122 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Pompa Terhadap Air Limpasan Kolong Lama Tahun 2014 Pada Tambang Besar 1.42 Pemali PT. Timah (Persero), Tbk Bangka Belitung

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    Tambang Besar 1.42Pemali PT. Timah (Persero), Tbk yang berlokasi di Pemali, Bangka Belitung merupakantambang timah dengan metoda Tambang Terbuka. Sistem operasi penambangannya menggunakan sistem shoveland truck. Pengolahan Awal menggunakan sistem hydroliking dan jigging. Tujuan penelitian adalah untukmengetahui jumlah air yang masuk sesuai dengan sump yang tersedia sehingga diperoleh jumlah pompa yangsesuai dengan kemajuan tambang pada tahun 2014 s.d. 2015. Total luas pit yang diprediksi dalam area TambangBesar 1.42 Pemali pada tahun 2014 sebesar 3,4 Km2 dengan luas total catchment area 0,69 Km2. Luas inidibebankan pada satu kolam penampung sementara yaitu sump lama dimana digunakan 2 pompa yang dipasangseri. Analisa yang dilakukan terhadap peta rencana operasi penambangan 2014 menunjukkan, ternyata daerahsump lama akan dilakukan penambangan. Hal ini dikarenakan di lapisan bawah sump terdapat bijih timah yangekonomis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini direkomentasikan untuk melakukan penambahan 2 unit pompadengan debit 200 m3/jam agar sump dapat kering sesuai rencana. Penambahan ini diharapkan dapat mendukungoperasi penambangan secara optimal sesuai dengan rencana teknis penirisan tambang pada area Kolong Lama

    Kajian Teknis Penanganan Lumpur (Mud Handling) Pada Main Sump Untuk Optimalisasi Pompa Pada Pit Darmo PT Ulima Nitra Tanjung Enim Sumatera Selatan

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    Lumpur yang terdapat di dalam main sump Pit Darmo PT Ulima Nitra disebabkan karena terhentinya aktivitas penambangan (Stand by) pada bulan Maret-April 2014. Air yang terdapat pada main sump tercampur dengan material-material di sekitar main sump dan adanya gerusan longsor pada lereng (bench) di arah timur yang berupa clay tertransport ke dalam main sump mengalami sedimentasi menjadi lumpur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penanganan lumpur pada main sump. Pengendalian lumpur pada main sump ini dapat dilakukan dengan membagi main sump menjadi beberapa bagian (blok), sehingga lumpur pada main sump dapat dikeluarkan secara bertahap. Volume lumpur pada main sump sebanyak ±8.353,69 Bcm, pembuatan tanggul sebanyak ±12.956,46 Bcm. Alat mekanis yang digunakan untuk membuat blok, mengeluarkan lumpur dan pembuatan tanggul yakni kombinasi Backhoe Komatsu PC 200 Short Arm, Backhoe Komatsu PC 200 Long Arm, dan Backhoe Kobelco SK 200. Produktivitas total per hari adalah ±3.574,56 Bcm dan lama waktu pengerjaan penanganan lumpur selama ± 7 hari. Dengan membagi main sump menjadi beberapa blok maka lumpur dapat dikendalikan. Blok yang terdapat pompa sykes CP220i telah terisi air sehingga pompa dapat bekerja optimal kembali dengan debit 115 liter/s dan head pompa 33,8 m

    Analisa Teknis Mine Dewatering Terhadap Rencana Tiga Tahun Penambangan Hingga Tahun 2016 Di Pit Blok Barat PT Muara Alam Sejahtera Kabupaten Lahat

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    PT. Muara Alam Sejahtera adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di industri pertambangan batubara yang aktivitas penambangannya menggunakan sisitem open pit. Berdasarkan rencana penambangan tiga tahun hingga tahun 2016 Perusahaan akan memperluas permukaan kerja tambang dan memperdalam elevasi pit bottom dari 20 mdpl mejadi 0 mdpl.Hal ini akan sangat potensial untuk terjadinya banjir atau genangan air dikarenakan metode penambanganya yang open pit membentuk cekungan. Untuk mencegah terjadinya banjir di permukaan kerja tambang yang dapat menurunkan rencana produksi, maka dibutuhkan penanggulangan air yang telah masuk ke tambang tanpa melakukan Perubahan design dengan menggunakan metode mine dewatering dengan menganalisa air yang masuk ketambang terhadap kapasitas pompa DnD 200 -5Hx. Tujuanya agar air yang dipompakan keluar tambang dapat mengeringkan permukaan kerja tambang dan menghambat terjadinya banjir serta penurunan produksi. Total debit air maksimum yang masuk ke tambang hingga periode umur tambang berlangsung adalah 320.912,1 m3/bulan. Dengan rencana volume sump hingga tahun 2016 adalah 21.070 m3 maka durasi sump dapat penuh terisi air hujan maksimum adalah 3,38 jam. Rencana penggunaan pompa DnD 200 – 5Hx dengan debit aktual 750 m3/jam, head total 102,78 m, dan daya pompa 357,56 kW. Agar air yang keluar maksimum dapat mengeringkan sump maka dibutuhkan pemompaan selama 427,88 jam dan apabila pompa dapat bekerja maksimal 18 jam/hari maka lama pemompaan 24 hari. Rencana penambangan PT. Muara Alam Sejahtera hingga tahun 2016 tidak akan terhambat oleh air tambang jika pompa DnD 200-5Hx dapat berkerja secara optimal

    A Computational Cognitive Model Integrating Different Emotion Regulation Strategies

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    AbstractIn this paper a cognitive model is introduced which integrates a model for emotion generation with models for three different emotion regulation strategies. Given a stressful situation, humans often apply multiple emotion regulation strategies. The presented computational model has been designed based on principles from recent neurological theories based on brain imaging, and psychological and emotion regulation theories. More specifically, the model involves emotion generation and integrates models for the emotion regulation strategies reappraisal, expressive suppression, and situation modification. The model was designed as a dynamical system. Simulation experiments are reported showing the role of the emotion regulation strategies. The simulation results show how a potential stressful situation in principle could lead to emotional strain and how this can be avoided by applying the emotion regulation strategies decreasing the stressful effects

    Differences in the prevalence of sarcopenia in peritoneal dialysis patients using hand grip strength and appendicular lean mass: depends upon guideline definitions

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    Background Peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients with sarcopenia have increased risk of mortality. There is consensus that sarcopenia should combine assessments of muscle function and mass. We wished to determine the effect of using different operational definitions in PD patients. Methods Hand grip strength (HGS) and segmental bioimpedance derived appendicular lean mass (ALM) were measured and the prevalence of sarcopenia determined using the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health Sarcopenia Project (FNIH), European Working Group on Sarcopenia Older Persons (EWGSOP), and Asian Working Group on Sarcopenia (AWGS) definitions. Results We studied 155 PD patients, 95 men (61.3%), mean age 63.0 ± 14.9 years, 37.4% diabetic, treated by PD 9 (3–20) months with a HGS of 22.5 (15.5–30.2) kg, weight 73.6 ± 16.6 kg, % body fat 31.4 ± 4.2, and ALM index 7.52 ± 1.40 kg/m2. More patients were defined with muscle weakness using the EWGSOP compared to the FNIH criteria (X2 = 6.8, p = 0.009), whereas fewer patients met the EWGSOP criteria for muscle wasting compared to FNIH body mass index adjustment (X2 = 7.7, p = 0.006). However, when combining both criteria, there was no difference in the prevalence of sarcopenia between the different recommended definitions (11–15.5%). Conclusion We report a much lower prevalence of sarcopenia compared to studies in haemodialysis patients. Although there may be an element of patient selection bias, PD patients are not subject to changes in hydration and electrolytes with haemodialysis, which can affect HGS and muscle mass measurements. Using HGS and segmental bioimpedance we found similar prevalence of sarcopenia using EWGSOP, FNIH, AWGS definitions

    Influence of Austenite Phase Transformation on Existing Microstructure of Low C-Mn Steel

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    Cold heading quality CHQ steel is widely used for making small components due to its excellent cold heading response. Austenite nucleation and growth morphology of a commercial CHQ steel has been studied by continuous heating experiments using lead-bath up-quenching at different heating temperatures. Modern optical microscope Olympus GX51, scanning electron microscopy techniques have been deployed to reveal and interpret the microstructure. It was found that at 740°C the microstructure shows lack of homogeneity, hence the cold-head-ability of CHQ steel is anisotropic. At high temperatures, in austenite domain, at 60sec, the resultant austenite is highly homogenous. Then the cold-head-ability properties of CHQ steel turned to be isotropic

    Comparison of outcomes using the rituximab originator MabThera with the biosimilar Truxima in patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis

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    Objectives: The use of rituximab (MabThera®), an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody, is the most significant development in the management of anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV) since the introduction of cytotoxic therapy in 1950. Truxima® is the first anti-CD20 biosimilar approved for the same indications, and has been available in the UK since 2017. Significant cost savings have been reported when switching to biosimilars, which could lead to greater patient access to such treatment. Therefore, it is important to know whether patients’ clinical and laboratory parameters respond equally well to biosimilars as to reference medicines, tested in clinical trials. Method: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical outcomes and laboratory parameters in 257 consecutive patients treated with anti-CD20 depletion therapy using MabThera or Truxima, for induction and maintenance of remission, in two tertiary renal centres between 2010 and 2019. Results: We demonstrated no difference between patients treated with MabThera or Truxima in rates of remission, relapse, and hospitalization with infection when used for either induction or maintenance of remission of AAV. In one hospital subgroup analysis, we showed comparable levels of hypogammaglobulinaemia, B-cell depletion, and frequency of infusion reactions, with no significant differences. Conclusion: The efficacy and safety of the rituximab biosimilar Truxima are not inferior to the originator MabThera in patients with AAV. Truxima represents a cheaper and safe therapeutic alternative that could increase patient access to rituximab

    Preliminary selection and evaluation of fungicides and natural compounds to control grey mold disease of rose caused by Botrytis cinerea

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    Botrytis cinerea es un hongo patógeno de las plantas que causa la enfermedad del moho gris del rosal (Rosa indica L.). La búsqueda de estrategias de control nuevas y alternativas respetuosas con el medio ambiente, en lugar de los productos químicos peligrosos, para diferentes enfermedades de los cultivos es un paso crucial y saludable para hacer frente a los retos actuales del cambio climático. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la eficacia de diferentes extractos botánicos y agentes de biocontrol (biopesticidas) junto con diferentes fungicidas contra B. cinerea en condiciones in vitro. Se utilizaron tres concentraciones diferentes, a saber, 100, 200 y 300 ppm de cinco fungicidas, a saber, Acrobate, Melody, Cabrio top, Antracol y oxicloruro de cobre, extractos botánicos de ocho plantas Dhatura, Jengibre, Aak, Neem y Cebolla, en tres dosis diferentes de 5, 10 y 15%, El estudio de la incidencia de la enfermedad% de moho gris en el cultivo de rosas en la región muestra que la región de Hyderabad tiene un máximo (60%) de incidencia de la enfermedad en comparación con la región de Tandojam (40%). Entre los fungicidas, el Cabrio top redujo significativamente el crecimiento lineal de colonias (31 mm) de B. cinerea a una concentración de 300 ppm. Entre los productos botánicos, el extracto de la planta de neem mostró significativamente el menor crecimiento de colonias (23,33 mm), seguido de la planta de jengibre (25 mm) y la planta de dhatura (26 mm). La mayor concentración de fungicidas y las dosis más altas (15%) de extractos botánicos resultaron significativamente eficaces para controlar el patógeno B. cinerea. Among biopesticides, Fusarium solani appeared prominent in reducing colony growth (25.16 mm) of the pathogen but the difference was not significant 300 with most of the tested biocontrol agents. La recomendación en este estudio es la alta capacidad de los extractos botánicos y agentes de biocontrol en la reducción del crecimiento de moho gris, considerando potencialmente su uso en lugar de fungicidas sintéticos y mayor seguridad para el ecosistema.Campus Ic

    Nationwide lockdown, population density, and financial distress brings inadequacy to manage covid-19: leading the services sector into the trajectory of global depression

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    The service industry provides distributive services, producer services, personal services, and social services. These services largely breakdowns due to restrictions on border movements, confined travel and transportation services, a decline in international tourists’ visitation, nationwide lock-downs, and maintaining social distancing in the population. Although these measures are highly needed to contain coronavirus, it decreases economic and financial activities in a country, which re-quires smart solutions to globally subsidize the services sector. The study used different COVID-19 measures, and its resulting impact on the services industry by using world aggregated data from 1975 through 2020. The study benefited from the Keynesian theory of aggregate demand that re-mains provided a solution to minimize economic shocks through stringent or liberalizing economic policies. The COVID-19 pandemic is more severe than the financial shocks of 2018 that affected almost all sectors of the globalized world, particularly the services sector, which has been severally affected by COVID-19; it is a high time to revisit economic policies to control pandemic recession. The study used quantiles regression and innovation accounting matrix to obtain ex-ante and ex-post analysis. The quantile regression estimates show that causes of death by communicable diseases, including COVID-19, mainly decline the share of services value added to the global GDP at different quantiles distribution. In contrast, word-of-mouth helps to prevent it from the transmission channel of coronavirus plague through information sharing among the general masses. The control of food prices and managing physical distancing reduces suspected coronavirus cases; however, it negatively affects the services sector’s value share. The smart lockdown and sound economic activities do not decrease coronavirus cases, while they support increasing the percentage of the services sector to the global GDP. The innovation accounting matrix suggested that smart lockdown, managing physical distancing, effective price control, and sound financial activities will help to reduce coronavirus cases that will further translate into increased services value-added for the next ten years. The social distancing will exert a more considerable variance error shock to the services industry, which indicates the viability of these measures to contained novel coronavirus over a time horizon. The study used the number of proxies to the COVID-19 measures on the service sector that can be continued with real-time variables to obtain more inferences
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