11,008 research outputs found

    A proposed microcomputer implementation of an Omega navigation processor

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    A microprocessor navigation systems using the Omega process is discussed. Several methods for correcting incoming sky waves are presented along with the hardware design which depends on a microcomputer. The control program is discussed, and block diagrams of the Omega processor and interface systems are presented

    Configurations of Rank-40r Extremal Even Unimodular Lattices (r=1,2,3)

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    We show that if L is an extremal even unimodular lattice of rank 40r with r=1,2,3 then L is generated by its vectors of norms 4r and 4r+2. Our result is an extension of Ozeki's result for the case r=1.Comment: 5 pages. To appear, Journal de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeau

    R-symmetry and Supersymmetry Breaking at Finite Temperature

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    We analyze the spontaneous U(1)RU(1)_R symmetry breaking at finite temperature for the simple O'Raifeartaigh-type model introduced in [1] in connection with spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. We calculate the finite temperature effective potential (free energy) to one loop order and study the thermal evolution of the model. We find that the R-symmetry breaking occurs through a second order phase transition. Its associated meta-stable supersymmetry breaking vacuum is thermodynamically favored at high temperatures and the model remains trapped in this state by a potential barrier, as the temperature lowers all the way until T=0.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures - Minor revisions, references added. To appear in JHE

    Front propagation in laminar flows

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    The problem of front propagation in flowing media is addressed for laminar velocity fields in two dimensions. Three representative cases are discussed: stationary cellular flow, stationary shear flow, and percolating flow. Production terms of Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov type and of Arrhenius type are considered under the assumption of no feedback of the concentration on the velocity. Numerical simulations of advection-reaction-diffusion equations have been performed by an algorithm based on discrete-time maps. The results show a generic enhancement of the speed of front propagation by the underlying flow. For small molecular diffusivity, the front speed VfV_f depends on the typical flow velocity UU as a power law with an exponent depending on the topological properties of the flow, and on the ratio of reactive and advective time-scales. For open-streamline flows we find always Vf∼UV_f \sim U, whereas for cellular flows we observe Vf∼U1/4V_f \sim U^{1/4} for fast advection, and Vf∼U3/4V_f \sim U^{3/4} for slow advection.Comment: Enlarged, revised version, 37 pages, 14 figure

    One-loop Yukawas on Intersecting Branes

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    We calculate Yukawa interactions at one-loop on intersecting D6 branes. We demonstrate the non-renormalization theorem in supersymmetric configurations, and show how Yukawa beta functions may be extracted. In addition to the usual logarithmic running, we find the power-law dependence on the infra-red cut-off associated with Kaluza-Klein modes. Our results may also be used to evaluate coupling renormalization in non-supersymmetric cases.Comment: 48 pages, 9 figures; minor corrections, JHEP styl

    Intersecting Brane Worlds at One Loop

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    We develop techniques for one-loop diagrams on intersecting branes. The one-loop propagator of chiral intersection states on D6 branes is calculated exactly and its finiteness is shown to be guaranteed by RR tadpole cancellation. The result is used to demonstrate the expected softening of power law running of Yukawa couplings at the string scale. We also develop methods to calculate arbitrary N-point functions at one-loop, including those without gauge bosons in the loop. These techniques are also applicable to heterotic orbifold models.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures; added reference, corrected typos, JHEP styl
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