29 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Teh Hitam terhadap VO2max dan Pemulihan Denyut Nadi Pasca Melakukan Latihan Treadmill (The Effect of Black Tea on VO2max and Heart Rate Recovery Time after Treadmill Exercise)

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    In sports, caffeine is oftenly consumed as a stimulant in intense exercise. Caffeine consists in black tea with the content is about one third to eighth compared to black coffee, The aim of this research was to find out the effect of black tea to VO2max and heart rate recovery time after treadmill exercise. There were 2 groups. Control group which consumed placebo and treatment group which consumed black tea. Both group performed Bruce Treadmill Test Protocol. The results showed that the mean value of VO2max were 32,525 for control group and 38,442 for treatment group. Data analysis using T-paired test showed that treatment group had significantly higher VO2max value than control group (p=0,0001). Heart rate change data showed that heart rate frequency in treatment group from every fixed time was higher than the control group The heart rate recovery time was 59 minutes for control group and 66 minutes for treatment group. In conclusion, consumption of black tea before exercise would increase VO2max value and extend the heart rate recovery time.   Keywords: Black tea, VO2max, heart rate recovery, Bruce treadmill test protoco

    Perbandingan Peningkatan Kadar Malondialdehid (MDA) Serum setelah Olahraga Pagi dan Malam Hari pada Orang Tidak Terlatih

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    Olahraga mampu meningkatkan kadar radikal bebas dalam tubuh melalui beberapa mekanisme yaitu peningkatan aktivitas mitokondria, NADPH, dan XO serta inflamasi pada sel otot rangka yang mengakibatkan stimulasi aktivitas fagosit. Olahraga yang dilakukan pada malam hari memiliki beberapa mekanisme tambahan sehingga berpotensi menyebabkan peningkatan kadar radikal bebas lebih tinggi, yaitu faktor pencetus radikal bebas yang meningkat pada malam hari. Salah satu indikator untuk mengetahui kadar radikal bebas dalam tubuh yaitu malondialdehid (MDA). Tujuan: Menentukan perbandingan antara peningkatan kadar MDA serum setelah olahraga pada dan malam hari pada orang tidak terlatih. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis dengan pre dan post-test group design. Metode: Sampel berjumlah  20 mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember yang tidak terlatih, masing-masing berperan ganda sebagai kelompok pagi (Kp) dan kelompok malam (Km) sehingga jumlah total sampel sebesar 40. Olahraga yang dilakukan berupa sepeda statis dengan intensitas 70-80% dari heart rate maksimal. Setelah satu minggu dilakukan croosing-over, yaitu sampel Kp dijadikan Km begitu pula sebaliknya. Pengukuran kadar MDA dilakukan sebelum dan setelah olahraga menggunakan metode TBARS. Peningkatan kadar MDA merupakan selisih dari kadar MDA setelah dan sebelum olahraga. Hasil: Peningkatan kadar MDA setelah olahraga pada pagi dan malam hari adalah 0,29±0,87 nmol/mL dan 1,13±1,2 nmol/mL. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan p=0,021 (p<0,05). Simpulan: Peningkatan kadar MDA setelah olahraga pada malam hari lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan peningkatan kadar MDA setelah olahraga pada pagi hari pada orang yang tidak terlatih.Kata kunci: malondialdehid, olahraga, radikal bebas, TBAR

    Pengaruh Pemberian Jus Semangka terhadap Kelelahan Otot dan Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness setelah Latihan Beban (The effect of Watermelon Juice on Muscle Fatigue and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness after Weight Training)

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    The main problem that is often faced by athlete is fatigue. It can decrease maximum muscle strength. To overcome this problem, many athletes use ergogenic aids such as watermelon. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of watermelon juice on reduction of muscle fatigue and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after weight training. Muscle fatigue was measured by maximum repetition done by the subjects in the last set and DOMS was measured by post-training muscle soreness intensity. By using a randomized crossover design, 20 subjects were recruited then divided into 2 groups, a treatment group and a control group. The subjects were asked to do a training protocol to induce muscle fatigue and DOMS. As much as 500 ml watermelon juice was consumed in 1 of 2 training sessions and a placebo was consumed in the other. The number of repetitions showed a significant increase on treatment group than control group (p&lt;0,05). Passive muscle soreness intensity and active muscle soreness intensity showed a significant decrease on 24 hours and 48 hours post-training after administration of watermelon juice (p=0,000). We conclude that there was an effect of watermelon juice on muscle fatigue and DOMS after weight training.   Keywords: weight training, muscle fatigue, DOMS, watermelon, citrullin

    Efektivitas Analgesik Kombinasi Parasetamol dan Ekstrak Kasar Nanas terhadap Refleks Geliat Mencit yang Diinduksi Asam Asetat (The Analgesics Effectivity of Combination of Paracetamol and Pineapple Crude Extract on Writhing Reflex in Mice Induced by Ace

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    Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme which can be found in pineapple. The proteolytic activity of bromelain commonly used as an anti-inflammatory agent and antioedema, antithrombotic, and fibrinolytic agent. This study aimed at determining the combination effectivity of paracetamol and bromelain, pineapple crude extract’s protein, on pain response in mice and its interaction. This research used true experimental design with posttest only control group. Data analysis using Kruskal-Wallis test and application CompuSyn. The mice induced by acetic acid as the pain’s trigger and writhing reflex calculated every 5 minutes for 1 hour. The results of this study were expressed by pain protection persentage of paracetamol, crude extract of pineapple, a combination dose of paracetamol and crude extract of pineapple ½:½ and 1:1 was 52.23 ± 3.94%; 51.28 ± 6.71%; 77.88 ± 4.02%; and 71.24 ± 10.54%. The results of the CompuSyn dose combination analysis showed a synergistic effect that is seen from the CI value. In conclusion, analgesic effectivity combination of paracetamol and pineapple crude extract more effective than single dose usage and showed a synergistic effect. &nbsp; Keywords: analgesic, bromelain, pain, paracetamol, pineapple &nbsp

    Pengaruh Minuman Kopi Minim Kafein terhadap VO2max dan Pemulihan Denyut Nadi setelah Melakukan Treadmill (The Effect of Decaffeinated Coffee Drink on VO2max and Pulse Recovery Rate after Treadmill Test)

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    Coffee can be classified as a psicostimulant agent cause awakening, due to its content, such as caffeine. For intolerant person caffeine can be harmful, so nowadays created decaffeinated coffee. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of decaffeinated coffee drink consumption on VO2max and pulse recovery rate after treadmill test. This was a quasi experimental study with Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) methods. There were 20 volunteers, divided into two groups that swapping roles after 4 days washing out. The control group was given an instant coffee drink while the treatment group was given a decaffeinated coffee drink. All volunteers were asked to perform Modified Bruce Treadmill Test procedure until exhausted then VO2max were examined. The results showed the average value of VO2max in treatment group was +45,22 ml/kg/min and in control group +46,96 ml/kg/min from the previous study the value of VO2max using placebo was 25,98 ml/kg/min. Duration of pulse recovery rate in treatment group was 52 minutes faster than control group, 57 minutes. Analyses by T-test obtained p=0,23 mean there was no significant difference. In conclusion, decaffeinated coffee drinks could increased VO2max as the instant coffee did, but it still could accelerate pulse recovery rate. &nbsp; Keywords: Modified Bruce Treadmill, pulse recovery rate, VO2max, decaffeinated coffee &nbsp

    Pengaruh Minuman Kopi terhadap VO2max dan Pemulihan Denyut Nadi pasca Melakukan Treadmill (The Influence of a Coffee Drinks to VO2max and Pulse Recovery after Doing Treadmill)

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    Coffee can be classified as a psicostimulant which cause person stay awake. Coffee contains any ingredients such as caffeine.Caffeine could improve the performance of athletes. VO2max is a highest ratio of oxygen consumed during intense physical activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of caffeine consumption on VO2max and exercise recovery pulse. The study used experimental research with Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) methods. There were 20 volunteers, who were divided into two groups. The control group was given a drink that contains no caffeine while the treatment group was given a drink containing caffeine. Then all volunteers were asked to perform Modified Bruce Treadmill Test procedure until exhaustion occurred then VO2max.The next 4 days were washing out period where the control and treatment groups swap the roles. The results showed the average value of VO2max in the treatment group was 30.69 ml/ kg/min higher than in the control group 25.98 ml/ kg/min, but the duration of pulse recovery in the treatment group was 127 minutes slower than the control group, 121 minutes, indicating to its effects as a stimulant. In conclusion, administration of caffeine increased VO2max, but delayed time of pulse recovery.   Keywords: Modified Bruce Treadmill Test, pulse recovery, caffeine,VO2ma

    Kadar Puncak (Cmax), Waktu Puncak (Tmax), Waktu Paruh (T½) dan Bersihan Teobromin pada Sukarelawan Sehat setelah Pemberian Dark Chocolate Bar Per Oral

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    &nbsp; Dark chocolate contains two derivates of metilxantin, I.e. caffeine (1,3,7-trimetilxantin) and theobromine (3,7 dimetilxantin). Theobromine can be found in plasma. Theobromine concentration in plasma determined not only by drug dosage but also by pharmacokinetic parameters. This research aimed to determine pharmacokinetic parameters by using HPLC (High Performace Liquid Chromatography) method. This study used Quasi Experimental Design by using 16 plasma samples collected at the 0, 1.5, 3, 6, 10, 24 hours. The pharmacokinetic parameter calculations were obtained from the polynomial curve and linear curve of drug concentration in plasma by time. The maximum concentration (Cmax) theobromine on plasma after consumption of dark chocolate bar per oral was 4.173 mg/L. The maximum time (Tmax) was at the 2.501 hours. The half time (t½) theobromine was 4.880 hours. Theobromine clearance in plasma was 14.2 ml/kg/hour. The study has reported pharmacokinetic parameters of theobromine in plasma after eating dark chocolate bars orally. &nbsp; Keywords: Chocolate, half-time, maximum concentration, maximum time, theobromine &nbsp


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    Osteoartritis (OA) memengaruhi 303 juta orang di dunia dan menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan yang harus diwaspadai. Terapi penyembuhan OA secara total belum ada. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) saat ini menjadi target peneliti untuk penanganan pasien OA. Tujuan: Mengetahui efektivitas terapi adjuvan injeksi PRP pada pasien OA sendi lutut yang mendapatkan NSAIDs. Metode: Studi observasional dengan pendekatan cohort retrospektif dilakukan pada pasien osteoartritis sendi lutut di Rumah Sakit Jember Klinik dan Rumah Sakit Daerah Balung. Jumlah sampel yang didapatkan sebanyak 16 pasien. Penelitian ini membandingkan terapi non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) tunggal dan NSAID dengan adjuvan PRP. Evaluasi terapi dengan menilai perubahan derajat keparahan gambaran klinis menggunakan kuesioner Western Ontario and Mcmaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). Uji Fisher’s exact digunakan untuk membandingkan efektivitas terapi. Hasil: terdapat perubahan derajat keparahan gambaran klinis dari 16 sampel pasien. Sebanyak 11 pasien mengalami penurunan derajat keparahan gambaran klinis, dengan rincian 8 pasien (72,7%) dari kelompok terapi NSAIDs dengan adjuvan PRP dan 3 pasien (27,3%) dari kelompok pasien OA yang mendapatkan NSAIDs tanpa adjuvan PRP. Simpulan: Terapi adjuvan injeksi PRP pada pasien OA yang mendapatkan NSAIDs lebih efektif memperbaiki derajat keparahan gambaran klinis penyakit dibandingkan dengan pasien OA yang mendapatkan NSAIDs tanpa adjuvan injeksi PRP

    The Effectiveness of Vitamin C Addition to Blood Glucose Levels of Hyperglycemic Mice with Glimepiride Treatment

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    In people with diabetes mellitus (DM) there is a decrease in basal vitamin C levels which is thought to be a result of oxidative stress in the condition of hyperglycemia that it needs to increase vitamin C as an antioxidant. Hyperglycemia in DM needs to be lowered by pharmacological therapy, named glimepirid so the purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of vitamin C addition to the reduction of KGD hyperglycemic mice with glimepirid treatment. This study is true experimental with a sample of 25 mice 20-30 grams and divided into five groups, first the control group (K0); STZ&nbsp; induction group (K1); STZ induction group with glimepirid treatment (K2); STZ induction group with the treatment of vitamin C (K3); STZ induction group by treatment of a combination of glimepirid and vitamin C (K4). STZ is injected intraperitonially 150 mg / kgBB. All groups were measured for KGD 1 after induction of STZ and KGD 2 after treatment for fourteen days. The results of the STZ induction group with the treatment of a combination of glimepirid and vitamin C (K4) experienced a smaller and not significant decrease in BSL in the STZ induction group with a single glimepirid (K2) treatment. These results are thought to have an influence from interactions between drugs that cause one drug to not work optimally. The conclusion of this study is that administration of glimepirid, vitamin C, or both can reduce blood glucose levels in hyperglycemic mice with the greatest decrease occurring in the glimepirid group

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kekambuhan pada Pasien Skizofrenia di RSD dr. Soebandi Jember (Factors that Affect the Recurrence of Schizophrenia at dr. Soebandi Hospital, Jember)

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    Schizophrenia is one of the health problems in developing countries and developed countries. Risk factors that may affect the reccurrence of schizophrenia consist of internal and eksternal factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors which affect the recurrence of schizophrenia. This study was a quantitative research with cross sectional approach. Sample in this study was obtained by total sampling from family of schizophrenia patients who visited Polyclinic Psychiatry dr. Soebandi Public Hospital of Jember. The factors studied were age, gender, education, occupation, economic condition, schizophrenia onset, type of schizophrenia, family's knowledge, character of family, character of paramedic, physic factor, disobedience medication, and type of medication . Data analysis was performed by chi square test and logistic regression. Chi square test found a significant factor that was age (p=0.029), schizophrenia onset (p=0.037), physical factor (p=0,022), and disobedience medication (p=0.021) while other factors did not significant. Results of logistic regression test results obtained for age was (p=0.019, OR=0.279), schizophrenia onset (p=0.068, OR=0.224), character of family (p=0.035, OR=0,214) and to disobedience medication (p=0.013, OR=4,064). It can be concluded that the most factor that affect the recurrence of schizophrenia was disobedience medication.   Keywords: recurrence, schizophreni