1,082 research outputs found

    Dust penetrated morphology in the high redshift Universe

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    Images from the Hubble Deep Field (HDF) North and South show a large percentage of dusty, high redshift galaxies whose appearance falls outside traditional classification systems. The nature of these objects is not yet fully understood. Since the HDF preferentially samples restframe UV light, HDF morphologies are not dust or `mask' penetrated. The appearance of high redshift galaxies at near-infrared restframes remains a challenge for the New Millennium. The Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) could routinely provide us with such images. In this contribution, we quantitatively determine the dust-penetrated structures of high redshift galaxies such as NGC 922 in their near-infrared restframes. We show that such optically peculiar objects may readily be classified using the dust penetrated z ~ 0 templates of Block and Puerari (1999) and Buta and Block (2001).Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Presented at the conference "The Link between Stars and Cosmology", 26-30 March, 2001, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. To be published by Kluwer, eds. M. Chavez, A. Bressan, A. Buzzoni, and D. Mayya. High-resolution version of Figure 2 can be found at http://www.inaoep.mx/~puerari/conf_puertovallart

    Using Bars As Signposts of Galaxy Evolution at High and Low Redshifts

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    An analysis of the NICMOS Deep Field shows that there is no evidence of a decline in the bar fraction beyond z~0.7, as previously claimed; both bandshifting and spatial resolution must be taken into account when evaluating the evolution of the bar fraction. Two main caveats of this study were a lack of a proper comparison sample at low redshifts and a larger number of galaxies at high redshifts. We address these caveats using two new studies. For a proper local sample, we have analyzed 134 spirals in the near-infrared using 2MASS (main results presented by Menendez-Delmestre in this volume) which serves as an ideal anchor for the low-redshift Universe. In addition to measuring the mean bar properties, we find that bar size is correlated with galaxy size and brightness, but the bar ellipticity is not correlated with these galaxy properties. The bar length is not correlated with the bar ellipticity. For larger high redshift samples we analyze the bar fraction from the 2-square degree COSMOS ACS survey. We find that the bar fraction at z~0.7 is ~50%, consistent with our earlier finding of no decline in bar fraction at high redshifts.Comment: In the proceedings of "Penetrating Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork strikes a New Note

    Quantifying Morphological Evolution from Low to High Redshifts

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    Establishing the morphological history of ordinary galaxies was one of the original goals for the Hubble Space Telescope, and remarkable progress toward achieving this this goal has been made. How much of this progress has been at the expense of the Hubble sequence? As we probe further out in redshift space, it seems time to re-examine the underlying significance of Hubble's tuning fork in light of the the spectacular and often bizarre morphological characteristics of high redshift galaxies. The aim of this review is to build a morphological bridge between high-redshift and low-redshift galaxy populations, by using quantitative morphological measures to determine the maximum redshift for which the Hubble sequence provides a meaningful description of the galaxy population. I will outline the various techniques used to quantify high-redshift galaxy morphology, highlight the aspects of the Hubble sequence being probed by these techniques, and indicate what is getting left behind. I will argue that at higher redshifts new techniques (and new ideas) that place less emphasis on classical morphology and more emphasis on the link between morphology and resolved stellar populations are needed in order to probe the evolutionary history of high-redshift galaxies

    The mass-metallicity relation at z~0.7

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    The ISM metallicity and the stellar mass are examined in a sample of 66 galaxies at 0.4<z<1, selected from the Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS) and the Canada-France Redshift Survey (CFRS). We observe a mass-metallicity relation similar to that seen in z~0.1 SDSS galaxies, but displaced towards higher masses and/or lower metallicities. Using this sample, and a small sample of z~2.3 LBGs, a redshift dependent mass-metallicity relation is proposed which describes the observed results.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the conference "The Spectral Energy Distribution of Gas-Rich Galaxies", eds. C.C. Popescu & R.J. Tuffs (Heidelberg, October 2004

    From Classical Trajectories to Quantum Commutation Relations

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    In describing a dynamical system, the greatest part of the work for a theoretician is to translate experimental data into differential equations. It is desirable for such differential equations to admit a Lagrangian and/or an Hamiltonian description because of the Noether theorem and because they are the starting point for the quantization. As a matter of fact many ambiguities arise in each step of such a reconstruction which must be solved by the ingenuity of the theoretician. In the present work we describe geometric structures emerging in Lagrangian, Hamiltonian and Quantum description of a dynamical system underlining how many of them are not really fixed only by the trajectories observed by the experimentalist.Comment: 25 pages. Comments are welcome

    Evaluation of the effect of patient education on rates of falls in older hospital patients: Description of a randomised controlled trial

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    Background. Accidental falls by older patients in hospital are one of the most commonly reported adverse events. Falls after discharge are also common. These falls have enormous physical, psychological and social consequences for older patients, including serious physical injury and reduced quality of life, and are also a source of substantial cost to health systems worldwide. There have been a limited number of randomised controlled trials, mainly using multifactorial interventions, aiming to prevent older people falling whilst inpatients. Trials to date have produced conflicting results and recent meta-analyses highlight that there is still insufficient evidence to clearly identify which interventions may reduce the rate of falls, and falls related injuries, in this population. Methods and design. A prospective randomised controlled trial (n = 1206) is being conducted at two hospitals in Australia. Patients are eligible to be included in the trial if they are over 60 years of age and they, or their family or guardian, give written consent. Participants are randomised into three groups. The control group continues to receive usual care. Both intervention groups receive a specifically designed patient education intervention on minimising falls in addition to usual care. The education is delivered by Digital Video Disc (DVD) and written workbook and aims to promote falls prevention activities by participants. One of the intervention groups also receives follow up education training visits by a health professional. Blinded assessors conduct baseline and discharge assessments and follow up participants for 6 months after discharge. The primary outcome measure is falls by participants in hospital. Secondary outcome measures include falls at home after discharge, knowledge of falls prevention strategies and motivation to engage in falls prevention activities after discharge. All analyses will be based on intention to treat principle. Discussion. This trial will examine the effect of a single intervention (specifically designed patient education) on rates of falls in older patients in hospital and after discharge. The results will provide robust recommendations for clinicians and researchers about the role of patient education in this population. The study has the potential to identify a new intervention that may reduce rates of falls in older hospital patients and could be readily duplicated and applied in a wide range of clinical settings. Trial Registration. ACTRN12608000015347