132 research outputs found

    High pressure ammonia oxidation in a flow reactor

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    The present work deals with an experimental and modeling analysis of ammonia oxidation at high pressure (up to 40 bar), in the 600–1275 K temperature range using a quartz tubular reactor and argon as diluent. The impact of temperature, pressure, oxygen stoichiometry and presence of NO has been analyzed on the concentrations of NH3 and N2 obtained as main products of ammonia oxidation. The main results obtained indicate that increasing either pressure or stoichiometry results in a shift of NH3 conversion to lower temperatures. The effect of pressure is particularly significant in the low range of pressures studied. The main product of ammonia oxidation is N2, while NO, NO2 and N2O concentrations are below the detection limit for all the conditions considered. The experimental results are simulated and interpreted in terms of a literature detailed chemical kinetic mechanism, which, in general, predicts satisfactorily the experimental results

    Interaction soot-SO2. Experimental and kinetic analysis

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    This study aims to evaluate the capability of SO2 to interact with soot and to determine the kinetics of this reaction under conditions of interest for combustion. The conditions of the soot reactivity experiments were: 1% SO2 with nitrogen to balance, around 10 mg of soot, and different reaction temperatures for each run: 1275, 1325, 1375, 1425, and 1475 K. Results demonstrate that SO2 does interact with soot. The evaluation of the soot reactivity has been based on the calculation of the time for the complete conversion of carbon through the employment of the Shrinking Core Model equations for decreasing size particle with chemical reaction control. The reactivity of soot with SO2 increased by a factor of about 3 when increasing the reaction temperature of the test from 1275 K to 1475 K. Kinetics in terms of Arrhenius parameters showed that the activation energy of the interaction of soot with SO2 was around 82 kJ/mol

    CH3SH conversion in a tubular flow reactor. Experiments and kinetic modelling

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    The use of non-conventional fuel sources, such as shale gas, brings new research requisites for its proper use in an environmental friendly manner. In this context, shale gas may include different sulphur containing compounds, such as methanethiol, that is also formed as intermediate during sulphur containing residues processing. The present work includes an experimental and kinetic modelling study of the oxidation of methanethiol, CH3SH, in a quartz flow tubular reactor at atmospheric pressure and in the 300–1400 K temperature range. The influence of the temperature, the O2 concentration and the presence of H2O on the conversion regime of CH3SH and the formation of different compounds has been analysed. The experimental results have been interpreted in terms of a detailed gas-phase mechanism compiled in the present work, and the elementary steps involved in the conversion of CH3SH have been identified. In general, oxidation of CH3SH is favoured by both oxygen level and temperature, while the presence of H2O does not modify the CH3SH conversion profile. The main sulphur containing products are SO2, H2S and CS2, pointing to a significant role of other products, apart from SO2, for the control of pollutant emissions

    Experimental Study of the Pyrolysis of NH3under Flow Reactor Conditions

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    The possibility of using ammonia (NH3), as a fuel and as an energy carrier with low pollutant emissions, can contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy. To use ammonia as fuel, knowledge about the NH3 conversion is desired. In particular, the conversion of ammonia under pyrolysis conditions could be determinant in the description of its combustion mechanism. In this work, pyrolysis experiments of ammonia have been performed in both a quartz tubular flow reactor (900-1500 K) and a non-porous alumina tubular flow reactor (900-1800 K) using Ar or N2 as bath gas. An experimental study of the influence of the reactor material (quartz or alumina), the bulk gas (N2 or Ar), the ammonia inlet concentration (1000 and 10a 000 ppm), and the gas residence time [2060/T (K)-8239/T (K) s] on the pyrolysis process has been performed. After the reaction, the resulting compounds (NH3, H2, and N2) are analyzed in a gas chromatograph/thermal conductivity detector chromatograph and an infrared continuous analyzer. Results show that H2 and N2 are the main products of the thermal decomposition of ammonia. Under the conditions of the present work, differences between working in a quartz or non-porous alumina reactor are not significant under pyrolysis conditions for temperatures lower than 1400 K. Neither the bath gas nor the ammonia inlet concentration influence the ammonia conversion values. For a given temperature and under all conditions studied, conversion of ammonia increases with an increasing gas residence time, which results into a narrower temperature window for NH3 conversion

    Proteomic analysis of lipoprotein lipase charge isoforms

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    Study of the conversion of CH4/H2S mixtures at different pressures

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    Due to the different scenarios where sour gas is present, its composition can be different and, therefore, it can be exploited through different processes, being combustion one of them. In this context, this work deals with the oxidation of CH4 and H2S at different pressures and under a wide variety of conditions. The oxidation has been evaluated experimentally in two different flow reactor set-ups, one working at atmospheric pressure and another one operating from atmospheric to high pressures (40 bar). Different CH4/H2S mixtures have been tested, together with different oxygen concentrations and in the temperature range of 500–1400 K. The experimental results obtained show that the oxidation of the CH4/H2S mixtures is shifted to lower temperatures as pressure increases, obtaining the same trends at atmospheric pressure in both experimental set-ups. H2S oxidation occurs prior to CH4 oxidation at all conditions, providing radicals to the system that promote CH4 oxidation to lower temperatures (compared to neat CH4 oxidation). This effect is more relevant as pressure increases. H2S oxidation is inhibited by CH4 at atmospheric pressure, being more noticeable when the CH4/H2S ratio is higher. At higher pressures, the H2S conversion occurs similarly in the absence or presence of CH4. The experimental results have been modeled with an updated kinetic model from previous works from the literature, which, in general, matches well the experimental trends, while some discrepancies between experimental and modeling results at atmospheric pressure and 40 bar are found in the conversion of H2S and CH4

    Interaction of diesel engine soot with NO2 and O2 at diesel exhaust conditions. Effect of fuel and engine operation mode

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    This work shows a study of the reactivity of twelve different types of soot with either NO2 or O2 under reacting conditions typically present in diesel particulate filters (DPFs). The soot samples were obtained from the combustion of four conventional and alternative fuels (diesel, biodiesel and two paraffinic fuels) in a diesel engine bench operated under three different engine operation modes: a typical urban-driving mode and two variations to this mode to assess the effect of the injection settings. The main objective of the work is to relate the oxidative reactivity of the soot to the nature and the origin of each sample. The possible simultaneous elimination of soot and NOx at typical diesel exhaust conditions is examined, as well. The reactivity tests were performed in a laboratory quartz gas flow reactor, discontinuous for the solid. The soot-NO2 interaction was studied with 200 ppm of NO2 at 500 °C and the soot-O2 interaction was studied with 5% O2 at 500 °C and 600 °C. The experimental results were used to determine the time needed for the complete conversion of carbon (t) through the use of the equations of the Shrinking Core Model for solid-gas reactions with decreasing size particle and chemical reaction control. In general, the t values show that the diesel fuel generates a less reactive soot than biodiesel or the alternative paraffinic fuels. In addition, increasing the injection pressure or adding a post-injection to the original injection strategy generates a more reactive soot. These findings point out that there is potential to achieve efficient regeneration processes in DPFs through other fuels than conventional ones and via engine calibration

    Evaluation of (MnxFe1-x)2TiyOz Particles as Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion

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    The present work accomplishes a screening of the performance of Mn-Fe-Ti based oxygen carriers, prepared with different Mn/(Mn+Fe) molar ratios in the general formula (MnyFe1-y)Ti0.15Ox. The oxygen carriers were prepared by physical mixing followed by pelletizing under pressure, calcining, crushing and sieving in the 100-300 µm particle size interval. The characterization of the carriers is based on the evaluation of their crushing strength, magnetic properties and reduction and oxidation behavior through TGA experiments at temperatures suitable for the CLC process (i.e. 850-950 °C). In addition, the main chemical structures of the Mn-Fe-Ti system were identified as a function of the Mn/(Mn+Fe) molar ratio. Oxygen uncoupling property was analyzed by reduction under a N2 atmosphere and the capability to interact with fuel gases was analyzed by using CH4, H2 and CO. Results indicate that the (MnyFe1-y)Ti0.15Ox oxygen carriers with Mn/(Mn+Fe) molar ratios of 0.55-0.87 have very promising properties for the CLC process with solid fuels