6 research outputs found

    Genetic mapping of novel modifiers for ApcMin induced intestinal polyps’ development using the genetic architecture power of the collaborative cross mice

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    Abstract Background Familial adenomatous polyposis is an inherited genetic disease, characterized by colorectal polyps. It is caused by inactivating mutations in the Adenomatous polyposis coli (Apc) gene. Mice carrying a nonsense mutation in the Apc gene at R850, which is designated Apc Min/+ (Multiple intestinal neoplasia), develop intestinal adenomas. Several genetic modifier loci of Min (Mom) were previously mapped, but so far, most of the underlying genes have not been identified. To identify novel modifier loci associated with Apc Min/+ , we performed quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis for polyp development using 49 F1 crosses between different Collaborative Cross (CC) lines and C57BL/6 J-Apc Min/+ mice. The CC population is a genetic reference panel of recombinant inbred lines, each line independently descended from eight genetically diverse founder strains. C57BL/6 J-Apc Min/+ males were mated with females from 49 CC lines. F1 offspring were terminated at 23 weeks and polyp counts from three sub-regions (SB1–3) of small intestinal and colon were recorded. Results The number of polyps in all these sub-regions and colon varied significantly between the different CC lines. At 95% genome-wide significance, we mapped nine novel QTL for variation in polyp number, with distinct QTL associated with each intestinal sub-region. QTL confidence intervals varied in width between 2.63–17.79 Mb. We extracted all genes in the mapped QTL at 90 and 95% CI levels using the BioInfoMiner online platform to extract, significantly enriched pathways and key linker genes, that act as regulatory and orchestrators of the phenotypic landscape associated with the Apc Min/+ mutation. Conclusions Genomic structure of the CC lines has allowed us to identify novel modifiers and confirmed some of the previously mapped modifiers. Key genes involved mainly in metabolic and immunological processes were identified. Future steps in this analysis will be to identify regulatory elements – and possible epistatic effects – located in the mapped QTL

    Modeling the quantitative nature of neurodevelopmental disorders using Collaborative Cross mice

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    Background Animal models for neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) generally rely on a single genetic mutation on a fixed genetic background. Recent human genetic studies however indicate that a clinical diagnosis with ASDAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is almost always associated with multiple genetic fore- and background changes. The translational value of animal model studies would be greatly enhanced if genetic insults could be studied in a more quantitative framework across genetic backgrounds. Methods We used the Collaborative Cross (CC), a novel mouse genetic reference population, to investigate the quantitative genetic architecture of mouse behavioral phenotypes commonly used in animal models for NDD. Results Classical tests of social recognition and grooming phenotypes appeared insufficient for quantitative studies due to genetic dilution and limited heritability. In contrast, digging, locomotor activity, and stereotyped exploratory patterns were characterized by continuous distribution across our CC sample and also mapped to quantitative trait loci containing genes associated with corresponding phenotypes in human populations. Conclusions These findings show that the CC can move animal model studies beyond comparative single gene-single background designs, and point out which type of behavioral phenotypes are most suitable to quantify the effect of developmental etiologies across multiple genetic backgrounds

    Dissecting the effect of genetic variation on the hepatic expression of drug disposition genes across the collaborative cross mouse strains

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    A central challenge in pharmaceutical research is to investigate genetic variation in response to drugs. The Collaborative Cross (CC) mouse reference population is a promising model for pharmacogenomic studies because of its large amount of genetic variation, genetic reproducibility, and dense recombination sites. While the CC lines are phenotypically diverse, their genetic diversity in drug disposition processes, such as detoxification reactions, is still largely uncharacterized. Here we systematically measured RNA-sequencing expression profiles from livers of 29 CC lines under baseline conditions. We then leveraged a reference collection of metabolic biotransformation pathways to map potential relations between drugs and their underlying expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs). By applying this approach on proximal eQTLs, including eQTLs acting on the overall expression of genes and on the expression of particular transcript isoforms, we were able to construct the organization of hepatic eQTL-drug connectivity across the CC population. The analysis revealed a substantial impact of genetic variation acting on drug biotransformation, allowed mapping of potential joint genetic effects in the context of individual drugs, and demonstrated crosstalk between drug metabolism and lipid metabolism. Our findings provide a resource for investigating drug disposition in the CC strains, and offer a new paradigm for integrating biotransformation reactions to corresponding variations in DNA sequences

    Modeling the quantitative nature of neurodevelopmental disorders using Collaborative Cross mice

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    Background: Animal models for neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) generally rely on a single genetic mutation on a fixed genetic background. Recent human genetic studies however indicate that a clinical diagnosis with ASDAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is almost always associated with multiple genetic fore- and background changes. The translational value of animal model studies would be greatly enhanced if genetic insults could be studied in a more quantitative framework across genetic backgrounds. Methods: We used the Collaborative Cross (CC), a novel mouse genetic reference population, to investigate the quantitative genetic architecture of mouse behavioral phenotypes commonly used in animal models for NDD. Results: Classical tests of social recognition and grooming phenotypes appeared insufficient for quantitative studies due to genetic dilution and limited heritability. In contrast, digging, locomotor activity, and stereotyped exploratory patterns were characterized by continuous distribution across our CC sample and also mapped to quantitative trait loci containing genes associated with corresponding phenotypes in human populations. Conclusions: These findings show that the CC can move animal model studies beyond comparative single gene-single background designs, and point out which type of behavioral phenotypes are most suitable to quantify the effect of developmental etiologies across multiple genetic backgrounds