9 research outputs found

    The mother of all protocols: Restructuring quantum information's family tree

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    We give a simple, direct proof of the "mother" protocol of quantum information theory. In this new formulation, it is easy to see that the mother, or rather her generalization to the fully quantum Slepian-Wolf protocol, simultaneously accomplishes two goals: quantum communication-assisted entanglement distillation, and state transfer from the sender to the receiver. As a result, in addition to her other "children," the mother protocol generates the state merging primitive of Horodecki, Oppenheim and Winter, a fully quantum reverse Shannon theorem, and a new class of distributed compression protocols for correlated quantum sources which are optimal for sources described by separable density operators. Moreover, the mother protocol described here is easily transformed into the so-called "father" protocol whose children provide the quantum capacity and the entanglement-assisted capacity of a quantum channel, demonstrating that the division of single-sender/single-receiver protocols into two families was unnecessary: all protocols in the family are children of the mother.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Optimal superdense coding of entangled states

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    We present a one-shot method for preparing pure entangled states between a sender and a receiver at a minimal cost of entanglement and quantum communication. In the case of preparing unentangled states, an earlier paper showed that a 2n-qubit quantum state could be communicated to a receiver by physically transmitting only n+o(n) qubits in addition to consuming n ebits of entanglement and some shared randomness. When the states to be prepared are entangled, we find that there is a reduction in the number of qubits that need to be transmitted, interpolating between no communication at all for maximally entangled states and the earlier two-for-one result of the unentangled case, all without the use of any shared randomness. We also present two applications of our result: a direct proof of the achievability of the optimal superdense coding protocol for entangled states produced by a memoryless source, and a demonstration that the quantum identification capacity of an ebit is two qubits.Comment: Final Version. Several technical issues clarifie

    Speed-up via Quantum Sampling

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    The Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is at the heart of efficient approximation schemes for a wide range of problems in combinatorial enumeration and statistical physics. It is therefore very natural and important to determine whether quantum computers can speed-up classical mixing processes based on Markov chains. To this end, we present a new quantum algorithm, making it possible to prepare a quantum sample, i.e., a coherent version of the stationary distribution of a reversible Markov chain. Our algorithm has a significantly better running time than that of a previous algorithm based on adiabatic state generation. We also show that our methods provide a speed-up over a recently proposed method for obtaining ground states of (classical) Hamiltonians.Comment: 8 pages, fixed some minor typo

    Quantum algorithm for approximating partition functions

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    We present a quantum algorithm based on classical fully polynomial randomized approximation schemes (FPRASs) for estimating partition functions that combine simulated annealing with the Monte Carlo Markov chain method and use nonadaptive cooling schedules. We achieve a twofold polynomial improvement in time complexity: a quadratic reduction with respect to the spectral gap of the underlying Markov chains and a quadratic reduction with respect to the parameter characterizing the desired accuracy of the estimate output by the FPRAS. Both reductions are intimately related and cannot be achieved separately. First, we use Grover\u27s fixed-point search, quantum walks, and phase estimation to efficiently prepare approximate coherent encodings of stationary distributions of the Markov chains. The speed up we obtain in this way is due to the quadratic relation between the spectral and phase gaps of classical and quantum walks. The second speed up with respect to accuracy comes from generalized quantum counting used instead of classical sampling to estimate expected values of quantum observables

    Quantum Speed-up for Approximating Partition Functions

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    We achieve a quantum speed-up of fully polynomial randomized approximation schemes (FPRAS) for estimating partition functions that combine simulated annealing with the Monte-Carlo Markov Chain method and use non-adaptive cooling schedules. The improvement in time complexity is twofold: a quadratic reduction with respect to the spectral gap of the underlying Markov chains and a quadratic reduction with respect to the parameter characterizing the desired accuracy of the estimate output by the FPRAS. Both reductions are intimately related and cannot be achieved separately. First, we use Grover's fixed point search, quantum walks and phase estimation to efficiently prepare approximate coherent encodings of stationary distributions of the Markov chains. The speed-up we obtain in this way is due to the quadratic relation between the spectral and phase gaps of classical and quantum walks. Second, we generalize the method of quantum counting, showing how to estimate expected values of quantum observables. Using this method instead of classical sampling, we obtain the speed-up with respect to accuracy.Comment: 17 pages; v3: corrected typos, added a reference about efficient implementations of quantum walk

    Generalized remote state preparation: Trading cbits, qubits and ebits in quantum communication

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    We consider the problem of communicating quantum states by simultaneously making use of a noiseless classical channel, a noiseless quantum channel and shared entanglement. We specifically study the version of the problem in which the sender is given knowledge of the state to be communicated. In this setting, a trade-off arises between the three resources, some portions of which have been investigated previously in the contexts of the quantum-classical trade-off in data compression, remote state preparation and superdense coding of quantum states, each of which amounts to allowing just two out of these three resources. We present a formula for the triple resource trade-off that reduces its calculation to evaluating the data compression trade-off formula. In the process, we also construct protocols achieving all the optimal points. These turn out to be achievable by trade-off coding and suitable time-sharing between optimal protocols for cases involving two resources out of the three mentioned above.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Unification of Quantum Information Theory

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    We present the unification of many previously disparate results in noisy quantum Shannon theory and the unification of all of noiseless quantum Shannon theory. More specifically we deal here with bipartite, unidirectional, and memoryless quantum Shannon theory. We find all the optimal protocols and quantify the relationship between the resources used, both for the one-shot and for the ensemble case, for what is arguably the most fundamental task in quantum information theory: sharing entangled states between a sender and a receiver. We find that all of these protocols are derived from our one-shot superdense coding protocol and relate nicely to each other. We then move on to noisy quantum information theory and give a simple, direct proof of the "mother" protocol, or rather her generalization to the Fully Quantum Slepian-Wolf protocol(FQSW). FQSW simultaneously accomplishes two goals: quantum communication-assisted entanglement distillation, and state transfer from the sender to the receiver. As a result, in addition to her other "children," the mother protocol generates the state merging primitive of Horodecki, Oppenheim, and Winter as well as a new class of distributed compression protocols for correlated quantum sources, which are optimal for sources described by separable density operators. Moreover, the mother protocol described here is easily transformed into the so-called "father" protocol, demonstrating that the division of single-sender/single-receiver protocols into two families was unnecessary: all protocols in the family are children of the mother

    Quantifying Quantum Nonlocality

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    Quantum mechanics is nonlocal, meaning it cannot be described by any classical local hidden variable model. In this thesis we study two aspects of quantum nonlocality. Part I addresses the question of what classical resources are required to simulate nonlocal quantum correlations. We start by constructing new local models for noisy entangled quantum states. These constructions exploit the connection between nonlocality and Grothendieck's inequality, first noticed by Tsirelson. Next, we consider local models augmented by a limited amount of classical communication. After generalizing Bell inequalities to this setting, we show that (i) one bit of communication is sufficient to simulate the correlations of projective measurements on a maximally entangled state of two qubits, and (ii) five bits of communication are sufficient to simulate the joint correlation of two-outcome measurements on any bipartite quantum state. The latter result can be interpreted as a stronger (constrained) version of Grothendieck's inequality. In part II, we investigate the monogamy of nonlocal correlations. In a setting where three parties, A, B, and C, share an entangled quantum state of arbitrary dimension, we: (i) bound the trade-off between AB's and AC's violation of the CHSH inequality, obtaining an intriguing generalization of Tsirelson's bound, and (ii) demonstrate that forcing B and C to be classically correlated prevents A and B from violating certain Bell inequalities. We study not only correlations that arise within quantum theory, but also arbitrary correlations that do not allow signaling between separate groups of parties. These results are based on new techniques for obtaining Tsirelson bounds, or bounds on the quantum value of a Bell inequality, and have applications to interactive proof systems and cryptography.</p