37 research outputs found

    Social and swarm aspects of co-authorship network

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    The analysis of social networks is concentrated mainly on uncovering hidden relations and properties of network nodes (vertices). Most of the current approaches are focused on different network types and different network coefficients. This article introduces a social network analysis based on the so-called Forgetting Curve and Swarm Intelligence inspired by the Ant Colony Optimization. We analyse a co-authorship network and identify two types of ties among its nodes. The Forgetting Curve and Swarm Intelligence are used to model the dynamics of such a network.Web of Science20364363

    A novel approach for comparing web sites by using MicroGenres

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    In this paper, a novel approach is introduced to compare web sites by analysing their web page content. Each web page can be expressed as a set of entities called MicroGenres, which in turn are abstractions about design patterns and genres for representing the page content. This description is useful for web page and web site classification and for a deeper insight into the web site׳s social context. The web site comparison is useful for extracting patterns which can be used for improving Web search engine effectiveness, the identification of best practices in web site design and of course in the organization of web page content to personalize the web user experience on a web site. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was tested in a real world case, with e-shop web sites showing that a web site can be represented in a high level of abstraction by using MicroGenres, the contents of which can then be compared and given a measure corresponding to web site similarity. This measure is very useful for detecting web communities on the Web, i.e., a group of web sites sharing similar contents, and the result is essential in performing a focused and effective information search as well as minimizing web page retrieval.Web of Science3519818

    Vyhodnocení připravenosti České republiky splnit požadavky na kvalitu ovzduší podle směrnic EU a Konvence LRTAP:Zhodnocení a optimalizace stávající staniční sítě a verifikace návrhu sítě ověřovacím měřením

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    Zpráva je rozdělena do jednotlivých etap: DU01-1.E3 Zhodnocení efektivnosti stávající sítě monitoringu mokré atmosférické depozice. DU01-1.E4 Návrh a zahájení ověřovacích měření v oblastech vymezených v DU02-2, kde je dle směrnice 96/62/EC povinné měření, ale kde měřicí stanice stávající sítě chybí. DU01-1.E5 Návrh optimalizované sítě monitoringu kvality ovzduší. DU01-2.E4+5 Optimalizace některých statistických vlastností měřicí sítě PM10 metodami prostorové statistiky. Analýza kovarianční struktury dat PM10. DU01-3.E4 Návrh systému provozu a obsluhy vzorkovačů PM10 a PM2,5. DU01-3.E5 Zhodnocení monitorování VOCs, POPs a těžkých kovů na stanici EMEP