228 research outputs found

    Volatile anaesthetics and positive pressure ventilation reduce left atrial performance: a transthoracic echocardiographic study in young healthy adults

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    Background Animal and in vitro studies suggest that volatile anaesthetics affect left atrial (LA) performance. We hypothesized that human LA pump function and dimensions are altered by volatile anaesthetics in vivo. Methods We performed transthoracic echocardiographic (TTE) measurements in 59 healthy subjects (aged 18-48 yr) undergoing minor surgery under general anaesthesia. The unpremedicated patients were randomly assigned to anaesthesia with sevoflurane, desflurane, or isoflurane. TTE examinations were performed at baseline and after induction of anaesthesia and upon placement of a laryngeal mask during spontaneous breathing. After changing to intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV), an additional TTE was performed. The study focused on the velocity-time integral of late peak transmitral inflow velocity (AVTI) and maximum LA volume. Results We found no evidence for relevant differences in the effects of the three volatile anaesthetics. AVTI decreased significantly from 4.1 (1.2) cm at baseline to 3.2 (1.1) cm during spontaneous breathing of 1 minimum alveolar concentration of volatile anaesthetics. AVTI decreased further to 2.8 (1.0) cm after changing to IPPV. The maximum LA volume was 45.4 (18.6) cm3 at baseline and remained unchanged during spontaneous breathing but decreased to 34.5 (16.7) cm3 during IPPV. Other parameters of LA pump function and dimensions decreased similarly. Conclusions Volatile anaesthetics reduced active LA pump function in humans in vivo. Addition of IPPV decreased LA dimensions and further reduced LA pump function. Effects in vivo were less pronounced than previously found in in vitro and animal studies. Further studies are warranted to evaluate the clinical implications of these findings. Clinical trial registration NCT002445

    Performance of a new pulse contour method for continuous cardiac output monitoring: validation in critically ill patients

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    Background A new calibrated pulse wave analysis method (VolumeView™/EV1000™, Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA, USA) has been developed to continuously monitor cardiac output (CO). The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the VolumeView method, and of the PiCCO2™ pulse contour method (Pulsion Medical Systems, Munich, Germany), with reference transpulmonary thermodilution (TPTD) CO measurements. Methods This was a prospective, multicentre observational study performed in the surgical and interdisciplinary intensive care units of four tertiary hospitals. Seventy-two critically ill patients were monitored with a central venous catheter, and a thermistor-tipped femoral arterial VolumeView™ catheter connected to the EV1000™ monitor. After initial calibration by TPTD CO was continuously assessed using the VolumeView-CCO software (CCOVolumeView) during a 72 h period. TPTD was performed in order to obtain reference CO values (COREF). TPTD and arterial wave signals were transmitted to a PiCCO2™ monitor in order to obtain CCOPiCCO values. CCOVolumeView and CCOPiCCO were recorded over a 5 min interval before assessment of COTPTD. Bland-Altman analysis, %errors, and concordance (trend analysis) were calculated. Results A total of 338 matched sets of data were available for comparison. Bias for CCOVolumeView−COREF was −0.07 litre min−1 and for CCOPiCCO-COREF +0.03 litre min−1. Corresponding limits of agreement were 2.00 and 2.48 litre min−1 (P<0.01), %errors 29 and 37%, respectively. Trending capabilities were comparable for both techniques. Conclusions The performance of the new VolumeView™-CCO method is as reliable as the PiCCO2™-CCO pulse wave analysis in critically ill patients. However, an improved precision was observed with the VolumeView™ technique. Clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT0140504

    Changes in resting neural connectivity during propofol sedation.

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    BACKGROUND: The default mode network consists of a set of functionally connected brain regions (posterior cingulate, medial prefrontal cortex and bilateral parietal cortex) maximally active in functional imaging studies under "no task" conditions. It has been argued that the posterior cingulate is important in consciousness/awareness, but previous investigations of resting interactions between the posterior cingulate cortex and other brain regions during sedation and anesthesia have produced inconsistent results. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We examined the connectivity of the posterior cingulate at different levels of consciousness. "No task" fMRI (BOLD) data were collected from healthy volunteers while awake and at low and moderate levels of sedation, induced by the anesthetic agent propofol. Our data show that connectivity of the posterior cingulate changes during sedation to include areas that are not traditionally considered to be part of the default mode network, such as the motor/somatosensory cortices, the anterior thalamic nuclei, and the reticular activating system. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This neuroanatomical signature resembles that of non-REM sleep, and may be evidence for a system that reduces its discriminable states and switches into more stereotypic patterns of firing under sedation

    Impact of propofol on mid-latency auditory-evoked potentials in children†

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    Background Propofol is increasingly used in paediatric anaesthesia, but can be challenging to titrate accurately in this group. Mid-latency auditory-evoked potentials (MLAEPs) can be used to help titrate propofol. However, the effects of propofol on MLAEP in children are unclear. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between propofol and MLAEP in children undergoing anaesthesia. Methods Fourteen healthy children aged 4-16 yr received anaesthesia for elective surgery. Before surgery, propofol was administered in three concentrations (3, 6, 9 µg ml−1) through a target-controlled infusion pump using Kataria and colleagues' model. MLAEPs were recorded 5 min after having reached each target propofol concentration at each respective concentration. Additionally, venous propofol blood concentrations were assayed at each measuring time point. Results Propofol increased all four MLAEP peak latencies (peaks Na, Pa, Nb, P1) in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, the differences in amplitudes were significantly smaller with increasing propofol target concentrations. The measured propofol plasma concentrations correlated positively with the latencies of the peaks Na, Pa, and Nb. Conclusions Propofol affects MLAEP latencies and amplitudes in children in a dose-dependent manner. MLAEP measurement might therefore be a useful tool for monitoring depth of propofol anaesthesia in childre

    Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Dexmedetomidine

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    Dexmedetomidine is an alpha(2)-adrenoceptor agonist with sedative, anxiolytic, sympatholytic, and analgesic-sparing effects, and minimal depression of respiratory function. It is potent and highly selective for alpha(2)-receptors with an alpha(2):alpha(1) ratio of 1620:1. Hemodynamic effects, which include transient hypertension, bradycardia, and hypotension, result from the drug's peripheral vasoconstrictive and sympatholytic properties. Dexmedetomidine exerts its hypnotic action through activation of central pre- and postsynaptic alpha(2)-receptors in the locus coeruleus, thereby inducting a state of unconsciousness similar to natural sleep, with the unique aspect that patients remain easily rousable and cooperative. Dexmedetomidine is rapidly distributed and is mainly hepatically metabolized into inactive metabolites by glucuronidation and hydroxylation. A high inter-individual variability in dexmedetomidine pharmacokinetics has been described, especially in the intensive care unit population. In recent years, multiple pharmacokinetic non-compartmental analyses as well as population pharmacokinetic studies have been performed. Body size, hepatic impairment, and presumably plasma albumin and cardiac output have a significant impact on dexmedetomidine pharmacokinetics. Results regarding other covariates remain inconclusive and warrant further research. Although initially approved for intravenous use for up to 24 h in the adult intensive care unit population only, applications of dexmedetomidine in clinical practice have been widened over the past few years. Procedural sedation with dexmedetomidine was additionally approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2003 and dexmedetomidine has appeared useful in multiple off-label applications such as pediatric sedation, intranasal or buccal administration, and use as an adjuvant to local analgesia techniques

    Comparison of renal region, cerebral and peripheral oxygenation for predicting postoperative renal impairment after CABG

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    Patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are at risk of developing postoperative renal impairment, amongst others caused by renal ischemia and hypoxia. Intra-operative monitoring of renal region tissue oxygenation (SrtO(2)) might be a useful tool to detect renal hypoxia and predict postoperative renal impairment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the ability of intra-operative SrtO(2) to predict postoperative renal impairment, defined as an increase of serum creatinine concentrations of > 10% from individual baseline, and compare this with the predictive abilities of peripheral and cerebral tissue oxygenation (SptO(2) and SctO(2), respectively) and renal specific tissue deoxygenation. Forty-one patients undergoing elective CABG were included. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to measure renal region, peripheral (thenar muscle) and cerebral tissue oxygenation during surgery. Renal region specific tissue deoxygenation was defined as a proportionally larger decrease in SrtO(2) than SptO(2). ROC analyses were used to compare predictive abilities. We did not observe an association between tissue oxygenation measured in the renal region and cerebral oxygenation and postoperative renal impairment in this small retrospective study. In contrast, SptO(2) decrease > 10% from baseline was a reasonable predictor with an AUROC of 0.767 (95%CI 0.619 to 0.14; p = 0.010). Tissue oxygenation of the renal region, although non-invasively and continuously available, cannot be used in adults to predict postoperative renal impairment after CABG. Instead, peripheral tissue deoxygenation was able to predict postoperative renal impairment, suggesting that SptO(2) provides a better indication of 'general' tissue oxygenation status. Registered at ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01347827, first submitted April 27, 2011

    Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring during scoliosis surgery in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    PURPOSE: Little is known about the reliability and value of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM) in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) undergoing scoliosis correction surgery. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of IONM and the cortical excitability in these patients. METHODS: Fifteen patients with DMD and scoliosis and 15 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) underwent scoliosis correction surgery with the use of IONM. IONM consisted of transcranial electrical stimulation motor evoked potential (Tc-MEP) and somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) monitoring. The highest Tc-MEP amplitudes were collected to test the feasibility. Preoperative compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)-MEPs were recorded to test the cortical excitability. SSEPs were scored as elicitable or not elicitable. RESULTS: Tc-MEP amplitudes were significantly lower in the DMD group for both the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles. However, the abductor hallucis muscle had similar amplitudes in both the DMD as the AIS group. TMS/CMAP and Tc-MEP/CMAP ratios were similar in the DMD and AIS group (P = 0.126 and P = 0.792 respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Tc-MEP and SSEP monitoring is feasible, particularly when Tc-MEPs are recorded from the abductor hallucis muscle in patients with DMD. Similar TMS/CMAP and Tc-MEP/CMAP ratios show that there were no differences observed in cortical excitability between the groups. IONM seems a feasible and valuable neurophysiological tool to signal possible surgically induced damage to the spinal cord during scoliosis correction surgery in patients with DMD

    Effect of Anesthesia on Microelectrode Recordings During Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery:A Narrative Review

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective surgical treatment for patients with various neurological and psychiatric disorders. Clinical improvements rely on careful patient selection and accurate electrode placement. A common method for target localization is intraoperative microelectrode recording (MER). To facilitate MER, DBS surgery is traditionally performed under local or regional anesthesia. However, sedation or general anesthesia is sometimes needed for patients who are unable to tolerate the procedure fully awake because of severe motor symptoms, psychological distress, pain, or other forms of discomfort. The effect of anesthetic drugs on MER is controversial but likely depends on the type and dose of a particular anesthetic agent, underlying disease, and surgical target. In this narrative review, we provide an overview of the current literature on the anesthetic drugs most often used for sedation and anesthesia during DBS surgery, with a focus on their effects on MERs
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