9 research outputs found

    Rekonstruksi Kedudukan Ketetapan Mpr dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan Indonesia

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    Amendments of UUD 1945 Constitution to change the state system of Indonesia, including changes in state institutions, especially institutions MPR. After amendment of 1945 Constitution, MPR position parallel with other state institutions, and the authority of MPR also changed. MPR no longer as the highest state institutions and actors sovereignty of the people so that their authority is very limited. MPR no longer authorized to elect the President and Vice President, and is no longer authorized to establish GBHN. By not competent MPR sets GBHN, then MPR is not authorized to establish to form TAP MPR. It becomes polemic when Law No. 12/2011 2011 places TAP MPR to the kind and hierarchy of Laws and Regulations. Therefore, This research will analize the development of position of TAP MPR related to authority of MPR, then reconstructed to the position of TAP MPR on Indonesia\u27s constitutional system. The method used to analyze is normative. In the reconstruction of the position of TAP MPR carried by the fifth amendment of the 1945 Constitution to strengthen the MPR institutions and give the highest authority MPR, one of which is to develop a state policy that is poured into legal products MPR

    Domestic Facemask Waste Policy Based on Environmental Ethics in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Urgency and Challenges

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    Absori,1 Kiara Hanna Quinncilla,1 Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho,2 Arief Budiono1 1Department of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia; 2Department of Midwifery, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surabaya, Surabaya, IndonesiaCorrespondence: Arief Budiono, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta, A Yani Street, Pabelan, Surakarta, 57102, Indonesia, Email [email protected]: The Covid-19 pandemic greatly affected various aspects of life. To prevent and control its spread, people are morally and legally obliged to wear face facemasks. The use of facemasks brings many waste problems. However, the Indonesian policy on facemask waste management does not regard the massive environmental consequences, as the amount of domestic facemask waste reaches hundreds of tons daily with limited management capacity application. Hence, this study aims to assess current issues and policies on facemask waste from the perspective of environmental ethics.Methods: This research used the juridical-normative method, where legal rules and principles were processed to address current issues, supported by literature sources. This research employed qualitative approach to collect and analyze data.Results: Results showed that there was a legal void which caused terrible facemask waste management in Indonesia. There was confusion in categorizing facemask waste, whether it is domestic or infectious waste, causing hazards in its management. From a deep ecology perspective, the applied facemask waste management was only beneficial for humans while completely neglecting biotic and abiotic components. To overcome this, several suggestions were: 1) categorizing domestic disposable facemask waste as hazardous waste, 2) applying sanctions for the violation of norms and tight social control on first-level management of facemask waste, and 3) using reusable facemask.Conclusion: The obligation of wearing facemasks that were protective for humans during the Covid-19 pandemic must be followed with policies regulating facemask waste management that consider the environment and its biotic and abiotic components.Keywords: policy, facemask, waste, covid 19, environment, healt

    Pembangunan Hukum di Indonesia (Studi Politik Hukum Islam di Indonesia dalam Kerangka Al-Masalih)

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    Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkap politik hukum Islam di Indonesia sebagai konstruksi dasar dari pembangunan hukum Islam di Indonesia, dengan mengunakan paradigma normative dengan pendekatan doctrinal. Pekembangan hukum Islam di Indonesia dalam beberapa periodesasi melahirkan konfigurasi politik hukum. Lahirnya piagam Djakarta yang mereduksi nilai-nilai Islam sebagai nilai kehidupan bangsa Indonesia merupakan awal dari keinginan bangsa Indonesia untuk membentuk hukum Islam di Indonesia. Eksistensi hukum Islam di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari persepektif politik hukum, sehingga pembangunan hukum Islam di Indonesia harus berorentasi kepada nilai-nilai “al-masalih”, yang merupakan integrasi hukum positif dan nilai-nilai hukum Islam

    Integrasi Nilai Pemilihan Pemimpin dalam Islam ke dalam Sistem Pemilu Legislatif di Indonesia

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    Fenomena memburuknya kualitas anggota legislatif menjadipermasalan dalam tulisan ini. Hal ini terjadi karena ketidak tersediaannyasaringan kualitas dankompetensi caleg dalam sistem pemilu, serta rendahnyastandar syarat dan kriteria caleg dalam regulasi pemilu, sehingga berdampakterhadap buruknya kualitas anggota legislatif yang dihasilkan.Untuk melakukanpembenahan terhadap kelemahan sistem pemilu legislatif dapat dilakukandengan cara mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai memilih pemimpin (khalifah) dalamIslam kedalam sistem pemilu legislatif di Indonesia

    The Strengthening Halal Tourism Based on Prophetic Islamic Paradigm Through the Historical Social Inference of the Sasak, Samawa, and Mbojo-NTB

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    This article discusses the strengthening of halal tourism based onthe Islamic Prophetic Paradigm. Halal tourism built in West Nusa Tenggara is unclear and final about the direction and concept. Many parties are hesitant and criticized about the title of the halal destination carried by the regional government. Is it true that the government is committed to creating a religious and halal tourism environment? Is it in line with the historical social inference of the NTB community in wrapping the cultural customs of the tribes in the region?. This study uses the sociological method of jurisprudence, with the approach of the Islamic prophetic paradigm.Furthermore, it uses the procedureof historical social inference to find convergence between Islamic values and the past, social aspects of the three major tribes in NTB. The results of the study show that the support and commitment of the NTB local government towards halal tourism that was built is based on Ahklak, Adab, and eastern culture. The main scheme is Muslim world tourists. This Akhlak, Adab, and east culture are very important to give a different color and show the local identity of an area. The halal concept was found through the convergence of cultural values and customs of the three tribes in NTB, namely the Sasak, Samawa, and Mbojo (Sasambo) tribes. It is contained and agreed upon in the norms and culture of the community, actualized at specific convergence points. The convergence of Islamic prophetic values with the historical, social benefits of the Sasak, Samawa and Mbojo tribes is seen in terms of halal food patterns, civilized patterns of association, clothing, and other economic trends. Like the Sasambo tribal philosophy “AdatBersendikanSyara’, Syara’ is based on the book of Allah’, which increasingly gives its Islamic identity. These paradigms and philosophies are the principal capital for the creation of regional halal regulations, accommodating local entities that are inherited and civilizedthrough local friendly entities

    Advocate Legal Education in Indonesia: the Need of Spiritual Dimensions Approach

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    Law No. 18 of 2003 explains that someone who wants to be an advocate must take advocate professional education. This professional education is based on the enforcement of justice and pursues to strengthen the Rule of Law principles. This study offers the importance of spirituality in advocate education, in order to create an officium nobile who puts justice for the marginal community over the injustice rules. This research method uses a non-doctrinal qualitative approach based on law implementation in society, combined with a philosophical system related to spirituality that integrates science and religion. This study concludes that advocate education with a spiritual dimension is an effort to uphold the advocate profession as an official representative, prioritizing justice access in the community rather than profit, especially in bribery or corruption


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    The realization of the right to health can be achieved through several different approaches, for example; the establishment of health policies or the implementation of programs established by World Health Organization (WHO), or the adoption of legal instruments. This research is a doctrinal normative law research, that is by reviewing and analyzing library materials or secondary data that examines the values of justice through statutory approach. As a complement, this research also uses case approach, through field study. The discussion uses John Rawls's justice concept with fairness justice to analyze the findings of both research related to the findings of legislation and field findings, with the conclusion that justice based health law based on profession equality based on social justice is realized with health law that reflects the values of justice, the right of professional equality as well as the value of social justice with the concept of justice as a fairness as a capable concept to adapt, so it needs an adaptive health law approach. Keywords: Health Law, Profession Equality, Social Justic


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    Distribusi K. candel di kawasan Taman Nasional Sembilang (TNS) diperoleh informasinya dengan metode snowball dan transek garis berpetak. Morfologi K. candel disampaikan untuk mengenal jenis mangrove langka yang ada di kawasan TNS. Fenologi K.candel melalui pengamatan secara langsung. Pengamatan dilakukan mulai dari awal pembungaan sampai dengan propagul matang secara morfologis dan fisiologis. Informasi yang komprehensif tersebut penting sebagai rujukan terkait dengan biologi perkembangan dan konservasi mangrove. Rehabilitasi mangrove dilakukan dengan penanaman bibit K.candel di TNS. Penanaman K.candel dilakukan pada eks tambak di TNS dengan membuat demplot penanaman. Rehabilitasi mangrove dengan K.candel mencakup kegiatan pemilihan lokasi penanaman sebagai demplot, pengumpulan propagul,pembibitan,penanaman, perawatan/ penyulaman dan monitoring dan evaluasi