated in the final study drawn from 60 NGOs. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. Data was analyzed using SPSS. The result showed that expatriate employees working in the Kenyan NGOs respond to challenges in their work environment by finding a fit between the Kenyan culture and that of their countries. However, sometimes there is a big clash between the two cultures which makes it difficult for the expatriates to adjust well. Some have devised some strategies to interact with the locals that have improved their communication skills and ability to work on the assignments. In cases where conversing in the local languages has been a challenge, the expatriates have sought the help of locals as interpreters. Some expatriates accompanied by their families to provide psychological support. The study therefore recommends that since the expatriate employees seem to have integrated well into the Kenya society, they can be a great source of strength to those who are taking up new assignments in this country -Kenya. The future studies could focus on how the extent of expatriate employees ‘adjustment to the conditions in the host country affects their performance. In addition, they are a source of transmission of management ‘know-how’. This makes them a strong pillar as the local employees rely on their explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge to manage the NGOs even after their repatriation
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