36 research outputs found

    Dislocation Non-Hermitian Skin Effect

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    We demonstrate that crystal defects can act as a probe of intrinsic non-Hermitian topology. In particular, in point-gapped systems with periodic boundary conditions, a pair of dislocations may induce a non-Hermitian skin effect, where an extensive number of Hamiltonian eigenstates localize at only one of the two dislocations. An example of such a phase are two-dimensional systems exhibiting weak non-Hermitian topology, which are adiabatically related to a decoupled stack of Hatano-Nelson chains. Moreover, we show that strong two-dimensional point-gap topology may also result in a dislocation response, even when there is no skin effect present with open boundary conditions. For both cases, we directly relate their bulk topology to a stable dislocation non-Hermitian skin effect. Finally, and in stark contrast to the Hermitian case, we find that gapless non-Hermitian systems hosting bulk exceptional points also give rise to a well-localized dislocation response.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, supplement included, accepted manuscrip

    Symmetric tensor gauge theories on curved spaces

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    Fractons and other subdimensional particles are an exotic class of emergent quasi-particle excitations with severely restricted mobility. A wide class of models featuring these quasi-particles have a natural description in the language of symmetric tensor gauge theories, which feature conservation laws restricting the motion of particles to lower-dimensional sub-spaces, such as lines or points. In this work, we investigate the fate of symmetric tensor gauge theories in the presence of spatial curvature. We find that weak curvature can induce small (exponentially suppressed) violations on the mobility restrictions of charges, leaving a sense of asymptotic fractonic/sub-dimensional behavior on generic manifolds. Nevertheless, we show that certain symmetric tensor gauge theories maintain sharp mobility restrictions and gauge invariance on certain special curved spaces, such as Einstein manifolds or spaces of constant curvature

    Rotational Symmetry Protected Edge and Corner States in Abelian topological phases

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    Spatial symmetries can enrich the topological classification of interacting quantum matter and endow systems with non-trivial strong topological invariants (protected by internal symmetries) with additional "weak" topological indices. In this paper, we study the edge physics of systems with a non-trivial shift invariant, which is protected by either a continuous U(1)r\text{U}(1)_r or discrete Cn\text{C}_n rotation symmetry, along with internal U(1)c\text{U}(1)_c charge conservation. Specifically, we construct an interface between two systems which have the same Chern number but are distinguished by their Wen-Zee shift and, through analytic arguments supported by numerics, show that the interface hosts counter-propagating gapless edge modes which cannot be gapped by arbitrary local symmetry-preserving perturbations. Using the Chern-Simons field theory description of two-dimensional Abelian topological orders, we then prove sufficient conditions for continuous rotation symmetry protected gapless edge states using two complementary approaches. One relies on the algebraic Lagrangian sub-algebra framework for gapped boundaries while the other uses a more physical flux insertion argument. For the case of discrete rotation symmetries, we extend the field theory approach to show the presence of fractional corner charges for Abelian topological orders with gappable edges, and compute them in the case where the Abelian topological order is placed on the two-dimensional surface of a Platonic solid. Our work paves the way for studying the edge physics associated with spatial symmetries in symmetry enriched topological phases.Comment: 9 + 2 pages, 2 figures. Added references and improved discussion in Sec I