53 research outputs found

    Causes of the 1962 Sino-Indian War: A Systems Level Approach

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    The emergence of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) nations as regional powers and future challengers to U.S. hegemony has been predicted by many, and is a topic of much debate among the IR community today. Interestingly, three of these nations have warred against each other in the past and, coincidentally or not, it was the nations that shared borders: India and China and China and Russia. This paper attempts an in-depth case study of the 1962 Sino-Indian conflict from an angle that differs from previous studies. Past explorations of this conflict have focused on domestic or the psychological motivations of political leaders for this abrupt war, but I will depart from these studies in assessing the conflict’s origin and exploring the reasons for its short duration. Employing a neorealist systems-level approach, I will attempt to explain how the structure of the international system both instigated the Sino-Indian confrontation and also limited the extent of the engagement

    Juifs, chrétiens et musulmans après l'expulsion d'Espagne : le cas Nord-Africain

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    Le 9 février 1616, on assista á la Haye á un spectacle peu commun, celui d'un convoi fúnebre juif, conduit en grande pompe par le Prince Maurice de Nassau, entouré de membres éminents de son Conseil d'Etat et des Etats-Généraux. Le notable honoré de la serte n'était pourtant ni une grande sommité intellectuelle ni méme un personnage natif de Hollando. C'était tout juste un juif du Maroc, nommé Samuel Pallache qui, entre autres activités ténébreuses, faisait fonction d'agent du Rol du Maroc, Mawlay Zidan, aux Pays-Bas

    Le traitement séquentiel dans les lymphomes non-hodgkiniens cérébraux primitifs chez le sujet immunocompétent

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    STRASBOURG-Medecine (674822101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Less Commonly Recognized Features of Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome

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    This article reviews aspects in the clinical presentation of nephrotic syndrome that are not generally considered characteristics of the syndrome’s definition. The importance of various general clinical aspects such as hematuria, hypertension, and other laboratory or histologic findings are discussed. The clinical relevance and management of other specific aspects such as lipid alterations, coagulation abnormalities, calcium and vitamin D metabolism, and nutritional complications derived from the nephrotic syndrome also are included in this review