11 research outputs found

    Increasing the stability of Empeltre olive oils by aromatization with rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and garlic (Allium sativum)

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    A strategy to increase shelf life of Empeltre olive oils could consist in the incorporation of flavoring agents (rich in antioxidant compounds). The aim of this study was to describe the quality of Empeltre olive oils flavored with rosemary and garlic at different concentrations and methods (maceration and co-processing during malaxation). The incorporation of garlic during malaxation increased total phenol content and antioxidant capacity. Aromatization with rosemary (added during malaxation) increased total phenol content more than 50%. Changes in individual phenols were observed after garlic and rosemary aromatization. Slight increases in α-tocopherol were also observed at 5 and 7% concentration. Pigment content increased with rosemary concentration. As a consequence, antioxidant capacity and oxidative stability increased. Aromatization with rosemary by co-processing during malaxation was more effective in increasing antioxidant compounds than the maceration method. Empeltre olive oils aromatized with garlic achieved a greater sensory acceptance and better scores than with rosemary

    Intervenciones dietéticas en el tratamiento del síndrome del ovario poliquístico. Una revisión bibliográfica.

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    El síndrome del ovario poliquístico (SOP), es una endocrinopatía femenina reconocida como un trastorno heterogéneo caracterizado por un hiperandrogenismo y una disfunción ovulatoria que conlleva problemas de fertilidad. Además, las pacientes suelen presentar una sintomatología asociada como la resistencia a la insulina, la intolerancia a la glucosa, la obesidad central y/o el síndrome metabólico que pueden inducir a un aumento del riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular. El SOP se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública debido a su elevada prevalencia (8-13% de las mujeres en edad reproductiva) y a las comorbilidades asociadas. Uno de los objetivos principales del SOP es reducir las consecuencias metabólicas relacionadas con la obesidad, la resistencia a la insulina y el síndrome metabólico. Por lo tanto, además de las modificaciones en el estilo de vida, las intervenciones dietéticas dirigidas a este propósito pueden resultar eficaces en el tratamiento del SOP.Es por ello, que se ha llevado a cabo una búsqueda bibliográfica en diferentes bases de datos como Web of Science, Pubmed y Google Académico estableciendo unos criterios de búsqueda previamente definidos. Tras la selección de artículos, se han elegido once para su revisión completa y análisis crítico. Entre las diferentes intervenciones que han utilizado, se han seguido estrategias dietéticas como la dieta DASH, modificaciones en los hidratos de carbono, la inclusión de algún alimento determinado en el patrón dietético habitual y/o las modificaciones en el estilo de vida. De los resultados obtenidos, destacan las mejoras propiciadas en los marcadores corporales con una dieta DASH, los beneficios promovidos por dietas con modificaciones en los hidratos de carbono, en la resistencia insulínica y los marcadores hormonales y los efectos favorables en las manifestaciones clínicas relacionadas con el hiperandrogenismo, fomentados por el consumo de soja y las modificaciones en el estilo de vida.<br /

    Assessing the efficacy of PEF treatments for improving polyphenol extraction during red wine vinifications

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    The influence of the electric field intensity and pulse width on the improvement of total polyphenol index (TPI) and colour intensity (CI) during extraction in an ethanolic solution (30%) and during fermentation-maceration has been investigated in different grape varieties: Grenache from two harvesting times, Syrah and Tempranillo. The aim of this study was to develop a procedure to establish the PEF treatment conditions that cause enough permeabilization in the skin cells of different grape varieties to obtain a significant improvement in the vinification process in terms of increment on the polyphenol content or reduction of maceration time.Results obtained in this investigation indicate that extraction of polyphenols in a solution of ethanol (30%) for 2 h could be a suitable procedure to know if the PEF technology is effective for improving extraction of polyphenols from the grapes during vinification and to determine the most suitable PEF treatment conditions to obtain this objective. Improvement in the extraction during vinification only was observed with those grapes and under treatment conditions in which the improvement of the polyphenol extraction was higher than 40%. Other interesting observation from this research is the highest efficacy of PEF when treatments of the same duration are applied using longer pulses. Therefore, in a continuous process, where the flow processed is determined by the frequency applied by the PEF generator, it is possible to increase the processing capacity of the PEF installation.Industrial relevance. Benefits from PEF treatment of the grapes before the maceration step in the vinification process have been demonstrated. Nevertheless, the characteristics of the grapes may change in different vintages and grape varieties. Therefore, it is of high importance to be able to determine the optimum PEF conditions in order to obtain the desired benefit during the vinification. The rapid method developed permits to determine PEF process parameters before the application of the PEF treatment with the objective of facilitating the phenolic extraction and therefore, reducing the maceration time. In these cases, it would be possible to remove the skins from the rest of the wine earlier, and therefore, increase the processing capacity of the winery

    Caracterización de aceites de oliva obtenidos tras la aplicación de pulsos eléctricos de alto voltaje durante el proceso de extracción del aceite

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    La aplicación de un tratamiento de pulsos eléctricos de alto voltaje (PEAV) a la pasta de aceitunas podría facilitar la salida del aceite y por lo tanto mejorar el rendimiento de la extracción o incluso disminuir el tiempo y/o temperatura de batido. En estudios previos se ha aplicado esta tecnología con intensidades de campo eléctrico de hasta 2 kV/cm al proceso de extracción del aceite de oliva. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la repercusión de la aplicación de un tratamiento de pulsos eléctricos de alto voltaje con intensidades de campo eléctrico de 3 kV/cm a diferentes temperaturas de batido (15 y 26 ºC) en la extracción del aceite de oliva. Se evaluó el rendimiento de extracción y se determinaron en los aceites de oliva los parámetros físico-químicos regulados por la legislación (acidez, índice de peróxidos, coeficientes de extinción en el ultravioleta y ésteres etílicos de los ácidos grasos), nutricionales (fenoles totales, alfa-tocoferol, pigmentos y estabilidad oxidativa) y sensoriales. El tratamiento de PEAV mejoró el rendimiento de extracción en torno a un 20 % cuando el batido se realizó a 26 ºC. Sin embargo, cuando el batido se realizó a 15 ºC esa mejora en el rendimiento fue inferior, pero algunos parámetros nutricionales aumentaron, como el contenido en fenoles totales. Tras los distintos tratamientos no se modificaron sustancialmente los parámetros físico-químicos y no se detectaron atributos sensoriales negativos en los aceites de oliva, por lo que todos los aceites conservaron la categoría comercial de aceite de oliva virgen extra


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    INTRODUCCIÓNClásicamente el tratamiento del asma se basa en distintos fármacos utilizados como tratamiento de mantenimiento y a demanda. En los últimos años sigue en debate la opción de utilizar un solo dispositivo de inhalación con formoterol/GCI para ambas modalidades ya que se ha comprobado que disminuye las consecuencias de la baja adherencia terapéutica y del abuso del tratamiento de rescate, que se han relacionado en múltiples ocasiones con un mayor riesgo de sufrir exacerbaciones. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOSSe trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal en el que se ha incluido a todo paciente acudido al Servicio de Urgencias del HCU Lozano Blesa por una exacerbación asmática durante el periodo del 1/12/2021 al 31/1/2022 obteniendo un tamaño muestral final de 40 pacientes. Se han recogido las siguientes variables: edad, sexo, número de exacerbaciones asmáticas en el último año divididas en leves y graves, tratamiento de rescate utilizado (SABA vs Formoterol/GCI), número de dispensaciones farmacéuticas de éste, abuso del tratamiento de rescate y adherencia terapéuticaRESULTADOSUn 55% de los pacientes estudiados utilizaban SABA como tratamiento de rescate, mientras que un 45% utilizaban formoterol/GCI. Un 72,5% eran mujeres y la edad media era de 47,42 años. Se registraron 60 exacerbaciones en total, un 65% de ellas graves con una media de 1,5 exacerbaciones por paciente. Un 35% no presentó ninguna exacerbación. De los pacientes con SABA, un 36,4% cumplían criterios de abuso. De aquellos con formoterol/GCI un 83,3% lo hacía de mala adherencia terapéutica. No se encontraron diferencias en el número de exacerbaciones entre los pacientes con SABA y aquellos con formoterol/GCI. Sólo se ha encontrado una relación levemente significativa (p=0,046) entre el abuso de SABA y el número de exacerbaciones. CONCLUSIÓNEl abuso de SABA se ha relacionado con un incremento de las exacerbaciones por mal control de la enfermedad. Son necesarios más estudios que corroboren el papel de las combinaciones de LABA/GCI como tratamiento de rescate en los primeros escalones terapéuticos del asma bronquial<br /

    Pilot Study of an Integrative New Tool for Studying Clinical Outcome Discrimination in Acute Leukemia

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    Acute leukemia is a heterogeneous set of diseases affecting children and adults. Current prognostic factors are not accurate predictors of the clinical outcome of adult patients and the stratification of risk groups remains insufficient. For that reason, this study proposes a multifactorial analysis which integrates clinical parameters, ex vivo tumor characterization and behavioral in vivo analysis in zebrafish. This model represents a new approach to understand leukemic primary cells behavior and features associated with aggressiveness and metastatic potential. Xenotransplantation of primary samples from patients newly diagnosed with acute leukemia in zebrafish embryos at 48 hpf was used to asses survival rate, dissemination pattern, and metastatic potential. Seven samples from young adults classified in adverse, favorable or intermediate risk group were characterized. Tumor heterogeneity defined by Leukemic stem cell (LSC) proportion, was performed by metabolic and cell membrane biomarkers characterization. Thus, our work combines all these parameters with a robust quantification strategy that provides important information about leukemia biology, their relationship with specific niches and the existent inter and intra-tumor heterogeneity in acute leukemia. In regard to prognostic factors, leukemic stem cell proportion and Patient-derived xenografts (PDX) migration into zebrafish were the variables with highest weights for the prediction analysis. Higher ALDH activity, less differentiated cells and a broader and random migration pattern are related with worse clinical outcome after induction chemotherapy. This model also recapitulates multiple aspects of human acute leukemia and therefore is a promising tool to be employed not only for preclinical studies but also supposes a new tool with a higher resolution compared to traditional methods for an accurate stratification of patients into worse or favorable clinical outcome

    Evoluzione, durante la maturazione, della qualità dell'olio d'oliva Arbequina in un frutteto commerciale di super-alta densità del nord-est della Spagna

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    18 Pags.- 7 Tabls.- 1 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://www.innovhub-ssi.it/web/stazione-sperimentale-per-gli-oli-e-i-grassi/rivista-italiana-sostanze-grasse[EN] The objective of this work was to follow the maturity of the olives in a commercial Arbequina super-high density orchard and to study the evolution of the olive oil quality. For this objective, the physicochemical, nutritional and sensory parameters were studied. The free acidity was found to be similar during ripening whereas the peroxide index and K232, K270 decreased. The total phenol content and oxidative stability showed a similar trend. First, it increased and then decreased. α-tocopherol, saturated fatty acid and pungency decreased. The polyunsaturated content increased while the MUFAS/PUFAS ratio decreased. In 2010, the crop maturity was quicker, and the maturity indexes were higher than in the 2009 crop for the same picking date. Even in the same orchard, the maturity is changing in each crop season. For this reason, it is necessary to choose the optimal harvesting date.[IT] L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato quello di seguire la maturazione delle olive Arbequina in un frutteto commerciale di super-alta densità e di studiare l’evoluzione della qualità dell’olio d’oliva. Per questo obiettivo, sono stati studiati i parametri chimico-fisici, nutrizionali e sensoriali. L’acidità libera è risultata essere simile durante la maturazione mentre indice di perossido, K232 e K270 sono diminuiti. Il contenuto totale di fenoli e la stabilità ossidativa hanno mostrato una tendenza simile. Prima sono aumentate e poi diminuite. α-tocoferolo, acidi grassi saturi e asprezza sono diminuiti. Il contenuto di polinsaturi è aumentato mentre il rapporto MUFAS/PUFAS è diminuito. Nel 2010, la maturazione del raccolto è stata più veloce e gli indici di maturazione delle colture sono stati più alti che nel 2009 nella stessa data di raccolta. Nello stesso frutteto, la maturazione sta cambiando ad ogni stagione di raccolto. Per questo motivo, è necessario scegliere la data ottimale di raccoltaThis work was made possible by a predoctoral fellowship awarded to María Abenoza and Marta Benito and the PI 170/09 project sponsored by the Aragon government.Peer reviewe

    Olive oil quality and ripening in super-high-density Arbequina orchard

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    41 Pags., 10 Tabls., 5 Figs. The definitive version is available at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1097-0010Background The aim of this work was to evaluate the evolution of the quality of extra virgin olive oil obtained from a super-high-density Arbequina orchard, under a drip irrigation system, throughout the ripening process. For this objective, physicochemical, nutritional and sensory parameters were studied. In addition, the oxidative stability, pigment content and colour evolution of olive oil were analysed during the ripening process. Results Free acidity increased slightly throughout the ripening process, while peroxide value and extinction coefficient decreased. Total phenol content and oxidative stability showed a similar trend, increasing at the beginning of ripening up to a maximum and thereafter decreasing. α-Tocopherol and pigment contents decreased with ripening, leading to changes in colour coordinates. Sensory parameters were correlated with total phenol content, following a similar trend throughout the maturation process. Conclusion By sampling and monitoring the ripeness index weekly, it would be possible to determine an optimal harvesting time for olives according to the industrial yield and the physicochemical, nutritional and sensory properties of the olive oil.This work was made possible by a predoctoral fellowship awarded to Marta Benito and the PI 170/09 project given by the Aragon government.Peer reviewe

    Effect of low temperature storage on the olive oil quality and nutritional parameters

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    One of the causes of loss in olive oil quality is oxidation, which decreases its shelf life. Only few previous works have studied the effect of storage at cold and freezing temperatures on the quality of olive oil. The aim of this work was to follow the effect of freezing and cold temperatures during storage on the quality and nutritional parameters (fatty acids, a -tocopherol, total phenols and pigments) of olive oil in comparison with storage at 15°C. The physicochemical, nutritional and sensorial parameters of the olive oils were studied along storage in optimal conditions at different temperatures. The research showed that freezing and cold storage temperatures maintained a higher quality in olive oils. Frozen storage of olive oil maintained higher levels of antioxidant compounds ( a -tocopherol, total phenols), oxidative stability and fruitiness after 12 months of storage. For this reason, freezing could be considered as an appropriate system of storage to maintain the functional compounds of olive oil

    Evolution of phenols and pigments in extra virgin olive oil from irrigated super-intensive orchard

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    10 Pags., 5 Tabls., 3 Figs.Phenolic compounds have a high importance in olive oil because of their effect on shelf life and sensory properties. This study reports on the HPLC profiles of the phenolic compounds of virgin olive oils obtained from Arbequina olives from the harvesting in a super-intensive orchard under a linear irrigation system. In addition, phenolic content, carotenoid and chlorophyllic pigments, and oxidative stability were analyzed. Total phenol content and 3,4-DHPEA-EDA increased up to a maximum throughout the ripening process. The simple phenols tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol acetate increased throughout the ripening process, however, there was not found a clear trend in hydroxytyrosol content. Minor constituents such as vanillic acid and p-coumaric acid increased up to a maximum and then decreased, since vanillin decreased progressively throughout the time of harvest. 3,4-DHPEA-EDA and lignans were present in considerable amounts in the studied samples, while oleuropein aglycone was present in a low amount. Total phenol content and oil stability followed the same trend throughout the study, so a very good correlation was established between them. Total secoiridoids and, specifically, 3,4-DHPEA-EDA seemed to be responsible for oil stability. The pigment content decreased during ripening, and not a positive correlation was found between pigments and oil stability.This work was made possible by a predoctoral fellowship awarded to Marta Benito and the PI 170/09 project given by the Aragon government.Peer reviewe