7 research outputs found

    Определение железа (III) в объектах окружающей среды фотометрическим методом с производными ацетилацетона

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    Organic reagents containing three carbonyl groups based on acetylacetone, 2,4-diacetyl-3-phenyl-5-methyl-5-hydroxyhexanone (R1), 2,4-diacetyl-3-(3'-nitrophenyl)-5-hydroxy-5-methylcyclohexanone (R2) and 3-acetyl-4,6-diphenylgensandione-2,6 (R3), were synthesized. Their absorption spectra were studied at various pH values of the medium, and the acidity constants were determined by potentiometric titration. It was found that the reagents are monobasic acids and, depending on the acidity of the medium, can be in the molecular (HR) or anionic (R-) form.Formation of iron (III) complexes with synthesized reagents in the presence of hydrophobic amines, 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen), diantipyrylmethane (DAM) and diantipyrylphenylmethane (DAPM) was studied. It was established that mixed ligand complexes with the components ratio of 1:1:1 were formed in the presence of hydrophobic amines. At the same time bathochromic shifts in the absorption spectra were observed and the maximum yield was noted in a more acidic medium compared to the corresponding single ligand complexes. The influence of the reagents concentration, time and temperature on the formation of mixed ligand complexes was studied, and the stability constants were determined by various methods. It was shown that iron (III) in the form of mixed ligand complexes, Fe(III)-R1-DAM, Fe(III)-R2-Phen and Fe(III)-R3-DAM, can be determined with high selectivity in the presence of large excess of other metal cations. The developed methods were tested on fruits – strawberries, apricots, cherries, white cherries and two varieties of apples (Golden Ahmadi and Simirenko), and natural waters – drinking water taken from a tap in the BSU laboratory and Caspian Sea water taken near the Turkan village of Baku city. Keywords: iron (III), organic reagents based on acetylacetone, hydrophobic amines, fruits, natural watersСинтезированы органические реагенты, содержащие три карбонильные группы, на основе ацетилацетона - 2,4-диацетил-3-фенил-5-метил-5-гидроксигексанон (R1), 2,4-диацетил-3-(3'-нитрофенил)-5-гидрокси-5-метилциклогексанон (R2) и 3-ацетил-4,6-дифенилгенсандион-2,6 (R3). Исследованы спектры их поглощения при различных значениях рН среды и методом потенциометрического титрования определены константы кислотности. Установлено, что реагенты представляют собой одноосновные кислоты и в зависимости от кислотности среды могут находиться в молекулярной (HR) и анионной (R-) форме.Исследовано комплексообразование железа (III) с синтезированными реагентами в присутствии гидрофобных аминов - 1,10-фенантролина (Фен), диантипирилметана (ДАМ) и диантипирилфенилметана (ДАФМ). Установлено, что в присутствии гидрофобных аминов образуются разнолигандные комплексы с соотношением компонентов 1:1:1, при этом наблюдаются батохромные сдвиги в спектрах поглощения и максимальный выход наблюдается в более кислой области по сравнению с соответствующими однороднолигандными комплексами. Исследовано влияние концентрации реагирующих веществ, времени и температуры на образование разнолигандных комплексов, определены константы устойчивости различными методами. Показано, что железо (III) в виде разнолигандных комплексов Fe(III)-R1-ДАМ, Fe(III)-R2-Фен и Fe(III)-R3-ДАМ можно избирательно определять в присутствии больших избытков катионов других металлов. Разработанные методики апробированы при определении железа во фруктах - клубнике, абрикосе, вишне, белой черешне и в двух сортах яблок (Золотой Ахмади и Симиренко) и в природных водах – питьевой, взятой из крана в лаборатории БГУ, и воде Каспийского моря, взятой около поселка Туркан города Баку. Ключевые слова: железо (III), органические реагенты на основе ацетилацетона, гидрофобные амины, фрукты, природные вод

    Determination of iron (III) in environmental objects by photometric method with acetylacetone derivatives

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    Синтезированы органические реагенты, содержащие три карбонильные группы, на основе ацетилацетона - 2,4-диацетил-3-фенил-5-метил-5-гидроксигексанон (R1), 2,4-диацетил-3-(3'-нитрофенил)-5-гидрокси-5-метилциклогексанон (R2) и 3-ацетил-4,6-дифенилгенсандион-2,6 (R3). Исследованы спектры их поглощения при различных значениях рН среды и методом потенциометрического титрования определены константы кислотности. Установлено, что реагенты представляют собой одноосновные кислоты и в зависимости от кислотности среды могут находиться в молекулярной (HR) и анионной (R-) форме. Исследовано комплексообразование железа (III) с синтезированными реагентами в присутствии гидрофобных аминов - 1,10-фенантролина (Фен), диантипирилметана (ДАМ) и диантипирилфенилметана (ДАФМ). Установлено, что в присутствии гидрофобных аминов образуются разнолигандные комплексы с соотношением компонентов 1:1:1, при этом наблюдаются батохромные сдвиги в спектрах поглощения и максимальный выход наблюдается в более кислой области по сравнению с соответствующими однороднолигандными комплексами. Исследовано влияние концентрации реагирующих веществ, времени и температуры на образование разнолигандных комплексов, определены константы устойчивости различными методами. Показано, что железо (III) в виде разнолигандных комплексов Fe(III)-R1-ДАМ, Fe(III)-R2-Фен и Fe(III)-R3-ДАМ можно избирательно определять в присутствии больших избытков катионов других металлов. Разработанные методики апробированы при определении железа во фруктах - клубнике, абрикосе, вишне, белой черешне и в двух сортах яблок (Золотой Ахмади и Симиренко) и в природных водах – питьевой, взятой из крана в лаборатории БГУ, и воде Каспийского моря, взятой около поселка Туркан города Баку.Organic reagents containing three carbonyl groups based on acetylacetone, 2,4-diacetyl-3-phenyl-5-methyl-5-hydroxyhexanone (R1), 2,4-diacetyl-3-(3'-nitrophenyl)-5-hydroxy-5-methylcyclohexanone (R2) and 3-acetyl-4,6-diphenylgensandione-2,6 (R3), were synthesized. Their absorption spectra were studied at various pH values of the medium, and the acidity constants were determined by potentiometric titration. It was found that the reagents are monobasic acids and, depending on the acidity of the medium, can be in the molecular (HR) or anionic (R-) form. Formation of iron (III) complexes with synthesized reagents in the presence of hydrophobic amines, 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen), diantipyrylmethane (DAM) and diantipyrylphenylmethane (DAPM) was studied. It was established that mixed ligand complexes with the components ratio of 1:1:1 were formed in the presence of hydrophobic amines. At the same time bathochromic shifts in the absorption spectra were observed and the maximum yield was noted in a more acidic medium compared to the corresponding single ligand complexes. The influence of the reagents concentration, time and temperature on the formation of mixed ligand complexes was studied, and the stability constants were determined by various methods. It was shown that iron (III) in the form of mixed ligand complexes, Fe(III)-R1-DAM, Fe(III)-R2-Phen and Fe(III)-R3-DAM, can be determined with high selectivity in the presence of large excess of other metal cations. The developed methods were tested on fruits – strawberries, apricots, cherries, white cherries and two varieties of apples (Golden Ahmadi and Simirenko), and natural waters – drinking water taken from a tap in the BSU laboratory and Caspian Sea water taken near the Turkan village of Baku city

    Les enjeux linguistiques et la construction de l'identité nationale au Kazakhstan

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    Contemporary Kazakh society is a mixed society, in which cohabitate traditional Kazakh culture, the Soviet heritage and contemporary culture. Since the time of independence, the Republic of Kazakhstan has been building a new Kazakh national identity, indifferent to the existing situation of bilinguism (Russian and Kazakh). The national policy of "kazakhstanisation" has been implemented since 1991 in public institutions, mass media and education. The article aims at analyzing the language issues in post-Soviet Kazakhstan in relation with the construction of national identity. The analysis is based on Anderson's concept of "national imaginary" and Gellner's conception of nation. First, the article shows the role of the Russian language in the "national imagination" from the points of view of history and demography (the accession to the Russian Empire, the migration and settlement of different ethnic groups), and from the point of view of sociology (the Russian language as a symbol of urban culture and social mobility, as the language of elite education). The current reorganisation of Kazakhstan's linguistic landscape is conditioned by the return of the Kazakh diaspora from abroad. These immigrants, called "Oralman", are largely Kazakh speaking. For historical, geographical and social reasons the Russian language occupies so far the strongest position in Kazakhstan's national imagination. But the policy of kazakhstanization, which brings an enlargement of the social functions associated with the use of the Kazakh language, could very well change the situation in the future.Abiyeva Karlygash. Les enjeux linguistiques et la construction de l'identité nationale au Kazakhstan. In: Revue Russe n°36, 2011. Monde russe et identités. pp. 157-171

    Research of recirculation systems and air recovery systems

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    The scientific work “Research of recirculation systems and air recovery systems” is devoted to the analysis and selection of the most optimum ventilation systems that will reduce the cost of published products by reducing energy consumption. The purpose of this work is to discover and experimentally study the characteristics that affect the use of thermal and electric energy by ventilation systems and air heating in the industry, as well as to create solutions that allow to achieve a decrease in the consumption of fuel and energy resources for these systems. The relevance of the work is to reduce the cost of manufactured products and increase their own competitiveness by saving consumed energy resources. In this regard, the development of completely new solutions focused on the economic efficiency of electrical and thermal energy in ventilation and heating systems in various industries, with a simultaneous increase in sanitary hygienic efficiency, today is an urgent task of solving the problem and has economic national importance

    Estimation of Food Security Risk Level Using Z-Number-Based Fuzzy System

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    Fuzzy logic systems based on If-Then rules are widely used for modelling of the systems characterizing imprecise and uncertain information. These systems are basically based on type-1 fuzzy sets and allow handling the uncertain and imprecise information to some degree in the developed models. Zadeh extended the concept of fuzzy sets and proposed Z-number characterized by two components, constraint and reliability parameters, which are an ordered pair of fuzzy numbers. Here, the first component is used to represent uncertain information, and the second component is used to evaluate the reliability or the confidence in truth. Z-number is an effective approach to solving uncertain problems. In this paper, Z-number-based fuzzy system is proposed for estimation of food security risk level. To construct fuzzy If-Then rules, the basic parameters cereal yield, cereal production, and economic growth affecting food security are selected, and the relationship between these input parameters and risk level are determined through If-Then fuzzy rules. The fuzzy interpolative reasoning is proposed for construction of inference mechanism of a Z-number-based fuzzy system. The designed system is tested using Turkey cereal data for assessing food security risk level and prediction periods of the food supply