713 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Rekan Kerja Dengan Stres Kerja Anggota Tamtama-bintara TNI Angkatan Darat Detasemen Pemeliharaan Pesawat Terbang Landasan Udara Ahmad Yani Semarang

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan rekan kerja dengan stres kerja anggota tamtama-bintara TNI AD Denharsabang Lanud Ahmad Yani SemarangPenelitian ini melibatkan sampel yang berjumlah 60 orang dari total jumlah populasi 93 orang anggota tamtama-bintara TNI AD Denharsabang Lanud Ahmad Yani Semarang, yang diperoleh menggunakan teknik sampling convenience. Alat pengumpul data dalam penelitian ini adalah Skala Dukungan Rekan Kerja (39 aitem a = 0,967) dan Skala Stres Kerja (39 aitem a = 0,941) yang telah diujicobakan kepada 30 anggota bintara-tamtama TNI AD Denharsabang Lanud Ahmad Yani SemarangHasil analisis data dengan metode analisis regresi sederhana menghasilkan koefisien korelasi (rxy) sebesar -0,391 dengan p = 0,002 (p<0,05). Hasil tersebut menunjukan arah hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara dukungan rekan kerja dengan stres kerja anggota tamtama-bintara TNI AD Denharsabang Lanud Ahmad Yani Semarang. Dukungan rekan kerja memberi sumbangan efektif sebesar 15,3% pada stres kerja anggota tamtama-bintara TNI AD Denharsabang Lanud Ahmad Yani Semarang dan sisanya 84,7% tidak diungkap dalam penelitian ini

    Spiritualitas Pada Waria (Sebuah Pendekatan Kualitatif Fenomenologi)

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    Kaum waria tentunya memiliki pengalaman yang berbeda-beda mengenai kehidupan spiritualitas. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami spiritualitas yang terjadi pada individu waria. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yang dianggap cocok untuk penelitian jenis ini. Ketiga subjek bertempat tinggal di kota Semarang. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, yaitu dengan teknik IPA (Interpretative Phenomenologycal Analysis). Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan proses wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara membuat serangkaian tema yang didalamnya terdapat pengalaman-pengalaman subjek yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan spiritualitas. IPA digunakan dalam penelitian ini karena teknik ini merupakan metode fenomenologi yang berfokus pada proses pemahaman akan pengalaman individu. Hasil dari penelitian menemukan bahwa pengetahuan dan dan pemahaman pada nilai-nilai keagamaan mengenai ajaran agama berpengaruh pada perwujudan spiriritualitas mereka dalam bentuk pelaksanaan ritual keagamaan, upaya untuk memperbaiki diri agar lebih dekat dengan Tuhan dan agamanya, serta berusaha untuk menjalin hubungan baik dengan lingkungan masyarakat. Adanya pengahayatan spiritualitas pada masing-masing subjek yang dapat dirasakan melalui Kenyamanan saat memanjatkan doa, karena mereka merasakan adanya kedekatan dengan Tuhan. Ketiga subjek berusaha meminta ampunan atas segala dosa-dosanya serta bersyukur dan berserah diri kepada Tuhan atas takdir yang terjadi pada hidup mereka

    Open innovation and social media use towards informatics reporting: a systematic literature review

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    In the realm of technology development, open innovation paradigm and social media have both acquired massive attention in extensive researches since past several years. Social media, as the key medium has abundant to offer to support open innovation, thus successful innovation is the key to business rapid growth. This research provides a systematic literature review to identify, classify and summarize the factors of open innovation and social media use towards informatics reporting. Informatics reporting through this dynamic channel have been realized by many organizations nowadays, nonetheless greater number still confine with the traditional reports and are not ready to have linkage with social media platforms. Social media has been absolutely recognized as a powerful communication resource to engage stakeholders in virtual community. Hence, the result from the review suggests that there were six factors impacted open innovation and social media use towards informatics reporting, with transparency being the dominant factor. Eventually, these findings may ease the process of developing a model for open innovation paradigm implementing online platforms in organizations informatics reporting. All in all, this research shall assist organizations to plan and strategize the implementation of open innovation in social media platform for the advantage of their succeeding triumph

    Simulation of sub-drains performance using visual MODFLOW for slope water seepage Problem

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    Numerical simulation technique was used for investigating water seepage problem at the Botanic Park Kuala Lumpur. A proposed sub-drains installation in problematic site location was simulated using Modular Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Groundwater Flow (MODFLOW) software. The results of simulation heads during transient condition showed that heads in between 43 m (water seepage occurred at level 2) until 45 m (water seepage occurred at level 4) which heads measurement are referred to mean sea level. However, elevations measurements for level 2 showed the values between 41 to 42 m from mean sea level and elevations for level 4 between 42 to 45 m from mean sea level. These results indicated an increase in heads for level 2 and level 4 between 1 to 2 m when compared to elevations slope at the level 2 and level 4. The head increases surpass the elevation level of the slope area that causing water seepage at level 2 and level 4. In order to overcome this problems, the heads level need to be decrease to 1 until 2 m by using two options of sub-drain dimension size. Sub-drain with the dimension of 0.0750 m (diameter), 0.10 m (length) and using 4.90 m spacing was the best method to use as it was able to decrease the heads to the required levels of 1 to 2 m

    Simulation of sub-drains performance using visual MODFLOW for slope water seepage Problem

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    Numerical simulation technique was used for investigating water seepage problem at the Botanic Park Kuala Lumpur. A proposed sub-drains installation in problematic site location was simulated using Modular Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Groundwater Flow (MODFLOW) software. The results of simulation heads during transient condition showed that heads in between 43 m (water seepage occurred at level 2) until 45 m (water seepage occurred at level 4) which heads measurement are referred to mean sea level. However, elevations measurements for level 2 showed the values between 41 to 42 m from mean sea level and elevations for level 4 between 42 to 45 m from mean sea level. These results indicated an increase in heads for level 2 and level 4 between 1 to 2 m when compared to elevations slope at the level 2 and level 4. The head increases surpass the elevation level of the slope area that causing water seepage at level 2 and level 4. In order to overcome this problems, the heads level need to be decrease to 1 until 2 m by using two options of sub-drain dimension size. Sub-drain with the dimension of 0.0750 m (diameter), 0.10 m (length) and using 4.90 m spacing was the best method to use as it was able to decrease the heads to the required levels of 1 to 2 m

    Prevention of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Associated with the Aedes Aegypti Larvae Presence Based on the Type of Water Source

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    Aedes aegypti is the vector of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) disease. Containers are breeding places for DHF vector and the most commonly found larvae in the bath water containers. The presence of Aedes aegypti larvae in a container could be affected by the type of water source besides the container\u27s color, material, location, lid existence and the container\u27s drain frequency. This study was conducted to determine the associate of water source type with larvae presence and the additional factors. This study used observational analytic with case control design. The case group consisted of households using well water and the control group consisted of households using tap water with a sample size of 130 households for each group. The sample was collected by proportional random sampling in five villages. The data was analyzed using a regression logistic test. The significant variables associated with the presence of larvae were the water source type (OR=1.923), container\u27s color (OR=2.345), container\u27s location (OR=2.241), container\u27s lid existence (OR=2.122) and the container\u27s drain frequency (OR=2.260). This study did not consider the significant association of the container\u27s material. The dominant variable associated with the presence of larvae was the container\u27s drain frequency which was controlled by the water source type, container\u27s color and container\u27s location

    Loss Estimation of Protected Forest Damage and Its Impact on Fishery Sector in Goa Cina Beach, South Area of Malang Regency

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    Goa Cina is one of magnificent beach destinations in the South Area of Malang Regency which attracts local and foreign tourists. Generally, there are two kinds of tourism management namely ecoturism based and masstourism based. However, Goa Cina implements masstourism based management. Thus it needs an area to build tourism facilities and infrastructures. The ideal functions of protected forest had conversed into buildings such as parking lots, stalls, religious buildings, restrooms, etc. The damage of protected forest caused by its missing functions contributes to some losses. The aims of this research were to: 1) count the loss as the impact of protected forest conversion in Goa Cina which turned into tourism facilities and infrastructures; 2) analyze its impact on fishery production. The data were collected by conducting in-depth interview with the key informant and finding secondary data. The result indicated that the conversion of protected forest into tourism facilities and infrastructures caused ecological and economic loss and it needed massive ecological recovery. The fishery production also decreased due to sedimentation of saltwater. It is suggested that ecotourism should be considered for tourism development instead of masstourisnm

    Analysis of Marketing Mix on Purchase Decision of Softboned-Milkfish ā€œMrs. Jeniā€ in Malang City of East Java

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    SMEs Softboned-Milkfish (called as Bandeng Presto) ā€œBu Jeniā€ is one of SMEs of fish product in Malang City. This research conducted to determine and analyze the effect of the marketing mix and marketing mix variables that have a dominant influence on purchase decisions of Softboned-Milkfish ā€œBu Jeniā€. Research method using quantitative descriptive research. Type of data used are primary and secondary data. Determination of the number of samples using the linear time function method and the sampling technique used was accidental sampling. The method of collecting data is observations, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Research variables used consist of independent variables including product, price, place, and promotion, as well as the dependent variable is the purchase decision. Methods of data analysis using the instrument test data, the classic assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The research result available to the regression equation Y = 2,695 + 0,535X1 + 0,223X2 + 0,467X3 + 0,183X4 + e. Simultaneously, the independent variables be used to real a significant effect together on the dependent variable. Partially, the independent variables have significant effect individually on the purchasing decision are product and place, while the other variables that price and promotion have no significant effect on purchasing decisions. The product strategy is the dominant variable determine the purchasing decisions

    Kinerja dan Nilai Tambah Agroindustri Sabut Kelapa pada Kawasan USAha Agroindustri Terpadu (Kuat) di Kecamatan Pesisir Selatan Kabupaten Pesisir Barat

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    The research aims to analyze (1) the performance (physic and financially) of cocofiber agroindustry, (2) added value of coco fiber agroindustry. The research was conducted in Kawasan Usaha Agroindustri Terpadu(KUAT) at Pesisir Selatan Sub-District of Pesisir Barat District and the location was choosen purposively. Research location was chosen purposively based on the quantity of workers. Data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative method. The results showed that (1) performance of coco fiber agroindustry was profitable with amount of productivity of business agroindustry 2.50, the productivity of labor 76,56 kg/HOK and the capacity 67 %, whereas the coco fiber agroindustry financially feasible as shown with the NPV value of Rp 1,224,513.693, IRR 36.58%, Net B/C 2.77, Gross B/C 1.21 and Payback period for 5.51 years, (2) the coco fiber agroindustry gives added value of Rp 189.04/kg with the ratio 57.55%.Key words: added value, agroindustry, coco fiber, financial, performanc
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