238 research outputs found

    A Study to Analyse the Significance of Pressure-To-Cornea Index in Pseudoexfoliation Eyes with and without Glaucoma

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    INTRODUCTION: Normal human central corneal thickness (CCT) varies between a range of 490 μm to 560 μm. Whereas the intraocular pressure (IOP) measured by the gold standard method ‘Goldmann Applanation Tonometry’ is based on the assumption that CCT is 520 μm. Pressure-To-Cornea Index(PCI) was introduced to overcome the error in correction of IOP according to the CCT by various nonstandardized formulae, and also to integrate IOP and CCT as a single risk factor for glaucoma. In pseudoexfoliation eyes, CCT remains to be a highly variable factor irrespective of the presence of glaucoma, which in turn will affect the IOP in extreme CCT values. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To integrate IOP and CCT as a single risk factor in the form of PCI for various IOP levels. 2. To find out the distribution of PCI in patients with and without pseudoexfoliation (PXF) and to find out whether PCI can be taken as a predictor for open angle glaucoma (OAG) secondary to pseudoexfoliation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was conducted among 90 eyes of patients above 40 years of age (30 PXF eyes without glaucoma(PXS), 30 eyes with glaucoma secondary to pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXG), 30 normal subjects with no evidence of glaucoma or pseudoexfoliation), attending our department as outpatient as well as inpatient to the wards of our Govt. Rajaji Hospital, Madurai. METHODOLOGY: A detailed evaluation including history, visual acuity, slit lamp examination, gonioscopy, IOP, CCT, fields and dilated fundus examination were performed. Diagnosis of PXS was based on the presence of PXF material over the pupil or lens or both, with normal IOP, normal fields and no optic disc changes and PXG with increased IOP with glaucomatous optic disc changes and field defects. Diagnosis PXS and PXG are based on the IOP corrected by Ehlers formula, i.e, 0.7 mm Hg per 10μm difference in CCT. RESULTS: PXF patients were between 50 to 70 yrs, of which 41.67% were between 50 – 60 years and 58.33% between 60 – 70 years of age. 37 were males (61.67% ) and 23 females (38.33%) among the 60 patients with a male preponderance. PXF deposition was unilateral in 35(58.33%) and bilateral in 25 patients (41.67% ). 53.33% had nuclear sclerosis, 41.67% had immature cataract and 5% had minimal lens changes. PXF material is seen in lens in 25 (41.67%), pupil in 8 (30%) and both in 17 (28.33%) patients. Mean IOP in the normal, PXS and PXG group 17.5, 18.133 and 22. 867 mmHg respectively, which differed significantly. The mean CCT in normals, PXS and PXG group was 547 μm, 522 μm and 500 μm respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the normal and PXS groups, and PXS and PXG groups with higher mean value in normal than PXS group which is higher than the PXG group. Mean PCI in normal subjects, PXS and PXG group was 107.074, 127.899, 182. 654 with S.D. of 10.845, 10.295, 28.700 respectively. There was a highly significant difference (p < 0.001) between the normal and PXS group, and PXS and PXG group. CONCLUSION: Since high IOP and low CCT acts as independent risk factors for glaucoma, PCI an index between IOP and CCT acts as a unified risk factor and indicator of glaucoma in PXF patients. Increased PCI values in PXG patients can also indicate the severity of glaucoma and also the better indicator of the response to treatment. High PCI in eyes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome without glaucoma can act as a predictor for glaucoma, even before increase in IOP or optic disc/ field changes. This shows the individual susceptibility of the person with PXS to develop secondary glaucoma. Hence, PCI can be useful for the consulting ophthalmologist to have a close follow up and for early diagnosis and treatment of pseudoexfoliative glaucoma, so that prevent further damage to optic nerve head


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) among adolescent girls and to associate the PMS with demographic variables.Methods: Quantitative approach and non-experimental descriptive research design was used. The data collection included three parts. Part A: Demographic variables, Part B: Clinical variables, and Part C: A structured questionnaire to assess the prevalence of PMS among adolescent girls. A total of 100 students who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were chosen as samples using non-probability convenient sampling technique. The study was conducted at SRM College of Nursing, SRM University, Kattankulathur.Results: The data were analyzed and interpreted based on the objectives using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study concluded that 26 (26%) of adolescent girls have mild level of PMS; 55 (55%) have moderate level of PMS; and 19 (19%) have severe level of PMS and there is no association between the demographic variables†and the levels of PMS.â€Conclusion: PMS is an issue that every girl and woman has to deal with in her life. There is a lack of information on the process of menstruation and the physical and psychological changes associated with this and proper requirements for managing PMS. The current study proved that most of the adolescent girls were suffering from PMSs.Â

    Knowledge On Sex Determination Using Condylar Process Width On Left Side In South Indian Population- A Short Study

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    Aim: The aim of the study is to identify gender using the width of the left side of the mandibular condylar process. Introduction: Forensic anthropology is the branch of forensic science which deals with the physical anthropology of the dead remains and helps in the analysis of the skeletal remains with the anatomical knowledge. The mandible is the strongest and the hardest bone of the skull which remains intact. It provides the accurate information to whom it belongs and its has the greater sexual dimorphism among the other skeletal structures. The condyle is the growing interest of the anthropologist because they eventually reported that the condylar width of males is comparatively more than that of females. Sex determination in forensic is foremost because the age and the stature are resting on each other.To do sex determination, the dead remains and the state of dimorphism play a critical role. There is paucity in literature regarding the width of the condylar process in gender determination. Materials and methods: The study consisted of 60 individuals (30 males, 30 females, Age group: 22- 25 years). This study was performed using Orthopantomographs images acquired from patients who were chosen for a variety of dental complaints and needed to be viewed with OPG. The research plan was confirmed by the administration of the Faculty of Dentistry. The study was carried out at the Department of Forensic odontology, Saveetha Dental college, Chennai. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20. Regression analysis and chi square tests were performed. Plan maker software was utilized for measuring the condylar process width from OPGs. Results: The mean absolute error of the study came out to be 1.121. The standard deviation for male is 1.63 and for females is 1.69. Chi- square analysis for gender determination was found to be insignificant. One way anova analysis for gender determination is and it was found to be insignificant. Males have higher condylar process width compared to females. Discussion: Ramesh et al in their study suggested that the parameters such as condylar height and coronoid height using orthopantomographs are reliable in gender determination and concluded that the condylar height of the right side is the best parameter in gender determination In the present study of the chi square analysis, one way anova analysis was found to be insignificant. But the condylar process width (left side) of the males were comparatively higher than females. Therefore, this ideology could help in sex determination. Conclusion: Within the limits of the study it can be concluded that condylar process width ( left side) of male were comparatively higher than females. But the study is not significant due to Sample insufficiency and less time duration. Since this study was circumscribed to a particular region and population, with more sample size, extended period of time for analysis and with different ethnicity can make the study significant

    Knowledge About the Comparative Cytotoxic Effect of Herbal Based Commercial Mouthwashes Using Brine Shrimp Lethality Assay

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    Introduction: Comparison of herbal and commercial mouthwashes is important due to their action in oral health. To determine their action and cytotoxic effect by killing the pathogens present in the oral cavity. Objective: To prepare two different glass plates containing equally counted nauplies with commercial mouthwash and herbal mouthwash in it. Materials And Method : Using brine shrimp in Salt water with mouthwashes in two 6X10 plates. Inclusion Criteria: Alive shrimp nauplii , commercial mouthwash , herbal mouthwash Exclusion Criteria: No dead nauplii Result: In the experiment we have found that the commercial mouthwash effect was higher than the herbal mouthwash. The shrimp death was higher in commercial mouthwash. Conclusion: From this study it is concluded that commercial mouthwash is highly recommended to be used and in future study we can study about the effects of commercial mouthwash. Herbal mouthwash effect was less on nauplus and the death of them

    A Awareness And Knowledge On Comparative Cytotoxic Effect Of Hibiscus- Marigold Herbal Formulation And Its Mediated Silver Nanoparticles

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    Introduction: In recent years, there has been a resurgence in the use of traditional medicinal herbs, and as a result, pharmaceutical companies are investing heavily in developing natural medications derived from plants. Nanoparticles act in a number of potential ways and fields. Chemical synthesis of nanoparticles is no longer advantageous compared to plant-based synthesis. The current study uses a green method to create silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) utilizing flower extract. Materials and methods: The cytotoxic activity for gel was tested by the following convention proposed by Muzushima and Kabayashi with specific alterations. 0.05 mL of hibiscus and marigold of various fixations. Result: Using rosa and jasminum extract in the manufacture of silver nanoparticles, the nanoparticles showed remarkable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. It was discovered that the cytotoxic effect was less harmful, demonstrating biocompatibility. Rosa jasminum extract of AgNps showed good anti-inflammatory efficacy in the EA and BSA assays. Conclusion: From our study we concluded that Silver nanoparticles were created using rosa and jasminum extract, and the nanoparticles displayed impressive cytotoxicity

    Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Yield and Quality in Gladiolus under Bay Island Conditions

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    Field experiments were conducted for two consecutive seasons during 2011-12 and 2012-13 to study the effect of plant growth regulators on gladiolus cv. Chandini. The results revealed that various growth, flowering and corm characters were significantly affected with the application of different growth regulators at different concentrations. Earliness in corm sprouting, spike emergence and maximum duration of spike was observed in GA3&nbsp;500ppm. Maximum number of leaves per plant, plant height, maximum spike length, rachis length and number of florets per spike were observed in GA3&nbsp;750ppm. More number of shoots per corm (3.3) was recorded by Benzyl Adenine (BA) at 75ppm. With respect to corm characters maximum number of corms and cormels per plant were observed in BA 100ppm. Maximum weight of single corm, weight of corms per plant, size of single corm and volume of single corm were recorded in GA3&nbsp;500ppm. Maximum weight of cormels per plant was recorded in BA 100ppm. Maximum value of propagation coefficient was recorded in GA3&nbsp;500ppm (318.3%)

    Study the Efficacy of Amsel’s Criteria & Nugent’s Score in Diagnosing Bacterial Vaginosis among Female Patients attending the STD Clinic

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    INTRODUCTION: Bacterial vaginosis is a polymicrobial syndrome characterized by replacement of normal vaginal Lactobacilli into pathogenic mycoplasms and Gram negative rods. It is the most common cause of vaginal discharge in reproductive age group. Most commonly used methods for diagnosis of BV are Amsel’s criteria and Nugent’s score. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to study the prevalence of Bacterial vaginosis and to compare the efficacy of Amsel’s criteria and Nugent’s score in diagnosing BV. METHODOLOGY: This study was conducted in Institute of Venereology, Madras Medical College, Chennai. 100 female patients attending STD op were included in the study. Subjects were evaluated for the presence of Bacterial vaginosis by Amsel’s criteria and Nugent’s score. RESULTS: In our study, the prevalence of Bacterial vaginosis by Nugent’s score was 51% and by Amsel’s criteria was 77%. Among the individual components of Amsel’s criteria, whiff test had the highest specificity and clue cells >20% had the highest sensitivity. CONCLUSION: Amsel’s criteria being a simple and inexpensive method, it can be used as a method of diagnosing Bacterial vaginosis where the laboratory facilities are inadequate. Nugent’s score requires infrastructure facilities with skilled manpower and thus it can be used as a diagnostic method in Tertiary Care Centre


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    Objective: The primary objective of this study is to find the reasons behind the practice of self-medication (SM) by the people with over-the-counter (OTC) drugs which are usually available in all medical stores. Methods: This article presents an empirical view of SM practice with OTC drugs. The research design of the study is descriptive, and the population of the study is customers who buy OTC drugs. The target population of this research is the common public who are all having the possibility to consume OTC drugs ever. The sampling technique used for this study is a systematic random sampling, and the sample size is 144. An instrument used for collecting data is a self-administered questionnaire and personal interview with the pharmacists. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The study results that most of the OTC customers consider SM is not a good practice, even though they practice SM of antibiotics in certain circumstances, due to reasons such as time-saving, convenience, cost saving, avoid waiting time to consult a doctor, easy and quick availability of antibiotics in neighbourhood drug stores, etc. Conclusion: The study concludes the reasons behind the SM practice and some remedies to overcome OTC drug-related problems from SM.Â

    Comparison of Post-Operative Analgesic Efficacy of Rectus Sheath Catheter Versus Continuous Wound Infiltration for Laparotomy Surgery

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    INTRODUCTION: Effective analgesia is an integral part of postoperative management in surgical patients. The analgesic requirement of patients following laparotomy surgeries could not be met by single method. Epidural analgesia is the most widely used method of analgesia in intra – and postoperative period with a higher success rate. But in patients who are on anticoagulants or patients with anatomical spine distortion the use of epidural catheter to provide continuous analgesia is either impossible or contraindicated. A modified rectus sheath block with catheter placement in the posterior rectus sheath allows continuous infusion of local anaesthetic in the post operative period. AIM OF THE STUDY: To compare the post-operative analgesic efficacy of continuous rectus sheath catheter infiltration and continuous wound catheter infiltration. METHODOLOGY: This is a Randomised Controlled Trial on 60 Patients belonging to ASA PS I & II posted for laparotomy surgeries were randomised into two groups. Group CWC – Continuous Wound catheter infusion with 0.25% Inj. Bupivacaine 2 ml/hr bilaterally. Group RSC – Rectus Sheath Catheter placed under USG guidance and continuous infusion of 0.25%Inj. Bupivacaine 2 ml/hrbilaterally. Post operative hemodynamics, VAS score at rest and opioid consumption were assessed at 0 hr, 6 hr, 12 hr, 24 hr, 36 hr and 48 hr. The results were analysed. RESULTS: The post-operative mean VAS score at rest was less in RSC group (1.67 – 2.2) than in CWC group (3.6 – 4.1). The opioid consumption was more in CWC group (26.7% vs 6.7 %) than in RSC group. Further, RSC group has more hemodynamic stability. CONCLUSION: From the study conducted in postoperative patients, it is concluded that the analgesic efficacy of Rectus sheath catheter infusion is better than continuous wound catheter infusion and the postoperative opioid consumption can be decreased with Rectus sheath catheter infusion of Local Anaesthetics in Laparotomy surgeries
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