16,919 research outputs found

    Transit Node Routing Reconsidered

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    Transit Node Routing (TNR) is a fast and exact distance oracle for road networks. We show several new results for TNR. First, we give a surprisingly simple implementation fully based on Contraction Hierarchies that speeds up preprocessing by an order of magnitude approaching the time for just finding a CH (which alone has two orders of magnitude larger query time). We also develop a very effective purely graph theoretical locality filter without any compromise in query times. Finally, we show that a specialization to the online many-to-one (or one-to-many) shortest path further speeds up query time by an order of magnitude. This variant even has better query time than the fastest known previous methods which need much more space.Comment: 19 pages, submitted to SEA'201

    Quantum corrections to the Larmor radiation formula in scalar electrodynamics

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    We use the semi-classical approximation in perturbative scalar quantum electrodynamics to calculate the quantum correction to the Larmor radiation formula to first order in Planck's constant in the non-relativistic approximation, choosing the initial state of the charged particle to be a momentum eigenstate. We calculate this correction in two cases: in the first case the charged particle is accelerated by a time-dependent but space-independent vector potential whereas in the second case it is accelerated by a time-independent vector potential which is a function of one spatial coordinate. We find that the corrections in these two cases are different even for a charged particle with the same classical motion. The correction in each case turns out to be non-local in time in contrast to the classical approximation.Comment: 19 page

    A kinetic model of radiating electrons

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    A kinetic theory is developed to describe radiating electrons whose motion is governed by the Lorentz-Dirac equation. This gives rise to a generalized Vlasov equation coupled to an equation for the evolution of the physical submanifold of phase space. The pathological solutions of the 1-particle theory may be removed by expanding the latter equation in powers of τ ≔ q 2/6πm. The radiation-induced change in entropy is explored and its physical origin is discussed. As a simple demonstration of the theory, the radiative damping rate of longitudinal plasma waves is calculated

    A necklace of Wulff shapes

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    In a probabilistic model of a film over a disordered substrate, Monte-Carlo simulations show that the film hangs from peaks of the substrate. The film profile is well approximated by a necklace of Wulff shapes. Such a necklace can be obtained as the infimum of a collection of Wulff shapes resting on the substrate. When the random substrate is given by iid heights with exponential distribution, we prove estimates on the probability density of the resulting peaks, at small density

    A Rigorous Derivation of Electromagnetic Self-force

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    During the past century, there has been considerable discussion and analysis of the motion of a point charge, taking into account "self-force" effects due to the particle's own electromagnetic field. We analyze the issue of "particle motion" in classical electromagnetism in a rigorous and systematic way by considering a one-parameter family of solutions to the coupled Maxwell and matter equations corresponding to having a body whose charge-current density Ja(λ)J^a(\lambda) and stress-energy tensor Tab(λ)T_{ab} (\lambda) scale to zero size in an asymptotically self-similar manner about a worldline γ\gamma as λ→0\lambda \to 0. In this limit, the charge, qq, and total mass, mm, of the body go to zero, and q/mq/m goes to a well defined limit. The Maxwell field Fab(λ)F_{ab}(\lambda) is assumed to be the retarded solution associated with Ja(λ)J^a(\lambda) plus a homogeneous solution (the "external field") that varies smoothly with λ\lambda. We prove that the worldline γ\gamma must be a solution to the Lorentz force equations of motion in the external field Fab(λ=0)F_{ab}(\lambda=0). We then obtain self-force, dipole forces, and spin force as first order perturbative corrections to the center of mass motion of the body. We believe that this is the first rigorous derivation of the complete first order correction to Lorentz force motion. We also address the issue of obtaining a self-consistent perturbative equation of motion associated with our perturbative result, and argue that the self-force equations of motion that have previously been written down in conjunction with the "reduction of order" procedure should provide accurate equations of motion for a sufficiently small charged body with negligible dipole moments and spin. There is no corresponding justification for the non-reduced-order equations.Comment: 52 pages, minor correction

    The free rigid body dynamics: generalized versus classic

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    In this paper we analyze the normal forms of a general quadratic Hamiltonian system defined on the dual of the Lie algebra o(K)\mathfrak{o}(K) of real KK - skew - symmetric matrices, where KK is an arbitrary 3×33\times 3 real symmetric matrix. A consequence of the main results is that any first-order autonomous three-dimensional differential equation possessing two independent quadratic constants of motion which admits a positive/negative definite linear combination, is affinely equivalent to the classical "relaxed" free rigid body dynamics with linear controls.Comment: 12 page

    Magnetic mirror cavities as THz radiation sources and a means of quantifying radiation friction

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    We propose a radiation source based on a magnetic mirror cavity. Relativistic electrons are simulated entering the cavity and their trajectories and resulting emission spectra are calculated. The uniformity of the particle orbits is found to result in a frequency comb in terahertz range, the precise energies of which are tuneable by varying the electron's γ\gamma-factor. For very high energy particles radiation friction causes the spectral harmonics to broaden and we suggest this as a possible way to verify competing classical equations of motion.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Strong signatures of radiation reaction below the radiation dominated regime

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    The influence of radiation reaction (RR) on multiphoton Thomson scattering by an electron colliding head-on with a strong laser beam is investigated in a new regime, in which the momentum transferred on average to the electron by the laser pulse approximately compensates the one initially prepared. This equilibrium is shown to be far more sensitive to the influence of RR than previously studied scenarios. As a consequence RR can be experimentally investigated with currently available laser systems and the underlying widely discussed theoretical equations become testable for the first time.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Brane Gravitational Extension of Dirac's "Extensible Model of the Electron"

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    A gravitational extension of Dirac's "Extensible model of the electron" is presented. The Dirac bubble, treated as a 3-dim electrically charged brane, is dynamically embedded within a 4-dim Z2Z_{2}-symmetric Reissner-Nordstrom bulk. Crucial to our analysis is the gravitational extension of Dirac's brane variation prescription; its major effect is to induce a novel geometrically originated contribution to the energy-momentum tensor on the brane. In turn, the effective potential which governs the evolution of the bubble exhibits a global minimum, such that the size of the bubble stays finite (Planck scale) even at the limit where the mass approaches zero. This way, without fine-tuning, one avoids the problem so-called 'classical radius of the electron'.Comment: 6 PRD pages, 4 figures; References adde
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