981 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Persistent Current in Metal Rings by Correlated Disorder

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    We study analytically the effect of a correlated random potential on the persistent current in a one-dimensional ring threaded by a magnetic flux ϕ\phi, using an Anderson tight-binding model. In our model, the system of N=2MN=2M atomic sites of the ring is assumed to be partitioned into MM pairs of identical nearest-neighbour sites (dimers). The site energies for different dimers are taken to be uncorrelated gaussian variables. For this system we obtain the exact flux-dependent energy levels to second order in the random site energies, using an earlier exact transfer matrix perturbation theory. These results are used to study the mean persistent current generated by Ne≤NN_e\leq N spinless electrons occupying the NeN_e lowest levels of the flux-dependent energy band at zero temperature. Detailed analyses are carried out in the limit 1≪Ne≪N1\ll N_e\ll N and for a half-filled band (Ne=N/2N_e=N/2), for magnetic fluxes −1/2<ϕ/ϕ0<1/2-1/2 <\phi/\phi_0<1/2. While the uncorrelated disorder leads to a reduction of the persistent current, the disorder correlation acts to enhance it. In particular, in the half-filled band case the correlated disorder leads to a global flux-dependent enhancement of persistent current which has the same form for even and odd NeN_e. At low filling of the energy band the effect of the disorder on the persistent current is found to depend on the parity of NeN_e: the correlated disorder yields a reduction of the current for odd NeN_e and an enhancement of the current for even NeN_e.Comment: 1

    Semiclassical model for a memory dephasing channel

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    We study a dephasing channel with memory, described by a Hamiltonian model in which the system-environment interaction is described by a stochastic process. We propose a useful way to describe the channel uses correlations. Moreover, we give a general expression for the coherences decay factors as a function of the number of channel uses and of the stochastic process power spectrum. We also study the impact of memory on the three qubit code, showing that correlations among channel uses affect very little the code performance.Comment: 8pages, 3 figures, proceedings of CEWQO 2008 Conferenc

    Self-consistent model of unipolar transport in organic semiconductor diodes: accounting for a realistic density-of-states distribution

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    A self-consistent, mean-field model of charge-carrier injection and unipolar transport in an organic semiconductor diode is developed utilizing the effective transport energy concept and taking into account a realistic density-of-states distribution as well as the presence of trap states in an organic material. The consequences resulting from the model are discussed exemplarily on the basis of an indium tin oxide/organic semiconductor/metallic conductor structure. A comparison of the theory to experimental data of a unipolar indium tin oxide/poly-3-hexyl-thiophene/Al device is presented.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; to be published in Journal of Applied Physic

    Multichannel demultiplexer/demodulator technologies for future satellite communication systems

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    NASA-Lewis' Space Electronics Div. supports ongoing research in advanced satellite communication architectures, onboard processing, and technology development. Recent studies indicate that meshed VSAT (very small aperture terminal) satellite communication networks using FDMA (frequency division multiple access) uplinks and TDMA (time division multiplexed) downlinks are required to meet future communication needs. One of the critical advancements in such a satellite communication network is the multichannel demultiplexer/demodulator (MCDD). The progress is described which was made in MCDD development using either acousto-optical, optical, or digital technologies

    Theory of Nonlinear Matter Waves in Optical Lattices

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    We consider several effects of the matter wave dynamics which can be observed in Bose-Einstein condensates embedded into optical lattices. For low-density condensates we derive approximate evolution equations, the form of which depends on relation among the main spatial scales of the system. Reduction of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to a lattice model (the tight-binding approximation) is also presented. Within the framework of the obtained models we consider modulational instability of the condensate, solitary and periodic matter waves, paying special attention to different limits of the solutions, i.e. to smooth movable gap solitons and to strongly localized discrete modes. We also discuss how the Feshbach resonance, a linear force, and lattice defects affect the nonlinear matter waves.Comment: Modern Physics Letters B (invited brief review), 25 pages, 9 figure

    Aging to Equilibrium Dynamics of SiO2

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    Molecular dynamics computer simulations are used to study the aging dynamics of SiO2 (modeled by the BKS model). Starting from fully equilibrated configurations at high temperatures T_i =5000K/3760K the system is quenched to lower temperatures T_f=2500K, 2750K, 3000K, 3250K and observed after a waiting time t_w. Since the simulation runs are long enough to reach equilibrium at T_f, we are able to study the transition from out-of-equilibrium to equilibrium dynamics. We present results for the partial structure factors, for the generalized incoherent intermediate scattering function C_q(t_w, t_w+t), and for the mean square displacement msd(t_w,t_w+t). We conclude that there are three different t_w regions: (I) At very short waiting times, C_q(t_w, t_w+t) decays very fast without forming a plateau. Similarly msd(t_w,t_w+t) increases without forming a plateau. (II) With increasing t_w a plateau develops in C_q(t_w, t_w+t) and msd(t_w,t_w+t). For intermediate waiting times the plateau height is independent of t_w and T_i. Time superposition applies, i.e. C_q=C_q(t/t_r) where t_r=t_r(t_w) is a waiting time dependent decay time. Furthermore C_q=C(q,t_w,t_w+t) scales as C_q=C(q,z(t_w,t) where z is a function of t_w and t only, i.e. independent of q. (III) At large t_w the system reaches equilibrium, i.e. C_q(t_w,t_w+t) and msd(t_w,t_w+t) are independent of t_w and T_i. For C_q(t_w,t_w+t) we find that the time superposition of intermediate waiting times (II) includes the equilibrium curve (III).Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, submission to PR

    Divergence of the Chaotic Layer Width and Strong Acceleration of the Spatial Chaotic Transport in Periodic Systems Driven by an Adiabatic ac Force

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    We show for the first time that a {\it weak} perturbation in a Hamiltonian system may lead to an arbitrarily {\it wide} chaotic layer and {\it fast} chaotic transport. This {\it generic} effect occurs in any spatially periodic Hamiltonian system subject to a sufficiently slow ac force. We explain it and develop an explicit theory for the layer width, verified in simulations. Chaotic spatial transport as well as applications to the diffusion of particles on surfaces, threshold devices and others are discussed.Comment: 4 pages including 3 EPS figures, this is an improved version of the paper (accepted to PRL, 2005

    Nexus between quantum criticality and the chemical potential pinning in high-TcT_c cuprates

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    For strongly correlated electrons the relation between total number of charge carriers nen_e and the chemical potential μ\mu reveals for large Coulomb energy the apparently paradoxical pinning of μ\mu within the Mott gap, as observed in high-TcT_c cuprates. By unravelling consequences of the non-trivial topology of the charge gauge U(1) group and the associated ground state degeneracy we found a close kinship between the pinning of μ\mu and the zero-temperature divergence of the charge compressibility κ∼∂ne/∂μ\kappa\sim\partial n_e/\partial\mu, which marks a novel quantum criticality governed by topological charges rather than Landau principle of the symmetry breaking.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figures, typos corrected, version as publishe

    Strong-coupling approach to the Mott--Hubbard insulator on a Bethe lattice in Dynamical Mean-Field Theory

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    We calculate the Hubbard bands for the half-filled Hubbard model on a Bethe lattice with infinite coordination number up to and including third order in the inverse Hubbard interaction. We employ the Kato--Takahashi perturbation theory to solve the self-consistency equation of the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory analytically for the single-impurity Anderson model in multi-chain geometry. The weight of the secondary Hubbard sub-bands is of fourth order so that the two-chain geometry is sufficient for our study. Even close to the Mott--Hubbard transition, our results for the Mott--Hubbard gap agree very well with those from numerical Dynamical Density-Matrix Renormalization Group (DDMRG) calculations. The density of states of the lower Hubbard band also agrees very well with DDMRG data, apart from a resonance contribution at the upper band edge which cannot be reproduced in low-order perturbation theory.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figure

    Double-Slit Interferometry with a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    A Bose-Einstein "double-slit" interferometer has been recently realized experimentally by (Y. Shin et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 50405 (2004)). We analyze the interferometric steps by solving numerically the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevski equation in three-dimensional space. We focus on the adiabaticity time scales of the problem and on the creation of spurious collective excitations as a possible source of the strong dephasing observed experimentally. The role of quantum fluctuations is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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