758 research outputs found

    Transformer design difficulties of current resonant converter for high power density and wide input voltage range

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    A current resonant converter including wider input voltage range and higher power density is required for various applications. However, in our study, it has been found that the drastic increasing of the transformer winding loss becomes a severe problem. This paper clarifies the mechanism of transformer winding loss occurrence and proposes the different resonant mode operation which solves the problem of the huge transformer loss.Future Energy Electronics Conference and ECCE Asia (IFEEC 2017 - ECCE Asia), 2017 IEEE 3rd International, 3-7 June 2017, Kaohsiung, Taiwa

    Impact of the passive component structure for high efficiency and fast response POL using Power Supply on Chip

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    Power-SoC, which integrates MCU, power device, control circuits and passive devices on the same chip has been attracted attention. In this paper, we discuss the impact of passive component structure for high efficiency and fast response POL using 3D Power-SoC (Supply on Chip). We propose the optimal structure according to the switching frequency based on simulations

    ホウゲン クカクロン ト ホウゲン キョウカイ セン ト ホウゲンケン ノ ヒカク ケンキュウ

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    日本語方言の地理的分類には各種の理論がある。研究史上、初めは共時的な解釈が多く行われ、後に通時的な研究が中心になった。その理論の1 つである東条操の「方言区画論」は、その後の研究への影響が大きい。今も東条の方言区画論に沿った各種の区画案によって地理的分類がされることが多い。本稿では、日本語方言の歴史的形成の解釈においては、方言境界線群(bundle of isogloss)や方言圏(dialect region)をもっと重視し、通時的視点もより考慮した地理言語学的分類が必要であることを、実例を提示しつつ提唱する。それに先だって、方言分類理論の課題を明確にするために、東条の提唱した方言区画論の受容と諸家による区画案を検証し、ついで、歴史的に重要な方言境界線・方言圏とを改めて提示して検する。東条の区画論は、通時的視点をもむ理論と見なせる。しかし、その受容では共時・通時で立場が別れることになり、そのことがの研究者の区画案の相違にも影響した。共時的分類の代表的な解釈は、東日本、西日本、琉球方言の3 地域に区分する案であり、もう1 つは、さらに西日本を、九州とそれ以外にわける4 区分案である。一方、地理言語的研究の進展によて、方言区画論の区画分類とは異なる方言境界線が解明されるようになった。さらに、区画や境界線とも異なる「方言圏」の点でも、地理的分類を再検討する必要があると認められる。日本語方言は、方言区画、方言境線、方言圏のそれぞれの共通点や異なる観点、矛盾点を止揚して総合的に解釈していく必要がる。区画論・分類理論を比較検討すると、日本語の方言形成は、より複雑な過程を経ていると解釈できる。その方言境界線、方言圏を通時的点から検討すると、日本語方言はアジア・太平洋の言語との直的関係も視野に入れて考察する必要があることがわかる。The geographical classification of Japanese dialect has been proposed in a variety of dialect theories.Misao Tojo\u27s “Dialectal region theory”, which was the first theory in the history of dialect studies, had the strongest impact on subsequent studies. Subsequently, the dialectal boundaries were clarified by the geolinguistic studies. Furthermore, the necessity of the re-examination of geographical classification was identified from a "Dialectal Region" perspective, different from the viewpoints of the region or dialectal boundaries.In this paper, the validity of geolinguistic regions takes better account of the diachronic view and is advocated by presenting examples in terms of the interpretation of the historical formation of the Japanese dialects, with greater emphasis placed upon the dialectal boundaries and regions compared with the studies of dialectal region theory.Now, the Tojo\u27s dialectal region theory can be considered as a theory including the diachronic view.However, its acceptance was divided intc or diachronic perspectives and affected the subsequent studies. At the beginning, most interpretations of his theory were synchronic, and then studies shifted towards diachronic interpretation. In this paper, firstly, Tojo\u27s dialectal region theory and dialectal region proposals by various linguists were compared in order to clarify the issues of the dialect classification theory. In addition, this paper presents a bundle of dialect boundaries,"dialectal boundaries", which were revealed after Tojo\u27s theory, and peculiar dialect distribution areas, "Dialectal regions", in order to verify the important differences from the conventional region boundary.In the early representative synchronic region theories, it was proposed that the dialect regions were divided into three areas; East Japan, West Japan, and Ryukyu, or four areas with West Japan divided into two with Kyushu. However, they do not explain the positions of the dialect boundaries sufficiently.Meanwhile, regional theories proposed by Kindaichi and Fuijwara were both diachronic and were excellent in that they could be interpreted with a bundle of dialectal boundaries.General theoretical reviews of dialectal regions, dialectal boundaries, and dialectal areas identified the differences and inconsistencies of geographical interpretations. The historical interpretation of the dialect distribution need to be re-examined through a diachronic perspective to eliminate the inconsistencies. Seen from the diversity of these dialects, the formation of Japanese dialect can be inferred as having passed through more complicated processes than previously thought. Finally, this paper introduces how Japanese dialects need to be examined in the perspective of direct influence of Asia-Pacific languages

    Plant Mitochondrial-Targeted Gene Delivery by Peptide/DNA Micelles Quantitatively Surface-Modified with Mitochondrial Targeting and Membrane-Penetrating Peptides

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    Plant mitochondria play essential roles in metabolism and respiration. Recently, there has been growing interest in mitochondrial transformation for developing crops with commercially valuable traits, such as resistance to environmental stress and shorter fallow periods. Mitochondrial targeting and cell membrane penetration functions are crucial for improving the gene delivery efficiency of mitochondrial transformation. Here, we developed a peptide-based carrier, referred to as Cytcox/KAibA-Mic, that contains multifunctional peptides for efficient transfection into plant mitochondria. We quantified the mitochondrial targeting and cell membrane-penetrating peptide modification rates to control their functions. The modification rates were easily determined from high-performance liquid chromatography chromatograms. Additionally, the gene carrier size remained constant even when the mitochondrial targeting peptide modification rate was altered. Using this gene carrier, we can quantitatively investigate the relationships between various peptide modifications and transfection efficiency and optimize the gene carrier conditions for mitochondrial transfection

    ニホンゴ オヨビ アジア ゲンゴ ニオケル ナンボク ホウゲン キョウカイ セン カラ ミタ インド ヨーロッパ ゴゾク ニダイ ブンパ Centum-Satem ノ キョウイカイ セン

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     日本語の方言分布に見出した「南北方言境界線」は,日本列島における南北での気候の相違を主要な要因として形成されたものであった(安部1999)。同様に,気候の南北差と一致する方言境界線は,中国語にも,朝鮮語にも存在していた。これら3つの言語の南北方言境界線をっなぐと,ほぼ同じ緯度的位置において東西に横にっながっているひと続きの境界線となり,相互に関連性があることがわかる。アジアの3言語には,南北を2分する,連続する一つの方言(言語)境界線が存在していると解釈される(「モンスーン・アジア南北方言境界線」)。 気候の相違(最寒月期1月の平均気温0度等温線に代表させられる)が,言語(方言)の相違に影響するなら,同様の理由により,ヨーロッパ大陸のインド・ヨーロッパ語族(IE語族)の方言(語派)の境界線と気候の境界線も,同じ位置に存在するであろうことが推定された。 本稿では,東アジアの南北方言境界線気候境界線,および,文化人類学的諸特徴の境界線が,日本語,朝鮮語,中国語で一致していることを,それらの基礎的データである個々の分布地図も含めて改めて提示する。新たに,同じ現象が,ヨーロッパ大陸のインド・ヨーロッパ語族の2大分派Centum-Satemにも見られることを,世界で初めて指摘する。さらに,それら東洋と西洋の2つの地域における南北(東西)の方言において,同じ音韻対応[k-p(kw)]の現象があることを指摘する。 これらの一致を示すことによって,東アジアの言語・文化と,ヨーロッパ大陸のインド・ヨーロッパ語族およびヨーロッパ文化の比較言語・比較文化論的研究の必要性を主張するものである。 In this paper, the common linguistics feature between the east Asian language and Centum-Satem is ponited out. "Boderline of dialect in the south and the north" in Japanses was formed partly due to the difference of the climate. In the Chinses dialect, a similar remarkable borderline of dialect between south and north exists at the same latitude position. Also in the dialect of Korean language, between the south and north this kind of remarkable borderline also exists in the same geographic position. These three south and north boaderlines have the same one consecutive dialect borderline of the bout. The difference in the north and the south of the climate divides the language in the region into two. In European language, the similar borderline of the climate can be confirmed in the boundary of Centum-Satem. And in the south and north area of each boderline in Asia and Europe, the same phonetic correspondence [k-kw (p)] exists. The difference in the south and the north of the culture that the climate had produced influenced inventing two types of the languages in Asia and Europe similarly. In this thesis, this common feature seen in an each borderline of east Asia and Europe language is pointed out for the first time in the world. I stress on the necessity of the comparison research on east Asia and a European language by showing these common features.論

    ニホンゴ ノ ナンボクガタ ホウゲン ブンプ ノ チリ ゲンゴガク テキ カイシャク 

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    日本語の方言分布に見出した「南北型方言分布境界線」の地理言語学的境界の位置は,アジアの東では,中国語,朝鮮語それぞれの方言境界線に連続し,さらに,その成立要因には,西洋側のインド・ヨーロッパ語の二大語派Centum-Satem の境界線とも共通性が認められた。また,言語現象(音声)においても,これら洋の東西において共通すると見なし得る特徴(音韻対応)が見出せた(安部2013.3(『東洋文化研究』15)。本稿では,それら一連の指摘のもとになっている日本語の「南北型方言分布境界線」の方言現象27 分布図のいくつかについて,地理言語学的視点からの解釈を加えるものである。解釈の結果,この南北での対立的諸特徴としては,特に,語彙と音韻において,南・北それぞれの現象に顕著な傾向を認めることができた。特に,音韻では北方において唇音化,口蓋化,喉頭化等に関わる事例が多く,語彙では北方において特に寒冷気候に関わる現象が多く認められた。文法はまだ少ないが,北方での現象に「- aru 型動詞」の残存という共通性が認められた。南・北で一定の傾向が確認できたという点は重要である。従来指摘されてきた,いわゆる「東西対立型方言」における所謂《子音性優位vs 母音性優位》,また,周圏型の1つである「外輪方言vs〔中輪+内輪〕型方言」における《総合的vs 分析的弁別的》のように,南北型方言分布境界線の史的形成過程の解釈が,一層重要な研究課題であることを,改めて確認できたことになる。 Some Japanese dialects have patterns of distribution which are inclined towards north or south. This dialect distribution is called the North-South Distribution. The boundary of the North-South Distribution across the islands of east and west Japan is connected to the boundaries of the dialects of Korean and Chinese in extensions to the West. A similar language phenomenon was observed between the dialect boundaries in Asia and the Centum-Satem boundary of Indo-European languages (March 2013 ABE). In this paper, geolinguistic interpretation is added to the 27 pages of maps for the North-South Distribution of Japanese dialects. As a result of this interpretation, a certain typical pattern can be observed on the North-South Distribution of dialects. 1.In the phonology, many opposite phenomena are observed between the north and south regions. 2.In the vocabulary, there are many patterns of cold-weather-specific phenomena appearing in northern Japan. 3.In the syntax, the residuals of old forms are observed in both north and south region. The identification of this common and typical trend has a major impact on study and it reaffirms the significance of this study subject in Japanese Language History.論

    シジ ダイメイシ ノ アジア ニオケル チリ ゲンゴガクテキ ケンキュウ カダイ オガワ タマキ 1981 ソシュウ ホウゲン テキ シジ ダイシ アベ シン ヘイ キョウヤク フサイ

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    本稿では,モンスーン・アジア領域(MA)の言語分布の問題として,特に指示代名詞の類型的地理的分布の特徴について検討する。日本語における,2分法から3分法への歴史的推移には,アジア南方の言語の影響した可能性が疑われることを指摘する。また,MAにおける新たな文化現象にっいても報告する。アジアには,指示代名詞の3分法(3-way contrast)と2分法(2-way contrast)が分布する。3-way contrastの分布領域は,中国南部を中心として,その周辺の比較的近い範囲にまとまっている。アジアの指示代名詞の3分法の分布領域は,2分法の分布領域に囲まれている。地理言語学的解釈からは,アジアでは,2分法の後に,3分法が生じたと推定できる。日本語は,古くは2分法で,後で3分法になったことが明らかにされている。それゆえ,日本語の3分法の発生に関しては,アジアの言語における3分法の影響を検討する必要がある。(岩波書店の安部2008「アジアの中の日本語方言」の中で「指示代名詞」についてわずかに言及したが【補注1】,本稿は,そこで指摘した内容の背景になった問題点を取り上げるもので,それと併せてご覧いただければ幸いである。)This paper will examine the features of the geographic distribution of two types of demonstrative pronoun as problematic in a historical linguistics context pertaining to the Monsoon-Asia(MA)region. In the Monsoon-Asia region, demonstrative pronouns expresslng distance contrasts are found in two different systems-a)2-way contrast system, and b)3-way contrast system. Those languages that employ 3-way systems are distributed throughout southern China and the surrounding area in south asia. The region where the 3-way system is prevalent is enclosed within the region where the 2-way contrast system is in use. Therefore, from a Geo-linguistics perspective, in this region of Monsoon-Asia, it seems reasonable to predict that the 2-way system precedes the 3-way system, It is clear that in old Japanese a 2-way contrast system later gave way to a 3-way system sometime during the medieval period. From a Geo-linguistics point of view therefore, it is necessary to consider the influence of the aforementioned 3-way contrast system in southern Asia in terms of its effect on the development of the 3-way contrast system found in Japanese

    Transient Response of a Digitally Controlled Power Supply Based on Power-SoC

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    POLs (Point of Load) have become important technology because they can suppress the voltage drop and reduce the power consumption of MCUs (Micro controller Unit). Then, miniaturization of power supply is required for realizing POL and Power-SoC which can implement power semiconductor devices, passive components, and control circuits on silicon wafers has attracted attention and studied in recent years. The key applications of power SoC are DVFS(Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) and envelope tracking. These applications are required fast transient response for output voltage. In this paper, we discuss the transient response of a digitally controlled power supply, which we are previously proposed.Integrated Power Conversion and Power Management (PwrSoc 2018), October 17-19, 2018, Hsinchu, Taiwa