52 research outputs found

    Different Changes of Risks for Stroke and Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes in Hungary Between the Two Periods of 2001–2004 and 2010–2013

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    Objective: In recent decades several studies reported significant changes in the mortality and morbidity of patients with type 2 diabetes. In this Hungarian nationwide study, we assessed the changes of mortality and cardiovascular risks comparing a group of patient diagnosed during the two periods of 2001–2004 and 2010–2013.Research Design and Methods: We identified patients with type 2 diabetes recorded in the database of the Hungarian National Health Insurance Fund aiming to assess changes of risks for all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction, and stroke during the follow-up periods of 48 months.Results: We included 274,109 patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes between 2001 and 2004, while only 152,678 in the 2010–2013 period. The risk of all-cause mortality at the beginning of the follow-up was not different comparing 2010–2013 to 2001–2004 (HR 1.03), and a mild but significant decrease could be detected (HR 0.87) after 48 months. A lower risk for myocardial infarction was documented in the second month after the diagnosis of diabetes (HR 0.67), which remained constant during the study period and almost the same after 48 months (HR 0.73). On the contrary, our study verified a slightly increased risk for stroke close to the diagnosis [HR 1.06 (1.00–1.13)] and a decreased one [HR 0.72 (0.69–0.79)] at the end of the study.Conclusions: An increased risk for stroke followed by a sharp decrease, and an unchanged risk for myocardial infarction in the Hungarian population with type 2 diabetes possibly resulted in a mild decrease of all-cause mortality between 2001 and 2013

    Effect of current intensity and duration on the effectiveness of head-only electrical stunning in pigs under commercial conditions

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    After head-only electrical stunning of pigs sequential animal-based measurements were carried out right after stunning as well as before and after bleeding in order to analyse how unconsciousness is achieved and maintained in relation to recorded and calculated technical parameters such as electric current intensity, electric work, duration of stunning, and stun-to-bloodletting period. The measurements were performed at three different slaughterhouses on 9 different days under routine slaughtering conditions. The data of 405 pigs were analysed. The effectiveness of stunning was measured by the number of parameters at two (adequate and acceptable) levels. Current intensity had a predominant effect on the effectiveness of stunning and on the maintenance of unconsciousness. The duration of stunning played a role only as part of the electric work, which manifested itself in the maintenance of unconsciousness. Stunning proved acceptable in 99% of the cases, provided that the minimum current intensity of 1.02 Amp was secured. In 99% of the cases unconsciousness could be maintained at an acceptable level beyond bloodletting when the electric work was at least 8,089.38 Joules. Recovery of consciousness depends on the stun-to-stick period: the best time of bloodletting is less than 32 seconds from the end of stunning

    Macroscopic and histological characteristics of fluid-filled ovarian structures in dairy cows

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    The primary objective of this study was to use macroscopic and histological features of corpora lutea with a cavity and anovulatory cystic ovarian structures, present in 90 pairs of abattoir-derived dairy cow ovaries, as the basis to clarify the nomenclature of ovarian structures. Excluding morphologically normal ovarian fol-licles (antrum 16 mm in diameter were designated as Group A (cavity ≀ 10 mm and wall > 10 mm) or Group B (cavity > 10 mm and wall 3, respectively). There was a greater proportion (P < 0.05) of small luteal cells in Group B compared to a solid CL, whereas Group A was intermediate (58.6 ± 5.3, 37.4 ± 5.3 and 44.0 ± 4.4%, respectively). Connective tissue was thicker (P < 0.05) in Group B than in Group A (295.4 ± 46.9 vs. 153.9 ± 38.2 ÎŒm). Based on the above-mentioned characteristics and differences, Groups A and B were designated as a CL with a cavity and a cystic CL, respectively. Furthermore, there were three groups of anovulatory ovarian structures. Structures in Group C were termed persistent/anovulatory follicles (overall diameter and wall thickness ≀ 20 and 1–3 mm, respectively). Finally, Groups D and E were designated as a follicle-fibrous cyst and a follicle-luteinised cyst (based on histological structure) for anovulatory structures with an overall diameter and wall thickness of ≄ 20 and ≀ 3 mm, and ≄ 20 and ≄ 3 mm, respectively

    A cukorbeteg-ellĂĄtĂĄs mutatĂłinak alakulĂĄsa MagyarorszĂĄgon 2001–2014 között. Az OrszĂĄgos EgĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi PĂ©nztĂĄr adatbĂĄzis-elemzĂ©sĂ©nek cĂ©lja Ă©s mĂłdszertana | Changes in features of diabetes care in Hungary in the period of years 2001–2014

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    Absztrakt Napjainkban a cukorbetegsĂ©ggel kapcsolatos adatbĂĄzis-elemzĂ©sek Ășj lehetƑsĂ©gkĂ©nt vonultak be a klinikai kutatĂĄsok körĂ©be. HazĂĄnkban az egĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi ellĂĄtĂĄsban rĂ©szesĂŒlƑk központi betegregiszterĂ©t az OrszĂĄgos EgĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi PĂ©nztĂĄr adatbĂĄzisa jelenti. Ide futnak be a hazai fekvƑ- Ă©s jĂĄrĂłbeteg-szakellĂĄtĂĄs havi adatai, illetve a gyĂłgyszerforgalommal (gyĂłgyszertĂĄri receptkivĂĄltĂĄssal) kapcsolatos heti jelentĂ©sek. A retrospektĂ­v vizsgĂĄlat cĂ©lja az volt, hogy a szerzƑk az OrszĂĄgos EgĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi PĂ©nztĂĄr adatbĂĄzisĂĄt közel mĂĄsfĂ©l Ă©vtizedre (2001–2014) visszatekintƑen diabetolĂłgiai szempontbĂłl elemezzĂ©k, s Ă­gy adatokat nyerjenek a cukorbetegsĂ©ggel kapcsolatos morbiditĂĄsi Ă©s mortalitĂĄsi mutatĂłk alakulĂĄsĂĄrĂłl. Adatokat gyƱjtöttek az ellĂĄtĂĄs költsĂ©gvonzatĂĄrĂłl, a kĂłrhĂĄzi kezelĂ©s jellemzƑirƑl, illetve a terĂĄpiĂĄs szokĂĄsok alakulĂĄsĂĄrĂłl is. A jelenlegi dolgozat az elemzĂ©s mĂłdszertanĂĄt tekinti ĂĄt. A szerzƑk remĂ©lik, hogy adataik Ă©rtĂ©kesen fogjĂĄk majd bƑvĂ­teni a cukorbeteg-ellĂĄtĂĄs alakulĂĄsĂĄrĂłl rendelkezĂ©sĂŒnkre ĂĄllĂł eddigi ismereteket. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(32), 1259–1265. | Abstract In the last couple of years, database analyses have become increasingly popular among clinical-epidemiological investigations. In Hungary, the National Health Insurance Fund serves as central database of all medical attendances in state departments and purchases of drug prescriptions in pharmacies. Data from in- and outpatient departments as well as those from pharmacies are regularly collected in this database which is public and accessible on request. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the database of the National Health Insurance Fund in order to analyze the diabetes-associated morbidity and mortality in the period of years 2001–2014. Moreover, data of therapeutic costs, features of hospitalizations and practice of antidiabetic treatment were examined. The authors report now on the method of the database analysis. It is to be hoped that the upcoming results of this investigation will add some new data to recent knowledge about diabetes care in Hungary. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(32), 1259–1265

    Changes in the values of two ultrasound-examined teat parameters during the dry period in dairy cows

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    The length of the streak canal and the area of the teat end were studied by ultrasound during the dry period in 40 Holstein-Friesian cows. In the first week, the values of these teat parameters decreased significantly (P 0.05). At each of the five examination times, a very strong positive correlation (r = 0.85-0.94) was found between the two teat parameters. In healthy cows, the streak canal and the area of teat end, both of which are part of the udder’s defence system, can regenerate sufficiently during the dry period, minimising the risk of contamination through the streak canal and the development of mastitis. If the regeneration of this defence system fails, the chances of infection through the streak canal increase

    A cukorbeteg-ellĂĄtĂĄs mutatĂłinak alakulĂĄsa MagyarorszĂĄgon 2001–2014 között. Az OrszĂĄgos EgĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi PĂ©nztĂĄr adatbĂĄzis-elemzĂ©sĂ©nek cĂ©lja Ă©s mĂłdszertana

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    In the last couple of years, database analyses have become increasingly popular among clinical-epidemiological investigations. In Hungary, the National Health Insurance Fund serves as central database of all medical attendances in state departments and purchases of drug prescriptions in pharmacies. Data from in- and outpatient departments as well as those from pharmacies are regularly collected in this database which is public and accessible on request. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the database of the National Health Insurance Fund in order to analyze the diabetes-associated morbidity and mortality in the period of years 2001-2014. Moreover, data of therapeutic costs, features of hospitalizations and practice of antidiabetic treatment were examined. The authors report now on the method of the database analysis. It is to be hoped that the upcoming results of this investigation will add some new data to recent knowledge about diabetes care in Hungary. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(32), 1259-1265

    A 2-es tĂ­pusĂș diabetes antihyperglykaemiĂĄs kezelĂ©sĂ©nek alakulĂĄsa MagyarorszĂĄgon 2001–2014 között – az OrszĂĄgos EgĂ©szsĂ©gbiztosĂ­tĂĄsi PĂ©nztĂĄr adatbĂĄzis-elemzĂ©sĂ©nek eredmĂ©nyei

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    In the last couple of years, significant developments in antidiabetic treatment have influenced the pharmacological treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The aim of this study was to analyze the changes in prescribing patterns of glucose-lowering drugs for T2DM patients in Hungary between 2001 and 2014. The number of patients with newly diagnosed T2DM decreased from 75,700 (2001) to 33,700 (2014), while prevalent T2DM cases continuously increased and plateaued in 2014 with a number of registered patients of 727,000. Sulfonylurea-monotherapy decreased from 64% to 35% while metformin-monotherapy increased from 19% to 42% in this period. The most frequently used drug at first treatment initiation was metformin (66%) and sulfonylurea (16%) as monotherapy in 2014. DPP4-inhibitors were newly administered in 20,362 cases while GLP1-mimetics were newly used by 4,996 patients in 2014. Five years later after initiating sulfonylurea therapy between 2010 and 2014, metformin was more frequently used as second drug (39%) than sulfonylurea in patients with previous metformin treatment (22.9%). The prescribing patterns of glucose-lowering drugs have changed over time in accordance with new guidelines. Further changes in prescribing habits can be expected in the near future. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(20): 770-778

    Linear relationship found by magnetic resonance imaging between cerebrospinal fluid volume and body weight in dogs

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    Despite numerous studies on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and its importance during hydrocephalus or myelography, no reliable values exist about its overall volume in dogs. In this study, our aim was to measure the intracranial (IC) volume of CSF in dogs and assess its possible relationship with body size and the symmetry of the lateral ventricles. We ran a 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequence on the central nervous system of 12 healthy, male mongrel dogs between 3–5 years of age and 7.5–35.0 kg body weight. A validated semiautomatic segmentation protocol was implemented to segment the CSF and measure its volume. Values for the volume of the ventricular compartment were between 0.97 and 2.94 ml, with 62.1 ± 11.7% in the lateral ventricles, 17.6 ± 4.9% in the third ventricle, 4.9 ± 1.6% in the aqueductus mesencephali and 15.5 ± 6.6% in the fourth ventricle. In 11 cases a significant asymmetry was found between the lateral ventricles. The results suggest that it may be normal for a dog to have one of the lateral ventricles 1.5 times larger than the other. The correlation between body weight and CSF volume was linear, indicating that the current dosage protocols for myelography, based on a hypothetical proportional relationship with body weight, may have to be revised
