1,664 research outputs found

    Policies for a greener agriculture: the agro-ecological approach of current programs in Brazil.

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    Based a multiple-cases-study approach, our main objective is to discuss to what extent the new political approach of 2003 has been able so far to obtain and increase concrete progress in rural areas in Brazil

    Positive solutions to find a job: cultural mismatches between companies and employees

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsPsychology is not just the study of disease, weakness, and damage; it also is the study of strength and virtue (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Attempts to change this thinking school is the theory of Positive Psychology from Seligman which is the base for this dissertation. The methodology used in our model followed the hypothesis testing in order to assess the veracity of positive behaviors affecting the outcome of finding a job. Therefore, through the use of Logistic Regressions, several results proved that positive behaviors such as optimism are indeed affecting the way we apply to a job and how satisfied we are with it. Thus, since each country presents a different set of cultural behaviors such as the level of optimism and self-determination, companies and education systems that are internationalizing should concern cultural impacts and maybe mind about cultural teachings to local workers to improve their adaptation to the institution. The models studied in this dissertation should be tested again with different samples in order to bring more consistency to this subject

    ESTRATÉGIAS PRODUTIVAS E APLICAÇÃO DE PRINCÍPIOS DA AGROECOLOGIA: o caso dos agricultores familiares de base ecológica da cooperativa dos agropecuaristas solidários de Itápolis - COAGROSOL

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    O artigo apresenta uma análise das estratégias produtivas de unidades certificadas de uma cooperativa de agricultores familiares de Itápolis (SP). Verificou-se nessas unidades a aplicação de princípios da agroecologia recomendados pela agricultura de base ecológica, em observância à agro-biodiversidade, à reciclagem de material e aos aspectos socioeconômicos do processo de conversão e transição agroecológica. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se por meio da complementaridade de abordagens proporcionada pela combinação de métodos de pesquisa sociológica e agronômica, com base na realiza-ção de entrevistas qualitativas e na aplicação de questionários com questões semiestruturadas. Con-cluiu-se que o estabelecimento de relações econômicas entre a cooperativa e uma entidade internacio-nal de comércio tem estimulado aumento expressivo na diversificação produtiva e na aplicação de princípios da agricultura de base ecológica, bem como proporcionado uma visível mudança de atitude quanto à exploração dos recursos naturais da região, localizada em uma das bacias hidrográficas mais degradadas do Estado de São Paulo em razão da poluição por agroquímicos e pesticidas e da ausência de matas nativas


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    I - Introduction. II - Historical evolution of the civil liability as regards wounds between sportsmen. III - The most known decisions in Argentine Jurisprudence in the matter of wounds between sportsmen at a critical moment of the game. Cases “Cottroneo vs Banfield”; “Berman vs Goldin”; “Telechea vs Beldrio”; “Gil Osvaldo vs Sociedad de Fomento”; and “Pizzo vs Camoronesi”. IV - The State authorization in football. V - The assumption of risks in football. VI - By way of conclusion.I - Introduction. II - Historical evolution of the civil liability as regards wounds between sportsmen. III - The most known decisions in Argentine Jurisprudence in the matter of wounds between sportsmen at a critical moment of the game. Cases “Cottroneo vs Banfield”; “Berman vs Goldin”; “Telechea vs Beldrio”; “Gil Osvaldo vs Sociedad de Fomento”; and “Pizzo vs Camoronesi”. IV - The State authorization in football. V - The assumption of risks in football. VI - By way of conclusion


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    O presente texto se dispõe a refletir sobre a importância do posicionamento de marca através do estudo de caso da comunicação dos sucos prontos “do bem”. Para isso, o estudo faz breve caracterização da sociedade atual, em que se percebe um aumento da quantidade de informação circulante e de produtos no mercado. A partir desse cenário, são revisados alguns conceitos teóricos pertinentes ao marketing e se analisa o mercado de bebidas não-alcoólicas no Brasil. Diversas características da comunicação da marca “do bem” são descritas a fim de que possa se perceber a relevância de determinadas práticas como fatores determinantes para o sucesso no mercado

    Transport is important in the carbon footprint of imported organic plant products.

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    Farmers or consumers may ask about the environmental implications when choosing organic products. Is it sustainable to buy organic products from China or South America? How much does the long-distance transport affect the climate and carbon footprint of the products? And does the organic production in the countries concerned benefit the environment? These are some of the questions raised – and the point of departure for a recently finalized PhD study