66 research outputs found

    Log-normal Star Formation Histories in Simulated and Observed Galaxies

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    Gladders et al. have recently suggested that the star formation histories (SFHs) of individual galaxies are characterized by a log-normal function in time, implying a slow decline rather than rapid quenching. We test their conjecture on theoretical SFHs from the cosmological simulation Illustris and on observationally inferred SFHs. While the log-normal form necessarily ignores short-lived features such as starbursts, it fits the overall shape of the majority of SFHs very well. In particular, 85% of the cumulative SFHs are fitted to within a maximum error of 5% of the total stellar mass formed, and 99% to within 10%. The log-normal performs systematically better than the commonly used delayed-τ model, and is superseded only by functions with more than three free parameters. Poor fits are mostly found in galaxies that were rapidly quenched after becoming satellites. We explore the log-normal parameter space of normalization, peak time, and full width at half maximum, and find that the simulated and observed samples occupy similar regions, though Illustris predicts wider, later-forming SFHs on average. The ensemble of log-normal fits correctly reproduces complex metrics such as the evolution of Illustris galaxies across the star formation main sequence, but overpredicts their quenching timescales. SFHs in Illustris are a diverse population not determined by any one physical property of galaxies, but follow a tight relation, where width ∝ (peak time)^(3/2). We show that such a relation can be explained qualitatively (though not quantitatively) by a close connection between the growth of dark matter halos and their galaxies

    The Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space (GLASS). IX. The dual origin of low-mass cluster galaxies as revealed by new structural analyses

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    Using deep Hubble Frontier Fields imaging and slitless spectroscopy from the Grism Lens-Amplified Survey from Space, we analyze 2200 cluster and 1748 field galaxies at 0.2z0.70.2\leq z\leq0.7 to determine the impact of environment on galaxy size and structure at logM/M>7.8\log M_*/M_\odot>7.8, an unprecedented limit at these redshifts. Based on simple assumptions-re=f(M)r_e=f(M_*)-we find no significant differences in half-light radii (rer_e) between equal-mass cluster or field systems. More complex analyses-re=f(M,UV,n,z,Σr_e=f(M_*,U-V,n,z,\Sigma)-reveal local density (Σ(\Sigma) to induce only a 7%±3%7\% \pm 3\% (95%95\% confidence) reduction in rer_e beyond what can be accounted for by UVU-V color, Sersic index (nn), and redshift (zz) effects.Almost any size difference between galaxies in high- and low-density regions is thus attributable to their different distributions in properties other than environment. Indeed, we find a clear color-rer_e correlation in low-mass passive cluster galaxies (logM/M<9.8\log M_*/M_\odot<9.8) such that bluer systems have larger radii, with the bluest having sizes consistent with equal-mass star-forming galaxies. We take this as evidence that large-rer_e low-mass passive cluster galaxies are recently acquired systems that have been environmentally quenched without significant structural transformation (e.g., by ram pressure stripping or starvation).Conversely, 20%\sim20\% of small-rer_e low-mass passive cluster galaxies appear to have been in place since z3z\sim3. Given the consistency of the small-rer_e galaxies' stellar surface densities (and even colors) with those of systems more than ten times as massive, our findings suggest that clusters mark places where galaxy evolution is accelerated for an ancient base population spanning most masses, with late-time additions quenched by environment-specific mechanisms are mainly restricted to the lowest masses.Comment: The accepted version. The catalog is available through the GLASS web page (http://glass.astro.ucla.edu), or https://www.astr.tohoku.ac.jp/~mtakahiro/Publication/Morishita17

    Demonstrating Diversity in Star Formation Histories with the CSI Survey

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    We present coarse but robust star formation histories (SFHs) derived from spectro-photometric data of the Carnegie-Spitzer-IMACS Survey, for 22,494 galaxies at 0.3<z<0.9 with stellar masses of 10^9 Msun to 10^12 Msun. Our study moves beyond "average" SFHs and distribution functions of specific star formation rates (sSFRs) to individually measured SFHs for tens of thousands of galaxies. By comparing star formation rates (SFRs) with timescales of 10^10, 10^9, and 10^8 years, we find a wide diversity of SFHs: 'old galaxies' that formed most or all of their stars early; galaxies that formed stars with declining or constant SFRs over a Hubble time, and genuinely 'young galaxies' that formed most of their stars since z=1. This sequence is one of decreasing stellar mass, but, remarkably, each type is found over a mass range of a factor of 10. Conversely, galaxies at any given mass follow a wide range of SFHs, leading us to conclude that: (1) halo mass does not uniquely determine SFHs; (2) there is no 'typical' evolutionary track; and (3) "abundance matching" has limitations as a tool for inferring physics. Our observations imply that SFHs are set at an early epoch, and that--for most galaxies--the decline and cessation of star formation occurs over a Hubble-time, without distinct "quenching" events. SFH diversity is inconsistent with models where galaxy mass, at any given epoch, grows simply along relations between SFR and stellar mass, but is consistent with a 2-parameter lognormal form, lending credence to this model from a new and independent perspective.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures; accepted by ApJ; version 2 - no substantive changes; clarifications and correction

    Spectroscopic confirmation of an ultra-faint galaxy at the epoch of reionization

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    Within one billion years of the Big Bang, intergalactic hydrogen was ionized by sources emitting ultraviolet and higher energy photons. This was the final phenomenon to globally affect all the baryons (visible matter) in the Universe. It is referred to as cosmic reionization and is an integral component of cosmology. It is broadly expected that intrinsically faint galaxies were the primary ionizing sources due to their abundance in this epoch. However, at the highest redshifts (z>7.5z>7.5; lookback time 13.1 Gyr), all galaxies with spectroscopic confirmations to date are intrinsically bright and, therefore, not necessarily representative of the general population. Here, we report the unequivocal spectroscopic detection of a low luminosity galaxy at z>7.5z>7.5. We detected the Lyman-α\alpha emission line at 10504\sim 10504 {\AA} in two separate observations with MOSFIRE on the Keck I Telescope and independently with the Hubble Space Telescope's slit-less grism spectrograph, implying a source redshift of z=7.640±0.001z = 7.640 \pm 0.001. The galaxy is gravitationally magnified by the massive galaxy cluster MACS J1423.8+2404 (z=0.545z = 0.545), with an estimated intrinsic luminosity of MAB=19.6±0.2M_{AB} = -19.6 \pm 0.2 mag and a stellar mass of M=3.00.8+1.5×108M_{\star} = 3.0^{+1.5}_{-0.8} \times 10^8 solar masses. Both are an order of magnitude lower than the four other Lyman-α\alpha emitters currently known at z>7.5z > 7.5, making it probably the most distant representative source of reionization found to date

    SGAS 143845.1+145407: A Big, Cool Starburst at Redshift 0.816

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    We present the discovery and a detailed multi-wavelength study of a strongly-lensed luminous infrared galaxy at z=0.816. Unlike most known lensed galaxies discovered at optical or near-infrared wavelengths this lensed source is red, r-Ks = 3.9 [AB], which the data presented here demonstrate is due to ongoing dusty star formation. The overall lensing magnification (a factor of 17) facilitates observations from the blue optical through to 500micron, fully capturing both the stellar photospheric emission as well as the re-processed thermal dust emission. We also present optical and near-IR spectroscopy. These extensive data show that this lensed galaxy is in many ways typical of IR-detected sources at z~1, with both a total luminosity and size in accordance with other (albeit much less detailed) measurements in samples of galaxies observed in deep fields with the Spitzer telescope. Its far-infrared spectral energy distribution is well-fit by local templates that are an order of magnitude less luminous than the lensed galaxy; local templates of comparable luminosity are too hot to fit. Its size (D~7kpc) is much larger than local luminous infrared galaxies, but in line with sizes observed for such galaxies at z~1. The star formation appears uniform across this spatial scale. In this source, the luminosity of which is typical of sources that dominate the cosmic infrared background, we find that star formation is spatially extended and well organised, quite unlike the compact merger-driven starbursts which are typical for sources of this luminosity at z~0.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure