59 research outputs found

    Modélisation du problème du contact lors du choc à faible énergie sur les composites stratifiés en graphite/époxy

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    Contraintes et déformations -- Endommagement et critères de rupture -- Approche expérimentale -- Corrélation entre les comportemetns statique et dynamique -- Essais quasi-statiques -- Essais de choc simple -- Corrélation entre les chargements quasi-statique et dynamique -- Problème du contact -- Réponse globale de la plaque -- Constribution de la fonction de Green -- Formulation du problème de contact -- Prédiction de l'état du dommage critique -- Détermination de la force critique -- Corrélation entre les comportements statique et dynamique -- Essais quasi-statiques -- Essais de choc simple -- Corrélation entre les chargements quasi-statistique et dynamique -- Problème du contact -- Réponse globale de la plaque -- Construction de la fonction de Green -- Formulation du problème de contact -- Prédiction de l'état du dommage critique -- Détermination de la force critique -- Extrapolation au choc simple -- Extrapolation aux chocs répétés -- Variation des paramètres de contacts à l'EDC

    Etude des Statuts de Stress et Anxio-Depressif Associés aux Troubles de Comportement Alimentaire chez des Etudiants en Première Année Académique à l’Université Félix Houphouët Boigny (Abidjan)

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    Description du sujet: Les troubles de comportement alimentaire (TCA) constituent un problème majeur de santĂ© publique dont les facteurs de risque restent une Ă©nigme. Il y’a un manque d’informations sur la prĂ©valence des TCA en CĂ´te d’ivoire dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. Nous nous proposons dans cette prĂ©sente Ă©tude d’évaluer la prĂ©valence des TCA parmi un groupe d’étudiants en première annĂ©e acadĂ©mique Ă  l’UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HOUPHOUĂ‹T BOIGNY, et essayer de connaĂ®tre les possibles facteurs de risque. Methodologie: Nous avions soumis aux Ă©tudiants un questionnaire recueillant des dĂ©terminants socioĂ©conomiques et dĂ©mographiques, et les mesures anthropomĂ©triques ont Ă©tĂ© prises avec leur consentement. Les auto-questionnaires du EAT 26 et le BITE ont permis d’évaluer les prĂ©valences du TCA anorexique et boulimique, respectivement. Enfin, l’état mental du Stress, d’AnxiĂ©tĂ© ou de DĂ©pression diagnostiquĂ© avec le questionnaire du DASS 21. RĂ©sultats: Nos rĂ©sultats montrent essentiellement que 45,14% des Ă©tudiants souffrent du risque de TCA anorexique contre seulement 4,85% pour le TCA boulimique. Les sujets des deux sexes sont aussi bien affectĂ©s par le risque d’anorexie que par les TCA boulimique. La prĂ©valence du stress, d’anxiĂ©tĂ© ou de dĂ©pression est très importante parmi les Ă©tudiants et Ă©tudiantes selon les rĂ©ponses au DASS 21. Le test de khi-deux montre un lien hautement significatif entre l’état de maigreur et le risque de TCA anorexique (p<0,01). De plus, la relation entre les Ă©tats mentaux de stress, d’anxiĂ©tĂ© et le risque de TCA anorexique est très significatif (p<0,001). Conclusion: MĂŞme si des Ă©tudes supplĂ©mentaires sont nĂ©cessaires, nos rĂ©sultats appellent Ă  une stratĂ©gie de prĂ©vention des TCA en milieu universitaire en recommandant un programme national de dĂ©tection prĂ©coce et de prise en charge des Ă©tudiants victimes.   Background: Eating disorders (ED) are major health problem which risk factors remain unwell known. This is due to scarce of informations about the prevalence of ED in Ivorian general population. Here, we describe the prevalence of eating ED among first year students at Felix Houphouet Boigny university of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and attempt to understand the possible risks factors involved. Methods: Students are submitted to a questionnaire including socioeconomic and demographic data, and anthropometric parameters recorded with their consent. A self-rating questionnaire of DASS 1 for the assessment of the psychological status as stress, anxiety and depression. The EAT 26 and BITE self-rating questionnaires used to evaluate the prevalence of the ED of anorexia and Bulimia, respectively. Results: Our results reported that 45,14% of students suffered from risk of anorexic eating disorders compared to only 4,85% for the bulimia. The female and students are both more affected as well as by anorexic and bulimia disorders. The levels of stress, anxiety and depression are significantly increased according to the DASS 21 responses analysis. Otherwise, the khi-deux analysis revealed high significant relation between emaciation status and anorexia disorders (p<0,01). The mental status of stress and anxiety are commonly found in anorexic students (p<0, 001). Conclusion: Some additional researches are need about current topic. However, our findings draw attention for the elaboration of a national program in order to early detection and take care of vulnerable students

    Etude des Statuts de Stress et Anxio-Depressif Associés aux Troubles de Comportement Alimentaire chez des Etudiants en Première Année Académique à l’Université Félix Houphouët Boigny (Abidjan)

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    Description du sujet: Les troubles de comportement alimentaire (TCA) constituent un problème majeur de santĂ© publique dont les facteurs de risque restent une Ă©nigme. Il y’a un manque d’informations sur la prĂ©valence des TCA en CĂ´te d’ivoire dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. Nous nous proposons dans cette prĂ©sente Ă©tude d’évaluer la prĂ©valence des TCA parmi un groupe d’étudiants en première annĂ©e acadĂ©mique Ă  l’UniversitĂ© FĂ©lix HOUPHOUĂ‹T BOIGNY, et essayer de connaĂ®tre les possibles facteurs de risque. Methodologie: Nous avions soumis aux Ă©tudiants un questionnaire recueillant des dĂ©terminants socioĂ©conomiques et dĂ©mographiques, et les mesures anthropomĂ©triques ont Ă©tĂ© prises avec leur consentement. Les auto-questionnaires du EAT 26 et le BITE ont permis d’évaluer les prĂ©valences du TCA anorexique et boulimique, respectivement. Enfin, l’état mental du Stress, d’AnxiĂ©tĂ© ou de DĂ©pression diagnostiquĂ© avec le questionnaire du DASS 21. RĂ©sultats: Nos rĂ©sultats montrent essentiellement que 45,14% des Ă©tudiants souffrent du risque de TCA anorexique contre seulement 4,85% pour le TCA boulimique. Les sujets des deux sexes sont aussi bien affectĂ©s par le risque d’anorexie que par les TCA boulimique. La prĂ©valence du stress, d’anxiĂ©tĂ© ou de dĂ©pression est très importante parmi les Ă©tudiants et Ă©tudiantes selon les rĂ©ponses au DASS 21. Le test de khi-deux montre un lien hautement significatif entre l’état de maigreur et le risque de TCA anorexique (p<0,01). De plus, la relation entre les Ă©tats mentaux de stress, d’anxiĂ©tĂ© et le risque de TCA anorexique est très significatif (p<0,001). Conclusion: MĂŞme si des Ă©tudes supplĂ©mentaires sont nĂ©cessaires, nos rĂ©sultats appellent Ă  une stratĂ©gie de prĂ©vention des TCA en milieu universitaire en recommandant un programme national de dĂ©tection prĂ©coce et de prise en charge des Ă©tudiants victimes.   Background: Eating disorders (ED) are major health problem which risk factors remain unwell known. This is due to scarce of informations about the prevalence of ED in Ivorian general population. Here, we describe the prevalence of eating ED among first year students at Felix Houphouet Boigny university of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and attempt to understand the possible risks factors involved. Methods: Students are submitted to a questionnaire including socioeconomic and demographic data, and anthropometric parameters recorded with their consent. A self-rating questionnaire of DASS 1 for the assessment of the psychological status as stress, anxiety and depression. The EAT 26 and BITE self-rating questionnaires used to evaluate the prevalence of the ED of anorexia and Bulimia, respectively. Results: Our results reported that 45,14% of students suffered from risk of anorexic eating disorders compared to only 4,85% for the bulimia. The female and students are both more affected as well as by anorexic and bulimia disorders. The levels of stress, anxiety and depression are significantly increased according to the DASS 21 responses analysis. Otherwise, the khi-deux analysis revealed high significant relation between emaciation status and anorexia disorders (p<0,01). The mental status of stress and anxiety are commonly found in anorexic students (p<0, 001). Conclusion: Some additional researches are need about current topic. However, our findings draw attention for the elaboration of a national program in order to early detection and take care of vulnerable students

    A novel approach for integrating the optimization of the lifetime and cost of manufacturing of a new product during the design phase

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    Maximum lifetime and minimum manufacturing cost for new products are the primary goals of companies for competitiveness. These two objectives are contradictory and the geometric dimensions of the products directly control them. In addition, the earlier design errors of new products are predicted, the easier and more inexpensive their rectification becomes. To achieve these objectives, we propose in this article a novel model that makes it possible to solve the problem of optimizing the lifespan and the manufacturing cost of new products during the phase of their design. The prediction of the life of the products is carried out by an energy damage method implemented on the finite element (FE) calculation by using the ABAQUS software. The manufacturing cost prediction is carried out by applying the ABC cost estimation analytical method. In addition, the optimization problem is solved by the method of genetic algorithms. The proposed model can be successfully applied for the optimization of new mechanical products made by subtractive manufacturing. The products that mostly benefits from this model are those used in machines and in the automotive or aeronautic fields. The proposed approach can be directly used by the designer for an optimal preliminary design of new products whose manufacture is done by the same company or subcontracted entirely or partially by other companies

    Development and biodistrubition modeling of 99mTc-DTPA

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    Purpose: In this study, the team modeled the biodistribution and the efficiency of two 99m-technetium diethylene triamine penta acetate (99mTc-DTPA) based radiopharmaceuticals.Methods: The first radiopharmaceutical (DTPA-CNESTEN) is developed at the laboratories of the radiopharmaceutical production unit of the National Center for Nuclear Energy, Sciences and Technologies (CNESTEN-Morocco), and the second one is the commercial DTPA (DTPA-ref). Freeze-dried kits were successfully radiolabeled (radiochemical purity >95%) with the 99m Tc. Then drugs were injected to male BALB/c mice. In each 2 min, 5 min, 15 min, 1 h and 2 h time points after injections we evaluate tissue’s distributions characteristics. At the end, an automatic modeling of the data were recorded from thyroid, blood and urinary excretion kinetics and biodistribution in mice using both DTPA kits. The study aimed to extract the parameters of the function used to fit the recorded data. Results and Conclusion: the team concluded that the biodistribution of 99mTc-DTPA can be modeled using a combination of two exponential parts. Moreover, the resultant plots showed that there is strong correlation between the formula found in literature and the one derived on the basis of the fit of data sets in this study. In addition, it was found that the biodistribution behaviors of the developed kit and the commercial one were very close. The obtained results suggest that the developed DTPA has practically the same kinetics as the commercial one

    Food waste behaviors of the families of the Cilento Bio-District in comparison with the national data: elements for policy actions

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    IntroductionConsumer food waste at the household level results from a complex set of behaviors depending on the local food environment, among other factors. This study mainly aimed at comparing food waste behaviors in the Cilento Bio-District with those recorded at the national level to explore if the organic district model had an impact on food waste attitude as a sustainability element.MethodsHousehold food waste behavior indicators performed better at the national level than in the Cilento Bio-District, with some relevant exceptions, such as the avoidance of having too much food at home and impulse buying.ResultsThe study results suggest that some food waste attitudes in the rural community of the Bio-District might be so embedded in everyday practices that they are no longer perceived as relevant descriptors, considering the lower food waste (FW) levels in Cilento compared to national data. The key findings of the study were interpreted for policy action development.DiscussionThe overall priority of actions would be the enhancement of consumers’ abilities to impact practices for food waste prevention. Community engagement aspects and the local products’ promotion should be particularly pursued in the Cilento Bio-District, while broader policy actions were proposed at the national level with the involvement of the different sectors of the food chain and the proposition of regulatory aspects (e.g., labels). Future research on Cilento Bio-District characteristics and the comparison with national data would need a more comprehensive examination of additional factors affecting the food system, such as dietary patterns or organic product consumption, to understand their potential influence on food waste and, in general, the sustainability of food choices

    Efficient U-Net Architecture with Multiple Encoders and Attention Mechanism Decoders for Brain Tumor Segmentation

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    The brain is the center of human control and communication. Hence, it is very important to protect it and provide ideal conditions for it to function. Brain cancer remains one of the leading causes of death in the world, and the detection of malignant brain tumors is a priority in medical image segmentation. The brain tumor segmentation task aims to identify the pixels that belong to the abnormal areas when compared to normal tissue. Deep learning has shown in recent years its power to solve this problem, especially the U-Net-like architectures. In this paper, we proposed an efficient U-Net architecture with three different encoders: VGG-19, ResNet50, and MobileNetV2. This is based on transfer learning followed by a bidirectional features pyramid network applied to each encoder to obtain more spatial pertinent features. Then, we fused the feature maps extracted from the output of each network and merged them into our decoder with an attention mechanism. The method was evaluated on the BraTS 2020 dataset to segment the different types of tumors and the results show a good performance in terms of dice similarity, with coefficients of 0.8741, 0.8069, and 0.7033 for the whole tumor, core tumor, and enhancing tumor, respectively

    Mineral Composition of Lentils: Physiological Functions, Antinutritional Effects, and Bioavailability Enhancement

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    Lentil (Lens culinaris) is an important nutritious crop, grown and consumed throughout the world due to its high macro- and micronutrients contents, including minerals. Minerals have several beneficial influences on human health. Thus, lentils play a major role in food security, particularly among low-income countries. The current review aims to highlight the present knowledge on the mineral composition of lentils, compare it with the recommended dietary allowance and adequate intake of minerals, investigate the literature regarding its physiological role, give detailed information on different antinutritional factors preventing its bioavailability, and present adopted solutions to enhance the bioavailability of minerals in lentil seeds. Thereby, a literature search was conducted using reliable sources: Elsevier, Springer, PubMed, and CrossRef. Based on the previous studies, 100 g of cooked lentils, for example, may be enough to cover the recommended dietary allowance/adequate intake of iron in infants under six months and children aged one to three years. One hundred grams of cooked lentils may also cover the recommended dietary allowance/adequate intake of zinc and magnesium in infants and children aged one to three years. Hence, it is imperative that the scientists continue to show the significance of pulses as a mineral source and their effects on human health. Indeed, lentils should be exploited for a variety of purposes, mainly towards eliminating malnutrition, on the condition of being well-balanced. Lentils should be incorporated either in snacks or while preparing household, school, or hospital meals, particularly in developing countries
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