23 research outputs found

    Исследование «пещерного города» Эски-Кермен в 20-е — 30-е годы XX века / The research of the Eski-Kermen “cave town” in the 20's and 30's of the 20th century

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    Целью исследования стало освещение малоизученных моментов истории изучения «пещерного города» Эски-Кермен. В предлагаемой вашему вниманию статье пойдет речь об исследовании этого памятника истории и культуры, проведенного экспедицией ГАИМК, а также других научных организаций АН СССР в 20-е-30-е гг. XX в. Особое внимание было уделено выявлению роли археологов в изучении Эски-Кермена. По-новому была освещена роль Н. Л. Эрнста, В. П. и П. П. Бабенчиковых, Н. И. Репникова, Е. В. Веймарна, а также В. И. Равдоникаса. Выводы, сделанные этими исследователями, предопределили подходы к изучению древностей Эски-Кермена. The aim of the study was poorly studied lighting highlights the history of the study of Eski-Kermen “cave town”. In offering you article will talk about the study of historical and cultural monuments, the expedition of the State Academy of the History of Material Culture, as well as other scientific organizations of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the 20th-30th years of XX c. Particular attention was paid to identifying the role of archeology in the study of Eski-Kermen. In the new role it was highlighted of N. L. Ernst, V. P. and P. P. Babenchikov, N. I. Repnikov, E. V. Veymarn, and V. I. Ravdonikas. The conclusions of these researchers determined the approaches to the study of antiquities of Eski-Kermen

    Formal analysis method of dynamic algorithms represented by functional schemes.

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    Plasticity of an extra-strong nanocrystalline stainless steel controlled by the “dislocation-segregation” interaction

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    International audienceWe study three structurally different states of nanocrystalline 316 steel and show that the state, where boundaries containing excess concentration of alloying elements are combined with mobile dislocations in grain interiors, allows maintaining extraordinarily high strength and remarkably enhanced plasticity. Underlying mechanisms featuring interaction between the segregations and mobile dislocations are discussed

    Ultrasmall-angle X-ray scattering analysis of photonic crystal structure

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    The results of an ultrasmall angle X ray scattering study of iron(III) oxide inverse opal thin films are presented. The photonic crystals examined are shown to have fcc structure with amount of stacking faults varying among the samples. The method used in this study makes it possible to easily distinguish between samples with predominantly twinned fcc structure and nearly perfect fcc stacking. The difference observed between samples fabricated under identical conditions is attributed to random layer stacking in the self assembled colloidal crystals used as templates for fabricating the inverse opals. The present method provides a versatile tool for analyzing photonic crystal structure in studies of inverse opals made of various materials, colloidal crystals, and three dimensional photonic crystals of other types