1,646 research outputs found

    Determination of Cotton Fineness by an Air Flow Method

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    Of all the physical properties of cotton, the fineness constitutes a property which arouses particular concern to spinners. Unlike, for example, fibre length, which is subject to a little effect of environmental conditions, the fineness of cotton is susceptible to many influences of environmental circu-mstances, e.g. temperature, relative humidity, maturity and particularly the amount of cotton irrigation water.Cotton, grown as a rain crop, can be more prone to immaturity than the cotton grown by artificial irrigation. Such immature cotton is weak and must be spun at a higher twist. This lowers the spinning production, since the production of this machine is inversely proportional to the amount of twist. This is a negative factor for production economy. This paper repre-sents a research work on fineness measurements of many cotton samples from a variety of countries, using the Micronaire as a testing appliance for fineness measurements. Factors affecting fineness are discussed and mathematical relationships of some important parameters are highlighted

    Self-esteem, body-esteem, emotional intelligence, and social anxiety in a college sample: the moderating role of weight

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    To examine the relationships between self-esteem, body-esteem, emotional intelligence, and social anxiety, as well as to examine the moderating role of weight between exogenous variables and social anxiety, 520 university students completed the self-report measures. Structural equation modeling revealed that individuals with low self-esteem, body-esteem, and emotional intelligence were more likely to report social anxiety. The findings indicated that obese and overweight individuals with low body-esteem, emotional intelligence, and self-esteem had higher social anxiety than others. Our results highlight the roles of body-esteem, self-esteem, and emotional intelligence as influencing factors for reducing social anxiety


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    Indonesia adalah Negara yang sedang berkembang sehingga pembangunan sedang gencar-gencarnya di lakukan. Salah satu material pembangunan yaitu Pasir yang di hasilkan dari sungai harus di pindahkan ke bak PickUp ataupun Truk. Dari pengamatan di Lapangan di Daerah Jawa Tengah tepatnya Purbalingga, pemindahan pasir masih dilakukan secara manual menggunakan sekop untuk menaikkan ke atas bak.Selain itu penyesuaian alat tranportasi digunakan untuk menyesuaikan pekerjaan yang ada di Lapangan sehingga dibuatlah Konveyor dengan kemiringan tertentu untuk memindahkan pasir dengan bahan material sesuai yang ada di pasaran dengan kapasitas 600Kg/Jam. Metode pengumpulan data melalui pengamatan langsung atau peninjauan secara cermat dan langsung di lapangan atau lokasi penelitian. Metode ini digunakan oleh penulis untuk mengumpulkan data-data sekunder, yaitu dengan membaca sumber-sumber informasi mengenai sistem pneumatik dan mengambil inti sari yang berhubungan sesuai dengan tema penelitian. Pada tahapan perencanaan, dicari kombinasi alternatif yang paling menguntungkan dalam pembuatan alat konveyor pasir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan cara kerja dari Alat Konveyor Pasir Portable Ketika Motor AC dinyalakan, kemudian Pulley berputar dan di teruskan oleh v-belt menuju gearbox, kemudian diteruskan oleh rantai menuju idler,sehingga idler berputar dan menggerakan belt konveyor yang ada di atasnya mengikuti putaran yang terjadi pada idler. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa alternatif desain 1 mempunyai penilaian tertinggi dibandingkan dengan alternatif lainnya. Pada proses perancangan pada alat konveyor pasir ini dipilih hasil dari kombinasi varian 1 (A1,B2,C1,D3,E1,F1).  Kata Kunci : VDI 2222, Konveyor Adjustabel, Pemindahan Pasi

    Tyrosine-kinase inhibition results in EGFR clustering at focal adhesions and consequent exocytosis in uPAR down-regulated cells of Head and Neck cancers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Antisense (AS) induced down-regulation of uPAR in ACCS adenoid-cyctic carcinoma cells decreased the cellular adhesion and invasion on various extracellular matrices. Additionally, ACCS-AS cells showed an increased EGFR expression and other behavioral similarities to NA-SCC, a typical highly proliferative but less invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cell line of the head and neck. ACCS, ACCS-AS and NA-SCC cells were used to elucidate the relationships between uPAR down-regulation and EGFR inhibition.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Tyrosine kinase inhibitor Gefitinib (IRESSA, ZD 1839) significantly reduced the chemotactic cell migration and adhesion. This was associated with reduced EGFR and ERK activation. In addition, anti-proliferative effect of gefitinib in uPAR down-regulated ACCS-AS was significantly higher than parental ACCS, to levels comparable to gefitinib-sensitive NA-SCC cells. This was evidenced by both reduced dosage and duration of treatment. Furthermore, time-lapse videography showed that treatment with gefitinib was also associated with cell rounding and loss of pseudopodia, mostly in ACCS-AS rather than parental ACCS cells. There were also evidences of formation and exocytosis of vacuole-like structures in ACCS-AS, as well as NA-SCC, but not in parental ACCS cells. Interestingly, immunocytochemistry showed that the exocytotic vacuoles actually contained de-activated EGFR.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggested that down-regulation of uPAR affected the fate of EGFR in high EGFR expressing cells. Furthermore, combining the uPAR down-regulation with EGFR inhibition showed a synergistic anti-tumor effect and might provide an alternative method to increase anti-proliferative effect of tyrosine kinase inhibitors with lower doses and duration to reduce their side effects during cancer control.</p

    Investigation into diaphragm flexibility using shear wall

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    Krutost stropne ploče ima značajan utjecaj na odgovor konstrukcije. Uobičajena je pretpostavka da se radi o krutom elementu. Ovakva pretpostavka smanjuje stupanj slobode i osigurava lakšu analizu. No, tijekom posljednjih potresa, popustljivost stropne ploče privukla je znatiželju znanstvenika. Kako bi se istražilo njeno ponašanje, u ovom radu analizirana je jednokatna armiranobetonska konstrukcija. Analiza je provedena na četiri okvirne konstrukcije, a primjenom računalnih programa ETABS2000 i LUSAS je izračunat optimalni omjer između popustljivosti stropne ploče i pomaka konstrukcije. Analiza je pokazala da se kod omjera manjeg od 0,5 stropne ploče mogu razmatrati kao kruti element.The diaphragm stiffness has a significant influence on the structural responses. Typically engineers assume those diaphragm are rigid. This assumption decreases the degree of freedom and provides easier analysis. But diaphragm damages in past earthquakes, due to its flexibility, have attracted researchers toward the diaphragm behaviour. In order to investigate this behaviour, in this study single storey RC structure was considered (four frame models using ETABS2000 and LUSAS) to calculate optimum ratio between diaphragm deflection and storey displacement. The diaphragm ratio with lower 0.5 should be considered as rigid

    Communication channels used by academic staff in interacting with their students

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    The aim of this paper is to report the findings on the impact of communication technology as a channel for interaction between academic staff and their students, conducted at a Malaysian higher learning institution. The study focused on media choice and it attempted to determine the communication channels mostly used by academic staff in interacting with their students and the reasons for selecting these channels. It also intended to find out whether there was a significant relationship between communication channels mostly used by academic staff and their perception of media richness. The results revealed that although the existence of new communication technologies such as the internet offers faster and cheaper facilities, face-to-face communication is still the most used and preferred communication channel by academic staff in interacting with their students. In addition, there was a significant relationship between the communication channel mostly used by respondents and their perception of media richness and social presence. This explained why the higher level of social presence, the higher the level of experience with a channel would be. The findings of this study extended two of the most widely investigated media choice theories; Media Richness Theory (MRT) and Social Presence Theory (SPT)

    Dose Reference Levels in Radiography for the Most Common Examinations in Sudan

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    Background: The aim of this study was to establish national diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for the first time in Sudan. This is done through evaluation of entrance surface dose (ESD) to patients undergoing selected X-ray examinations.Materials and Methods: ESD per examination was estimated from X-ray tube output parameters in 15 hospitals comprising 20 rooms and a sample of 8 most common X-ray examinations with 11 basic views and a total of 1490 projections. Third quartile was calculated from the resultant distributed mean ESDs in each hospital surveyed.Results: The results obtained in mGy were, 1.9 for PA skull, 1.2 for lateral Skull, 0.539 for PA chest, 3 for abdomen and pelvis, 4.9 for AP lumbosacral spine, 18.5 for lateral lumbosacral spine, 1.35 for AP cervical spine, 1.67 for lateral cervical spine 0.4 for AP knee joint and 1.4 for AP shoulder. With exception of PA chest in all hospitals, mean ESDs were found to be within the international reference dose the major drawback is the large variations in hospitals for the same procedure.Conclusions: The results are valuable for establishing a solid base for national ESDs and can provide a data base for future dose measurements

    The frequency of gestational diabetes mellitus among pregnant mothers admitted in gynaecology/obstetrics ward of Sheikh Zayed Hospital Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan

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    Background: The gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), defined as my degree of glucose intolerance with onset of first recognition during pregnancy, is poorly understood due to low socioeconomic dynamics among the pregnant mothers of Rahim Yar Khan. It results in many maternal and fetal complications. This study was carried out to determine the frequency and socio- demographic profile of pregnant mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus admitted in Gynecological Obstetrics wards of Sheikh Zayed Medical College Hospital Rahim Yar Khan.Methods: The data for this cross-sectional study was collected during the period from 30-01-2017 to 30-06-2017. The data was collected from labor room and wards of gynecology Sheikh Zayed Hospital Rahim Yar Khan. This study was conducted among the 160 pregnant mothers in Labor room and gynecological wards of Sheikh Zayed Hospital Rahim Yar Khan, admitted during the study period. A predesigned questionnaire was filled by interviewing these mother shaving variables of age, education, residence, working status, BMI, family monthly income, total numbers of children, knowledge of Gestational diabetes mellitus and family history of GDM.Results: The frequency of GDM in this study was significantly associated with reproductive age group 25-34 years (64%), Illiteracy in mothers (53.8 %) from rural area (>50%) housewives (83%), BMI (Mean = 22), Family Monthly income (> 10,000 Rs.), Average no. of Children (2-3), Diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (15.6%), Family history of D.M (>50%).Conclusions: It is concluded that the frequency of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus was high. Early detection, constant sup0ervision, delivery with intensive intra-partum monitoring, facilities of expert neonatologists, proper health care education to pregnant mothers can result in good maternal and fetal outcomes without much morbidity