73 research outputs found

    Secondary School Studentsā€™ Beliefs Towards Learning Physics and Its Influencing Factors

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    Physics is considered as one of the most prevailing and problematic subject by the students in the natural science. Students believe physics as a difficult subject during high school and become more when they reach university. This paper deals with the students' beliefs about physics learning and relations with their practices based on contemporary literatures. Beliefs have generally been perceived through the personal experiences and interactions with immediate environment and setting. The objective of this article is to find out students' beliefs about physics learning and influencing factors and hence, has been reviewed systematically from over seventy different findings done. These beliefs are internally built in a person and can be difficult to alter. These lead us to perceive how studentsā€˜physics beliefs can shape their behaviors as to how they relate to learning physics. Studentā€™ beliefs toward physics are both positive and negative. Students who demonstrated positive beliefs tended to enjoy and learn effectively when they clearly understood physics well. Conversely, students with negative attitudes usually put less effort into their learning process. Most students disliked learning physics because it is believed to be difficult. Different factors have been examined from over hundred articles reviews that influence studentsā€™ beliefs towards learning physics. These are the studentsā€™ self-concept, self-efficacy and confidence contribute highly studentsā€™ beliefs towards learning physics and intern affect for success or failure physics subject. Secondly teachersā€™ personal experiences affect approaches to teaching; experience with schooling and instruction influences beliefs about childrenā€™s learning and the role of teacher and formal knowledge in the context of pedagogical knowledge has been found to influence teacher beliefs. Teachers who do not provide support or show patience can have a negative impact on studentsā€™ achievement. Studies have also shown that a positive correlation between a disadvantaged school environment and learnersā€™ beliefs towards physics at school. Cultural beliefs also influenced the scientific world in the most of the studentā€™s beliefs in creating misconceptions of students in describing, understanding, interpreting and predicting natural phenomena in physics classroom. Keywords: studentsā€™ belief, physics subject and secondary schools DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-7-05 Publication date: April 30th 2020

    Determinant Factors Affect the Implementation of Laboratory Work in Science Subjects at Secondary Schools in Bale Zone, Ethiopia

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    The research is financed by Madda Walabu University, Bale Robe, Ethiopia Abstract Laboratory work as a teaching and learning science is prominence in the Ethiopian curriculum for secondary school. It is emphasized that students should be given opportunities to develop the ability to search for answers to questions, plan, and conduct, interpret and present results. Moreover, students should also be encouraged to use their science knowledge to communicate, argument and present conclusions. But incorporating laboratory work curriculum and implementing in real context are different things. Because of different factors it is not implemented in most cases in Ethiopian. Hence, the objective of this research was to determine factors that affect the implementation of laboratory work in science subjects at Secondary Schools in Bale Zone. There are about 57 secondary schools found in Bale zone and from these 6 schools from pastoralist and 5 schools from pastoralist a total sample size of 11 schools using stratified sampling method. Primary data was gathered from teachers, school principals and students. Secondary data were collected from natural science books (physics, chemistry and biology), documents such as annual plans, laboratory reports, annual reports and exam papers. The find of research has showed that the major hindering factors for laboratory works to be functional are shortage lab technician and resources (lab materials, chemicals, well organized and separated Laboratory room) and large class size. The educational offices should seriously plan and enforce the provision of the required facilities for the schools and professional support for the teachers. The school environment should be facilitated to handle the implementation of the Laboratory works. Keywords: Determinant factors, Laboratory work, science subjects, Secondary Schools. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-13-09 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Effect Analysis on Laboratory Work Skill Training Provided by Madda Walabu University for Secondary Schools (2013-2017G.C) in Bale Zone, South East Ethiopia

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    The research is financed by Madda Walabu University, Bale Robe, Ethiopia Abstract Incorporating Laboratory work and implementing in real context are different things. As one of community service Madda Walabu University gave training on practical skills for teachers by identifying the problems related to implication of laboratory work. The project title was ā€œAwareness and Skill Training for natural science teachers in Secondary and preparatory School from 2013-2015G.Cā€. Hence, the objective of this research was to analyze effect of training on the implementation laboratory work. Among 57 secondary schools in Bale zone 15 schools received the training and 42 did not. For comparison purposes 6 trained and 6 not trained schools were selected which comprise 20% form the total schools. Primary data were gathered from 72 teachers and 12 principals using in depth interview and the questionnaires for 404 Grade 10 students. Secondary data were collected from documents such as annual plans and laboratory reports, annual reports. A descriptive survey has been conducted to analyze the effect of the training on schools laboratory works. The result of the study has showed that there are no significant changes were found in implementation of laboratory works in schools as a result of the trainings. The major hindering factors for laboratory works to be functional are shortage lab technician and resources (lab materials, chemicals, well organized and separated Laboratory room) and large class size. Unless these barriers are tackled prior to the training, it is impossible to expect achievement in objectives wanted by providing only the training. Prior to the training the school environment should be facilitated to handle the implementation of the Laboratory works. The skill training is not required in the schools with poor facilities. The educational offices should seriously plan and enforce the provision of the required facilities for the schools and professional support for the teachers. Keywords: Laboratory work Training provided, Secondary Schools, result of the training DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-13-08 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Estimating Global Solar Radiation in Bale Robe Town Using Angstrom-Prescott and Hargreaves-Samani Models

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    The demand for energy, consumption of forest for firewood and charcoal, and the pollution rate of atmosphere are increasing in alarming rate as worldwide particularly in developing countries like Ethiopia. Following hydro energy the forest is the main source of energy for the communities of Robe town. The town is growing rapidly and facing high shortage of energy source from household to organization level. Therefore, for many reasons like solar energy which is free of environmental pollution, renewable and abundantly accessible has to be considered and studied for the development of project on energy harvesting. The first objective of this study was to determine seasonal value of global solar radiation GSR by using Angstrom-Prescott AP and Hargreaves-Samani HS models in Bale Robe town. The second one is to estimate variation between the two models for this town. The data were obtained from Robe meteorological station which was measured over a period of the year 2010 to 2014. The measured data of the daily sunshine duration and daily maximum and minimum temperature were used to estimate seasonal mean values of GSR and their percentage difference between Angstrom-Prescott AP and Hargreaves-Samani HS models in Bale Robe town and analyzed using linear regression. The findings of the study in general, revealed that, GSR in different seasons summer, autumn, winter and spring season were 18.80 MJm-2day-1, 22.76 MJm-2day-1, 26.64 MJm-2day-1 and 23.94 MJm-2day-1 respectively using Angstrom-Prescott model. Using Hargreaves-Samani model the value of GSR found to be in summer, autumn, winter and spring seasons were 20.60 MJm-2day-1, 24.42 MJm-2day-1, 28.60 MJm-1day-1 and 26.12 MJm-2day-1 respectively. The results of the study showed that, there were peak values of GSR estimated in winter and spring and low value of global solar radiation has been observed in summer and autumn in both models. The percentage difference between the two models showed that AP and HS models were favorable models that predict seasonal value of GSR in Bale Robe town in the absence of instrumental installations which are important to measure GSR directly. Based on the finding, peak value of GSR obtained in a seasons of winter and spring with AP and HS models. Hence, both models used successfully to estimate seasonal value of GSR with relative accuracy. Keywords: GSR in Robe, sunshine duration, air temperature, AP and HS mode

    Morfologija vulve i simpatrija vrsta roda Haemonchus u prirodno invadiranih ovaca i koza u području Ogaden u istočnoj Etiopiji.

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    A study was carried out to determine the type of vulvar process of 3187 and 2386 female Haemonchus worms recovered from naturally infected sheep and goats respectively, during the period from August 2003 to March 2004. In addition a total of 1159 adult male Haemonchus worms from sheep and 1285 from goats were subjected to a species identification study. The study revealed that out of the total female worms from sheep 49.5% linguiform, 28.5% knobbed and 23% smooth vulvar morph types were identified. Likewise, from goats 53.8% linguiform, 18. 5% knobbed and 27.6% smooth vulvar morph types were identified. Significant variations (P<0.05) were observed in proportions between the three major vulvar morph types in different months of the study period in both host species. Further sub-classification of the linguiform female worms from sheep revealed 27.2% linguiform A (LA), 14.8% linguiform B (LB), 5.3% linguiform C (LC) and 2.2% linguiform I (LI) subtypes. Similarly from goats 27.4 % LA, 17.5% LB, and 6.6% LC and 2.3% LI subtypes were identified. Within the linguiform vulvar flap types, the A subtype linguiform showed statistically significant (P<0.05) fluctuation during the months of study period in both host species. Haemonchus species identification based on morphometric parameters on spicules of 1159 adult male Haemonchus from sheep revealed 95.1% H. contortus, 3.5% H. placei and 1.5% H. longistipes, while out of 841 mature male Haemonchus from goats, 96.6% H. contortus, 2.9% H. placei and 0.5 % H. longistipes were identified. The study showed 57.9% H. contortus mono-species, 22.4% H. contortus and H. placei mixed infection, 7.9% H. longistipes and H. Placei mixed infection and the rest 11.8% H. contortus, H. placei and H. longistipes triple infection of the examined sheep. Similarly in goats, 58.2% H. contortus mono-species, 38.2% H. contortus and H. placei mixed infection, 3.6% H. longistipes and H. placei mixed infection and 0% triple Haemonchus species infection of the examined goats was observed. This finding revealed the coexistence and sympatry of two or three Haemonchus species in a single small ruminant host suggesting the occurrence of heterologous hosts for Haemonchus spp. which need to be taken into account in the control strategies against this parasite.Od kolovoza 2003. do ožujka 2004. istraživana je morfologija vulvarnih zalistaka u 3187 ženki oblića roda Haemonchus podrijetlom iz ovaca i 2386 ženki podrijetlom iz koza. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo i 1159 mužjaka podrijetlom iz ovaca i 1285 podrijetlom iz koza. Ustanovljeno je da je 49,5% ženki izdvojenih iz ovaca imalo jezikolike, 28,5% čvorolike i 23% glatke vulvarne zaliske. U 53,8% ženki parazita iz koza ustanovljeni su jezikoliki, 18,5% čvoroliki i 27,6% glatki vulvarni zalisci. Značajne razlike (P<0,05) između tri glavna morfoloÅ”ka tipa vulve pretraženih oblića iz ovaca i koza zabilježene su tijekom različitih mjeseci. Daljnja klasifikacija jezikolikih vulvarnih zalistaka pokazala je da izdvojene ženke iz ovaca posjeduju 27,2% jezikolikih zalistaka suptipa A, 14,8% jezikolikih zalistaka suptipa B, 5,3% jezikolikih zalistaka suptipa C i 2,2% jezikolikih zalistaka suptipa I. Slično je pronađeno i za obliće izdvojene iz koza pa je tako 27,4% ženki imalo jezikolike vulvarne zaliske suptipa A, 17,5% jezikolike vulvarne zaliske suptipa B, 6,6% jezikolike vulvarne zaliske suptipa C i 2,3% jezikolike vulvarne zaliske suptipa I. Unutar jezikolikog tipa, razlike među suptipovima su bile u korelaciji s mjesecom u kojem su istraživane. MorfoloÅ”ke pojedinosti u mužjaka temeljile su se na morfometrijskim svojstvima spikula i to na osnovi iscrpne analize 1159 primjeraka iz ovaca. Na osnovi različite morfologije ustanovljeno je 95,1% oblića vrste Haemonchus contortus, 3,5% vrste Haemonchus placei i 1,5% vrste Haemonchus longistipes. Od ukupno 841 mužjaka iz koza čak 96,6% pripadalo je vrsti Haemonchus contortus, 2,9% vrsti Haemonchus placei i 0,5 % vrsti Haemonchus longistipes. Invazija vrstom Haemonchus contortus dokazana je u 57,9% ovaca. U 22,4% ovaca dokazana je mjeÅ”ovita invazija vrstama Haemonchus contortus i Haemonchus placei, dok je u 7,9% ovaca dokazana mjeÅ”ovita invazija vrstama Haemonchus longistipes i Haemonchus placei. U preostalih 11,8% ovaca dokazana je mjeÅ”ovita invazija trima vrstama i to Haemonchus contortus, Haemonchus placei i Haemonchus longistipes. Slično je ustanovljeno i u koza. Tako je u 58,2% koza bila prisutna samo vrsta Haemonchus contortus. U 38,2% koza dokazana je mjeÅ”ovita invazija vrstama Haemonchus contortus i Heamonchus placei dok je u svega 3,6% koza dokazana mjeÅ”ovita invazija vrstama Haemonchus longistipes i Heamonchus placei. Ni u jedne koze nije dokazana mjeÅ”ovita invazija trima vrstama. Rezultati pokazuju da se u jednog domaćina mogu naći istodobno dvije ili tri vrste roda Heamonchus odnosno da postoji simpatrija Å”to treba uzeti u obzir u kontroli tih parazita

    Practice and Challenges Facing Practical Work Implementation in Natural Science Subjects at Secondary Schools

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    Practical work is very crucial for teaching and learning process in school science and good quality of practical work implementation helps to develop pupilsā€™ understanding of scientific processes and concepts. However, it has been shown that practical work in science subjects almost ignored or not effectively implemented in secondary schools in many countries of the world because of different factors. The main purpose of this article was to identify challenges facing implementing practical work in natural science subjects and its practice at secondary schools in different areas of the world based on different published works. The most recent and majorly the last 15 years that published in reputable journals have been critical reviewed and used as a direct source. Hence, the dominant factors frequently that indicated in most findings special in developing countries to implement practical activities of natural science subjects in secondary schools are problems related to school resource are: lab equipment and supply, laboratory manuals, laboratory rooms, class size and ICT access.Ā  The second ranked determinant is problem related to teachers and technicians related issues which include: teacherā€™s perception and motivation, teachersā€™ skills competence, teachers work experience, the laboratory technicians, job satisfaction and teachers work load. The other factors are exams and assessments, curriculum and educational administrations are identified as different factors. However, each of them affect the implementation of practical work with varies degree from school to school and also among different countries. The factors affecting in developed countries and developing are somewhat different. The implementation process of practical work in science education is still limited in Ethiopian schools and students perform poorly in science subjects. Keywords: Practical Work, Secondary Schools, practice, challenges. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-31-01 Publication date: November 30th 201

    Morfologija vulve i simpatrija vrsta roda Haemonchus u prirodno invadiranih ovaca i koza u području Ogaden u istočnoj Etiopiji.

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    A study was carried out to determine the type of vulvar process of 3187 and 2386 female Haemonchus worms recovered from naturally infected sheep and goats respectively, during the period from August 2003 to March 2004. In addition a total of 1159 adult male Haemonchus worms from sheep and 1285 from goats were subjected to a species identification study. The study revealed that out of the total female worms from sheep 49.5% linguiform, 28.5% knobbed and 23% smooth vulvar morph types were identified. Likewise, from goats 53.8% linguiform, 18. 5% knobbed and 27.6% smooth vulvar morph types were identified. Significant variations (P<0.05) were observed in proportions between the three major vulvar morph types in different months of the study period in both host species. Further sub-classification of the linguiform female worms from sheep revealed 27.2% linguiform A (LA), 14.8% linguiform B (LB), 5.3% linguiform C (LC) and 2.2% linguiform I (LI) subtypes. Similarly from goats 27.4 % LA, 17.5% LB, and 6.6% LC and 2.3% LI subtypes were identified. Within the linguiform vulvar flap types, the A subtype linguiform showed statistically significant (P<0.05) fluctuation during the months of study period in both host species. Haemonchus species identification based on morphometric parameters on spicules of 1159 adult male Haemonchus from sheep revealed 95.1% H. contortus, 3.5% H. placei and 1.5% H. longistipes, while out of 841 mature male Haemonchus from goats, 96.6% H. contortus, 2.9% H. placei and 0.5 % H. longistipes were identified. The study showed 57.9% H. contortus mono-species, 22.4% H. contortus and H. placei mixed infection, 7.9% H. longistipes and H. Placei mixed infection and the rest 11.8% H. contortus, H. placei and H. longistipes triple infection of the examined sheep. Similarly in goats, 58.2% H. contortus mono-species, 38.2% H. contortus and H. placei mixed infection, 3.6% H. longistipes and H. placei mixed infection and 0% triple Haemonchus species infection of the examined goats was observed. This finding revealed the coexistence and sympatry of two or three Haemonchus species in a single small ruminant host suggesting the occurrence of heterologous hosts for Haemonchus spp. which need to be taken into account in the control strategies against this parasite.Od kolovoza 2003. do ožujka 2004. istraživana je morfologija vulvarnih zalistaka u 3187 ženki oblića roda Haemonchus podrijetlom iz ovaca i 2386 ženki podrijetlom iz koza. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo i 1159 mužjaka podrijetlom iz ovaca i 1285 podrijetlom iz koza. Ustanovljeno je da je 49,5% ženki izdvojenih iz ovaca imalo jezikolike, 28,5% čvorolike i 23% glatke vulvarne zaliske. U 53,8% ženki parazita iz koza ustanovljeni su jezikoliki, 18,5% čvoroliki i 27,6% glatki vulvarni zalisci. Značajne razlike (P<0,05) između tri glavna morfoloÅ”ka tipa vulve pretraženih oblića iz ovaca i koza zabilježene su tijekom različitih mjeseci. Daljnja klasifikacija jezikolikih vulvarnih zalistaka pokazala je da izdvojene ženke iz ovaca posjeduju 27,2% jezikolikih zalistaka suptipa A, 14,8% jezikolikih zalistaka suptipa B, 5,3% jezikolikih zalistaka suptipa C i 2,2% jezikolikih zalistaka suptipa I. Slično je pronađeno i za obliće izdvojene iz koza pa je tako 27,4% ženki imalo jezikolike vulvarne zaliske suptipa A, 17,5% jezikolike vulvarne zaliske suptipa B, 6,6% jezikolike vulvarne zaliske suptipa C i 2,3% jezikolike vulvarne zaliske suptipa I. Unutar jezikolikog tipa, razlike među suptipovima su bile u korelaciji s mjesecom u kojem su istraživane. MorfoloÅ”ke pojedinosti u mužjaka temeljile su se na morfometrijskim svojstvima spikula i to na osnovi iscrpne analize 1159 primjeraka iz ovaca. Na osnovi različite morfologije ustanovljeno je 95,1% oblića vrste Haemonchus contortus, 3,5% vrste Haemonchus placei i 1,5% vrste Haemonchus longistipes. Od ukupno 841 mužjaka iz koza čak 96,6% pripadalo je vrsti Haemonchus contortus, 2,9% vrsti Haemonchus placei i 0,5 % vrsti Haemonchus longistipes. Invazija vrstom Haemonchus contortus dokazana je u 57,9% ovaca. U 22,4% ovaca dokazana je mjeÅ”ovita invazija vrstama Haemonchus contortus i Haemonchus placei, dok je u 7,9% ovaca dokazana mjeÅ”ovita invazija vrstama Haemonchus longistipes i Haemonchus placei. U preostalih 11,8% ovaca dokazana je mjeÅ”ovita invazija trima vrstama i to Haemonchus contortus, Haemonchus placei i Haemonchus longistipes. Slično je ustanovljeno i u koza. Tako je u 58,2% koza bila prisutna samo vrsta Haemonchus contortus. U 38,2% koza dokazana je mjeÅ”ovita invazija vrstama Haemonchus contortus i Heamonchus placei dok je u svega 3,6% koza dokazana mjeÅ”ovita invazija vrstama Haemonchus longistipes i Heamonchus placei. Ni u jedne koze nije dokazana mjeÅ”ovita invazija trima vrstama. Rezultati pokazuju da se u jednog domaćina mogu naći istodobno dvije ili tri vrste roda Heamonchus odnosno da postoji simpatrija Å”to treba uzeti u obzir u kontroli tih parazita

    Growth Performance and Yield of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)) under Different Stocking Densities and Fertilization Scenarios in Earthen Pond Culture

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    This experiment was conducted to explore the effects of chemical and organic fertilizers at different levels of stocking density on the growth performance and yield of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)) in earthen pond culture in southwestern Ethiopian highland located at an altitude of 1700 m above sea level. The ponds were divided into control and treatment with diammonium phosphate (DAP) and poultry manure application at three levels of stocking densities as 1, 2 and 3 fish m-2 in a completely randomized design. All the experimental ponds had two replicates. The fertilizers were applied to the treatment ponds at a rate of 2 g m-2 per week for 150 days. Juveniles with mean initial weight of 20.

    Prevalence, risk factors and bacterial causes of bovine mastitis in southern Ethiopia

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    Mastitis is one of the most economically important diseases in dairy farms worldwide. It is particularly important in Ethiopia where no routine prevention and control practices are in place. This cross-sectional study was carried out between October 2017 and June 2018 to estimate the prevalence of mastitis, identify the associated risk factors and isolate bacterial causes in dairy farms located in southern Ethiopia using standard microbiological methods and questionnaire survey. A total of 686 lactating cows which were found in 122 selected dairy farms were investigated by physical examination and California mastitis test. The overall cow-level prevalence of mastitis was 54.2% (95% CI: 50.5 ā€“ 57.9%). Based on the study site, the prevalence was 55.7% in Hawassa, 54.3% in Arsi Negele, 52.6% each in Wondo Genet and Wolayta Soddo towns with no significant (p &gt; 0.05) difference among the sites. The majority of mastitis cases were subclinical (48.1%) while the clinical mastitis was only 6.1%. Of the 122 herds tested, 109 (89.3%; 95% CI: 82.1 ā€“ 93.9%) had at least a cow positive for mastitis. The study showed that high parity number (OR = 1.6; p = 0.015), flat (OR = 4.5; p &lt;0.001) and round (OR = 2; p &lt;0.001) teat end shape, history of mastitis in preceding lactation (OR = 3.3; p &lt;0.001), and slightly (OR = 3.5; p &lt; 0.001), moderately (OR = 4.9; p &lt; 0.001), and very dirty (OR = 9.2; p &lt; 0.001) udder and legs were the major risk factors which are significantly associated with higher prevalence of mastitis. Based on the available media and reagents, the major bacteria isolated from subclinical mastitic milk samples were Staphylococcus spp. (57.3%), Streptococcus spp. (18.6%), E. coli (17.3%) and Bacillus spp. (7.5%) in order of their abundance. The present study revealed a high prevalence of mastitis, particularly the subclinical one, and the associated risk factors. Enhancing the awareness of dairy farmers, regular screening of cows for subclinical mastitis, proper treatment of the clinical cases, improving the hygienic condition of the cows, and culling of chronically infected cows are critically important to prevent and control bovine mastitis. Keywords: Mastitis, Prevalence, Risk factors, Southern Ethiopi

    Figurations of displacement in and beyond Ethiopia: empirical findings and reflections on protracted displacement and translocal connections of Eritreans in Ethiopia

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    This working paper is based on empirical research on translocal figurations of displacement in Ethiopia. It explores TRAFIGā€™s central question: "How are protractedness, dependency and vulnerability related to the factors of local and translocal connectivity and mobility, and, in turn, how can connectivity and mobility be utilised to enhance the self-reliance and strengthen the resilience of displaced people?" The paper presents findings from six camps in Tigray and Afar regional states, as well as urban refugees in Addis Ababa and several cities in Tigray. The findings show that the capability to break free from protracted displacement is primarily determined by each refugee's networks and connectivity. Local and translocal connectivity enable refugees to move out of camps, secure livelihoods, widen future chances and process their onward mobility. In the cities or in other countries in which displaced people temporarily or permanently settle, network contacts provide information about job opportunities, support local integration, help to access business licenses informally and to cover costs of living. The extent of support provided through networks, however, depends on the quality of translocal/national social relations. Particularly, such connections that could avail of financial resources determine the pathways of refugees' mobility. For those who have strong networks, camps are just a transit space where they process their onward mobility. Those who do not have strong networks are more susceptible to experiencing protracted waiting periods, diminished livelihood options and general vulnerability. Our study reveals that context is vital for mobility and translocal connectivity: Both dimensions need to be put in the context of previous histories of migration, bonds and alliances with the hosting communities, and the state of current political affairs. Against this backdrop, the study reveals significant differences between the three groups of Eritrean refugees we studied (Tigrinya, Afar and Kunama) in terms of their connectivity, mobility and vulnerability
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