18,285 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Hitting Performance in Baseball

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    We have developed a sophisticated statistical model for predicting the hitting performance of Major League baseball players. The Bayesian paradigm provides a principled method for balancing past performance with crucial covariates, such as player age and position. We share information across time and across players by using mixture distributions to control shrinkage for improved accuracy. We compare the performance of our model to current sabermetric methods on a held-out season (2006), and discuss both successes and limitations

    Was the Universe Reionized by Massive Population-III Stars?

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    The WMAP satellite has measured a large optical depth to electron scattering after cosmological recombination of 0.17+-0.04, implying significant reionization of the primordial gas only ~200 million years after the big bang. However, the most recent overlap of intergalactic HII regions must have occured at z<9 based on the Lyman-alpha forest constraint on the thermal history of the intergalactic medium. Here we argue that a first generation of metal-free stars with a heavy (rather than Salpeter) mass function is therefore required to account for much of the inferred optical depth. This conclusion holds if feedback regulates star formation in early dwarf galaxies as observed in present-day dwarfs.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, replaced to match version accepted by ApJ Letter

    Correlations of a bound interface over a random substrate

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    The correlation function of a one-dimensional interface over a random substrate, bound to the substrate by a pressure term, is studied by Monte-Carlo simulation. It is found that the height correlation , averaged over the substrate disorder, fits a form exp(-(j/b)^c) to a surprising precision in the full range of j where the correlation is non-negligible. The exponent c increases from 1.0 to 1.5 when the interface tension is taken larger and larger.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Apparent first-order wetting and anomalous scaling in the two-dimensional Ising model

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    The global phase diagram of wetting in the two-dimensional (2d) Ising model is obtained through exact calculation of the surface excess free energy. Besides a surface field for inducing wetting, a surface-coupling enhancement is included. The wetting transition is critical (second order) for any finite ratio of surface coupling J_s to bulk coupling J, and turns first order in the limit J_s/J to infinity. However, for J_s/J much larger than 1 the critical region is exponentially small and practically invisible to numerical studies. A distinct pre-asymptotic regime exists in which the transition displays first-order character. Surprisingly, in this regime the surface susceptibility and surface specific heat develop a divergence and show anomalous scaling with an exponent equal to 3/2.Comment: This new version presents the exact solution and its properties whereas the older version was based on an approximate numerical study of the mode

    Non-equilibrium Dynamics of Finite Interfaces

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    We present an exact solution to an interface model representing the dynamics of a domain wall in a two-phase Ising system. The model is microscopically motivated, yet we find that in the scaling regime our results are consistent with those obtained previously from a phenomenological, coarse-grained Langevin approach.Comment: 12 pages LATEX (figures available on request), Oxford preprint OUTP-94-07

    The Eastern and Western “Scriptures” for Postmodernity: toward a Unified Ethos in Religion, Science, and Philosophy

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    Postmodernism underscores the impossibility of discovering any truth. One can at best only construct a truth capable of ensuring optimal wellbeing for everyone. The traditional undifferentiated efforts of science, religion, and philosophy, which became compartmentalized in the Enlightenment, are again streamlined in postmodernity. A new ethics is the point of convergence for these three disciplines to fashion a sustainable universe. Yet Nagarjuna, who has long been overlooked, advocates a passage beyond language. It is an initiative that finds resonance in some postmodern masters as well

    Solving for Micro- and Macro- Scale Electrostatic Configurations Using the Robin Hood Algorithm

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    We present a novel technique by which highly-segmented electrostatic configurations can be solved. The Robin Hood method is a matrix-inversion algorithm optimized for solving high density boundary element method (BEM) problems. We illustrate the capabilities of this solver by studying two distinct geometry scales: (a) the electrostatic potential of a large volume beta-detector and (b) the field enhancement present at surface of electrode nano-structures. Geometries with elements numbering in the O(10^5) are easily modeled and solved without loss of accuracy. The technique has recently been expanded so as to include dielectrics and magnetic materials.Comment: 40 pages, 20 figure

    Cosmological Origin of the Stellar Velocity Dispersions in Massive Early-Type Galaxies

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    We show that the observed upper bound on the line-of-sight velocity dispersion of the stars in an early-type galaxy, sigma<400km/s, may have a simple dynamical origin within the LCDM cosmological model, under two main hypotheses. The first is that most of the stars now in the luminous parts of a giant elliptical formed at redshift z>6. Subsequently, the stars behaved dynamically just as an additional component of the dark matter. The second hypothesis is that the mass distribution characteristic of a newly formed dark matter halo forgets such details of the initial conditions as the stellar "collisionless matter" that was added to the dense parts of earlier generations of halos. We also assume that the stellar velocity dispersion does not evolve much at z<6, because a massive host halo grows mainly by the addition of material at large radii well away from the stellar core of the galaxy. These assumptions lead to a predicted number density of ellipticals as a function of stellar velocity dispersion that is in promising agreement with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data.Comment: ApJ, in press (2003); matches published versio

    Treatment of end-of-life concrete in an innovative heating-air classification system for circular cement-based products

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    A stronger commitment towards Green Building and circular economy, in response to environmental concerns and economic trends, is evident in modern industrial cement and concrete production processes. The critical demand for an overall reduction in the environmental impact of the construction sector can be met through the consumption of high-grade supplementary raw materials. Advanced solutions are under development in current research activities that will be capable of up-cycling larger quantities of valuable raw materials from the fine fractions of End-of-Life (EoL) concrete waste. New technology, in particular the Heating-Air classification System (HAS), simultaneously applies a combination of heating and separation processes within a fluidized bed-like chamber under controlled temperatures (±600 °C) and treatment times (25–40 s). In that process, moisture and contaminants are removed from the EoL fine concrete aggregates (0–4 mm), yielding improved fine fractions, and ultrafine recycled concrete particles (<0.125 mm), consisting mainly of hydrated cement, thereby adding value to finer EoL concrete fractions. In this study, two types of ultrafine recycled concrete (either siliceous or limestone EoL concrete waste) are treated in a pilot HAS technology for their conversion into Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCM). The physico-chemical effect of the ultrafine recycled concrete particles and their potential use as SCM in new cement-based products is assessed by employing substitutions of up to 10% of the conventional binder. The environmental viability of their use as SCM is then evaluated in a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The results demonstrated accelerated hydration kinetics of the mortars that incorporated these SCMs at early ages and higher mechanical strengths at all curing ages. Optimal substitutions were established at 5%. The results suggested that the overall environmental impact could be reduced by up to 5% when employing the ultrafine recycled concrete particles as SCM in circular cement-based products, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 41 kg CO2 eq./ton of cement (i.e. 80 million tons CO2 eq./year). Finally, the environmental impacts were reduced even further by running the HAS on biofuel rather than fossil fuel.The authors of the present paper, prepared in the framework ofthe Project VEEP "Cost-Effective Recycling of C&DW in High AddedValue Energy Efficient Prefabricated Concrete Components forMassive Retrofitting of our Built Environment", wish to acknowl-edge the European Commission for its support. This project hasreceived funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 researchand innovation programme under grant agreement No 723582.This paper reflects only the author’s view and the European Com-mission is not responsible for any use that may be made of theinformation it contains.The authors are also grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science,Innovation and Universities (MICIU) and the European RegionalDevelopment Fund (FEDER) for funding this line of research(RTI2018-097074-B-C21)
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