24 research outputs found

    Interaction of Coupled Higher Order Nonlinear SCHR\"Odinger Equation Solitons

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    The novel inelastic collision properties of two-soliton interaction for an nn-component coupled higher order nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation are studied. Some interesting features of three soliton interactions, related to the integrability of the nn-component coupled higher order nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, revtex

    Best fitting probability distributions for annual maximum discharge data of the river Kopili, Assam

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    In this study our main objective is to determine the best fitting probability distribution for annual maximum flood discharge data of river Kopili, Assam. Various probability distributions i.e. Gumbel (G), generalized extreme value (GEV), normal (N), log-normal (LN3), generalized logistic (GLO), generalized pareto (GPA) and Pearson type-III (PE3) have been used for our study. The L-moments methods have been used for estimating the parameters of all the distributions. The root mean square error (RMSE), model efficiency and D-index (fit in the top six values) together with L-moment ratio diagram is used for goodness of fit measure. It has been observed that Generalized Pareto is the best fitting probability distribution for annual maximum discharge data of river Kopili

    LQ-Moments for Regional Flood Frequency Analysis: A Case Study for the North-Bank Region of the Brahmaputra River, India

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    The LQ-moment proposed by Mudholkar, et al. (1998) is used for regional flood frequency analysis of the North-Bank region of the river Brahmaputra, India. Five probability distributions are used for the LQmoment: generalized extreme value (GEV), generalized logistic (GLO) and generalized Pareto (GPA), lognormal (LN3) and Pearson Type III (PE3). The same regional frequency analysis procedure proposed by Hosking (1990) for the L-moment is used for the LQ-moment. Based on the LQ-moment ratio diagram and |Zidist| -statistic criteria, the PE3 distribution is identified as the robust distribution for the study area. For estimation of floods of various return periods for both gauged and ungauged catchments of the study area, regional flood frequency relationships are developed using the LQ-moment based PE3 distribution

    Regional flood frequency analysis of Tripura based on L-moment

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    The annual maximum discharge data of six gauging sites have been considered for L-moment based regional flood frequency analysis of Tripura, India. Homogeneity of the region has been tested based on heterogeneity measure (H) using method of L-moment. Based on heterogeneity measure it has been observed that the region consist of six gauging sites is homogeneous. Different probability distributions viz. Generalized extreme value (GEV), Generalized Logistic (GLO), Generalized Pareto (GPA), Generalized Normal (GNO), Pearson Type III (PE3) and Wakebay (WAK) have been considered for this investigation. PE3, GNO and GEV have been identified as the candidate distributions based on the L-moment ratio diagram and ZDIST -statistics criteria. Regional growth curves for three candidate distributions have been developed for gauged and ungauged catchments. Monte Carlo simulations technique has also been used to estimate accuracy of the estimated regional growth curves and quantiles. From simulation study it has been observed that PE3 distribution is the robust one

    Solar Tunnel Drying System: A Literature Review

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    AbstractProduction, productivity, and area under production from fruits and spices are gradually increasing. Improper processes of freshly harvested spice and fruit products will make them undergo qualitative deterioration with each passing hour. This deterioration is more pronounced in high humid areas. Drying process in one or the other form is essential. Freshly harvested spices and fruit products in average contain more than 80% moisture. The commodities need to be dried to have a moisture content below 10% in the shortest possible time for safe storage. Drying process in most cases are accomplished by the open sun. Meanwhile, the environmental condition in solar tunnel drying is enclosure type and the product is protected from rains, dust, insects, and rodents. Solar tunnel drying, a widely used bulk dryer, facilitates faster drying than open drying by virtue of the greenhouse effect. Commercial cultivators by and large choose faster drying methods using wood and fossil fuel-fired heating sources. This study attempts to review recent advances of various designs and working of the greenhouse drying system in totality, like auxiliary drying during off-sun hours, bulk drying feasibility, ease in loading and unloading along with an analysis of key features and economics involved.Keywords: auxiliary drying, greenhouse drying system, processing AbstrakProduksi, produktivitas dan luas areal produksi buah-buahan dan rempah-rempah meningkat secara bertahap. Produk rempah dan buah yang baru dipanen akan mengalami penurunan kualitas seiring waktu berjalan jika tidak diproses dengan benar. Kerusakan ini lebih terlihat di daerah dengan kelembaban tinggi. Pengeringan dalam satu atau bentuk lain penting dalam pemrosesan. Rempah-rempah dan produk buah yang baru dipanen rata-rata mengandung lebih dari 80% kelembaban dan perlu dikeringkan hingga kelembabannya di bawah 10% dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin untuk penyimpanan yang aman. Pengeringan ini dalam kebanyakan kasus dilakukan dengan sinar matahari terbuka, sedangkan kondisi lingkungan pengeringan terowongan surya adalah tipe tertutup dan produk terlindungi dari hujan, debu, serangga dan hewan pengerat. Pengeringan terowongan surya merupakan pengering kapasitas besar yang banyak digunaka. Pengeringan dengan alat ini lebih cepat daripada pengeringan terbuka berdasarkan efek rumah kaca. Pembudidaya komersial pada umumnya memilih metode pengeringan yang lebih cepat yang menggunakan kayu dan sumber pemanas berbahan bakar fosil. Studi ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kemajuan terkini dari berbagai desain dan cara kerja sistem pengeringan rumah kaca secara keseluruhan, seperti, pengeringan tambahan di malam hari, kelayakan pengeringan kapasitas besar, kemudahan dalam bongkar muat, serta analisis fitur utama dan ekonomi.Kata kunci: pengeringan bantu, pengolahan, sistem pengeringan rumah kaca

    Electroweak Phase Transition in a Right-Handed Neutrino Superfield Extended NMSSM

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    Supersymmetric models with singlet extensions can accommodate single- or multi-step first-order phase transitions (FOPT) along the various constituent field directions. Such a framework can also produce Gravitational Waves, detectable at the upcoming space-based interferometers, e.g., U-DECIGO. We explore the dynamics of electroweak phase transition and the production of Gravitational Waves in an extended set-up of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) with a Standard Model singlet right-handed neutrino superfield. We examine the role of the new parameters compared to NMSSM on the phase transition dynamics and observe that the occurrence of a FOPT, an essential requirement for Electroweak Baryogenesis, typically favours a right-handed sneutrino state below 125 GeV. Our investigation shows how the analysis can offer complementary probes for physics beyond the Standard Model besides the collider searches.Comment: 77 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables, discussion on semi-analytic computation and gauge dependency added, version accepted for publication in JHE