21 research outputs found

    Studies of the effect of cerebroprotective substances on the course of stress-induced behavioral depression

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    Atrophic disturbances of neurons of the limbic structures of the brain, which lead to insufficient regu-lation of emotions and mood, cause depression. Substances with cerebroprotective activity have the ability to inhibit further development and even reverse atrophic damage to neuron

    Ultrasonic fingerprinting by phased array transducer

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    Increasing quantity of spent nuclear fuel that must be under national and international control requires a novel approach to safeguard techniques and equipment. One of the proposed approaches is utilize intrinsic features of casks with spent fuel. In this article an application of a phased array ultrasonic method is considered. This study describes an experimental results on ultrasonic fingerprinting of austenitic steel seam weld

    Ultrasonic fingerprinting by phased array transducer

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    Increasing quantity of spent nuclear fuel that must be under national and international control requires a novel approach to safeguard techniques and equipment. One of the proposed approaches is utilize intrinsic features of casks with spent fuel. In this article an application of a phased array ultrasonic method is considered. This study describes an experimental results on ultrasonic fingerprinting of austenitic steel seam weld

    Исследования церебропротективной активности производных имидазола и индола и их влияния на эффекты антидепрессантов

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    Background. Treatment of depression disorders is insufficiently effectively. It uses for increasing of treatment efficiency empirical selected combinations of antidepressants with preparations of lithium and certain others, which possess cerebroprotective aside from psychopharmacological activity. Purpose. A study the spectrums of cerebroprotective activity of derivatives of benzimidazole - diacamph and of pyrrolo-oxindole - substance R-86 and referent preparation piracetam as well as its impact on ability of antidepressants to weaken the manifestation of behavioral depression evoked by chronic inflammation.Methods. It was investigated on slices of dorsal hippocampus in vitro by means of electrophysiological methods the impact of administrated during 10 days diacamph, substance R-86 and piracetam on evoked by deprivation of oxygen and glucose, 1 mM H2O2 and 50 pM N-methyl-D-aspartate damages of pyramidal neurons. It was simulates in experiments in vivo behavioral depression evoked by chronic inflammationand researched impact of diacamph, substances R-86 and piracetam on evoked by antidepressants weakening of behavioral depression main manifestations.Results. It was ascertained, that chronic i/p administration diacamph, substance R-86 (10 mg/kg) and piracetam (100 mg/kg) rats reduced damages of hippocampal pyramidal neurons evoked by oxygen/glucose deprivation, oxidative stress and N-methyl-D-aspartate, i. e. drugs possess by cerebroprotective activity. In behavioral experiments investigate potentiating influence of diacamph and substance R-86 on affected imipramine, amitryptiline and ketamine duration of immobilization and marker of preference sucrose solution in rat behavioral depression evoked by chronic inflammation.Conclusion. Drugs with cerebroprotective action potentiate effects of traditional and fast-acting antidepressants.Актуальность. Лечение депрессивных расстройств недостаточно эффективно. Для повышения эффективности лечения используют эмпирически подобранные комбинации антидепрессантов с препаратами лития и другими, которые помимо психофармакологической обладают и церебропротективной активностью.Цель. Изучение спектров церебропротективной активности производных бензимидазола -диакамфа и пирроло-оксиндола - соединения Р-86, а также препарата сравнения пирацетама и их влияния на способность антидепрессантов ослаблять проявления вызванной хроническим воспалением поведенческой депрессии.Методы. В опытах invitro на срезах дорсального гиппокампа с помощью электрофизиологических методов исследовали влияние вводимых в течение 10 дней диакамфа, соединения Р-86 и пирацетама на вызываемые аноксией/агликемией, 1 мМ Н2О2 и 50 мкМ N-метил-Р-аспартата повреждения пирамидных нейронов. В опытах invivo моделировали вызываемую хроническим воспалением поведенческую депрессию и исследовали влияние диакамфа, соединения Р-86 и пирацетама на вызываемые антидепрессантами ослабления основных проявлений поведенческой депрессии.Результаты. Установлено, что хроническое в/б введение крысам диакамфа и соединения Р-86 в дозе 10 мг/кг, и пирацетама в дозе 100 мг/кг ослабляло повреждения пирамидных нейронов дорсального гиппокампа, вызываемые аноксией/агликемией, оксидативным стрессом и N-метил-Р-аспартатом, т. е. вещества обладают церебропротективной активностью. В поведенческих опытах исследуемые вещества потенцировали влияние имипрами-на, амитриптилина и кетамина на время иммобилизации крыс и показатель предпочтения раствора сахарозы при вызванной хроническим воспалением поведенческой депрессии.Заключение. Вещества с церебропротективной активностью потенцируют эффекты традиционных и быстродействующих антидепрессантов

    Piracetam potentiates neuronal and behavioral effects of ketamine

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    The article notes that piracetam potentiates a ketamine-induced enhancement of the synaptic transmission at the radial layer of the CA1 hippocampal area when investigating at the brain slices. Piracetam stimulates an antidepressant action of a single dose of ketamine in cases of behavioral depression, though it has no antidepressant effect when administered at a single dos

    Studies of the effect of cerebroprotective substances on the course of stress-induced behavioral depression

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    Atrophic disturbances of neurons of the limbic structures of the brain, which lead to insufficient regu-lation of emotions and mood, cause depression. Substances with cerebroprotective activity have the ability to inhibit further development and even reverse atrophic damage to neuron