169 research outputs found

    Production of Prednisolone by Pseudomonas oleovorans Cells Incorporated Into PVP/PEO Radiation Crosslinked Hydrogels

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    In order to rise the yield of prednisolone from hydrocortisone, the Pseudomonas oleovorans cells were entrapped into radiation crosslinked poly (vinyl pyrrolidone)/poly(ethylene oxide) (PVP/PEO) hydrogel of different gel contents. The factors affecting the gel content and swelling behavior of the polymeric gel, such as polymer composition, polymer blend concentration, and irradiation doses, were investigated. The formation of gels having a good strength with the ability to retain a desirable amount of water in their three-dimensional network can be achieved by using PVP/PEO copolymer of composition (90 : 10) and concentration of 15% prepared at 20 kGy irradiation dose. At these conditions the prepared hydrogel is considered the most favorable one that gave the highest hydrocortisone bioconversion and prednisolone yield, 81% and 62.8%, respectively. The improvement of prednisolone yield was also achieved by increasing substrate concentration. Maximum hydrocortisone bioconversion (86.44) was obtained at 18 hours by using substrate concentration of 30 mg. Reusability of immobilized Pseudomonas oleovorans entrapped into PVP/PEO copolymer hydrogel was studied. The results indicated that the transformation capacity of hydrocortisone to prednisolone highly increased by the repeated use of copolymer for 4 times. This was accompanied by an increase in prednisolone yield to 89% and the bioconversion of hydrocortisone was 98.8%

    Synthesis of Some Novel Urea, Thiourea and Amide Derivatives through Three Components one pot Reaction and their Anti-tumor Activity

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    The one-pot three component condensation of catechol and resorcinol with aromatic aldehydes and amides, thioamides such as urea, thiourea, thiosemicarbazide and acetamide under solvent free and neutral conditions to afford urea, thiourea and amide derivatives in high yields. The antitumor activity of some of the synthesized products was tested. Keywords: Three component condensation; 4H-benzo[e]-[1,3]oxazin-7-ol; Dioxoindenylurea; Antitumor activity

    A Convenient Synthesis of Some Diarylurea and Thiourea Derivatives as Antimicrobial Compounds

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    A simple and efficient method has been developed for the synthesis of unsymmetrical 1,3-diarylurea and thiourea derivatives (3 and 4)  from phenylisocyanate or phenylisothiocyanate with  various aromatic amines. Unsymmetrical bis-diarylthiourea derivative (8b) reacted with diethyl malonate, ethyl chloroacetate and phenyl hydrazine, while (12) reacted with hydrazine hydrate, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, ethyl cyanoacetate and malononitrile. All compounds are characterized by I.R, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and MS spectral data. A comparison of synthesis of the products by conventional method and by microwave has also been undertaken. The screened antibacterial activity of the products has been recognized. Keywords: Phenylurea, Phenylthiourea, Thiazolidine, Microwave, One pot reaction, Antimicrobial activit

    Isolation and screening of some medically important fungi from indoor environment: Studying the effect of some environmental and chemical factors on their growth and spore adhesion

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    Isolation of some pathogenic fungi from indoor environment that may cause diseases to athletes was the goal of this work. The effect of different cloth materials and some environmental factors on the growth and adhesion of the isolated fungi as Aspergillus sydowii, Cochliobolus hawaiiensis, Cochliobolus lunatus, Epicoccum nigrum, Nigrospora oryzae, Penicillium aurantiogriseum, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, Aspergillus niger, Cochliobolus australiensis, Stemphylium botryosum, Alternaria. alternata, Fusarium chlamydosporum, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus versicolor was investigated. By studying the effect of different cloth materials, at temperatures (18, 25 and 35°C) and at pH values (4, 5.6, 8), it was concluded that cloth material, 74% cotton - 25% polyester- 1% elasthan (C.P.E) was the lowest in susceptibility to fungal attack. The fungal pathogens growth was favored at 35°C and pH 8 after two days of incubation while, after five days the growth was favored at 25 and 35°C at pH 5.6 and pH 8. Alter. alternata and A. flavus were selected for studying their spore adhesion on different cloth material samples. Also, their sensitivity for detergents and drugs on different cloth material samples was carried out.Key words: Pathogenic fungi, athletes, fungal adhesion, antimicrobial activity

    Protective Role of Commiphora molmol Extract against Liver and Kidney Toxicity Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Mice

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    Purpose: To explore the protective role of Mirazid® (MRZ), a mixture extracted from Commiphora molmol Engler (Burseraceae), against toxicity induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4).Method: Forty male Swiss albino mice were divided into 4 groups. Group 1 was control and included mice which were injected with normal saline; group 2 was positive control and included mice that had no treatment for 17 days followed by intraperitoneal (i.p) injection of 200 mg/kg/day MRZ for 7 consecutive days; groups 3 and 4 included mice which were injected intraperitoneally (i.p) with 0.8 mL/kg of 30 % CCl4 on days 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 and 16; animals of group 4 were then post treated with 200 mg/kg/day MRZ for 7 consecutive days. At the end of the experiment, the mice were euthanized and subjected to a complete necropsy. Hematological and biochemical parameters were assessed. To estimate the histological changes, liver and kidney sections were exposed to microscopic examination.Results: The levels of leucocytes, granulocytes, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total bilirubin, urea, creatinine, cholesterol and triglycerides showed a significant increase (p ˂ 0.05) while the levels of lymphocytes, platelets counts, total protein and albumin showed a significant decrease (p ˂ 0.05) in CCl4-injected mice when compared with the control groups, respectively. Histological observation of the liver and kidney showed necrotic areas with cellular infiltration and atrophied renal glomerulei with degenerated renal tubule lining, respectively. Mice that were treated with MRZ after CCl4 showed that the levels of lymphocytes, ALT, AST and albumin had insignificant change (p > 0.05) compared with the control groups, respectively.Conclusion: MRZ partially ameliorates the toxicity induced by CCl4 in mice by improving ALT, AST and protein profiles. Therefore, further investigations are required to figure out its antioxidant potential in order to ascertain if it can be used as an antioxidant drug.Keywords: Carbon tetrachloride, Mirazid®, Toxicity, Biochemical, Heamatological, Lipid profile, Liver and kidney function

    Effect of Health Education on Women's Perception Regarding Screening and Early Detection for Common Cancer Among Women at Reproductive Age at Beni - Suef City, Egypt

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    Background: Cancer is a major public health problem throughout the world and the leading cause of death among women. There are two major components of early detection of cancer: education to promote early diagnosis and screening. Breast cancer (BC) is the most prevalent common cancer among women in Egypt and is estimated to be the cause of 22 percent all cancer-related female deaths. Although it affects many fewer women, cervical cancer is the 13th most common cancer among women in Egypt. Early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. The aim of this study: To determine the effects of health education on women perception, screening and early detection for common cancer at reproductive age at Beni - Suef City, Egypt. Study design: Quasi- experimental research design was used. The study was funded through scientific research development center and all investigation was done free for each woman under the care of the Projects Funding and Granting Unit at Beni-Suef University. Setting: the study conducted at gynecological outpatient clinic at Beni- Suef University and General Hospital. Sampling. a purposive sample of 412womenat reproductive age were selected randomly. It was conducted from June 2016 till the end of December 2016. Tools: Data was collected through structured interview and field note that the researchers were taking during participants’ and screening of the study sample at 2 days a week for six months to collecting data from the study sample. Results: the result of this research showed that the common cancer appear was breast cancer followed by ovarian cancer among study sample. Conclusion: The research has succeeded in early detection and raising the women’s awareness to prevention which will reducing the incidence of common cancer among the women at reproductive age with statistical significant relation after implementing the program and 34.7% of the study sample are positive to breast cancer this detected by Mammography and 21% of them are positive to ovarian cancer which detected by cancer antigen 125 CA 125. Recommendation: The research results recommended that, guide lines should be implementing to enhancing women's knowledge and practice to early detection and prevention of common cancer among women at reproductive age. Keywords: Early detection, prevention, cancer, Reproductive ag

    Biochemical Studies on Moringa Oleifera Leaves Extract

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    Phytochemical screening were determined in Moringa oleifera leaves. The total polyphenols and flavonoids contents of Moringa oleifera leaves have the highest of total polyphenols and flavonoids contents, which were 129.44mgGAE/g and 20.43mgGAE/g, respectively. Methanolic and aqueous extracts of plant leaves was antioxidant activity by used (FRAP, LPO, OH, DPPH and ABTS) The methanolic extract of Moringa oleifera leaves have the highest of reducing power which was ranged from 0.818 to 3.021 at the concentrations of 20 and 80 mg/ml, respectively. Also, by used (LPO, OH, DPPH and ABTS), were the highest antioxidants activity for methanolic extract respectively. Moreover, The methanolic extract of Moringa oleifera leaves produced the highest growth inhibition (20 and 17mm) for against Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtillis at 4mg/ml, respectively. While, the aqueous extracts highest growth inhibition (13mm) of against St.coccus aureus at 4mg/ml. Keywords: Phytochemical , polyphenols, flavonoids, plant extracts, antioxidant activity and antibacterial


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    The present research aimed to characterize physical and morphological features of thirteen varieties of mandarin as one of the National Gene Bank and Genetic Resources (NGBGR) objectives in Egypt which include also, collection, conserva-tion, characterization, and evaluation of agricul-tural genetic resources. The present study investi-gates the morphological characterization, pollen grain fertility and sterility as well as fruit chemical characterization (vitamin C, PH, T.S.S and acidi-ty) of 13 mandarin varieties (Citrus sp.).Including Balady, Malawy, Chine mandarin, Clementine, Celiopatra, Centra, Satsuma, Tangerine Dancy, El-Shorbagee, Sonbol, Sayed Marri, Abd El-Razik and Aswan. The Physical and morphological char-acterization descriptors revealed differences among varieties. Characterization of tree shape resulted in eight obloid varieties and five were spheroids. Leaf lamina shape morphological char-acteristic studies showed one elliptic variety, three ovate and 9 lanceolate. Fruit shape studies indicat-ed that five varieties were pyriforum, five obloid and three were spheroid. Fruit apex shape demon-strated that seven varieties were depressed, while six were truncate. Differences in flavedo (skin) color among varieties revealed that seven were orange; two were dark orange and one variety for each of (light orange, green yellow, dark yellow and yellow). As to the color of the pulp (flesh), results indicated that two varieties were yellow, 10 were orange and one was orange-red. The average number of carples per fruit ranged 10-14 carple in 9 varieties and from 5-9 carple in four varieties. The average number of seeds per fruit revealed that five varieties had ten to nineteen seeds; three varieties hold 20-50 seeds and two varieties con-tained five to nine seeds, one variety included one to four seeds, while two varieties had no seeds. Other morphological studies are investigated and will be presented. Fruit chemical characterization disclosed that Malawy had the highest vitamin C concentration (44.82 mg/100 ml) whereas both of Celiopatra and Satsuma showed the lowest con-centration (15.0 and 14.0 mg/100 ml, respective-ly).The greatest pH was determined in Abd El-Razik (pH 3.91) variety in contrast to the more acidity (pH 3.12-3.77) found in El-Shorbagee and Chine mandarin juice, respectively. The best total soluble solids were determined in the Abd El-Razik (15.1%), whereas the least ones were found in Satsuma (9.13%). Chine mandarin recorded the highest titratable acidity of 3.88% in contrast to 0.67 % for Sonbol. Studies of pollen grain fertility showed that Celiopatra and Sayed Marri varieties gave the highest pollen fertility (99.84%and 99.44% respectively). Contrarily, the highest pol-len sterility was found in Clementine variety (8.41%)

    Controlling of Mycobacterium by Natural Degradant-Combination Models for Sequestering Mycolic Acids in Karish Cheese

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    Degradation of the mycobacterial complex containing mycolic acids (MAs) by natural bioactive compounds is essential for producing safe and value-added foods with therapeutic activities. This study aimed to determine the degradation efficiency of natural organic acid extracts (i.e., citric, malic, tartaric, and lactic), quadri-mix extract from fruits and probiotics (i.e., lemon, apple, grape, and cell-free supernatant of Lactobacillus acidophilus), and synthetic pure organic acids (i.e., citric, malic, tartaric, and lactic), against MA in vitro in phosphate buffer solution (PBS) and Karish cheese models. The degradation effect was evaluated both individually and in combinations at different concentrations of degradants (1, 1.5, and 2%) and at various time intervals (0, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h). The results show that MA degradation percentage recorded its highest value at 2% of mixed fruit extract quadri-mix with L. acidophilus and reached 99.2% after 48 h both in PBS and Karish cheese, unlike other treatments (i.e., citric + malic + tartaric + lactic), individual acids, and sole extracts at all concentrations. Conversely, organic acid quadri-mix revealed the greatest MA degradation% of 95.9, 96.8, and 97.3% at 1, 1.5, and 2%, respectively, after 48 h. Citric acid was more effective in MA degradation than other acids. The fruit extract quadri-mix combined with L. acidophilus-fortified Karish cheese showed the highest sensorial characteristics; hence, it can be considered a novel food-grade degradant for MA and could be a promising biocontrol candidate against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) in food matrices
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