21 research outputs found

    Évaluation des propriétés des composites dentaires : prérequis pour l’élaboration d'un banc de mastication

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    Scientific literature reveals that in vitro results are poorly correlated to materials clinical behavior. ISO standardized testing provides valuable information about the dental materials properties, and enables result comparison between different institutes. Conversely, new materials chemistry and formulations requires improved methodology and testing methods. Throughout our studies included in this work, the main objective was to reach a more global knowledge of the way dental materials are evaluated before being inserted into the oral cavity. A great deal of emphasis was given to the choice of materials to be tested, and that it would represent the current trends in dental practice and the latest developments in material composition. Equal highlight was given to the choice of testing methodology and laboratory testing techniques and their correlation to the clinical outcome. The modifications made to the methodology of these tests explored further the concealed aspects of different parameter interactions. Dental materials characterization and assessment required more understanding about the interaction between different properties to explain material aging; our work was to combine numerous studies to answer this topic. The studies included mechanical and physical properties, bulk and fiber composite, CAD CAM block materials, dental resin adhesive, thermal shock and thermal cycling, Bisphenol A. The final objective was to develop an oral simulator that would enable the reproduction of different chemical, physical and mechanical parameters of the oral environment, thus permitting to bridge the gap between in vitro and in vivo testing of dental materialsLa littérature scientifique révèle que les résultats in vitro sur les matériaux dentaires ont une faible corrélation avec le comportement clinique. Les tests standardisés aux normes fournissent des informations précieuses et pertinentes sur les propriétés des matériaux dentaires, et permettent aussi de comparer les résultats de différents instituts. Cependant, le développement de nouveaux matériaux à partir de nouvelles formulations chimiques nécessite une amélioration des méthodes d'évaluation. Ce travail de recherche est réalisé dans le but d'approfondir les connaissances sur les méthodes d'évaluation des matériaux dentaires avant insertion dans la cavité buccale. Une grande importance a été donnée au choix des matériaux à tester ; nous nous sommes basés sur les dernières tendances actuelles et les derniers développements de composition de matériaux dentaires. La même importance a été donnée à des méthodes et des techniques d'essai au laboratoire ; leur corrélation avec les résultats cliniques a été mise en évidence. Les modifications apportées à la méthodologie de ces tests ont exploré davantage les aspects cachés des différentes interactions de paramètres. La caractérisation et l'évaluation des matériaux dentaires nécessitaient une meilleure compréhension de l'interaction entre les différentes propriétés pour expliquer le vieillissement des matériaux. Notre travail a consisté à combiner de nombreuses études pour répondre à ce sujet. Les études ont porté sur les propriétés mécaniques et physiques, le composite fibré et Bulk, les matériaux CAM CAD, les adhésifs dentaires, le choc thermique et le cyclage thermique, le bisphénol A. L'objectif final était de développer un simulateur oral qui permettrait la reproduction de différents paramètres chimiques, physiques et mécaniques de l'environnement buccal, permettant ainsi de combler l'écart entre les tests in vitro et in vivo de matériaux dentaire

    Évaluation des propriétés des composites dentaires : prérequis pour l’élaboration d'un banc de mastication

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    Scientific literature reveals that in vitro results are poorly correlated to materials clinical behavior. ISO standardized testing provides valuable information about the dental materials properties, and enables result comparison between different institutes. Conversely, new materials chemistry and formulations requires improved methodology and testing methods. Throughout our studies included in this work, the main objective was to reach a more global knowledge of the way dental materials are evaluated before being inserted into the oral cavity. A great deal of emphasis was given to the choice of materials to be tested, and that it would represent the current trends in dental practice and the latest developments in material composition. Equal highlight was given to the choice of testing methodology and laboratory testing techniques and their correlation to the clinical outcome. The modifications made to the methodology of these tests explored further the concealed aspects of different parameter interactions. Dental materials characterization and assessment required more understanding about the interaction between different properties to explain material aging; our work was to combine numerous studies to answer this topic. The studies included mechanical and physical properties, bulk and fiber composite, CAD CAM block materials, dental resin adhesive, thermal shock and thermal cycling, Bisphenol A. The final objective was to develop an oral simulator that would enable the reproduction of different chemical, physical and mechanical parameters of the oral environment, thus permitting to bridge the gap between in vitro and in vivo testing of dental materialsLa littérature scientifique révèle que les résultats in vitro sur les matériaux dentaires ont une faible corrélation avec le comportement clinique. Les tests standardisés aux normes fournissent des informations précieuses et pertinentes sur les propriétés des matériaux dentaires, et permettent aussi de comparer les résultats de différents instituts. Cependant, le développement de nouveaux matériaux à partir de nouvelles formulations chimiques nécessite une amélioration des méthodes d'évaluation. Ce travail de recherche est réalisé dans le but d'approfondir les connaissances sur les méthodes d'évaluation des matériaux dentaires avant insertion dans la cavité buccale. Une grande importance a été donnée au choix des matériaux à tester ; nous nous sommes basés sur les dernières tendances actuelles et les derniers développements de composition de matériaux dentaires. La même importance a été donnée à des méthodes et des techniques d'essai au laboratoire ; leur corrélation avec les résultats cliniques a été mise en évidence. Les modifications apportées à la méthodologie de ces tests ont exploré davantage les aspects cachés des différentes interactions de paramètres. La caractérisation et l'évaluation des matériaux dentaires nécessitaient une meilleure compréhension de l'interaction entre les différentes propriétés pour expliquer le vieillissement des matériaux. Notre travail a consisté à combiner de nombreuses études pour répondre à ce sujet. Les études ont porté sur les propriétés mécaniques et physiques, le composite fibré et Bulk, les matériaux CAM CAD, les adhésifs dentaires, le choc thermique et le cyclage thermique, le bisphénol A. L'objectif final était de développer un simulateur oral qui permettrait la reproduction de différents paramètres chimiques, physiques et mécaniques de l'environnement buccal, permettant ainsi de combler l'écart entre les tests in vitro et in vivo de matériaux dentaire


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    Objective: To evaluate the mechanical properties of a newly developed flowable bulk-fill composite with fibers as a dispersed phase. Methods: experimental EverX Flow (GC corporation) (EXF), one conventional bulk-fill composite without fibers (Filtek, 3M (FBF)), and one flowable bulk composite without fibers (SureFil, Dentsply (SRD)) were tested. Samples were light-cured with Elipar DeepCure LED device (3M) and polymerization stress and volumetric shrinkage were evaluated. Samples were characterized in terms of flexural strength (ISO 4049), fracture toughness (ISO 207951) and Vickers hardness. EXF microstructure was characterized by SEM, as well as the fractured samples. Data were submitted to One-Way Anova and independent t test (α=0.05). Results: FBF showed statistically higher Vickers hardness and flexural strength than EXF and SDR, while EXF showed higher values than SDR. However, EXF showed statistically higher KIC than FBF and SDR, and samples broken parts remained attached after fracture. Polymerization stress and volumetric shrinkage of the three composites were not significantly different. Conclusion: Experimental fiber-reinforced flowable bulk-fill composite has a significantly higher fracture toughness values than non-reinforced bulk-fill composites. The obtained results provide evidence for its potential use as a restorative material in stress bearing areas

    Marginal and internal fit of CAD-CAM inlay/onlay restorations: A systematic review of in vitro studies

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    International audienceStatement of problemDifferent parameters can influence the adaptation of computer-assisted design and computer-assisted manufacturing (CAD-CAM) inlay/onlay restorations. However, systematic reviews to identify and discuss these parameters are lacking.PurposeThe purpose of this systematic review was to summarize the scientific literature investigating all parameters that can influence both the marginal and internal adaptation of CAD-CAM inlay/onlay restorations.Material and methodsAn electronic search was conducted by 2 independent reviewers for studies published in English between January 1, 2007 and September 20, 2017 on the PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and Web of Science databases and in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Factors investigated in the selected articles included the type of CAD-CAM system, virtual space parameters, version of the software, type of block, luting procedure, type of restoration, sample size and aging procedure, evaluation method, and number of measurement points per specimen.ResultsA total of 162 articles were identified, of which 23 articles met the inclusion criteria. Nine studies investigated adaptation with different restorative materials, 2 evaluated adaptation according to the type of preparation design, 9 compared adaptation before/after thermomechanical loading, and 2 before/after cementation, 1 study investigated marginal adaptation based on whether the optical scan was made intraorally or extraorally, 1 compared adaptation with 5 and 3 axis CAM systems, and 1 assessed adaptation with 4 different intraoral scanners. The risk of bias was high for 7, medium for 15, and low for 1 of the studies reviewed. The high level of heterogeneity across the studies excluded meta-analysis.ConclusionsMost of the studies reported clinically acceptable values for marginal adaptation. The performance of a CAD-CAM system is influenced by the type of restorative material. A nonretentive cavity preparation exhibited better adaptation than a retentive preparation. Most studies showed that thermomechanical loading affected the quality of marginal adaptation. Cementation increased marginal discrepancies. No statistically significant difference was found for marginal fit of onlays between intraoral and extraoral optical scans using a stone die. The number of milling axes, the type of digital camera, and the region measured were statistically significant in relation to marginal/internal adaptation. Values of adaptation recorded failed to reproduce the preestablished spacer parameters in the software. Clarification is needed concerning adaptation according to the type of preparation design, the type of material, the choice of intrinsic parameters for the CAD process, the type and shape of milling instruments, and the behavior of the material during milling. Adaptation of CAD-CAM inlay/onlays should be evaluated under clinical conditions