26 research outputs found

    Substitution of wheat flour for cassava flour in the manufacture of beef sausage

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    Published ArticleAn experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of substituting wheat flour (WF) for cassava flour (CF) on chemical composition, storage stability and sensory qualities of beef sausage. The WF in the sausage was replaced with CF at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% levels. Values obtained for protein content were comparable with one another. However, fibre content increased with the increase in the levels of CF in the sausage. The highest fibre content of 0.43% was recorded in sausage with 15% CF. Fat content tended to decrease with increase in the levels of CF in the sausage. Values obtained for cooking and refrigeration losses were comparable with one another. Cooking losses ranged between 1.08 - 1.85% while refrigeration loss ranged from 7.60-8.53%. Compared with the control, higher panel scores were recorded on sensory qualities for sausages containing CF. WF in beef sausage can be substituted with 100% CF without adverse effect on chemical composition, processing yield or sensory qualities. This approach will satisfy the growing demand of consumers for gluten-free meat products, thereby minimising the incidence of coeliac disease in humans


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    There is now more pressure on business practioners to justify that marketing function contributes to shareholders value by the firms. Management of firms are interested in assessing the extent to which cost of business can be minimized and how that could help in reducing marketing expenditure and ultimately increase return on marketing investment (ROMI). The study attempted to ascertain the link between outsourcing and marketing performance. Copies of questionnaire were distributed purposively to ten fast food outlets in Lagos, Nigeria. Two hypotheses were developed and were subjected to descriptive and regression analysis. It was discovered that outsourcing contributed to increase in marketing performance. The study makes useful policy recommendations for marketing professionals, entrepreneurs and top executives of fast food outlets in Nigeria

    Posterior urethral valve: a retrospective review of cases and challenges of management in a low-resource centre

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    Objective: Posterior urethral valves (PUV) diagnosis and management remain a major challenge in developing countries. We sought to review cases of PUV managed in our health centre and to highlight the challenges in its management.Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients with PUV managed over a 12month period. Data obtained from patients' medical records include: demography, clinical presentation, serum electrolytes, urea and creatinine, radiological diagnosis, initial management, surgical management and the outcome of management.Results: Eight patients were managed during the period under review. The median age was 26 months. The commonest clinical feature was recurrent fever. Three patients (37.5%) had renal insufficiency requiring peritoneal dialysis at initial presentation. Six patients (75%) had Mohan's valvotomy while two (25%) died before valve ablation. One patient (12.5%) died a month after valve ablation from renal failure, while one (12.5%) had residual valve requiring a repeat valve ablation. Post-operative complication of urosepsis occurred in two patients (25%).Conclusions: Physicians should have a high index of suspicion for PUV in boys who present with recurrent fever or urinary tract infections. Screening for foetal anomalies during routine ante-natal maternal ultrasonography will improve prenatal diagnosis of this condition.Keywords: Low-resource centre, Management, Nigeria, Posterior urethral valv

    Effects of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on the Growth of Senecio biafrae (WOROWO) OLIVE & HIERN

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    Soils have shown a negative balance in nutrient budget which poses a great threat to sustainable soil management for increase in growth and crop yield. This study thus investigated the effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth of Senecio biafrae (Oliv. &Hiern). Topsoil, organic (poultry manure) and inorganic fertilizers (NPK 15:15:15) were used. The fertilizers were weighed and applied to the soil at 5g, 10g, 15g each; control topsoil without application of fertilizers and were replicated five times. Growth  parameters including height, number of leaves and stem diameter were taken weekly for the period of the experiment. Application ofpoultry manure and NPK fertilizer had significant effects on all the growth parameters considered. The application of poultry manure resulted into significant increase in the growth parameters towards the latter part of the study. This study has shown that organic manure has great potential for improving soil productivity and plant growth. Keywords: Senecio biafrae, investigate, organic, inorganic, plant yiel

    Remediation potential of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) Seedlings grown in sewage sludge contaminated by Heavy Metals

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    Application of sewage sludge to agricultural land is widely practiced and presumed to be beneficial for plants’ growth. However, sewage sludge is often contaminated by heavy metals, organic pollutants, and pathogens. This study assessed the capacity of Adansonia digitata seedlings to accumulate and distribute heavy metals from sewage sludge into their tissue parts. Respective heavy metals concentrations in soil before and after plantings were Cu (55.68; 26.45), Zn (76.22; 48.06), Pb (28.22; 19.58), Ni (22.76; 19.32), Cd (3.11; 1.49), Cr (41.78; 23.39) and As (5.92; 4.71) in mg/kg and these were higher than those from control soil. Heavy metals concentrations (mg/kg) in roots of plants from sewage sludge and control soils were Cu (3.08- 16.01), Zn (4.25-9.83), Pb (1.21-3.74), Ni (0.33-1.57), Cd (0.17-0.93) and Cr (2.23-6.65) while those of the shoots were Cu (4.61-30.11), Zn (5.88-16.22). Pb (1.41-4.86), Ni (0.27-1.56), Cd (0.09- 0.65) and Cr (3.24-10.01). For most of the studied metals, bioaccumulation factor (BCF) values were more than one and generally higher for Cr, Zn, Cu, and Pb. The significant reduction observed in concentrations of heavy metals in soils before and after planting indicated their enrichment in the plant tissues. Bioconcentration factors indicated that Adansonia digitata can be used as bioaccumulation plant. This study has shown the efficacy and ability of Adansonia digitata to accumulate and distribute heavy metals in its tissue parts.Keywords: Bioaccumulation, heavy metals, enrichment, sewage sludg

    Vesico-uterine fistula associated with secondary infertility: A case of successful repair

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    Genitourinary fistulas usually have devastating consequences on a woman's reproductive health. vesicouterine fistulae though uncommon variant of genitourinary fistula, are usually due to iatrogenic etiologies. The case reported was diagnosed after second caesarean section when she was being evaluated for secondary infertility. Keywords: Youseff 'syndrome, Amenorrhea, Caesarean Section, Fistula

    Effect of Different Sowing Media on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of (Golden Shower Tree) Senna fistula L

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    This study investigated the effect of sowing media on the seed germination and subsequent seedling growth of Senna fistula L. Treatments were T1 (Top soil), T2 (River sand), T3 (Grinded coconut husk) and T4 (weathered sawdust), replicated two times for seed germination. The treatments were arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and the data generated was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% level of significance, while mean separation where appropriate was done using Least Significant Difference (LSD). The different sowing media used had positive effect on the seed emergence, the seeds planted in river sand had the highest emergence percentage of 70%. The different sowing media used did not have any significant effect on the vegetative growth parameters, statistically, they had same effect on the parameters measured. Nonetheless, seedlings from river sand produced highest number of leave (20.4), seedlings from topsoil produced highest plant height and largest leaf area of l0.62 cm and 37.l4 cm2 respectively. The seedlings from weathered sawdust produced the highest stem diameter of 0.79 mm, while seedlings from grinded coconut husk had lowest values for all the growth parameters measured. Therefore, it is recommended that river sand or weathered sawdust can be used to propagate Senna fistula seeds

    Effect of Different Sowing Media on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of (Golden Shower Tree) Senna fistula L

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    This study investigated the effect of sowing media on the seed germination and subsequent seedling growth of Senna fistula L. Treatments were T1 (Top soil), T2 (River sand), T3 (Grinded coconut husk) and T4 (weathered sawdust), replicated two times for seed germination. The treatments were arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and the data generated was subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% level of significance, while mean separation where appropriate was done using Least Significant Difference (LSD). The different sowing media used had positive effect on the seed emergence, the seeds planted in river sand had the highest emergence percentage of 70%. The different sowing media used did not have any significant effect on the vegetative growth parameters, statistically, they had same effect on the parameters measured. Nonetheless, seedlings from river sand produced highest number of leave (20.4), seedlings from topsoil produced highest plant height and largest leaf area of l0.62 cm and 37.l4 cm2 respectively. The seedlings from weathered sawdust produced the highest stem diameter of 0.79 mm, while seedlings from grinded coconut husk had lowest values for all the growth parameters measured. Therefore, it is recommended that river sand or weathered sawdust can be used to propagate Senna fistula seeds

    Assessing the Challenges of Schooling among Adolescents in Skipped Generation Households in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

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    Background: Skipped generation households (SGH) where grandparents are increasingly filling the parenting gaps are on the increase in the country. This study explored grandparental involvement in the family structure and schooling of adolescents in Ile-Ife town, South-West, Nigeria.Methodology: This cross-sectional study involves 408 secondary school adolescents (10-19 years) using facilitated self-administered questionnaires to gather information about students' socio-demographics, type of family structure, and schools' academic performance.Results: More than half of adolescents lived with biological parents at the time of survey while almost one-third (32.3%) lived in SGH. Almost all adolescents in SGH reported that their grandparents contribute financially to their care. Grandparental involvement significantly influenced the type of school attended by adolescents in SGH (p=0.025) and academic performance (p=0.038). Majority of adolescents living in SGH are enrolled in public schools and have poor academic grades in the year preceding the survey compared to those living with biological parents.Conclusion: Grandparental involvement influenced the type of school and was associated with poor academic performance of adolescents living in SGH. The study advocates a social support system for adolescents in skipped generation households while the grandparents who are mostly overburdened can also be supported through community nested cash transfer program

    Seminal fluid profile of male partners of infertile couples at Bowen University Teaching Hospital, Ogbomoso: a three year review

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    Background: Infertility, according to the World Health Organization, has been defined as a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after twelve (12) months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Studies around the world have proven that at the very least, fifty (50) million couples worldwide suffer from infertility and these figures vary from one part of the world to the other. Male factor contribution to infertility remains significant and semen analysis is a major way to determine its contribution. Materials and Methods: This study involved retrieval of the case files of infertile couple attending gynaecology and urology clinics at the Bowen University Teaching Hospital, Ogbomoso over a three year period. The seminal fluid analysis results were retrieved from the case files and relevant information checked, reviewed and inputted in a tabular form in Microsoft Excel. Result: A total of 194 couples were managed for infertility between January 2018 and December 2020. Out of this number, seminal fluid analysis was requested for 125 couples, of which only 69 results were returned and 56 seminal fluid analysis results were not returned to the clinic. Conclusion: It was observed that 36% of infertility cases had no evidence to show that seminal fluid analysis was requested for during the course of management of these infertile couple. The implication of this is that there may be an oversight factor on the part of the requesting physician. Other possible reasons is because the female partners of infertile couples often make the trip to the infertility clinics alone hence the physician may have no choice but to investigate the female partner alone. Azoospermia (36%) was the major contributing factors for to male infertility